Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 3-7-1980 The aB tes Student - volume 108 number 16 - March 7, 1980 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 108 number 16 - March 7, 1980" (1980). The Bates Student. 1816. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1816 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2^ ,V> TheBa bns Student Established 1873 (^^7,1 <j*a RCs Chosen; List Released by Melanie Spencer JAs Announced . Staff Reporter by Mary Terry evaluation of the role of a JA. The ninety applicatns for next Staff Reporter The qualities which are looked year's twenty five residential coor- for in a JA candidate are hon- dinator positions ended Wednes- The list of Junior Advisors of esty, leadership, good academic day with their selection. Three the 1980-81 school year was an- standing and community services. committees, each with a faculty nounced on Friday afternoon. "We want the very best people ... member, a representative assem- February 15. those committed to working with bly member and two current resi- At noon on Friday the commit- new students." dential coordinators, reviewed tee met to discuss each candidate In choosing JAs the committee applications and questioned the and make a final decision. The works to build in an element of students who have applied, an in- dialogue finally led "to a concen- diversity. This way there are dif- crease of eighteen from last year. sus which was difficult to arrive ferent types of people for incom- Specific requirements for the at. ing freshmen to go to seek gui- candidates are few. Although they ■' according to Dean of the Col- dance and assistance. must be a junior or senior in the lege James W. C'arignan. Those who opt to be JAs are fall and in good academic standing, The applications for next year's generally very interested in new there is no specific cumulative re- Junior Advisors were released by students, according to Carignan.. quirement. Yet Dean Reese stres- the Dean of the College's office at "I have been very much impre- sed they are looking for students the beginning of February. All ssed this year," stated Carignan. who are able to do their work while applications submitted were read He continued by stating "this acting as a resource person in their by two current Junior Advisors, year there were more qualified house or dorm. Dean Macdonald and Dean applicants than any other year "We are looking for coordinators Carignan. After this process each and the committee had a better who can inform students on proce- applicant was interviewed by the sense of the JA role." dures. extra curricular ac- committee. The final list was printed as tivities. .. the Lewison community, The application form asked for follows: Bill Benintende, Greg and who can be listeners if they two faculty members who were Fox, Dave Ginn, Eric Hill, Neil have a student with personal prob- willing to write references as Jamieson, Tim Kane, Carl lems." well as questions related to stu- McKenzie, Mike St. Claire, Jen- Besides the interview, applic- dent activities and achievements nifer Begel, Moira Cullen, ants were required to write a short here at Bates. The interview Dorothy Donovan, Heidi Duncan- essay on their reasons for applying dealt with personal responses to son, Dale Rudberg, Michelle and a list of previous employments. Jeff Ashmun leads protest group to Lewiston High School for situations and the applicant's Smith, and Julie Thornton. The students will receive a yearly Democratic caucas. Photo by Hall salary of $850.00 and, in some spe- cial cases, receive first choice of a Students Named Delegates Search Committee room. In general, though, when the coordinator have been chosen by general consensus of the three 200 Protest Established for New Dean committees, they meet jointly to A search committee to find a new logical choices." discuss location. Associate Dean of the College has The committee met to discuss The committees, headed by at Lewiston Caucus been formed, according to Dean of what they thought they should be Deans Reese, Reggie McDonald by Diana Silver Bates Chaplain Reverend the College James Carignan. looking for in terms of a candidate. and James Carignan chosen: Staff Reporter Richard Crocker also participated The committee, which consists of Ads for the position now appear in Elaine Belanger, Joe Bibbo, Bob On February 10, 210 Bates stu- in the demonstration and com- representatives from the administ- such publications as The Equal Op- Carr, Sue Doliner, Kathy Doocy, dents marched to the Lewiston mented, "It's very important that a ration, faculty and students, will be portunity Forum, The Chronicle of Leanne Gulden, Claudia Hall, caucus at Lewiston High School to voice be raised in this political working with the principles of af- Higher Education, and Black Scho- Brent Harwood, Hank Howie, Paul protest proposed registration for process that says no to militarism. firmative action in mind. lar. In addition, organizations such Hudson, Thomas Johnson, Yvette the draft. Whether it prevails or not, I will be "With the approval of the Presi- as the Society of Women Deans' Johnson, Nancy Madsen, Joseph Reminiscent of the Vietnam war glad that some people took the in- dent, I wanted to envelop all three Urban League have been con- Mangine, Marycarol McNeill, Kris- protests, students sung and itiative to raise their voice ... I factions of the college in an effort tacted. "It's a list we got from Dean tine M. Pearson, Joe Richerts, Sam chanted peace songs while dis- hope it doesn't have the effect of to explore the various diversities Spence, actually," commented Rodman, Mary Sinnamon, John tributing leaflets calling for oppos- further alienating Bates from the we would see in terms of needs for Carignan. Spence, Lissa Stiles, John Walker, ition to registration to incoming rest of the Lewiston community." the college," stated Carignan. "In the places we advertised, I Lisa White, Jean Wilson and Ted voters. (Continued on Page 2) In order to choose faculty for the (Continued on Page 8) Zazopulos. The march was organized by War committee, Carignan wrote to Is Not The Answer (WINTA), the SUMR members of the faculty to deter- same group which will be par- mine interest among the faculty Gay/Straight Dance ticipating in the rally in Augusta on and then chose those "who I Sunday. Accompanying the stu- Denied thought were sensitive to the kind Organizers Claim Success dents marching were three police Funding of issues we would be dealing by Diana Silver burn. cruisers. with." The faculty members are Staff Reporter Students at the dance, as well as "The whole thing was wonder- by Kelly Doubleday Laurie Danforth and Liz Tobin. The first dance sponsored by Gay the organizers, noted the lack of ful," stated group organizer. Jeff Staff Reporter Representing the administration At Bates, held in Hirasawa and antagonistic response to the dance. Ashmun, "when I looked behind A group calling itself Students will be Dean Carignan and Karen Skelton Lounges on Saturday "We really didn't get too much me and saw everybody marching, I Unopposed to Military' Registra- Harris (Admissions). night, was termed "fairly success- feedback before the dance ... got a great feeling in the bottom of tion (SUMR) was denied a request In choosing the students for the ful" by two of the dance's organiz- which I think indicates a kind of my stomach." for funds Monday night by the Rep- committee. Dean Carignan per- ers, Larri Cochran and Bob Carr. peaceful acceptance of us. Of Close to 100 of the protesting stu- resentative Assembly after they sonally asked Pat James and Jack The dance was attended by ap- course, it might just be the apathy dents went inside the caucus to protested the allocation of money Meade. "I know them both, and proximately 60 people, many of at Bates. But it's our first active vote. Although the group had pre- by the RA to the anti-registration since Jack was president of the which were from Bowdoin, Boston socialization on the campus and viously stressed that they were not group War Is Not The Answer RA. and Pat has been an R.C for University, University of Southern people are going to have to deal going to support any candidate, (WINTA). SUMR had requested $72 to cover the cost of their own two years. I thought they would be Maine, and from Lewiston and Au- (Continued on Page 2) about 75 supported Governor Brown. The students, who sat on rally, point to the fact that WINTA both sides of the gym, displayed the had received that amount to cover This Week signs they were carrying spouting expenses for their march on the Lewiston Democratic caucus last ter abroad as a student in the such slogans as "Amy First" and Inside The Student this week: —Complete news and sports, in- month. cluding intramural action and Soviet Union. "Registration is for Cars." When Governor Brown made his In an attempt to discover the real —More letters and commen- fencing. —The Bates Student guide to the issue questions were asked con- housing lottery. appearance at 2:00, the de- taries on the draft and registration —A complete list of Junior Ad- cerning a possible rivalry between issue. visors and Resident Coordinators —Two new groups reviewed in monstrators initiated the chant "We want Brown" and changed the members of WINTA and for 1980-81, released by the dean's Arts and Entertainment, SUMR The members and suppor- "Freewheelin " and "The Spe- later to "We want peace." Brown, INDEX office Wednesday night.
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