Low turnout Chestatee GT A Stops Protesters Stand Against for elections wins second the Bus National Alliance Rally Page 3 Pages 4-5 Page 9 Page 5 Page 2 [ollede News April 19, 2001 News Briefs Hispanic recruiter will be hired Nesbitt appoi nted to Leadership Committee By 10n Krueger sists ofsix GC offi cials) and gave a Force at the req uest of the Board [email protected] teaching presentation." Stoy said. of Re gents. The Task Force re­ Gainesville College President Manha Nesbitt has been appoi nted "And we liked what we saw." ceived a grant ofS375.000 from the to the American Council on Education's(ACE) Commission on The Gainesville Coll cge admi n­ Once hired, the Hispanic Affairs Georgin Legislator in order 10 de­ Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness. She will serve a three-year istration is "very close" to hiring a Coordinatorwill be responsible for velop Hi spanic ou'treach pilot tcnn on the Commission that meets twice a year in Washington. D,C. ~ d·d foil h ,.u .J. .... 1U"'o .ff" .~ can I ate to I I C new developi ng a recruitment plan for programs, which the position of Nesbill will also serve as an advisory body for the ~I...,..DQ., "' . • ~lo,rwfHispanic Affairs Coor- theGC Hispaniccommunit)', work­ Hispanic Affairs Coord inator is a operations with foc us in the activities of the Office of ~ ~~n campus, according to ing with Hispanic students to en­ pan of. Institutional Effectiveness, Nesbitt altended her first meeting wit~ ! $ GrQ{!hael Stoy. hance their academic success, serv­ "The overall idea is to improve the Commission on March 23 in Washington. D&t~ .A;) ,\f'4P1r'a: of college policy, Stoy ing as an on-campus contact for the quatity of education in ESL cannot name the candidate yet be­ Hispanic students and serving as (English as a Second Language) Honor Society members inducted in March cause she has not made an official a link with the Hispanic community. courses in K(indergarten) through The spring induction for the new members of the Phi Theta Kappa commitment to the job. The Hispanic Affairs Coord ina­ 12 (grade] and to facilitate the honor society was held on March 6, followed by a shon reception. "This pel'5On was interviewed by tor is a new position that was cre­ movement o f(Hispanic) students The new slUdenls inducted are: Suzanne Anderson, Anna the Search Committee rwhi ch con- ated by the l'lispanic Initiati ve Task from K-1 2 on to college," Stoy Buffington. Jason Carter, Veronica Crider, Natasha Delong. Summer said. Decker. Stephen Green, Sarah Highfield, Richard Honsa. Senna Mangum. Cathleen McDonald, Hiromu Miyagawa, Cheryl Perez. Nicholas Scroggs. Kelley Tillcry. Linh Tran. Frank Valasek. and Chestatee Review takes second Carotyn Wright. FromStuffRepons how well our students do at these but not every piece of work in the events," said Creative Writing pro­ magazine was produced by a Cre­ Public Safety gets new phone number Four Gainesville College stu­ fessor Tom Sauret. " II is no sma ll ative Writing student. dents took home two second place feat. Fo r these students to have The magazine will beavailable Gainesville College Security has a new telephone number for its 24- awards, one third place award and only taken a three-hour Creative in!ateApril . hour assistance line. The new number is 770-294-7227. Theold an honorable mention at the South­ Writing course and then be able to Al so, GC English pro fessor Ja­ number, 770-718-3734 will remain in use until the end oflhesemesler. ern Literary Festival in Cleveland, produce the work they do, it is re­ son Mosser was elected Vice The new number will now connect the caller with security yia cellu lar Mississippi. GC's liternry magazine, ally wonderful." President oCthe Festival for 2002. phone instead of two-way radio. The Cheslalee Review, won sec­ The Chestatee Review, which is He will 3utomatically become ond place, wi th the magazine'sedi­ sponsored by Sauret, is printed President of the Festival in 2003. New staff hired in business office tQr, Selena Johnson, collecting the once a year at GC. The mngazine "I'm really happy to be in­ award. In the poetry category, Sa· contains poetry, short stori es and volved lwith the Festival)," Two new staff members were hired in March to work in the Busi­ rah Seaman took second place and artwork created by GC students Mosser said, " I'm glad our stu· ness Office. Dean Lieburn is GC's new personnel speciali st. Lieburn Ken Abbott took third. 10n during the school year, Most of dents won some prizes and 11111 comes to GC from Darton College where she worked as a payroll Krueger was awarded an I-Ionor­ the articles in the magazine are looking forward to Gainesville clerk. Linda Beasenburg has been hired as a cashier. She comes to GC able Mention for hi s short story. work s thnt were written for Coll ege hosting the event next from Griffin, Georgia where she worked as a chiropractic nssistant. ''I'm always very gratificd to sec Sauret's Creati ve i i class, Introducing Our Newest Location,,; 'AMILY April 19, 2001 [Olleee News Page 3 Nesbitt outlines Master Plan Bridger, Anderson elected By Chris Keen parking this summer in one of the available and enough need is By Jessica Stanifer on campus, more night student in­ Ckee _ [email protected] areas designated by the Masler present to require that additions volvement." Another big conccrn Plan," Nesbitt said when asked to be completed. Everything from This year there was a low tum for Paul is that he wants students to Gainesville College President comment on the growing need for landscapi ng to construction will out for the elections. Only 150 stu­ corne to him with there ideas and Martha Nesbi t! o utlined the student parking. be handled by the fiml selected dents voted, The Vice President problems. college's Master Plan to the Real The Master Plan must follow a by the committee, which oversees was decided by o nl y 13 votes, Anderson was thc winner of the Estate Committee of the Board of common template used to compare the Master Pla n. Michelle S. Brown said, "[t is Vice President election, Anderson Regents on March 13. The Master schools in IheGeorgia University Separate from the plan, but also discouraging that onl y about 5% had a more interesting outlook, be· Plan consists of a new physical System. The Board of Regents an imponant addition. is the cam­ of students voted this year:' cause he is just now getting in­ design that will add proposed then sends representatives to re­ pus in Athens. While no definite Amber Mi llera psychology ma­ volved with Student Government buildings and parking to the cam­ view the plan. The Southern As­ plans have been established for a jor said, " I didn't hear anything and has an outsiders view point. He pus. The final version will be avail­ sociation of Colleges and Schools new campus, the proposal went about the elections or see them wants people to kn ow thlll he is not able next week for submittal to the visi ted GC in January. making the to the Board of Regents to use campaigning on campus. so I doing this for the popularity he is Board of Regcnls, as is required college one of the last campuses Piedmont College during the day, didn't vote." seri ous about making a difference every ten years. to be evaluated. When the when it is usually vacant. The Jason Murphy a Business ma­ ill the school. Anderson wants to "Parking is a definite change we changes will take place is uncer­ campus would consist of staff jor said," I didn't feel that they get student opinions about the shou ld invest in," Ryan Stewart, a tain, as the college can only use currently residing in Athens, and, did any work campaigning. All I things that he has proposed for the history education major, responded money out of the budget. were it to become successful with saw was a sign half-ass done for school. Anderson says that he to the news about parking. Nesbitt explained that although a large student body, perhaps one Noah; whoever he is." wants, " more benefits for night Several changes occurring some money will come &om tuilion, day earn its own building. The On April I I, the Student Gov­ school students, have the library around the campus will supplement tuition prices will not rise because major reason for this addition is ernment Association (SGA) held open on Saturdays. lower student the proposed changes. One such of the plan. She said that tuilion the general consensus that the its annual elections. Paul Bridger, activity fees for night students, and adaptation will be the addition of is set by a standard regulated by Uni versi ty System underserves a twO year student of Gainesville wants to have more non-traditional an oIT-ramp on Interstate 985 that those in charge of the Uni versity Athens. College, was the only candidate students involved in SGA. Ander­ will run behind the campus, in the System. "1 th ink it would be good for running for President. There was son was involved in the reversing direction of the Science Building The college must hire an out­ people who wa nt to finish their more of a compotati on for Vice of the $Cantron policy for next year and perhaps some additional park­ side firm tohandletheproject.
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