BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION Biological Conservation 125 (2005) 169–182 www.elsevier.com/locate/biocon Lynx reintroductions in fragmented landscapes of Germany: Projects with a future or misunderstood wildlife conservation? Stephanie Kramer-Schadt a,b,*, Eloy Revilla a,c, Thorsten Wiegand a a Department of Ecological Modelling, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Permoser Str. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany b Department fu¨rO¨ kologie, Lehrstuhl fu¨r Landschaftso¨kologie, Technische Universita¨tMu¨nchen, Am Hochanger 6, D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany c Department of Applied Biology, Estacio´n Biolo´gica de Don˜ana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas, Avenida Maria Luisa s/n, E-41013 Sevilla, Spain Received 15 September 2004; received in revised form 3 February 2005; accepted 27 February 2005 Available online 4 May 2005 Abstract Eurasian lynx are slowly recovering in Germany after an absence of about 100 years, and additional reintroduction programs have been launched. However, suitable habitat is patchily distributed in Germany, and whether patches could host a viable popu- lation or contribute to the potential spread of lynx is uncertain. We combined demographic scenarios with a spatially explicit pop- ulation simulation model to evaluate the viability and colonization success of lynx in the different patches, the aim being to conclude guidelines for reintroductions. The spatial basis of our model is a validated habitat model for the lynx in Germany. The dispersal module stems from a calibrated dispersal model, while the demographic module uses plausible published information on the lynxÕ life history. The results indicate that (1) a viable population is possible, but that (2) source patches are not interconnected except along the German–Czech border, and that (3) from a demographic viewpoint at least 10 females and 5 males are required for a start that will develop into a viable population with an extinction probability of less than 5% in 50 years. The survival rate of resident adults was the most sensitive parameter, and the best management strategy for the success of reintroduction would be to reduce the mortality of residents in the source patches. Nevertheless, the extremely low probability of connectivity between suitable patches makes most of the reintroduction plans isolated efforts, and they are therefore questionable in the long run. With such a model, the suitability of the single habitat patches can be assessed and the most appropriate management scheme applied. This study shows that simulation models are useful tools for establishing the comparative effectiveness of reintroduction plans aimed at increasing the viability of the species. Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Large carnivores; Lynx lynx L.; Mortality scenarios; Population viability analysis; Spatially explicit individual-based model; Species reintroduction 1. Introduction that have become locally extinct. Due to a change in public attitudes towards wildlife in the mid-20th cen- Species reintroduction is being increasingly regarded tury, species reintroductions have been increasingly con- as a valuable tool for conservation schemes, for example sidered (Leaper et al., 1999; South et al., 2000; Sarrazin to save species from extinction or to reinstate species and Legendre, 2000; Breitenmoser et al., 2001; OÕToole et al., 2002). In human-dominated landscapes of Ger- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 341 235 2034; fax: +49 341 235 many, reintroductions of lynx Lynx lynx have been the 3500. subject of intense, controversial debate since the 1970s E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kramer-Schadt). (see Schadt et al., 2002a,b). A recent example is the 0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2005.02.015 170 S. Kramer-Schadt et al. / Biological Conservation 125 (2005) 169–182 release of lynx into the Harz Forest in 2000 (Wotschi- by humans in fragmented landscapes due to habitat con- kowsky et al., 2001). Lynx are also slowly recolonizing traction and modification as well as poaching and road the Bavarian Forest and the adjacent low mountain mortality are major factors contributing to the failure of ranges following a reintroduction of lynx in the Czech reintroductions (Kaczensky et al., 1996; Trombulak and Bohemian Forest (Fig. 1; Wo¨lfl et al., 2001). Frissell, 2000; Ferreras et al., 2001), their consequences Carnivore reintroductions in particular are extremely for population dynamics are inherently difficult to assess. lengthy, costly and complex processes, and so they evi- Models as assessment tools for reintroductions and dently need to be made more efficient (Breitenmoser management have been used for a variety of species et al., 2001). The future development of a reintroduced (Howells and Edward-Jones, 1997; Letcher et al., 1998; lynx population and the success of potential reintroduc- Bustamante, 1998; Leaper et al., 1999; Merrill et al., tion initiatives are difficult to assess because of the large 1999; South et al., 2000; Ebenhard, 2000; Mathews spatial requirements of a lynx population and because and Macdonald, 2001; Ellner and Fieberg, 2003; Steury the dynamics of small expanding populations in frag- and Murray, 2004; Posillico et al., 2004). The assessment mented landscapes are not well understood. Questions of human impact on the survival of species, such as frag- such as the minimum number of individuals that should mentation due to roads, is increasingly relying on popu- be released and the influence of factors leading to higher lation viability analyses (PVA), which use demographic mortality on population development remain unan- models incorporating various aspects of the ecology and swered. For example, although the higher deaths caused behaviour of the species concerned (Boyce, 1992; Fig. 1. Source and target patches for measuring the connectivity of the German landscape. Dark grey indicates source patches, which are larger than 1000 km2; light grey shows target patches, which are larger than 100 km2. Dotted lines show highways; black lines mark main rivers. The triangles indicate the starting points of the simulated animals. Connectivity between the patches for the different scenarios and the numbers of released lynx pairs are given in the Appendix. S. Kramer-Schadt et al. / Biological Conservation 125 (2005) 169–182 171 Akcakaya and Raphael, 1998). Conservation efforts of tion? (2) If so, what would be the minimum release popu- other carnivores in fragmented landscapes using PVA lation? (3) What would be the most efficient (economic) have, for example, been made for the Iberian lynx in ratio of females to males? (4) And can other patches be Spain (Gaona et al., 1998; Revilla et al., 2004). Despite colonized? We answer these questions explicitly for Ger- a few drawbacks (Beissinger and Westphal, 1998; but see many. We are especially interested in population develop- Wiegand et al., 2004), spatially explicit population sim- ment in the Harz Forest, and whether there is a possible ulation models are virtually the only means to answer linkage via the Thuringian Forest with the population certain specific questions of population development un- in the Bavarian Forest. Additionally, we assess the popu- der different landscape and demographic scenarios lation development in other patches considered suitable, (Brook et al., 2002) and should therefore be integrated such as the Black Forest and the Palatine Forest (Fig. 1). into the recovery planning process (Morris et al., 2002). Often, generic population viability analysis tools are too unspecific for this purpose (Possingham and Da- 2. Methods vies, 1995; Akcakaya, 1995) and specifically constructed models are required (Wiegand et al., 1998; Brook et al., We use an individual-based, spatially explicit model to 2000; Reed et al., 2002). simulate the spatiotemporal population dynamics of lynx We perform a PVA with a specifically constructed, in Germany and to test the viability of reintroduced pop- spatially explicit population simulation model that sum- ulations under the different demographic scenarios. The marizes the available data on the Eurasian lynx. The model basically consists of a landscape model, an individ- model consists of three submodels: a landscape sub- ual-based dispersal model, a home range selection model, model for entire Germany and some surrounding areas and a demographic model. The landscape model is based with a resolution of 1 km2, an individual-based dispersal on a GIS habitat suitability map for Germany (Schadt submodel which describes dispersal of lynx in this land- et al., 2002b), and the dispersal model was developed in scape, and a population submodel which includes a ter- Kramer-Schadt et al. (2004). Model rules and parameters ritory selection module allocating female and male home are derived from published data of lynx demography in ranges (which may comprise areas on average 100 km2) Europe (Table 1). Sensitivity analysis was conducted to after dispersal in this landscape as well as a demographic assess the influence of model parameters on the model re- module including mortality and reproduction. In a pre- sults against a realistic reference scenario. Sensitivity was vious publication (Schadt et al., 2002b) we constructed considered to be high whenever deviation from the refer- and validated a habitat model for the lynx in Germany. ence scenario exceeded 20% (Huth et al., 1998). Based on this map we defined four landscape categories: barriers, matrix, dispersal and breeding habitat,
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