**. 9A STATF pjy KZ nl-arM CSC . M&5f 1982 Connecticut Daily Camput•&S&UL> Serving Storrs Since 1896 <r i_.cz: I c. VOL. CXVI, No. 98 STORRS. CONNECTICUT THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1962 'Challenge Colloq Set For Yale April 1 $ Challenge, a Yale Student Or- Gardners will round out the concern and responsible action ganization, has announced plans weekend. the crucial issues of today's for a colloquium on "The Chal- Fourth Challenge world. Challenge believes that lenge of the Crisis State," to be The "Crisis State" is the fourth the American college student has held at Yale University on the Challenge colloquium. Two years an obligation to understand and weekend of April 13-15 as a cli- ago, the first colloquium, "The contribute to his society. max of their spring program. Ad- Challenge of the Nuclear Age" Feeling that academic life tends mission to the entire program is presented Hubert Humphrey, to isolate students from political one dollar while free or moder- General James Gavin, now am- and social realities. Challenge ately priced housing can be ob- bassador to France, Carlos Rom- has presented, and will continue tained through Challenge. ulo, and James Crow, a gen- to present, significant viewpoints One thousand students from eticist from the University of on relevant issues. Through a all over the country are expected Wisconsin. program of holding large collo- to join an equal numl>er of Yale "The Challenge of American quiums and informal discus- Students for this colloquium. Democracy,'- held the same year, sions, Challenge has sought to They will explore the effect the featured Barry Goldwater, Thur- ere;ite an atmosphere where the prolonged Cold War has had on good Marshall, director of the individual can consider the pro- American society, its economy, NAACP, Harold Tylor, president blems of his a^e, communicate political processes, military es- emeritus of Sarah Lawrence, and with others, and commit himself tablishment and individual psy- A. Phillip Randolph, union leact to a course of action chology. er. Last year, at "America's The success of the program is Noted Sneakers Role in a Revolutionary World," dependent entirely on the active Speakers at the colloquium will Hastings Banda, Nyasaland lead- participation of students from include Max Lerner, noted col- er, Jose Figueres, former Presi- many colleges. -Many other col- umnist, lecturer, author, and aca- dent of Costa Rica, and Chandra leges have presented similar pro- demic; Senator E. L, Bartlett of Jha, head of the Indian delega- grams as a result of the success Alaska, a member of the Senate tion to the U.N., addressed two icalized at Yale University. Armed Services Committee; pro- thousand students from all over Registration blanks and fur- fessors Kenneth Boulding, prom- the country. ther information concerning this program can be obtained at. the DOT vilKOf. \l( IK MARY MONTGOMERY inent economist from the Univer- Challenge is a non-partisan sity of Michigan, and Samuel student organization at Yale Uni- Uailv Campus Office, in HUB Huntingdon, from the Institute versity to confront with realistic 113. of War and Peace at Columbia, WRA's Candidates who will serve as platform co- ordinator. Norman Thomas, many time Socialist candidate for Presi- 'Four Preps' Concert dent will meet Fulton Lewis III in a debate, "Resolved. America's To Be Elected Soon response to the Cold War has im- The Women's Recreation As- Previously she has been the periled Civil Liberties." Benefits Scholarships Iftciation has announced its can- WRA representative for her dor- The program will also feature a number of coffee seminars at tidates for the positions of presi- mitroy, chairman of the WRA Stu Heller, co-chairman of The youthfu! quartet, com- dent and vice-president. Frances which students will meet in small prised of Marvin Inabnett. high Nominating Commitee, and on Greek Week, has anounced that Wilson, Kappa Kappa Gamma, groups to discuss various aspects the Four Preps, Capitol Records' tenor, Bruce Belland. lead tenor. tad Judy Mutty, French B, are the Lighting and Calendar Com- of the colloquium topic infor- popular singing group, will ap- Glen Larson, baritone, and Ed tunning for president and Doro- mittees of WRA. She has been mally. pear at the Albert N. Jorgensen Cobb. bass, met as students at thy Mikolajcik, Wheeler C, and volleyball CO - chairman, and Seminar will be held in four Auditorium at 3 p.m.. Sunday Hollywood High School in Los areas: Democracy in a World of Angeles. There they sang together Mary Montgomery, Crawford D, chairman of the Soft.ball Club, and April 8. as a finale to Greek Ire running for vice-president. Tensions, The Individual in the Week. 1962. in the school choir and competed a member of the Basketball Club. Garrison State, The Warfare Women students will be able to Tickets On Sale on the school's athletic teams, tote for these candidates *at the She has participated in intramur- State Economy, and the Soldier Tickets for the group's Uconn garnering several city and - Senate elections on March 29. als, and has been a volleyball and and the State. These seminars engagement are now on sale at wide honors among them. ' Miss Wilson swimming official. She has also will meet twice during the week- the HUB Control Desk and are Sign Contract Miss Wilson is a junior major- been a committee member of the end; graduate students and facul- selling for $150 each. The IFC In August of 1956 they uc>e ing in Physical Education in the Set-up Committee for the spring ty members will be on hand to has stated that any profits over brought to the attention of their School of Education. She is cur- playday. She is presently a mem- help lead the discussion. and above the group's salary and ' present manager. Mehille A. ^/enlly vice-president of WRA, re- ber of the Hockey Club, a mem- A social gathering Friday and transportation costs will be put Shauer, and were signed to a cording secretary of Kappa Kap- ber of the WRA Executive Com- a folk music concert Saturday into a scholarship fund for the ^. pa Gamma, a member of Dol- mittee, and has worked back- night with Bonnie Dobson and the University. (Continued I'agc S Col. I) phinettes and recording secretary stage for the Orehesis produc- K the newly formed Physical tion. She has also worked as Education Majors Association. lighting coordinator for the Dol- She has also been activities chair- phinette show. man of her sorority, chairman in Miss Montgomery thar«e of the Freshmen Week Miss Montgomery, is a fifth playday, president of the Tumb- semester student in Physical The- ling Club, secretary of the Stu- rapy. She has been her WRA lent Public Relations Committee, dormitory representative, WRA I member of house council and tennis co-chairman, and badmin- Chapter council. She has been ton co-chairman for this year. •ctive in WRA activities since She has worked on various.play- ker Freshman year and has par- day comiilees as well as lighting ticipated in volleyball, swimming committees for the Dolphinette's Ind soft.ball intramurals. show. She is a member of the Miss Mutty Basketball and Softball Clubs and Miss Mutty is a sophomore was a member of her dormitory majoring in Physical Education. intramural team. She is a mem- She is publicity chairman for ber of Gamma Sigma Sigma and VVRA, WSGC representative for also a member of the Physical French B, a member of house Therapy Club. Council, the class representative The purpose of the Women's lor the Physical Education Ma- Recreation Association is to pro- »rs Association, and a member vide the women of the University Of the Basketball and Softball with an informal atmosphere for Clubs sponsored by WRA. She participation and leadership in has also been her dormitory's recreational activities. Each wo- Tepresentative for two years on man student is automatically a jWRA, chairman of the tennis member of the WRA and is In- doubles, and chairman of the vited to join all of its activities, [Bet-up Committee for the Business of WRA is adminis- Of this year's Or—It Week which will take tered by the Council, which is TIIK FOt'R PKKI'S Capitol Record* Sing- CARFCW spring playday. Ins (.i-..ii|» will appear in th» vitx-ri N. lurg— place tfce firs| week in April, tiroek WMft i« Miss Mikolajcik composed of officers, intramural sponsored l»> the II'4.' and the I'aniie" Miss Mikolajcik is a sophomore sports chairmen, club presidents sen Auditorium. Sunday. April 8. at :i p.m. Council. majoring in Physical Education. and house representatives. I Their L'conn engagement will be the finale PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1962 Cnnnartmit Washington Merry-Go-Round V^CMII ItTL IHU I By Drew Pearson The wounds between France and Al- information about the care of his father geria, deep and bitter as they are, prob- when Tommy Doyle, a 10-year-old cripple, ably can be healed, according to members came to present the first sheet of Easter of he American Friends Service Commit- Seals in the crippled children campaign. Daily Campus tee who long have been working among With him were Elwood M. Brooks of Algerian refugees. Central Bank and Trust of Denver, chair- Mrs. Laurama Pixton, a Philadelphia man of the National Society for Crippled Quaker, points to three favorable factors Children and Adults; Mrs. Catherine THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1962 in the current Algerian-French bitterness: Bauer, executive secretary; and Abigail 1. Algerian refugees who study in Quak- Van Buren, who writes the "Dear Abby" er schools want to learn to read nad write column and is chairman of the Easter French.
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