Campaign Finance Receipts and Expenditures Report Page 1 of 1 Print this form or Go Back Campaign Finance Receipts Governmental Ethics Commission & Expenditures Report 901 S. Kansas Ave. 7/27/2020 Topeka, KS 66612 Office (785) 296-4219 Fax (785) 296-2548 ethics.kansas.gov Check only if appropriate Amended Filing 0 Termination Report Campaign Finance Candidate Name:Dinah H Sykes Filing Report Address: 10227 Theden Circle Address2: City: Lenexa Zip: 66220 County: Johnson Home Phone: (913) 406-0053 Business Phone: (913) 406-0053 Office Sought: State Senator District: 21 SUMMARY (covering the period from 1/1/2020 through 7/23/2020) 1 CASH ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF PERlOD $36,108.11 2 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Schedule A) view/print $52,362.00 3 CASH AVAILABLE THIS PERIOD (Add Lines 1 and 2) $88,470.11 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS (Schedule C) view/print $7,436.18 5 CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF PERIOD Subtract Line 4 from 3) $81,033.93 6 IN-KIND (NON-MONETARY) CONTRIBUTIONS (Schedule B) view/print $208.33 7 OTHER TRANSACTIONS (Schedule D) view/print $0.00 "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. I understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." Electronically filed on: 9/11120208:50:34 AM Signature of Candidate or Treasurer: Jeffrey Scott Sykes Print this form or Go Back https://www.kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/exp_report_main.aspx 911112020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page I of 37 Print this form or Go Back SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Candidate: Dinah H Sykes Type of Payment Occupation oflndividual Name and Address Date Giving Amount of Contributor Cash, Check, Loan, E-funds, Other More Than $150 Ray Alvarez 07/23/20 9139 Renner Blvd E Funds School Bus Driver $20.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Greg Hack 07/23/20 9715 Millridge Dr E Funds $10.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Pam Hill 07/23/20 14600 W 93rd St E Funds $75.00 Lenexa KS 662 15 Leanna Barclay 07/23/20 5800 Parkhill Cir E Funds $30.00 Shawnee KS 66216 Jenny Whitney 07/23/20 19619 W 97th CSt E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Alan Sunkel 07/23/20 3213 W 82nd St E Funds $50.00 Leawood KS 66206 Amy Ashlock 07/23/20 14920 W 90th St E Funds Accountant $200.00 Lenexa KS 662 I 5 Nancy Lusk 07/22/20 7700 W 83rd St E Funds $20.00 Overland Park KS 66204 Brenda Lang 07/22/20 70237 Theden Cir E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Rana Bentley 07/22/20 17554 W 158th St E Funds $10.00 Olathe KS 66062 Tom Krebs 07/22/20 4100 SW Munson E Funds Not Employeed $200.00 Topeka KS 66604 Erin Stucky 07/22/20 21106 W 95th Ter E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Erica Terry 07/22/20 21884 W 121st Ct E Funds $50.00 Olathe KS 66061 Kristin Brown 07/22/20 8129 Lee Blvd E Funds $20.00 Leawood KS 66206 07/22/20 E Funds $25.00 https://www.kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 9/11/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page 2 of37 Jeff Denny 7813 Woodstone Ln Lenexa KS 66217 Cole Johnson 07/22/20 14127 W 88th Ter E Funds $50.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Brandon Woodard 9051 Renner Blvd APT 07/22/20 E Funds $25.00 3002 Lenexa KS 66219 Rich Shockey 07/22/20 6436 Kimball E Funds $10.00 Kansas City KS 66104 Kathryn Mangelsdorf 07/22/20 8025 Lichtenauer Dr E Funds $15.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Sherri Wattenbarger 07/22/20 573 I Marty St E Funds $25.00 Overland Park KS 66202 Angie Dove 07/22/20 22933 Bedford Rd E Funds $JOO.OO Spring Hill KS 66083 Donald Kaiser 07/22/20 12408 W 126th St E Funds $100.00 Overland Park KS 66213 Victoria Calhoun 07/22/20 15414 W 89th Ter E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 662 J9 Michael Alley 07/21/20 7909 Woodstone St Check Retired $200.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Kansas Insurance PAC 07/21/20 PO Box 55 Check $200.00 Topeka KS 66601 Keith Fager 07/2]/20 8106 Parkhill St Check $50.00 Lenexa KS 662 J5 Donald Hite 07/2 1/20 8977 Mill Creek Rd E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Brandi Fisher 07/21/20 8209 Rosewood Dr E Funds $25.00 Prairie Village KS 66208 Thomas Roberts 07/20/20 9915 Fountain Cir E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Karla Christie 07/20/20 21733 W l22nd St E Funds $50.00 Olathe KS 66061 Allison White 07/20/20 7640 Alden Rd E Funds $50.00 Shawnee KS 66216 07/20/20 E Funds $101.00 https://www.kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 9111/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page 3 of37 Mary Hanson 10000 Sunset Dr Lenexa KS 66220 Shruti Tejwani 07120120 9323 Pinnacle St E Funds $50,00 Lenexa KS 66220 Peggy Miles 07/19/20 15378 Monrovia St E Funds $30,00 Overland Park KS 66221 Gayle Asher 07119/20 13002 W 102nd Ter E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Aurdrey Landworthy 07/18/20 6324 Ash St Check Retired State Senator $250.00 Prairie Village KS 66208 Richard Rozier 07/18/20 800 I Cottonwood St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Wayne Smith 07/18/20 12321 W IOlst St E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Ray Alvarez 07/18/20 9139 Renner Blvd E Funds School Bus Driver $50.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Kathy Walter 07/17/20 24517 W 100th St E Funds $25.00 Olathe KS 66061 GKCWPC Separate Segregated Fund 07/17/20 Check $125.00 3512 Bridge Manor Dr Kansas City KS 64137 James Shetlar 07/17120 12727 Mohawk Cir Check Attorney $100.00 Leawood KS 66209 ARJ Infusion Services, Inc. 07117/20 7930 Marshall Dr Check $250,00 Lenexa KS 66214 Robert Claus 07/17/20 8010W 115thTer Check Retired Attorney $100.00 Overland Park KS 66210 Andy Johnson 07/17/20 11179 Grandview Dr E Funds $100.00 Overland Park KS 66210 Jeffrey Alpert 07/17/20 4321 W 125th St E Funds $100.00 Leawood KS 6621 I Christie Steege 07/17/20 9905 Woodstock St E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Joseph Roberts 07/17120 14804 W 81stPI E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66215 07/17/20 E Funds $50.00 https://www.kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_aJeport.aspx 9111/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page 4 of 37 Adam Davis 13928 W 76th Cir Lenexa KS 66216 Bill Musgrave 07/16/20 7546 Westgate St E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66018 Logan Heley 07/16/20 9826 W 79th PI APT 1102 E Funds Community Engager $100.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Judith Reilly 07/16/20 8517 W 90th St E Funds Development $100.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Deborah Turner 07/16/20 8518 Allman Rd E Funds $50.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Carla Welsh 07/16/20 8572 Caenen Lake Ct E Funds $10.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Rob McKnight 07/16/20 5259WI21stSt E Funds $5.00 Overland Park KS 66209 M Suter 07/16/20 14922 W 91st Ter E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Peter Manza 07/16/20 15606 W 79th Ter E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Dorothy Barnett 07/16/20 129 W 25th Ave E Funds $25.00 Hutchinson KS 67502 Liliane Pinter 07/16/20 11911 W 10Ist St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Jason Coon 07/16/20 5801 W 85th St E Funds $25.00 Overland Park KS 66207 Mary Zi~merman 07/16/20 7645 W 78th St E Funds $100.00 Overland Park KS 66204 Richard VanDyke 07/16120 14643 W 89th St E Funds $50.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Richard Stu Itz 07/16/20 14824 W 93rd St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Mark Jarvis 07/16120 16912 W 83rd St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Katherine Hoffman 07/16/20 8532 Mauer Rd APT 100 E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66219 07/16/20 E Funds $50.00 https://www.kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 9/1 1/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page 5 of37 Matt Fletcher 3315 SE 24th Ter Topeka KS 66605 Jill Beveridge 07116/20 10023 Sunset Dr E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Tim Eshleman 07116/20 12] 65 Craig St E Funds Not Employed $1,000.00 Overland Park KS 66213 Bill DeHoff 07116/20 317JO W 83rd PI E Funds $100.00 De Soto KS 660 18 Gail James 07/16/20 7710 W 87th St E Funds $50.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Dana Porter 07/16/20 14604 W 90th St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Ronald Norris 07116/20 12600 W 76th St E Funds $25.00 Shawnee KS 66216 Martha Calcara 07/16/20 6900 W 129th Ct E Funds $100.00 Overland Park KS 66209 Linda Cooper 07/16/20 9051 Meadow View Dr E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66227 Donna Held 07116/20 8443 Ptlumm Rd E Funds Healthcare $250.00 Lenexa KS 66215 Stan Chappell 07/15/20 9632 Riggs St E Funds $50.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Scott Roby 07/15/20 13923 W 76th Cir E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66216 KS State Farm Insurance Agents & Employees PAC 07/15/20 Check $500.00 825 S Kansas Ave STE 500 Topeka KS 66612 Melissa Ness 07/15/20 3733 SW Timber Ridge Ct E Funds Attorney $150.00 Topeka KS 66620-1241 Christine Johnson 07/15/20 8957 Tomashaw St E Funds Nurse $50.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Jodianne Carter 07/15/20 12505 Barkely E Funds $75.00 Overland Park KS 66209 Cindy Alexander 07/15/20 12605 W 77th St E Funds $25.00 Lenexa KS 66216 07115/20 E Funds Attorney $250.00 https://www.kss·os.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 9/11/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Page 6 of 37 Christopher Masoner 7719 Noland Rd Lenexa KS 66216 Scott and Leslie Schulte 07/14/20 8334 Mackey St E Funds $20.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Jennifer Patel 07/14/20 9307 Pinnacle St E Funds Not Employed $250.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Jessica McLaughlin 07/14/20 8419 Twilight Ln E Funds $50.00 Lenexa KS 66219 Eric Hansen 07114/20 9238 Falcon Ridge Dr E Funds $100.00 Lenexa KS 66220 Douglas Taylor 07114/20 5036 Parish Dr E Funds $25.00 Roeland Park KS 66205 Meredith Schnug 07/14/20 1535 W 15th St E Funds Attorney $100.00 Lawrence KS 66045 Anthony Pantoja Sr.
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