Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology Mini Review • DOI: 10.2478/qmetro-2013-0007 • QMTR • 2013 • 84-109 Testing quantum mechanics: a statistical approach Abstract As experiments continue to push the quantum-classical Mankei Tsang1,2∗ boundary using increasingly complex dynamical systems, the interpretation of experimental data becomes more and more 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, challenging: when the observations are noisy, indirect, and National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, limited, how can we be sure that we are observing quan- Singapore 117583 tum behavior? This tutorial highlights some of the difficulties 2 Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, in such experimental tests of quantum mechanics, using op- 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117551 tomechanics as the central example, and discusses how the issues can be resolved using techniques from statistics and insights from quantum information theory. Received 8 August 2013 Accepted 28 November 2013 Keywords PACS: 42.50.Pq, 42.65.Ky, 42.65.Lm, 42.79.Hp © 2013 Mankei Tsang, licensee Versita Sp. z o. o. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs license, which means that the text may be used for non-commercial pur- poses, provided credit is given to the author. 1. Introduction tomechanics is used as the main example. Optomechanics refers to the physics of the interactions between optical Once thought to be a theory confined to the atomic do- beams and mechanical moving objects. A moving mirror, main, quantum mechanics is now being tested on increas- for example, will introduce varying phase shifts depending ingly macroscopic levels, thanks to technological advances on its position to an optical beam reflected by it. The mo- and the ingenuity of experimentalists [1–6]. As experi- tion of the mirror can then be inferred from measurements ments continue to push the quantum-classical boundary of the optical phase, while the change in momentum of the using increasingly complex dynamical systems, the inter- reflected optical beam also means that the mirror experi- pretation of experimental data becomes more and more ences a force, namely, radiation pressure. Optomechanics challenging: when the observations are noisy, indirect, technology has advanced so rapidly in recent years [4–6] and limited, how can we be sure that we are observing that quantum effects are becoming observable in mechan- quantum behavior? The goal of this tutorial is to high- ical devices with unprecedented sizes [7–10]. Such de- light some of the difficulties in such experimental tests of vices thus serve as promising testbeds for new concepts quantum mechanics and discuss how the issues can be re- in macroscopic quantum mechanics [11]. Sec. 4.4 in par- solved using techniques from statistics and insights from ticular studies the optomechanics experiment reported by et al. quantum information theory. Apart from quantum physi- Safavi-Naeini [12, 13] and demonstrates how statis- cists, another target audience of this tutorial is statis- tics can be applied to the experimental data. For the mo- ticians and engineers, who might be interested to learn tivated reader, the Appendices also introduce some of the more about quantum physics and how statistics can be more advanced techniques in classical and quantum prob- useful for the new generation of quantum experiments. ability theory that can facilitate the experimental design and signal processing. The tutorial starts off in rather basic and general terms, introducing the basic concepts of quantum mechanics in 2. Quantum mechanics Sec.2 and statistical hypothesis testing in Sec.3. Sec.4 2.1. Origin of quantum is the centerpiece of this tutorial, discussing in detail why and how quantum mechanics should be tested. To illus- The word “quantum” in quantum mechanics refers to the trate the concepts in the context of recent experiments, op- fact that certain physical quantities, such as energy and angular momentum, exist only in discrete levels, or quanta. ∗ E-mail: [email protected] This assumption, together with classical mechanics, are 84 Testing quantum mechanics: a statistical approach able to explain many phenomena; for example, screen, the experimentalists themselves, and, by exten- sion, the whole universe. 1. Planck’s model of electromagnetic fields with dis- This viral nature of the Hilbert-space theory is nowadays crete energy can explain the blackbody spectrum taken more seriously among some theorists. On a prag- and, later by Einstein, the photoelectric effect. matic level, it makes the theory, by itself, impossible to test experimentally, as the experimentalists would have to 2. Bohr’s model of bound electrons with discrete en- take into account the universe, including themselves, ev- ergy and orbital angular momentum can explain the ery time they would like to generate a prediction from the spectral lines of hydrogen. Hilbert-space theory and perform an experiment to test it. Despite its success, the seemingly ad-hoc nature of the To test the Hilbert-space theory, we must therefore find quantal assumption motivated theorists to find a deeper a way to divorce the test object from the rest of the uni- model. The result is Schrödinger’s wave mechanics and verse and extract reproducible experimental results from Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics. the model. Fortunately, for experimentalists, the von Neu- mann measurement theory provides a way out. 2.2. The Hilbert-space theory 2.3. Quantum probability The Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures of quantum me- The von Neumann measurement theory provides a defini- chanics are equivalent theories, which are able to explain tion of quantum measurement with respect to an observ- the quantal model as a consequence of deeper axioms able, known as the von Neumann measurement. The def- based on Hilbert-space algebra. The central quantities inition allows one to model a test object using a Hilbert of the theory is the quantum state, which is a complex space, but still describe the rest of the universe as an vector denoted by |ψi, observables, which are Hermitian observer that follows the classical rules of probability. matrices, and a unitary matrix U for time evolution. The probabilities of measurement outcomes are deter- The Hilbert-space theory produces many predictions be- mined from a Hilbert-space model using Born’s rule. Al- yond the quantal hypothesis. Perhaps the most outra- though each measurement outcome is random, the Born geous one is the “uncertainty” relation, which states that probability values are deterministic and can be estimated the product of the variances of a pair of incompatible with increasing accuracy by repeated experiments. As the observables, such as the position and momentum of an probabilities depend on the Hilbert-space model being electron, cannot be zero but is instead lower-bounded by assumed, one can then obtain asymptotically reproducible a certain positive value. The word “uncertainty” is put results that verify the validity of the Hilbert-space theory. in quotes because, at this stage, the “uncertainty” rela- The combined theory of Hilbert space and von Neumann tion is nothing more than a mathematical statement in measurement is referred to as the quantum probability the Hilbert-space theory. Although Ehrenfest’s correspon- theory. dence principle tells us that the Hilbert-space average of With the quantum probability theory, the Hilbert-space an observable obeys classical mechanics and gives us a moments and the uncertainty relation acquire operational rough sense of how observables correspond to physical meanings: one can define Hilbert-space averages in an quantities, it is unclear how the Hilbert-space variance is unambiguous fashion by specifying the measurements and related to the common sense of uncertainty, which is best asking how the averages are related to the expected val- described using probability theory. ues for the measurements. Most importantly, the theory This problem becomes more apparent when one wishes to enables experimentalists to stay safely in the realm of define the correlation of incompatible observables. Cor- classical logic and still test the Hilbert-space theory by relation is a well defined concept in probability, but in considering smaller models. the Hilbert-space theory its definition is ambiguous, with We now have a quantum theory that predicts probabilities infinitely many ways of combining the observables that as verifiable deterministic numbers, but it is very clumsy result in different Hilbert-space moments. to use, as it provides no rule that specifies which part of An even more troubling problem with the theory is how the experiment should be included in the Hilbert space to test it in an experiment. In the Stern-Gerlach experi- and which part should be defined as the observer. This ment, for example, an electron beam interacts with mag- dichotomy is known as the Heisenberg cut. An empirical netic fields, before being detected on a screen. If we are way of deciding on a cut is as follows: to believe that the Hilbert-space theory is a fundamental theory that governs all the interacting objects involved in 1. Make a guess of how the cut should be made and an experiment, then we must include in the Hilbert space compute the quantum probabilities based on the not only the electrons, but also the magnetic field, the cut. 85 Mankei Tsang 2. The validity of the cut can be checked by making a 2. Signal processing. After the results are obtained, larger cut: include more experimental objects in a statistical signal processing techniques can be used larger Hilbert space, do the calculation again, and to optimize their accuracy further and compute their see if the predictions match. errors. Universality 3. Alternatively, one can also attempt to find smaller 3. By using standard error measures, it cuts with smaller Hilbert spaces (by using certain is easier to compare and communicate the signifi- tricks known as the open quantum system theory).
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