* i • t**- ■* t WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 PAGE FOBTT iSanrbFSt»r Svraing SrraUi Moat Manchester Stores Are Open Tonight Un^l 9 0*Clock The Theocratic Ministry The board of trustees of South and Mkn Cktrol Burgess of Og- For a motor trip to Montreal, A bout Tow n Sefaoot of Jehovah’s WUneaM Methodist Church will meet Fti­ denabuig, both Meters ot the Canada, Mrs. Mott wore a gray win meet Friday at 7:80 p.m. day at 7:80 p.m. at the dwrdi. W eddings bride; and Mlaa Susan Page of and white coat ensemble with Tlie ObMUopolltm C M of AT Kingdom BaU. Wapping, cousin of the bride- navy blue accessories, turnpike store MEtndteotBr win moot VMdajr of Holy Communion aervicee at groom. Junior bridesmaids were The couple live at 288 Oak St. \ DnRy Nat Praos Ran The Weather S p.m. In tbo yeflonotlcn Rooin Beaman Apprentice Joseph A. St. Mary's Elpiscopal Ohuitdi Mott • Banto'w Miss Patricia Burgess and M i^ a Clear, froaly tonigM. Lmv a- of CCoter Oongnvktkmol will be conducted 0 and 10 Theresa Burgess^ both of Og- Kotah - Sandals is open tonite till 9! M aaaro, DSN. aon cf Mr. and at, Ootobar 88, 1168 bout 82, to 20a. in rural araaa. Churdi. ICn. Arthur M u lthoU Ifca. Ardnir A. Maasaro of 60 sum. on Friday, AU Solnta' ilatirtetpr Euenitig HeraB win be h ofeoi. Mro. Hoorard Sand*'* «>» Friday runny and mHder. High Brie 8t, haa graduated from Day. New York Oty. tormeriy of ovr hallowMn Uodcirard of Btdten wtU pr —w* bMic training at tha naval about 80. a proKrain of monelaciMO. ‘ V ’Jt*®*' Manchester, and Peter Edward fa Y 1 5 ,3 2 3 training center, Great Lake, Hi. The Salvation Army will have the h otw attendant’s and they ^elsh of New York a t y were OtmeheaUsr— 4 C ity o f Villago Chmrm a harvest auction Friday at 7:80 also carried bouqueta of as- Sunday afternoon at Tern- assortmaat Afity W. David Keith of 06 Mr. end Mrs. Walden St John p.m. at the Youth Center, 081 sorted autumn flowers. pj* Beth Sholom. FAIRWAY oa Paga 91) PRICE TEN CENTS Ifillcreot Rd. and Mb daugh­ MANCmSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1968 of 6 Quaker Rd. recently attend­ Main St Miss Lyjln Ann Qayne of jh e bride Is the daughter of ^ /R'^r LXXXVm, NO. 27 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ter Bllsabeth took p u t In ed Parent's Day at Bay Path is most eompletol Fathei -DaugMer Weekend ac- RichviUe, niece of the bride, jjr. and Mrs. Jacob Sandals of Junior OoUsge, Longmeadow, F im of Manchester is in need Uvltlee last weekend at B rlu- was flower giri. Her green gown jg Brookfield St. The bride- Masa., where their daughter, of volunteers tor any one of the • c o n d iM • eOBtIfflIM oUff OoUefe, BriarcUn Kanor, and headpiece were styled to groom is the eon of Mr. and IQsa Lamralyn S t John, ia a aemrlcee It offers. Those Inter­ match the honor attendant's, Mrs. Abraham Kelsh of Brook- • cIm M m N.T. • matin ested may call the FISH num­ and she carried a basket filled lyn, N.Y. ber 646-8474 tor more intomnar with assorted autumn flowers. • candiM The Hartford Oounty Associa­ Rabbi Leon Wind and Cantor Uon. Fred Newman of Bordertown, • parly wMor • piimpniM tion of Medical Assistants w U Little FVnrer of Jeaus Moth­ Israel Tabatsky, both of Temple ‘New Peace Step N.J., served as best man. Ush- ’ Portions of Lost Sub meet Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. at the ers C9rde win meet Friday at Beth Sholom, performed the sra were Robert Burgess of Og- and fcrfrwoy pricad, lo o !. Hartford Hospital Continuing 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Adult Study Group No. 2 cf ceremony. Nbrth Methodist Churdi wUl densburg, brother of the bride; Oare Unit, room U8. Quest William Lautenbach, 876 Chart­ Mrs. Kelsh is a teacher in ^neet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the t loeatlowi downtown main street sod t speaker will be Miss Karen er Oak S t Siatu Marion JuHe Kenneth HanMaaon and T i m New York City. Mr. Kelsh is a church. « « r t middle tnmpite> *0 Carr, a member of die Hartr win apeak on the “Crisis of OorawUey, both of Manchester, case worker for the New York A reception for 160 was held City Department ot Social Serv- ford Hospital Speech and Heaiv Fhtth in Adoieecence." Mrs. Hinted by Thieu The Greater Hartford Jewldi tag Clinic. The meeting is open Joseph Lawler will be oo-host- at the VFW Hall in Ogdensburg. ices. Community Center C9ui> Is to all medical assistants in the sponsoring a dance Sunday, SAIGON (AP) — Amid Some rooketa fell about aeven atand for peace la aafeguarded Qreaier Hartford Area. - Loyal Black Preoeptory wUl Nov. 3, from 8 pm . to midnight Heilpem photo worldwide speculation that Uocka from Thleu’o Independ­ eind we can overcome all obata- Found Deep in Atlantic meet Ftiday at 8 p.m. at Orange in the Youth Lounge of the cen­ Bits. John O. Mott ence Palace. Hie attacka had clea and preaaurea, and we can Cab Scout Pack M ot Buckley the United Statea is about HaU. ter, 886 Blomnfleld Ave., West been expected becauM thia ia safeguard our Independence qnd SohoM arlH meet tonight at 7 The miarrlage of Miss Diana tit stop the bombing cf nsurroru.Hartford. Musicmumv williwui be piuvld-kawy***- ^ ^ neftSdbrwihiifv N Y the eve of SouUi Vletnam’a Na­ liberty.’’ pjn. and not at 7:80 p.m. as St. Mary's Bptscopal Church orth Vietnam, President tional Day celebration. The ene­ In Tokyo, the newspaper Tok­ WASHINGTON (AP) — to ^ G B ^ ” Scheste; previously announced at thef wUl meet tomorrow at 11 ajn. S^guyen Vim Ihieu told his my fired mortara into the pa­ yo Shimbun quoted Auatrallan The Navy announced to­ school auditorium. in the upper churdi hall. ^ a g esT J o 36. Th^wilTbe was ihny today “when we are lace grounda lart year on Na­ correspondent Wilfred Burchett day that portions of the aa saying that the Viet Oong haa Members are reminded to bring a nominal admission charge. flbar to a new step of true tional Day eve. lost nuclear submarine Army Ool. Piank C. Heoly of ordered de-eacalatlon ot fight­ sandwiches. Dessert and bever­ mid gufranteed peace” the In a flve-mlnute, taped televl- Scorpion have been locat­ 20 Newman St. recently gradu­ .r-fs s xw rxt 1 1 The bflde is a daughter o f alon addreaa to government ing in South Vietnam in expec­ ages win be served by Mrs. Ger­ struggle is niore difficult ed, more than 10,000 feet ated from the modem analytic trude Cannon. Mrs. Allan Hotch- Club Ilears talk Mt. and Mrs. Ralph Burgees troopa, Thieu raid he waa “ de­ tation of a D.8. bombing halt. ahd fierce. deep in the Atlantic. techniqnea tor executive de- Mas and Miss EUsie Trouton. _ Ah'* Y T Ogdensburg. The bridegroom No TREATS termined to win over all ebtta- Burchett, who often reflects TRICKS '-'Thlru did not attempt to ex­ cislop making course at Ft. Lee, O n A frica H llllt is the son of Mr. and BCrs. Pran- Hanoi’s views, said the North Amn. Thomaa H. Moorar, plain this new rtep, but he had clea and preaaure to aucceaa” Va., and is i»ojeet manager sen- „ , , „ da G. Mott of 233 Oakland St. Vietnamese are reacting guard­ chief of naval operattooB, an* The Salvation Army wlU have Dr. Don A. Gulnan of Man- Joseph Trombley of tol4 reportera earlier that North and added: “ I believe in your ttael munttioiia at HQB Mu­ \ ^ WHEN YOU SHOP PfNGHURST THIS WEEK AND SAVE edly to rumora of a bombing nounced that “ objaota tdeaUflad Rs weekly Bible study tomor­ Chester diared his African sa- performed t&etnam had not agreed to D.S. atrong aupport. I need your vic- nitions Oonunand, Dover, N.J. toriea in the battlefield to fij^t as portions of the hull of ttw row at 7:80 pm . at the church. fan me double-ring ceremony and MONEY AT OUR Pio-Invonlory Solo. Our groeort say iW y termr for<a bombing halt and (See Page Twelve) Bumbarine DSS Scorpion bava MaJ. Kenneth Lance will speak -Iwe cannot daoide to halt the tor peace.’ ’ Advertisement— '" ‘’I ! was celebrantlt the n u p t i a 1 At another point he aaid: “I been located about 400 miles on “ The EJvldence of DlvlMty’ ’ guesU at the s CTub d ^ ^ ggmbtng” unlear there was aouthwest of the Aaorea ia more r \ :C//'cH r , n c r l / would rotlior soil Ificm count... so eomo In . wo w il Irtat think that none of ua wUl accept Ltncoln School needs to be from the Gospel at S t John. Mancheflter anninl Men's Nlgm . eome algn of reclproolty from than 10,000 feet of water.’ ’ The service is open to the pifo- yUnoi. a aurrender to the Oommuniata. replaced; we now rent three— oSl'mh ThTbride was given in mar- you to memy spocio) and ragu!or voiuos. T1>e dlacovery, reported by a rooma at Center Church. Hc. Sectmd Oongrei^oniU (^ u rA . rtkge by her father. She wore Ar It to empbarlM that the I am aura that we wUl win. Pope PauVs Navy oceanographic research P»wn of French war ia atUl on, the enemy bleat­ “ When wa are near to a new atep of true and guaranteed ship last night, culmtaafaa a A ^ ' re-embtoldered with se- ed Saigon with Mvan rocMta, search of more than five montha tiful land of Zambia, Ainca, __ Melvin Strickland, our egg man, wants us to Idlllng at leaat two peraona and peace, the common atniggle of sinoe the atomic powered atd>- and showed colored eUdes of wounding tour.
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