75 years of citrus research History of the Citrus Research Center Lewis G. Weathers, Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Plant Pathology, and Harry W. Lawton, Administrative Analyst, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences rom the start of the California citrus industry in the 1860s, the pioneer citrus growers of F southern California, many of them retired business or professional men from New England or the central states, showed an eagerness to explore every innovative method of production or market- ing that might increase profits. In 1886, Joseph Wolfskill, an early grower, con- ducted his own experiments with tent fumigation. In 1888, he joined U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist Albert Koebele in the first biological control experiments to test Vedalia beetles from Australia against cottony-cushion scale in his orchards. Within 18 months, the pest was almost eliminated in California. Growers Charles S. Teague and C.C. Chapman conducted their own fertilization studies. Citrus cooperatives investigated ways to halt fruit decay and tested A 1927 painting by R.C. Steadman new marketing concepts. Cold storage experiments for the U.S. Department of Agri- culture of fruit from one of the were carried out by growers pushing for refriger- original three Washington navel ated boxcars to carry fruit across the continent by orange trees sent to Mrs. Eliza rail. In 1882, the California Fruit Transportation Tibbets and planted in Riverside Company triumphantly announced sending a citrus in 1873. One tree is still alive shipment to London in 18 days, where Queen Vic- at its original site. toria sampled an orange and “pronounced it pal- atable.’’ no bronze plaques honor his memory-but John Citrus growers and their organizations have been Henry Reed deserves credit as the founder of the credited for the vigorous lobbying that led to Citrus Experiment Station. establishment of the Citrus Experiment Station in A retired educator from Ohio, Reed arrived in 1907. Yet one man’s role in that effort has been Riverside in 1890 and began to grow citrus. He almost forgotten. No buildings bear his name and won became a tireless advocate of scientific meth- ods. In 1895, he founded the Riverside Horticul- tural Club- the first such club in the state. He helped found similar clubs in other cities, organ- History of the Citrus ized farmers’ institutes, and was a leader in many Research Center 1 activities related to the citrus industry. In 1896, he was chairman of a growers’ group that conducted the first scientific experiments on orchard heating, Breeding and development 4 despite public laughter at “heating the outdoors.” He conducted many investigations on his own, Cultural practices 7 including studies of citrus root systems and split- ting in navel oranges, which were published by agricultural journals. Concerned about fruit decay Diseases and their control 10 in the long transit to market, Reed hounded the USDA until it sent G. Harold Powell to Riverside Insect pests and for six years of research that improved fruit hand- ling and saved growers thousands of dollars annu- their control 13 ally. Later, he persuaded the USDA to send A.D. CR-1 Shame1 to Riverside to conduct research on citrus USDA field laboratory in Eustis, Florida, was ap- breeding. pointed to fill both posts. Webber proved to have a In 1900, at a meeting of the Farmers’ Institute in genius for administration and set a course for the Pasadena, Reed proposed establishment of a citrus CES that by the 1930s had made it the world’s experiment station. His speech struck an enthus- leading research institution in citrus and subtrop- iastic note among growers, and for the next five ical horticulture-a position it still maintains. years, he pressed the issue up and down the state. The great freeze of 1913 that devastated south- He and a committee of Riverside growers took the ern California orchards became an impetus to proposal to the state legislature. reorganization of the Rubidoux facilities. Alarmed In 1905, the California legislature passed an act growers launched a campaign to enlarge the CES. authorizing the University of California to estab- In 1913, the legislature appropriated funds for a lish an experiment station to meet the needs of new site and buildings. A fierce battle ensued in southern California growers. Three commissioners which San Fernando Valley almost seized the CES appointed by the legislature (Governor George C. from Riverside. An 81-year-old John Henry Reed Pardee, University President Benjamin Ide joined the struggle, urging the Regents to keep the Wheeler, and Professor E.J. Wickson), after sev- experiment station at Riverside. On December 22, eral site-inspection trips to southern California, 1914, Webber and a prominent group of River- recommended setting up a single research institu- siders made a last-ditch plea for the city and made John Henry Reed, tion with two branches: a pathological laboratory their point: the Regents went into executive ses- founder of the Citrus in Whittier and an experiment station in Riverside, sion and voted 14 to 4 in favor of Riverside. Experiment Station. home of the Washington navel orange. The new site (475 acres) was established at the foot of Box Springs Mountains, about five miles east of the Rubidoux site. The main building, con- structed in the so-called Spanish mission style, was dedicated on March 27, 1918. Within a decade the staff Webber had formed was making significant research discoveries in irri- gation, soils and plant nutrition, insect pest control, plant breeding, plant diseases, and horti- culture. Webber also guided the growth of the largest citrus collection in the world at Riverside - 1,200 species and varieties of trees- which have since produced more than 10,000 hybrids. The first few years of the CES were marked by achievements that saved California agriculture millions of dollars. Research on black alkali soils in the 1920s provided the first complete explanation of their origin and nature, leading to the reclama- Original Citrus Exper- tion of thousands of acres of land throughout the iment Station staff in On February 14, 1907, the Regents of the Univer- world. CES entomologists were at the forefront of 1916. Front row, from sity established the Citrus Experiment Station- early studies in biological control. In 1927, when left: known at first as the Rubidoux Laboratory- on a the citrus industry was endangered by citrophilus C.O. Smith, 30-acre site leased on the slopes of Mount Rubi- mealybug, a natural enemy was found in Australia J.T. Barrett, doux. Ralph E. Smith, a plant pathologist, was that brought the problem under control. With the L.D. Batchelor, H.S. Reed, named administrator for both the Whittier and discovery that little leaf-a serious affliction of W.P. Kelley, Rubidoux branches. A two-story laboratory was citrus- was caused by zinc deficiency, CES scien- H.J. Webber. built in 1912 and today is occupied by the USDA tists went on to make numerous other contribu- Back row: Salinity Laboratory. The earliest work of the tions to the nutrition of citrus and other crops. H.J. Quayle, Citrus Experiment Station (CES) was concentrated The monument to the Webber era, begun in about E.E. Thomas, on soil management research to improve citrus 1930, was a massive two-volume work, The Citrus W.M. Mertz, quality and productivity. A citrus variety collec- Industry, edited by Webber and Leon D. Batchelor H.B. Frost, tion was also begun at the Rubidoux Laboratory. and published in 1946. These volumes, summing H.S. Fawcett, Rapid growth of southern California agriculture up several decades of hard-won knowledge of W.D. Drew, R.S. Vaile. and development of new crops such as the citrus, became known as the “Bible of the Citrus avocado soon made it obvious that more research Industry.” The encyclopedic work has been ex- was needed to solve expanding production prob- panded into a five-volume revision, four volumes lems. In 1912, Thomas F. Hunt, Dean of the of which have been published, to date, by the Uni- University’s College of Agriculture and Director of versity of California. the Statewide Agricultural Experiment Station, In 1928, Leon D. Batchelor, a horticulturist, formulated a long-range,plan for crop research in became the second director of the CES, following southern California. The title of Director of the Webber’s retirement. During his tenure, the exper- Citrus Experiment Station and Dean of the Gradu- iment station expanded into many new research ate School of Tropical Agriculture was created, areas and began studying most of the mqjor crops and a search was begun to fill these posts. of southern California. One of the first agricul- Herbert John Webber, a professor of plant breed- turists to realize the value of statistics and ex- ing at Cornell University, who had conducted perimental plot design, Batchelor initiated many citrus breeding studies from 1892 to 1897 in a CR-2 long-term fertilizer experiments. Studies in citrus tor of the CRC-AES. Soon afterward, Dugger also genetics and breeding led to new commercial vari- assumed the associate directorship when Day eties of citrus and the improvement of quality transferred to Berkeley. Under Dugger, applied through the use of nucellar seedlings. Research in research was broadened and basic research ex- preharvest and postharvest physiology brought panded into new disciplinary areas, such as molec- about the development of optimum conditions for ular biology, integrated pest management, plant storage of citrus and avocados. Investigations were genetics, climatology, and environmental protec- begun into herbicides that would reduce losses tion. The experiment station’s program was rede- from weeds. Increasing emphasis was given to signed to meet the unique research needs of an breeding experiments with vegetables.
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