İSTANBUL, 2012 1. Baskı İstanbul, Agust- 2012 Sultantepe Publications / Yabancı Eserler Serisi, 1 Transleted/Recadtor : Elif Kapıcı Editing : Melek Zeynep Oyludağ/Aslı Tarası Publishing : Ömer Faruk Demireşik Typeset-Cover : Songrafik Tasarım Printed by : Erkam Matbaası (+90 212 671 07 00) İnkılap Mahallesi Küçüksu Cad. Parıltı Sokak No: 18/A Ümraniye/İSTANBUL Tel&Faks: 0216 630 01 07 www.sultantepeyayincilik.com/ [email protected] Halime Demireşik The Mothers of the Believers -Wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw)- About Halime Demiresik She was born in Denizli, Turkey in June of 1978. She finished Imam Hatip High School in 1995. While completing Divinity Seminary, she worked as an educator for the the schools sponsored by the Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Wakf (Foundation) for 15 years. During this time, in both Turkey and other countries, she made conferences and seminars about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw); increasing affection for him; and the family life in Islam. In the year 2011, she was given the “Service to the Prophet’s Life” Award by the Surayya Anne Foundation in America. She has written many articles and interviews which were printed in the “Altınoluk”, “Yuvamız”, “Bahçevan” and “Şebnem” Magazines in Turkey. She has seven books published in Turkey: “Vakıflara Hayat Veren Vâlide Sultanlar (2003)”, “Hanım Gözüyle Mü’minlerin Anneleri” (2008), “Muhab- beti, Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v.)’e Adamak” (2009), “21. yüzyıldan Cennete Koşan Hanımlar” (2009), “Ben, O’nu Sevmeye Muhtacım” (2009), “Dostun Divanına” (2009), “Kalbimiz Aşk Ateşinde” (2012). The book “Muhabbeti Hz. Muhammed’e Adamak” has been translated into the Azeri language. The book “The Mothers of the Believers” is her first book translated into English. Contact info: [email protected] * [email protected] USA Contact: Melek Zeynep “Sister Jackie” Oyludag * [email protected] US 1-918-850-9183 / US 1-918-292-8829 “The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers.” (Surah al-Ahzab, 33:6) PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO THE “EHL-İ BEYT” Nakkuş explains: “It is not proper for you to annoy the Prophet nor marry his wives after him...” (Ahzâb, 53) after this ayet was revealed Prophet Muhammad (saw) stood up and said: “Oh you group of believers! Certainly Allah has put me above you in every way, and He made my wives higher that your wives” (Kadı İyaz, Şifâ-i Şerif, Trans: Naim Erdoğan-Hüseyin S. Erdoğan, Bedir Publishing, pg: 176) * * * The Rasûlullâh -sallâllâhu aleyhi ve sellem- said: “All of you say this: «Allâhümme salli alâ Muhammedin ve ezvâcihî ve zürriyyâtihî kemâ salleyte alâ ibrâhime. Ve bârik alâ Muhammedin ve ezvâcihî ve zürriyyâtihî kemâ bârekte alâ İbrâhime. İnneke hamîdün mecîd.» (Mean- ing: Allah!... Send your blessings to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his wives and lineage like you sent to Hz. Abraham. Also make the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and he wives and family holy in the same way that you did Hz. Abraham Surely, you are the owner of all the praise and honor.)” (Buhârî, Kitâbu’l-Enbiyâ, 10; Müslim, Kitâbu’s-Salât, 17) * * * Abû Hüraira reported that Allah’s Prophet said: “He who wants to be glad by taking the great reward of giving blessings and peace to us; the Ehl-i Bayt; should say this: «Allâhümme salli alâ Muhammedi’n-Nebiyyi ve ezvâcihî ümmehâti’l-mü’minîne ve zürriyyetihî ve ehli beytihî kemâ salleyte alâ İbrâhime. İnneke hamîdün mecîd.»” (Ebû Dâvud, Kitâbu’s-Salât, Bâbu’s-Salâti Alâ’n-Nebiyy) Dedication: Only for him, the one I love the most, the Beloved!.. * * * To the one whom Hz. Hatice yearned for through out her years; to the unique pearl which caused Hazret-i Âişe to be jealous of her own eyes; to the love of Hazret-i Ümmü Habîbe; to the Prophet husband of Hz. Mâriye; to Allah’s messenger... * * * To the greatest masterpiece of Allah’s (swt) wonder, who was sent by Allah (swt) to mankind as a “Mercy to the Universe” and to the Believers as the “Greatest Example”; to the Greatest Prophet, to the Perfect Head of the Family, and to the Most Loved Messenger... to the high souls of his pure wives and the Ehl-i Bayt (his extended fam- ily)... * * * In spite of all my imperfections and mistakes, I hope this book will be the means to earn his high intercession... as : ‘Alaihi as-Salam; peace and blessings be upon him ‘Alaiha as-Salaam; peace and blessings be upon her, ‘Alaihum as-Salaam; peace and blessings be upon them. saw : Salla Allahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam”; may the blessing and the peace of Allah be upon him. r.ah : “Radıy Allahu Anha”; may Allah be pleased with her r.a : “Radıyallahu anh”; may Allah be pleased with him INTRODUCTION Limitless praises and thanks to our great Protector who bestowed upon us the honor of being in the Ummah (community) of Muhammad Mustafa (saw) who is the crown of the all the Prophets and was given the title Habîbullâh (Allah’s Beloved)! Limitless peace and blessings upon our Master, the Honorable Muhammad Mustafa (saw) who was sent as an eternal mercy to all the universe and as a deliverer, healer (of body and soul), guide, messenger of good news, intercessor, and boundless honor of the creation! Allah, the “All-Mighty”, bestowed Islam, the final and most perfect reli- gion, through the means of the Honorable Muhammad Mustafa (saw) who is the Mercy to the Universe. That great Prophet, through every behavior and word, is the “üsve-i hasene” or the greatest example to all of mankind. About this Allah, the All- Mighty, declared: “Indeed you have in the Prophet of Allah a exceelnt exemplar and who remembers Allah much.” (Ahzâb, 21) Allah, the All-Mighty, made him begin as an orphan, the one who holds the lowest rank in society due to their innate weakness; then he raised him through all of the ranks of life to the level of Commander of State and Prophet, which is the highest point of authority. 9 The Mothers of the Believers The stages in which our Master lived his life show the many ideal models of behavior required for every type of high and low that manifests in a human’s life. For this reason his life became an actual, concrete and perfect example to every human who finds themselves in any of these stages and conditions; they can copy him according to their strength and ability. He, with these qualifica- tions, is a unique masterpiece and the greatest favor and gift for humanity from Allah, the All-Mighty. One of the most important characteristics which form a perfect and concrete example of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the way he lived his family life. He established a superior, most virtuous and happiest home with his wives who had different ages, cultures, abilities and characters. That home that he established was so full of patience and beauty that the scent of happiness covered them even though, for days, they were not able to cook a single hot meal (due to lack of food). In addition, in that holy home, the room of each wife was merely a place to lay one’s head. However, in that home the most delicious provisions were acceptance, patience, and submission. His education method that he practiced in his family life filled their hearts with a limitless devotion and affection. No wife can love their husband to the degree that the Holy Mothers loved the Prophet (saw). No husband can love his wife to the degree of the Messenger’s love for his holy wives. No child can love his or her father to the degree that Hz. Fatima loved her father. No father can love their child as much as Allah’s Messenger loved Hz. Fatima. This is also true for grandchildren... Our mother Hz. Fatima, the apple of the eye of the Ehl- Bayt, who was one of the rare roses of this exceptional rose garden, means many things to the mothers and fathers these days: her life was short but adorned with taqwa, the awareness of Allah (swt). She shows them, in a lively way, that raising a child required a big effort and responsibility and that the children’s futures where in Allah’s hands. The only purpose in that spiritual home; which had between its members a sense of deep affection, sacrifice, and attachment; was the reaching of Allah’s acceptance. İn that home the biggest worry was about losing Allah’s (swt) and His Messenger’s (saw) affection and acceptance. 10 The Mothers of the Believers The Prophet’s (saw) exceptional wives, were the recipient of the honor of being the “Mothers of the Believers” by Allah’s command. They observed the Prophet (saw) as he received the inspirations of Quran, and while he was praying, while he was reading Quran, eating, speaking, and sleeping: shortly, in every point of life, they were cognizant of his spiritual mysteries which were far from all other eyes. They past their lives with the sensitivity of deserving this big honor and vir- tue and they became, to the women of the ummah (community), the best guides and teachers. Thousands of hadiths were reported from them which explain the characteristics, attitude and sunnet (actions and sayings) of the Prophet (saw). The book that is in your hands; which tells the story of the perfect human and family head, and also that of his family life and his wives; is like the sum- mary of this very important and detailed subject. In society today; where many social and family problems are lived and divorce increases day by day, and the struggling children of these broken homes increase; we need to know the holy and model home of the Prophet (saw) very much: to the degree that we can smell the compassion, mercy, peace and inspi- ration! I congratulate my valuable student Halime Demiresik who prepared this book and I hope that it will fill an important emptiness.
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