HE Gift ofthe Panama Canal Museum Vol. 3, No. 4 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE, NOVEMBER 7, 1952 5 cents MOVING DAYS STARTING FOR EMPLOYEES ASSIGNED TO NEW QUARTERS IN ANCON AND DIABLO HEIGHTS The first five apartments to be completed by contract this fiscal year were to be occupied this week end by the families to which they were assigned several weeks ago. By next spring, probably by April, a total of 70 U. S.-rate families will have moved into their new masonry quarters on the Pacific side, and other families will be in some of the new homes in Margarita. The first five apartments to be occupied were a duplex, located close to the site of the former Diablo mess hall, and three cottages nearby. One of these is a revised version of the Breezeway type, another is a type 327, which has two bedrooms, and the third is a type 331, with three. Notices were sent October 28 to the four families to whom these houses were assigned, asking that they occupy their new quarters not later than November 8. A second group of the Diablo houses is to be turned over to the Housing Division soon and these will probably be occupied by November 15. AH of the new Diablo houses will probably be occupied by mid-December. Application for these 14 units, in 12 houses, were accepted in September. All of the new Diablo houses have been assigned. Service of the occupants ranges from 31 to 13 years. of the houses ALL THIS PICTURE proves is that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that there are some One cute youngsters in the Canal Zone. The cover girl—or is it a boy—is five-year-old Elaine Grace—Vestal, was designated for official assignment. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Vestal of Davis Street in Diablo Heights. She says she's a boy "Can't Applications By November 17 you tell by my pants?" In Ancon, the first of the new quarters will be completed this month. Applica- tions will be received until November 17 Canal Sets New Records In October for 16 of the 56 apartments which are now under construction. These houses are located along Ancon Boulevard and For Commercial Transits, Lockages in Parita Place, which is in the area formerly known as Reservoii Hill. Two of the houses in this area, Nos. 502 A new record for the number of com- to lock, since Canal equipment ordinarily and 509, are not sufficiently completed to mercial ships to transit the Panama moves through only one end of the Canal be included in the group for which appli- Canal in one month was set in October on a single trip. cations will be received. when 674 ships of 300 tons and over Until the present calendar lockage year, Signs carrying the type and house were put through the Canal. records had not been broken since August number of each quarters are placed near The previous record for one month of 1945. that month, records In new were each house. 622 ships, set last May, was broken on set at all three locks: Gatun, 664 lock- As in Diablo, the Ancon (See page so) October 29. At the close of that day ages; Pedro Miguel, 700 lockages; and the total transits amounted to 629 and Miraflores, 6S9 lockages. SPECIAL FEATURES the next days' transits brought the In April of this year, however, lockages FOR NOVEMBER month's total to 674. at Gatun totalled 665. In September October also set a new record for this record was broken with 674 lockages lockages. Lockage figures include not at Gatun for the month. only commercial ships, large and small, • Lock Supervisor has unusual hobby of seeking beneficial plants on Isthmus. See but also government vessels, such tolls- Last month new records were estab- Page 4. lished at all three flights of locks: Gatun, free craft as Colombian naval vessels, # Your favorite football team and your and Canal equipment. Small craft fre- 729; Pedro Miguel, 74S; and Miraflores, favorite cheerleaders are pictured on Pages 10 and 11. 741. quently are put through the locks in tandem, two or more vessels to a lock In addition to the 674 large commercial chamber. Recent average is about \yi, vessels which transited the Canal in The story of one of the Canal's best cus- ships per lockage. October, there were 88 government tomers, the United Fruit Company, is interestingly told on Page 17. Lockage figures also differ from lock vessels of 300 tons or page to) . THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 7, 1952 21 -Year-Old Mutual Benefit Association Holds Unique Place In Canal Zone Life Association, the ical Division. He served as MBA presi- The Mutual Benefit iSvnraHHi only death benefit group for American dent until his retirement in April 1943, employees in the Canal Zone, is about to and was succeeded by John G. Claybourn, move into a new home. Superintendent of the Dredging Division. On December 1 the Association, whose The next MBA president, who also headquarters have been in Gamboa since served until his retirement in July 1950, 1943, will have offices in one wing of the was Vera D. Calloway, Administrative Canal Zone Credit Union Building on Assistant to the Municipal Engineer; its Balboa Road. president for the past two years has been Its officers hope that the move will be A. C. Medinger, Railroad and Terminals a permanent one, for almost since its for- Director. mation in 1931 the Mutual Benefit Asso- With the longest continuous service of ciation has had a "pillar to post" existence all, although he says he is now retiring as far as offices are concerned. Until 1940 from active MBA work, has been its it had operated from an office in the base- secretary, William A. Moore. He has ment of the Administration Building at held that post for the past 18 years. Balboa Heights; enlargement of the Leaving MBA Work cafeteria took over this spacs. "Judge" Moore was the MBA's first Next stop was the old Ancon Clubhouse auditor when the Association was formed. Building in space once occupied by what He was then working as an accountant in was then the Silver Personnel Bureau. the Chief Examiner's Section. "Judge" Then came offices in the Property Shed at has been his nickname for 45 years but he Gamboa followed by other offices in the says that he can't remember how it Gamboa Clubhouse and Theater buildings. started. Once settled into its new offices in Since his retirement in 1937 he has de- Balboa the Mutual Benefit Association- WALTER W. WHITE will become secretary of the Mutual Benefit Association this month when he re- voted most of his time to MBA work. He MBA to practically everyone—will go tires after 39 years of service with the Canal organiza- plans to stay on the Isthmus for the time about its main business: "To provide to tion. Now Records Analyst in the Administrative being, certainly until warmer weather their beneficiaries as quickly as possible Branch, he came to the Canal Zone in 1913 to work comes in the United States. Then, pos- after the deaths of the members the sub- for the Commissary Division. sibly, he may go back to his native state stantial monetary assistance which is all of South Carolina which he left in 1907 to too frequently necessary at such times." 1933, the membership had grown to in 1938 there were 2,559 members, come to the Canal Zone. Long Standing Problem 1,750; and by January 1947, the MBA had Membership in the MBA is open to For a number of years this problem, the 5,50S members, had paid 444 death bene- anyone in good health who is not more situation in which employees' families fits, including 15 war casualties and had than 35 years old and who is a permanent often found themselves at the death of on hand a reserve of $248,000. U. S.-rate employee of the Company- their main provider, was of major concern The war casualties were young Canal Government, and American citizens who to a group of Canal Zonians. Zonians who had gone into the military are civilian employees of other depart- As J. F. Everett, one of the founders service and had died or been killed in ments of the U. S. Government or directly and a former officer of the MBA, put it action. Only recently the MBA paid a allied interests on the Isthmus. Newly 20 years ago: death benefit to the family of a young appointed employees of the Company- "When the family of a deceased Gold man killed in Korea. Government are eligible up to 45 years of was employee needed assistance, the hat provided they apply for Presidents age, membership of the employee, Four passed; the popularity within six months after their permanent officers have been as permanent as rather than the amount needed by his Its appointments. family, governed the amount collected." its membership. The first president of the Membership is for life, regardless of and "hat MBA was H. H. Evans, for many years That the plan has worked change of residence or employment, and a thing Assistant Superintendent of the Mechan- passing" has practically become can be forfeited only upon failure to pay fact that of the past is evident from the assessments as prescribed. today's membership is over four MBA Originally the MBA admitted its which the times as many as the 1,250 members up to the time they were 45 in the first MBA counted as members years old; in 1935 the maximum age for year of its existence.
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