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Y., April 27.— tr-' - Yale Playcraftsmen, an organization OhRdren o f one of the local of, undergraduates, who have been school were discovered playing making a laboratory study of dra­ with the dead body of a ,newly S pirit of Of HIS UEE FOR PEACE PACT matic production and presenting born male infant in the school I plays to. which the public have been : invited, have been prohibited from yard yesterday. Superintendent Rntish Premier Has Little i admitting the public to their per- Taylor took the body from them VHTOllS SQUIRREL .j formances, owing to a city regulation and reported the matter to Coron­ AMERICA RECOGNIZES ATTACKS MOTORMAN prohibiting general admission to er Graney. The children said they EGYPTIAN GO\T3RNMENT Hope that Russian Problem their laboratory which does not com­ found the body, buried it, then ply with the building code. They President Harding Declares t k t Something of Grant's Anderson, S. C., April 27.^A exhumed it and carried it to a Washington, Apiril 27.— The vicious squirrel is roaming the plan to enroll supporting members Can be Solved at Preisenl of their organization among Yale nearby creek where they washed United States has extended recog­ woods near here, seeking whom it nition to the new government of- Eagerness to Return to PeacCftd Ways Would Have may devour. The word of Frank faculties and undergraduates. it and then brought it to the school yard where they were Egypt subject to the contintiahqe Time *— Will Concentrate Stone, motorman for thO street of American rights in that coun­ car company here, today was given New Haven, Conn., April 27.— found playing with it. Brought Prosperity and Happiness to Europe— Many Tbon* try, it was offldiaHy announo^d. kt for the truth of the statement. Yale’s frAhman class met in Battell +- on P r i s e d Agreement Chapel at Yale today to decide upon the State Department'today.. ' Stone, going happily along to This means that. the sands Gathm: M Village of Point Pleasant to Commmnorate his wor^t, taking no more than the the degree for which each individual will study after completing the fresh­ LIBERTY BONDS. States will not surrender the Pledging Nations Against usual precaution against attack by territorial rights which have squirrels, was set upon by the ani­ man year. Members were called the Hundred^ Anniversary of the'Krth of the Great upon to Indicate whether they would New York, April 27.— Opening enjoyed for raanjfj t years. ffjbd mal, which fastened its teeth in Liberty; Bonds: 3 l-2s $99.68; '1st Egyptian governiue^ has Acts of Aggression— Note Stone’s right ear and enjoyed a pursue an academic or scientific 4 l-4s $99.86; 2nd 4 l-4s $99.84; course. 3rd 4 3-4s $99.94; 4th 4 1^4s $89.- ed the recogni%Mi;4 under American Soldier. nice breakfast. Stone sought to American terms, ll. » to Russia Tomorrow. brush the animal away with his 96; victory 3 3-4s $100.02; victory hand, whereupon the animal coun­ Meriden, Conn., April 27.— Her- 4 3-4s $100.70. bfert Varno, 27, of Thompsonville, Point Pleasant, Ohio, Appil 27 -'f’tlon throughout the world. They tered with a raid on his lingers, Against the menace of enemies with­ are not to be ignored, but they have Genoa, April 27.— Satisfactory chewing several of them. said to be a son of a physician in that town, was fined $100 and costs and in our borders, a century ajpd a half never halted the human procession, progress In drafting the note which and will not hinder the progress of Stone dashed to police head­ given a suspended sentence of'ten of .gratifyins American achievement will be addressed to Russia by the quarters and reported his experi­ this firmly founded republic.” days in jail by Judge Thomas P. will be held secure for all|time by allies was made today, according to ence, but the police don’t know Dunne in the police Court today, on a Rij^teons Defense. what to do about it except to go the patriotic citizenship /pf the re­ The President pointed out toward an ollicial announcement made at 2 charge of operating an automobile hunting. They suspect the animal public, President Hafdlii'^ declared the close of his speech that ■ aJ^* o’clock this afternoon. while under the- influence of liquor. though Grant had proclaimed the has rabies. He was arrested last night by the here today in an addres]^ in com- The note, which probably will be doctrine of “ moral disarmament” at state police on the Berlin road. n^emoration of the LflOth anniversr Appomattox, “ he believed in a na­ delivered tomorrow, will state exact­ PROTECT ary of , the birth of Gen. Ulysses S. tion equipped for righteous de ly how far the allies are prepared to Stamford, Conn., April 27.— Dele­ Grant. fense.” go in conditions under which the gates from all parts of the state “ But no aggression was in hia DEMPSEY DEUGED attended the second annual stare con­ The future of the United States, breast,” the President declared . Sovi:^t government will be rqcog- vention of the colored women’s Re­ General Wn Pei Fn with a SPEEDING UP the President said to the thousands “ I can well believe that he would Dized. * WITH LOVE E H E R S publican clubs of Connecticuc here who were gathered here from all have approved all that the republic It will contain an admonition to today. Among the speakers on the Force o f 30,000 Men Opens parts of Ohio and neighboring states, has so recently done in joining other nations in lifting tte • burdens of t e ' the effect that the Genoa conference program was Mrs. Mary B. Talbert^ TARIFF ANftDONUS is guaranteed so long as leaders French Girls of All -Sizes of Buffalo, N. Y., honorary president armament and promoting under­ cannot continue in session indefinite­ among men put the country’s good standings which make war less like- ’ and Shapes Want to Marry of the national association of colored Drive on the Northern ly. Senate Machinery All Nicely Oil­ above personal and political ad^van- ly- American Fighter. women. ' W'^aming to Russia. ed ahd Running Smoothly for tage. “ I know be would have approved, Capital because surrendered'no indepen­ This last clause constituted a’ tac­ Paris, April 27.— Jack Dempsey New Haven, Conn., April 27.— Early Passage. 'Tho Great Strategist. Standing just off the main street dence, we gave up none, of the na­ tic warning to the Soviet against was ducking ’em right and left to­ ’J'he condition of Justice Edwin B. tionality for'^which he fought, but Gager of the Supreme court remain­ Peking, April 27.— One hundred Washington, April 27.— All the of this tiny village near the cabin in further time-consuming haggling, but day. which Grant was born, President we have furthered the assufances of A veritable avalanche of love let­ ed unchanged today, it was stated at and seventy American marines from machinery for putting the tariff and peace— ” does not constitute the ultimatum soldiers’ bonus bills through the Sen­ Harding delivered a stirring eulogy Which it was reported France would ters had descended upon the Ameri­ Giace Hospital, where he is suffering the flagship Huron of the Asiatic from congested aphasia. He re­ ate in the form favored by the ad­ of the great strategist of the civil demand. can champion as a result of an in­ fleet, arrived here today to protect war pronouncing him ‘‘a command­ Point P le ^ n tr l^io, The note will summarize the pour- terview attributed to him by a mains in an unconscious condition ministration was reported by Senator since last Saturday when ne was the American l^atipn. Thi fresh Lodge and other Republican leaders, ing figure in the military history of President Harding, .in ah a d d r ^ parlm^B to date and request definite versatile writer in the Excelsior. the worlfl; the purpassing examplar here today in -the 10{Hh knnlTers^y French girls of every station, s,ize suicken. guards are encasipend on the marine today to be “ hicely oiled and running answers ott points of controversy. smoothly.” . of magnanimity o f all time; the of the birth of (General D. S- Grant, TUose facts .were contained. In an and description want to marry hin), compound. ^ most striking example pf the possi­ spQko in part as follows: New Haven, Conn,, April 27.— He Although thd lOOtt anniversary of h^c^lrtphouae^ent which indicat- all because of the Elxcelsior.inteirvleVv ’^ 1 Tlw %itiah le^la<hi; gutard bilities of American life; the -confl- “My countrymen: The, i militaiir g Eusslap re]^ which w:hich 4iioted~hlm as follows; ^ , tective Brand-ou or- the local; hurcj Ijtrthdky was ohser^ dejit and rPlentl^ commander lu hero oL the Tdpublic.; a cpimnapdlns; ^ l ‘T seriou^y wish, to mar^, .a went fo^Spriugfiuld ibda^ foivJi figure in ipy - to the pro- Pi^cpse^ise.' "^ ’ ' w p n s^ ,X ^ e a j^efetlng of slgnatdries “ I wi^n enough by my fighting ttr ♦ffFj.6I^D; WhflffiTiLe ^ e E ^ at the First ire ij^dsed the world and expf®6(Cr"3eei> regret tfflt and supiport any reasonable wife— nearly -National Bank here and then fled to While effprts at mediation cop- that true peace *had failed, toi-lqllaw for, pea^ie aRm: victi^ri; of the, Veysailies treaty, to consider tinue, little hope of avertlh& trouble “All of these ma! ” i»p<?tioha against, Germany.
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