DOCUMENT RESUME ED 338 617 SP 033 439 TITLE Educational Programs that Work. A Collection of Proven Exemplary Educational Programs and Practices. 16th Edition. INSTITUTION Sopris West, Inc., Longmont, CO. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. National Diffusion Network. PUB DATE 90 NOTE 352p.; Issued annually in cooperation with the National'Dissemination Study Group (NDSG) and the National Diffusion Network (NDN). For previous editions, see ED 296 984, ED 266 134, ED 209 768, ED 195 011, and ED 181 004. AVAILABLE FROM Sopris West Inc., 1140 Boston Avenue, Longmont, CO 80501 ($10.95 plus $2.00 shipping). PUB TYPE Reports - Descriptive (141) -- Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Academically Gifted; Adult Education; *Demonstration Programs; *Diffusion (Communication); Early Childhood Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Health Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Language Arts; Mathematics Education; Nontraditional Education; Physical Education; Preservice Teacher Education; *Program Costs; *Program Descriptions; *Program Development; School Administration; Science Education; Social Sciances; Special Education; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS Joint Dissemination Review Panel; *National Diffusion Network Programs; Program Effect!veness Panel ABSTRACT This catalog provides an overview of all exemplary educational programs approved for national dissemination by Department of Education Review panels and introduces the National Diffusion Network (NDN), its programs, and services to schools. The programs described fall into three categories: (1) active projects; (2) limited activity projects; and (3, projects no longer offering services. The projects are divided into 16 sections and arranged alphabetically by project title; each section groups projects with a common focus. The sectIons are as follows: Adult Education; Administration/Organizational Arrangements; Alternative Schools/Programs/Bilingual/Migrant; Basic Skills--language Arts/Writing, )athematics, Multidisciplinary, and Reading; Career/Vocatiolal Education; Early Childhood/Parent Involvement; Gifted and Talented/Technology/Special Interests; Health/Physical Education; Preservice/Inservice Training; Science/Social Science; Special Education/Learning Disabilities; Dissemination Processes; and projects which no longer offer service. Indices consist of projects listed by state, ERIC Descriptors, and an alphabetical listing. (LL) ucalonalrograms Arr- a ork national diffu network U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (11.1t ofot,t abonat RPSEIat(IN arid to-to,ovem,nt MICADONAL RI SOURCE S INF ORMA TION CE hal P ERICI Th.s document has twen ,Ptoodut ed as t to.vod Iton /he opt son organ.noun goolor. ut.gmatmv C Woo, t hanves have Deen to ceotoductum ,d1111011"":400111101110 _ . Po.nis vN. to 013..,0,,S 5IRIP(1." 1,5 tItX mon! do not nel (.1.P54..,1 Of ./1, OE RI ihAdal (51Cy PERMISSION TO Rt PRODrCE THIS MATERIAL IN OTHER THAN PAPER COPY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE I DUCA) IONAE RE SOURCES INFORMATION CENTE R (ERIC) Edition 16 1990 BEST COPYAVAILABLE Educational Programs That Work A Collection of Proven Exemplary Educational Programs and Practices SIXTEENTH EDITION Published by Sopris West Inc. in cooperation with THE NATIONAL DISSEMINATION STUDY GROUP Educational Programs That Work was written largely by the staffs of the projects described, without whose cooperation the program outlines could not have been produced. Copies can be purchased for $10.95 plus $2.00 shipping from Sopris West Incorporated, 1140 Boston Avenue, Longmont, Colorado 80501. An order form for additional copies of EPTW is included at the back of this volume. Payment or purchase order must accompany order. Non-exempt Colorado residents should add sales tax. Permission is granted to reproduce this document for internal use. This publication may not be reproduced in any form for resale purposes. No federal funds supported the printing of this catalog. It was produced by Sopris West, Inc. at itsown expense. CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS about Educational Programs That Work NATIONAL DIFFUSION NETWORK (NDN) FACILITATORS SECTION A: ADULT EDUCATION SECTION B: ADMINISTRATION/ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS SECTION C: ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS/PROGRAMS/BILINGUAL/MIGRANT SECTION D: BASIC SKILLSLANGUAGE ARTS/WRITING SECTION E: BASIC SKILLSMATHEMATICS SECTION F: BASIC SKILLSMULTI DISCIPLINARY SECTION G: BASIC SKILLSREADING SECTION H: CAREER/VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SECTION I: EARLY CHILDHOOD/PARENT INVOLVEMENT SECTION J: GIFTED & TALENTED/TECHNOLOGY/SPECIAL INTERESTS SECTION K: HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION L: PRESERVICE/INSERVICE TRAINING SECTION M. SCIENCE/SOCIAL SCIENCE SECTION INT: SPECIAL EDUCATION/LEARNING DISABILITIES SECTION 0: DISSEMINATION PROCESSES SECTION P: PROJECTS WHOSE SERVICES ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE SECTION Q: INDICES I Projects By State II Eric Descriptors III Alphabetical FOREWORD Debate, dialogue and action in education are in high gear. Education is an intellectual and political concern at local, state, and federal levels--from curricular improvement to the reform of the organizational structure of schooling. Significant work is contributing to the future of education in the United States, from the Carnegie Forum, The Holmes Group, The National Education Associalion, the American Federation of Teachers, as well as from many state and national org4nizations. Educational development is central to our developmentas a nation. Since 1974, the National Diffusion Network (NDN) has been an important part of an unfolding future, by enabling schools to choose exemplary programs to meet particular local needs. This delivery system is administered by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Development. In order to provide public and private school educators, parents, and interested others voith information which can assist schools, the National Dissemination Study Group,a professional organization of educational disseminators, is making available copies of the sixteenth edition of Educational Programs That Work. This catalog providesan overview of NDN educational programs active in dissemination. The programs of the NDN have demonstrated educational significance and have been developed with a variety of resources. By sharing successful products and practices among states and across the country, educators increase their awareness of options available to meet lncally identified priorities. The programs included in the catalog have the capacity to provide inservice training and technical assistance to schools electing to implement them. The National Dissemination Study Group applauds the U.S. Department of Education in its sixteen-year effort to share the excellent "harvest" of previous investment in the form of exemplary educational programs. 1tartL Diane Lassman President, Board of Directors National Dissemination Study Group INTRODUCTION the The National DisseminationStudy Group and SoprisWest are pleased to present Programs That Work, theannual National Diffusion sixteenth edition of Educational descriptions of most Network catalog of exemplaryeducational programs. Current included together with new programs programsdescribed in previous editions are approved for national disseminationsince publication of thefifteenth edition in 1989. by The term "exemplaryprogram" is conferred onlyafter a project has been approved (either the Joint DisseminationReview Panel [JDR.11* the Department of Education's that Panel or the ProgramEffectiveness Panel [PEI1).Approval by the Panel means evidence ofeffectivenesssubmitted by the developer members have examined objective the of the program and areconvinced that the programhas met its stated objectives at original development ordemonstration site. In addition,the program developer has proved that the program will meetthe educational needs ofothers in similar locations. Positive endorsement of aproject's claims of effectivonessby a mAjority ofthe attending Panel members constitutesapproval, and a date ofvalidation is assigned. The PEP/JDRP number and approvaldate for each project can befound at the bottom of each project profile. Projectsthat continue developmentand sub:nit additional evidence two validation dates. Inaddifion, some projects over of effectiveness to the Panel carry identified at the four years old which haveundergone the recertification process are bottom of the page with arecertification date. Space does notpermit the inclusion of a project's evidence ofeffectiveness in this publication.Should the reader be interested, however, evaluation informationis available from theindividual projects. Projects which have been added sincethe fifteenth edition arelisted in the Questions and Answers Section, on page ix. Allprojects that are approved afterthe publication of this edition of Educational ProgramsThat Work wih be described inthe next edition. The National DiffusionNetwork is dedicated to helpinglocal school districts, private schools, intermediate serviceagencies, state departmentsof education, and post-secondary institutions intheir continuing efforts toimprove educational opportunities and achievement forall. To promote the transfer ofsuccessful programs from the development sites, theDepartment of Education, supportsthe National Diffusical Network (NDN). The NDNis a nationwide systemestablished to help those involved in education acquire thematerials and assistance theyneed to incorporate
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