m T, F. Anthony, es.DMti •Iter or PromiM Olty.Olty. Iowalowa, .aayssayiii "f bonglit one bottle of 'school tiegan' Monday Kith Emnia •MysUoCure*for RbaumaUim and two>do*ea 16 PAGES. ' V Herb Hkyhes raiMred^t aiiid Artiiu Corwln of Man- of It did me mar* aood than all the medicine Fletolier as teacher, 43 scbolara enroll­ 1TOS. lastAWeek.-^BIaer Brwliier returned Chester visited tbelr: uncle J. Corwln 1 ever took." Bold by H. M. Wlllmms, drug- 1TO8. ed.—George Hart started for lila home Thund«r»Deeeiiber 14,18tl. from < St; Jobua yeaterday.r-Mrt, 8. last week.—J.'Sklnkle aud Archie gltti Hasr 18w8a - in Detroit Saturday.—Sabbath sobool Hawkini la ou the alok Il8t.--M(irk Barr are recovering from the grip.— social at W.M. Webb's Friday even­ Wintert waa up from Charlotte yeflter- Mra. L. M. Bice and children spent nirmen' ClaW , ing.—George Shelly went to bis home day.~Mn. Jaa. Trefry ia alok agalu.-r the lore part of last week with rela­ , OLrB Rook, Dm. 9, UBS. in Detroit Monday.—Hattle Hau is lu ' .^Perbani • More o( rtiinlllarHDa« tewnaw Mlu Frano Buikirk and Charlie Deck­ tives III Leslie.—Anna Corwln has Lansing at work. fioea were in tua room to-day wnen tne prM- er are alok with the Krip.-Joel Rounds gone to Monroe to attend school.— Ident called to order anO: naked If there WM Bluia VIcary spent laat week with ber. anytblBK new In the marlwt. • Pork reported has moved back with blafatlier-lu-law parents tu South Buukerhlll.—An­ . Alaiedon Tia Herldian Line. •teadyalW.per hundred In Ibis market dur. Mr. Oliustead.—Old Mra. RioliardB: Is VOL. XXXy.-NO. 61. IDg tbe poit week. Olovei 'seed .slow at tS.IIO, drew Farren of Mason was through MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1893. alBO sick with the grip.—Henry Crane The proceeds of the social at H. O. WHOLE NO. isk mUetrolt. An Inquiry was luade If any one here on business one day lust week.— Had noUoed that ibe roola of tbelr biK ulover and wife visited at Fred Barrett's on Guile's amounted to $3.70.—D.|C. Pea- were dead.: Several said "I.". " v-^ ^ Sunday, also Mr. Streeterand wlfeuf Sanders & Lasenby were through here body and wife are on the sick list- . Mr, Doollttle hud eaamlnedbU and found Onoudaga visited at Bd. Bouiuau'*.— buying live stock Inst week. Lewis Hulett Is sick with grip.-Frauk tliat a worm bad eaten the root olT . The News la recognized na head PrescotlTVanMarter returned from a Cogswell drives the milk wagon nnw. HoUdBy NumlMr. ' •nrra Attn vibitum- The PruKldeul; Oan'l » man raise 1,000 Ibi. quarters for flne job printing. of mutton cheaply aa he can th* same vlilt.to bis aiaten at Sunfleld lost Buy Dullam's Great German 26 cent —'fbere will be an oyster supper ut O. Sixteen pages this week. To accom­ L. J. Pbilleo went to Cleveland laatTueaday JUST FOLLOW amount ol beef r . :,.. • . week.—Mra. MoNeal, a former resident Cough Cure at O. W. Halstead A True's Friday evening, Deo. 13.—Elec­ A Jackaoii woman died suddenly modate luttuy advertlaera we had to Mr. Bolfe thought U would be cheaper to of this place, died In Pennsylvania re- produce tbe beef. Son%a»d F. H. Field's. • tion of ofllceraat Alaiedon grange next recently from ahe effects of tight lac­ enlarge, una to-day we present the urday' ^""•"^'^ lnnsing last Saf Tba President said: 1 have ten iambi sold recently.—Wm. ConklIn recently pur- Saturday evening. — There will ing. most local news and advertlsinK ever Town Line Ingham. for Saturday, THE CROWD fur ubrlslmoa al four cents per pound. Ux* bbaaeil a new borse for bis wife.—Geo. be a social at M. E. Olds' Tuesday before published In aiiysiugle number C.E. Eaton returned from Arkansaw lost peel them to weigh 1,000 Iba. I believe I could _Tbemen who advertise steadily in evening. Hooklns left Friday for MoBain, Mis­ Our I haw has caught a severe cold, evening, Dec. 10, for the benefit of tbe of a Mason paper. Its a good holiday not have produced tbe same number pounds GIFT SALE! THE News are seldom lienrd com­ of beef with aallttle outlay. : , ^ saukee Co. much to tbe delight of our youuK peo- Baptist Christmas tree. Popcorn, number. Save it, and read it often. Howard WIeat was In Moaon on legal bust, plaining of hard times. AND 00 TO The question of tbe hour—"the cause or pie.—The Misses Judson and Edith candy and peanuts will be sold. Come In addltloh to the advertlsementa of nesa yesterday. causes of the bard tlmea"—was opened by Barber bad a runaway Sunday inorn- aud bave a good time. tbe seorelary. He did not hesltolo to give Buy Dullam'a Great German IS cent The annual reunion of the Second our Dansville friends, especially men n.?j!?'Lanalng spent last Liver Pills, 40 Ih each paokase ut, O. 'Ing. No damage done.—George Gra- SPECIAL Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs; regu- tinned In another column, we want Sunday In Mason. tbo legalised saloon credit for tbo larger part Michigan Cavalry will be held at FORD'S BAZAAR. -..of tbo want und destitution. Just now so VV. Halstead A Son's and F.H. Field. bam, Anna Shew and Cora Joyce of Stockbrldge. With every $2.00 worth of goods No. 1. ular price 25 cents. We offer the lot Muskegon December 27. you to study the aunounoemenls of Mrs. O. q. Mead ii visiting ber daughter at keenly felt In many parls of the country. Leslie spent last Wednesday evening our many Mason advertisers. Each Atchison, Kansas. Other oiiiiNes were noticed but. to hint tbey i purchased from me lor Cash between North White Oak. with MyrtaBarr.—JamesSkinkie and Nevada, or the lost mine will be re­ 16 cents. atlScoach Levi Darrah la home for h few days. points you to unparalleled bar^ainB. Miss Mame Henderson has returned ftom wore little rivulets huKldo ii lulglily ruHhliii; THE MOST Daniel Barr and wife are wrestling peated at the town ball again Thurs­ He haa been working at ills trade ber visit in the euat. The furiuerH' club Is boonilng ut the now and Jan. i, 1894, tlie purchaser, is Just a little money goes n good ways : The dlsousslon which loUowed was warm witli lagrippe.—Geo. Blakely of day evening.—No news of Repp, the (mlllwrlKht) at St. Johns. with our advertisers. From flrat to Mlas'Grace Tubbs Is again assisting in und earnest, Meaars._0. C.,.Bolfe, J. A. Sly, Cady school bouse.—A lineuttendaiiee tailor, has been received yet,—The entitled to a guess on the number of. SPECIAL Tciwels worth 30c, .35c and 40c. We Browne's book store. Bev. Powell, Jobn Marshall, Xempletou and Ghidwin has been visiting ids many The neatness and dispatch of our last page of this number of tbe News at the ladies' aid society of tbis place Baptist churcb has been closed two ATTRACTIVE LINE Uol. BbannoD.cacb contributing In turn their friends here.-Tom Barr visited bis Paper Rings in our window, decoration. The one guessing No. 2. give you your choice for Job printing defiartnient make our there are special thlnga for you. Capt. Q. A. Mlnar baa returned from his personal views on tbe subjeet. Tbe seeretary which met with Mrs. Curtis Beeniuu Sundays waiting for a furmiee.—Fan­ season on tbe lakes. brother at Lansing a part of last week. coiiipetltora green with envy. was too muoli engaged iu what was aald to last Wednesday.—The son of Frank nie, daughter of Daniel McKoiizle of nearest the number will be presented witlv a 26 cents. 26 CeiltS take notes, It Is perhaps due, liowever, to —Quarterly nieetliig at tbe Housel A. P. Waller, Leslie, gets an origin B. Wright waa called to Reading Saturday Odell who shot biiuself in the wrist While Oak, tiled Friday of consump­ OF HOLIDAY GOODS. those taking part In tbe dlsousslon to add school house last Sunday. Services Henry J. Christmas of Lanrlugand al pension. by tbe death of a sister. tbat with but two exceptions tlin views of tbe by utteinptinK to cap a loaded tion und was burled Sunday ut North oonducted by Rev. Dr. Grulinni of Ladies' or Qenfs' Gold Filled Watchi Llllie Gordon of Hastings were mar­ Mr^. Mary M.May bee lectured altbeM.E. seoretary wero warmly endorsed. Tbe Mc­ cartridge. Is ImprovinK tlnely. -Wbo Stockbrldge. She was a line Chrlst- SPECIAL We make Special Prices on MufTs to ried ut Charlotte December 11. Congress today takes a recess until churcb in Dewltt laat Sunday. Kinley bin and a want of eonlldence were knew until very recently that tbe Albion. 2d—Gents' Silver Watch. January 4. THE LOWEST PRICES held to be prominent factors contributing to iau girl und ber taking away will be No. 8. close out the lot on Saturday. MIsaea Annls, Heald nnd Boyle, of Leslie, tbe condition of things. blacksmiths of Wltliainsttni bad en­ sadly remembered.—Adolpli Smith, a All owing us muat puy up. We Leslie. 3d—Triple Plate Cake Basket. A gent's kid glove hus been fouud were m Mason laat Thursday evening. Next Saturday tbe club will dIscHss mixed tered into a combine to extort higher former resident here, died at his son- muat have the money. Bhown Bros. va. special'farmlnic, or whloh promlaeamoBt or old prices fromtbeir customers these And sllll It coines-tbe snow I mean.
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