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Heiting, Director-at-Large Michael G. Kerbs, Director-at-Large Elliott S. Luchs, Director-at-Large Christopher G. Jensen, President Harlan B. Kistler, RCBA President Michelle Ouellette, Vice President David G. Moore, Chief Financial Officer Judith A. Runyon, Secretary The official publication of the Riverside County Bar Association TO PIP OR NOT TO PIP? Advertisement by PIP Printing and Document Services Free Copiers • Free printers • Free Fax MaChines Is this your experience with printers and copiers? Tired of contracts, monthly payments and service fees? Aggravated with broken equipment, expensive paper, ink and toner? Fighting to keep up with new technology? Frustrated with the time consuming task of training an office assistant to run the jobs for you? If this sounds familiar, or if you are thinking of leasing equipment, STOP NOW! 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The Section of Legal Education may be contacted at 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60610 or by phone at (312) 988-6738. 1_08ULV00097_AlanBlackman_RivLawyer.indd 1 4/16/09 2:19:17 PM Publications Committee Michael Bazzo Robyn Lewis Jeffrey Boyd Charlene Nelson Yoginee Braslaw Richard Reed Christopher Buechler Jean-Simon Serrano Derek Early Donna Thierbach CONTENTS Joseph Fitzgerald Jennifer Thompson Alexandra Fong Bruce Todd Donna Hecht Jamie Wrage Kelly Henry Lisa Yang Columns: Editor ............................................. Jacqueline Carey-Wilson 3 .................. President’s Message by Harlan B. Kistler Design and Production ........................ PIP Printing Riverside 10 .. Barristers President’s Message by Jean-Simon Serrano Cover Design ........................................ PIP Printing Riverside Officers of the Bar Association COVER STORIES: 6 ............Capital Litigation in Riverside County President President-Elect by R. Addison Steele Harlan B. Kistler Robyn A. Lewis (951) 686-8848 (951) 682-0488 [email protected] [email protected] 12 ...........Proportionality and the Death Penalty Vice President Chief Financial Officer by Chad Firetag Christopher B. Harmon Jacqueline Carey-Wilson (951) 787-6800 (909) 387-4334 [email protected] [email protected] 13 ...............................The Family Justice Center Secretary Past President by L. Alexandra Fong Chad W. Firetag Harry J. Histen (951) 682-9311 (951) 682-4121 14 ................................. Domestic Violence Court [email protected] [email protected] by Lori Myers Directors-at-Large Richard D. Ackerman Kira L. Klatchko 26 ........Riverside County’s Mental Health Court (951) 296-2442 (760) 568-2611 by Maura Rogers [email protected] [email protected] Timothy J. Hollenhorst James J. Manning, Jr. (951) 955-5400 (951) 682-1771 [email protected] [email protected] Features: Executive Director Charlene Nelson 8 ...Proverbial Lessons from a State Bar Suspender (951) 682-1015 by Jill A. Sperber [email protected] 16 .......................... The Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court Officers of the Barristers Association by Robyn A. Lewis 18 ....................State of the Court: “Ready for Trial” by Hon. Thomas H. Cahraman President Secretary Jean-Simon Serrano Jeffrey A. Boyd (951) 682-6400 20 .....................Judicial Profile: Judge Stephen Gallon [email protected] Treasurer Brian T. Pedigo by Donna Thierbach Vice President David S. Lee, Jr. Members-at-Large Ben A. Eilenberg 22 ................... Opposing Counsel: L. Alexandra Fong Scott Talkov by Jeffrey A. Boyd 24 ..........................................Preemption Preempted by Richard Brent Reed Riverside County Bar Association 4129 Main Street, Suite 100 Riverside, California 92501 Departments: Telephone Facsimile 951-682-1015 951-682-0106 Calendar. 2 Membership . 28 Internet E-mail Classified Ads. 28 Bench to Bar . 28 www.riversidecountybar.com [email protected] Riverside Lawyer, September 2010 1 MISSION STATE M ENT CALENDAR Established in 1894 SEPTEMBER The Riverside County Bar Association, established in 1894 to foster social 8 Mock Trial Steering Committee in ter ac tion between the bench and bar, is a professional or ga ni zation that pro- RCBA – Noon vides con tinu ing education and offers an arena to re solve various prob lems that 14 PSLC Board of Directors Meeting face the justice system and attorneys prac tic ing in Riverside Coun ty. RCBA – Noon Landlord Tenant Section Meeting RCBA Mission Statement Cask ‘n Cleaver, 1333 University, Riverside – The mission of the Riverside County Bar Association is to: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Serve its members, and indirectly their clients, by implementing programs Speaker - Sergeant Richard Waitschies, that will enhance the professional capabilities and satisfaction of each of its San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office members. “Bankruptcy Issues as They Affect Lock-outs Serve its community by implementing programs that will provide oppor tu- in San Bernardino County”. ni ties for its members to contribute their unique talents to en hance the quality (MCLE) of life in the community. 16 Solo & Small Firm Section Meeting Serve the legal system by implementing programs that will improve access California Pizza Kitchen – Riverside Plaza to legal services and the judicial system, and will promote the fair and ef fi cient – Noon ad min is tra tion of justice. (MCLE) 17 RCBA Board of Directors Meeting Membership Benefits RCBA – 4:00 p.m. Involvement in a variety of legal entities: Lawyer Referral Service (LRS), Pub- 22 Environmental Law Section Meeting lic Ser vice Law Corporation (PSLC), Tel-Law, Fee Arbi tra tion, Client Rela tions, RCBA – John Gabbert Gallery - Noon Dis pute Res o lu tion Ser vice (DRS), Barristers, Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court, Inland Federal Bar Association, Inland Empire Em pire Chap ter of the Federal Bar As so ci a tion, Mock Trial, State Bar Con fer ence Chapter of Del e gates, and Bridg ing the Gap. Mission Inn, Galleria Room – 5:30 p.m. Membership meetings monthly (except July and August) with key note speak- André Birotte, U.S. Attorney for the Central ers, and par tic i pa tion in the many committees and sections. District of California Eleven issues of Riverside Lawyer published each year to update you on State *FBA Members – No charge; Non-Members Bar matters, ABA issues, local court rules, open forum for com mu ni ca tion and – $25.00 timely busi ness matters. *Applications for FBA membership will be Social gatherings throughout the year: Installation of RCBA and Bar risters available at the event. Of fic ers din ner, Annual Joint Barristers and Riverside Legal Sec retar ies din ner, 22-25 2010 FBA Annual Meeting and Law Day ac tiv i ties, Good Citizenship Award ceremony for Riv er side Coun ty high Convention schools, and other special activities. New Orleans, Louisiana Continuing Legal Education brown bag lunches and section work shops. 23-26 State Bar of California 83rd Annual RCBA is a cer ti fied provider for MCLE programs. Meeting MBNA Platinum Plus MasterCard, and optional insurance programs. Monterey, California Discounted personal disability income and business overhead protection for 27 Continuing Mediation Education for the attorney and long-term care coverage for the attorney and his or her family.
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