NATONATO NATO NATO CCMS CCMS Pilot Pilot Study Study Meeting Meeting Cardiff,Cardiff, UK UK , ,May May Sergiu Galitchi –NATO Partner Country Project Co-ordinator. Address of employing Organization: Cosmonautilor 09, office nr.427 a MD2005 CHISINAU Republic of Moldova Business telephone number including codes: Tel: 373 2 242115 Fax: 373 2 769130 E mail:[email protected] GeographicalGeographical LocationLocation ofof MoldovaMoldova GeographicalGeographical SpecificSpecific DatesDates GeneralGeneral GeograficalGeograficalInformationInformation •• TTotalotal area area of of Moldova Moldova is is nearly nearly 33,700 33,700 sq.km sq.km •• TThehe length length from from North North to to South South * * 350 350 km. km. •• FFromrom West West to to East East is is compiling compiling around around 150 150 Km. Km. •• WWithith moderate moderate cont continentalinental climate. climate. •• TThehe population population of of the the country country – –44. .4 4 Millions Millions of of Habitants. Habitants. •• FFiftyifty three three percent percent living living in in rural rural sector sector •• TThehe land land resources resources are are distributed distributed as as follows: follows: 8686 % % for for agricultural agricultural purposes purposes woodlandswoodlands – –88,9,9 % % protectedprotected areas areas – –11,29%,29% builtbuilt upon upon lands lands ,roads ,roads ,lakes ,lakes and and rivers rivers – –44,1,1 % % ContaminatedContaminated Land Land Syndrome Syndrome in in Moldova Moldova MajorMajor Symptoms Symptoms include, include, ¾¾ DepositsDeposits ofof pollutantspollutants inin soisoils,ls, undergroundunderground WaterWater ResourcesResources andand LossLoss of of Soil Soil Functions Functions in in the the result result ; ; A.CASEA.CASE STUDIES STUDIES 1.1. Intensive Intensive overusing overusing of of pestic pesticidesides in in agricultural agricultural Sector, Sector, Details.Details. In In the the former former union union Mol Moldovadova were were on on experimen experimentaltal site. site. InIn thethe resultresult ofof excessiveexcessive usingusing ofof fertilizersfertilizers (over(over 5,55,5 millionsmillions tonestones ) ) and and pesticides pesticides ( ( annual annual 500, 500,000000 ton.) ton.) have have bring bring to to on on very very negativenegative environmentenvironment impactimpact whichwhich cancan bebe estimatedestimated onlyonly inin thethe resultresult of of Integral Integral Assessment Assessment Program. Program. Roughly,Roughly, waswas appreciatedappreciated thethe reductionreduction ofof humushumus contentcontent havehave beenbeen caused caused the the over over lowing lowing the the soil soil capacity capacity for for nitrogen nitrogen fixation. fixation. WhatWhat meansmeans thethe soilsoil havehave lossloss ththisis importantimportant nutritivenutritive elementelement andand furthmorefurthmore thethe nitrogennitrogen leachedleached fromfrom thethe soilsoil hashas causedcaused thethe pollutionpollution of of underground underground water. water. ContaminatedContaminated Land Land Syndrome Syndrome in in Moldova Moldova ¾¾ 2.2. Polluti Pollutionon of of arable arable fi fieldselds (roughly (roughly 636 636 ha) ha) dumping dumping of of municipa municipal l wastewaste and and animalier animalier dejecti dejectionsons , , 3.loss3.loss of of Biodi Biodivversityersity , ,(only (only 13,3% 13,3% of of forestry forestry remained remained in in Mol Moldova)dova) 4.Soil4.Soil ErosionsErosions (30,4%(30,4% annualannual lossloss ofof fertfertileile soisoil l 18mln.ton)18mln.ton) andand LandslidesLandslides , ,*(landsli *(landsliddeses affects affects 14% 14% of of territory) territory) ArableArable land land have have been been also also suffered suffered due due to to erosion erosion and and salinization. salinization. AtAt thethe momentmoment 30,430,4 %% ofof agricultuagriculturalral landslands areare effectedeffected byby mentionedmentioned phenomenaphenomena andand furtherfurther lossloss ofof arablearable areaarea areare estimatedestimated 0,860,86 %% ofof thethe totaltotal arable arable land land per per year. year. Actually, Actually, 1,205 1,205 thousand.ha thousand.ha of of agricultural agricultural lands lands areare affected affected by by soil soil erosions. erosions. 5050 thousands thousands ha. ha. are are destroyed destroyed by by landfills. landfills. 5.Deposition5.Deposition ofof ExcavatedExcavated ContaminatedContaminated Soil,Soil, (( atat momentmoment 875,43875,43 needneed recultivationrecultivation ) ) ContaminatedContaminated Land Land Syndrome Syndrome in in Moldova Moldova ¾¾6.Spills6.Spills of of Petroleum Petroleum Products, Products, major major contaminated contaminated areas areas ; ; •• SiteSite 11.. MarculestiMarculesti, , FlorestiFlorestiDistrictDistrict ––ssourceource ofof pollutionpollution thethe airair basebase of of Former Former Union Union Army. Army. ContaminantContaminant – –OOilil products, products, MediaMedia – –SSoil,oil, subsoil subsoil and and underground underground water. water. AffectedAffected area area – –130130 ha. ha. •• SiteSite 2. 2. Blijn BlijniiiHHutorutor --MMiltaryiltaryAAirir Base. Base. •• SiteSite 3 3.. Iargara Iargara, ,Leova LeovaDistrictDistrict – –OOilil Terminal Terminal Storage, Storage, •• SiteSite 4.4.BudestiBudesti , , ChisinauChisinau municipalmunicipal area-area- PPetroleumetroleum ProductsProducts StorageStorage andand oiloil fillingfilling station.station. AroundAround 150150 ofof locallocal habitantshabitants havehave lostlost the the opportunity opportunity to to drink drink cleaner cleaner water. water. LandLand ContaminationContamination withwith oiloil Products.Products. MoreMore detailsdetails asas onon example:example: SiteSite 33.. Iargara Iargara,, Leova LeovaDDistrictistrict – –OOilil Terminal Terminal Storage, Storage, ContaminantsContaminants ––GGasolineasoline CaseCase Study: Study: August August 1973 1973 on on the the petroleum petroleum reservoir reservoir in in VillageVillage Iargara Iargarahhappenedappened on on accident accident in in result result around around 628 628 tonstons of of gasoline gasoline flowed flowed out out into into the the soil soil reaching reaching the the undergroundunderground water water level level polluting polluting them them very very hard. hard. TheThe mentioned mentioned accident accident turned turned out out as as on on really really catastrophe catastrophe forfor local local habitants habitants as as it’s it’s deprived deprived them them from from the the unique unique potablepotable water water resources resources SituationSituation SchemeScheme GeologicalGeological andand HydrologicalHydrological Conditions.Conditions. •• TThehe common common polluted polluted withwith oiloil productsproducts areaarea 30-4030-40acres.acres. •• SSituatedituated in in the the Southern Southern part part of of Village Village Iragara Iragaraandand on on the the rightright stream stream Tighech. Tighech. •• OOnn that that site site in in conformity conformity with with the the available available dates dates horizon horizon ofof the the underground underground water water belong belong to to the the alluvial alluvial and and delluvialdelluvialsstratumtratum which which is is covered covered with with clays clays soil soil of of the the upperupper Sarmation Sarmation––MaeotisMaeotissstage.tage. •• TThehe level level of of underground underground water water ranges ranges from from 5-7 5-7 meters meters on on thethe lower lower site site till till 11-12 11-12 m m on on the the upper upper site site of of the the territory. territory. •• TThehe level level of of the the underground underground water water in in conformity conformity with with withwith the the available available dates dates it’s it’s oscillating oscillating from from 2 2 to to 4 4 m. m. FurtherFurther ThreatThreat •• OOilil contaminantcontaminant migratemigrate toto differentdifferent locationslocations andand depthsdepths ,, dependingdepending onon thethe densitydensity ofof eacheach compoundcompound andand thethe locallocal geology.geology. •• CContaminantontaminant posesposes threatthreat toto groundwatergroundwater andand locallocal drinkingdrinking waterwater .. •• TThehe total total cost cost of of the the full full complex complex of of research research work work compile compile 4242 868 868 $ $ •• PProposedroposed Remediation Remediation Technology Technology – –RRemovalemoval of of buildings buildings pumppump and and treat, treat, , ,venting venting and and biodegradation. biodegradation. •• CCostsosts – –NNotot included. included. ConclusionsConclusions •• AA relatively relatively developed developed agroindustrial agroindustrial complex complex with with a a no no rationalrational structure structure in in some some branches branches with with outdated outdated and and inefficientinefficient technologies technologies and and techniques techniques in in agriculture agriculture and and processingprocessing industries industries , ,which which leads leads to to low low quality quality , ,external external marketsmarkets uncompetitive uncompetitive production production , ,no no rational rational uses uses of of naturalnatural and and material material resources resources have have bring bring Moldova Moldova to to environmentenvironment pollution pollution and and degradation. degradation. •• EnvironmentallyEnvironmentally SoundSound OperationsOperations areare thethe VisionVision ofof thethe Future.Future. ThankThank youyou veryvery muchmuch forfor youryour attentionattention.
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