fbr6lppnq5ron$)m Gg,frg;zu€b6o6iruru6, Gleafinnan - 600 106 TAMILNADU STATE ELECTION CCMMISSION, CHENNAI_ 600 106. arlr ltnot s6f)ft'dr STATUTORYORDER eq5sso gfluq ABSTRACT ELECTIONS- OrdinaryElections to Rural Local Bodies- October 20L1 - Ariyalur District- ContestedCandidates - Accountsof electionexpenses - Failureto lodge - Show cause notices issued Failed to submit explanation and accounts Disqualification- Ordered. S.O. No. 45 / 20L3/TNSEC/ PE-2 Dated,the 21't October,2013 Read: 1, S,O.No.39/201I/TNSEC/EE, dated, the 15thSeptember 2OLL 2. S.O.No.38/2OLt/TNSEC/EE, dated, the 15'nSeptember 2OLL 3. Fromthe AriyalurDistrict Election Officer/District Collector, Lr.No.wet4/2184/24L2, dated 19. 1 1. 2012. 4. Show cause notice issued as per the Tamil Nadu State Election CommissionLr.No.6153/20t2/PEZ, dated 5.72.20L2. 5. Fromthe AriyalurDistrict Election Officer/District Collector, Lr.No.sa{.afi/4826/2072, dated 13.3.20L3. 6. Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission letter No: 6L53/2012/PE2, dated28.5.2013. 7. Fromthe AriyalurDistrict Election Officer/District Collector, Lr.No. wafi/4826/2012,dated 24.6.20L3. 8. Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission letter No: 6153/2AL2/PE2, dated19.9.2013. 9. Fromthe AriyalurDistrict Election Officer/District Collector, Lr.No.ooou8/4826 /20L2, dated 25.9.2013. 10.TamilNadu State ElectionCommission letter No: 6L53/20L2/PE2, dated18.10.2013. 11. Fromthe AriyalurDistrict Election Officer/District Collector, Lr.No.wa8/4826/20t2, dated 18.10.2013. ORDER: WHEREAS,in the Notiflcationissued with the S.O.first read above, by invoking sub-rule(3) of the rule 120of the TamilNadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995, the Comr-nissiondirected that all the contestingcandidates in the electionslisted therein shalllodge a true copy of their electionexpenses kept by them or by their respective electionagent under sub-rule(1) of rule L20 of the said Rules in the format prescribedtherefor under sub-rule(2) of the rule 120 of the said Ruleswith the officersmentioned therein, within thirty days from the date of declarationof the resultof the elections; z 2. WHEREAS,in the Notificationissued with the S,O.second read above,this Commissionprescribed a format for the said purposeby invokingsub-rule (2) of the rule120 of the saidRules; 3. WHEREAS,this Commissionconducted Ordinary Elections to the RuralLocal Bodiesduring October 2011; 4. WHEREAS,the DistrictElection Officer/District Collector, Ariyalur, in the letter third read above reportedthat 250 candidatescontested in the said Ordinary Electionsfor various offices failed to lodge copies of their account of election expensesas directedby this Commission; 5. WHEREAS,based on the report of the said District ElectionOfficer/District Collector,show causenotices were issued in the referencefourth read aboveto each of the contestedcandidates who failedto lodgea true copy of the accountof election expensesin the OrdinaryElections held duringthe month of October,2011,through the DistrictElection Officer/District Collector, calling for explanationwithin 20 days of the receiptof the said Notice/as to why actionshould not be taken againsthim/her as per sub-section(4) of section37 of the Tamil Nadu PanchayatsAct, 1994 (Tamil NaduAct 21 of 1994); 6. WHEREAS,on receiptof show causenotices 5 numberof candidateshave submitted their accounts directly to the Commissionand the same has been forwardedto the DistrictElection Officer in the referencesixth cited and informedto sendhis remarksalong with the repoftsof othercandidates. 7. WHEREAS,the said DistrictElection Officer/District Collector, in his letter ninth read above, has now reported that, one candidateThiru. A.K Appasamy SenthuraiPanchayat Union, Unjini Village Panchayat, contested for VillagePanchayat PresidentElection has submittedhis accountsand explanationbelatedly (49 days) and hencerecommended for disqualification.However further report has beencalleo for by the Commissionfrom DistrictElection Officer/District Collector Ariyalur, in this regard.The DistrictElection Officer/District Collector in his report dated, 18.10.2013 informed that the delay is the only reason for which disqualificationwas recommendedearly. However, after carefulconsideration the Commissionhas decidedto condone the delay in exerciseof powersconferred under rule 120 (13) of the Tamil Nadu Panchayats(Elections) Rules, 1995. 8. WHEREAS,in veiw of the said DistrictElection Officer/District Collector, the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission satisfied that out of the said 250 contested candidates,30 contestedcandidates have submitted their explanationalong with the accountsand 7 contestedcandidates, have submittedtheir accountsof election expensesand the expenceswere beyondthe ceilingprescribed and recommendedfor disqualificationof the said 7 candidateswho have exceededthe ceilingprescribed as per rule LZt of the TamilNadu Panchayats (Elections) Rules, 1995. Further, reported that 2L3 have neither submitted their explanationsnor lodged the accountsof election expenses in spite of the show cause notices issued to them and recommendedfor disoualificationand ; 9. WHEREAS,in view of the said report of the DistrictElection Officer/District Collector,the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission is satisfiedthat the said 220 candidates(213 +7) listed in column (3) of the Table below againstthe contested electionmentioned in the correspondingentry in column(2) thereof, have failedto lodgean accountof electionexpenses as requiredby or underthe saidAct and have no justificationfor the failure. 10, NOW,THEREFORE, in exerciseof the powersconferred by sub-section(4) of section37 of the Tamil Nadu PanchayatsAct, L994 (Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1994), the Tamil NaduState ElectionCommission hereby declares that the candidateslisted in column (3) of the Table below againstthe contestedelection mentioned in the correspondingentry in column(2) thereof,shall be disqualified,for beingchosen as a memberor presidentfor a periodof three yearsfrom the date of this Order. THETABLE ARIYALURDISTRICT sl. ElectionContested Nameof the Gandidatewith No. Address Thiruvalarqal/Tmt./Selvi (1) (2) (3) 1. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - S.Anitha, WardNo.6 w/o Sathiyamoorthy, ArivalurDistrict PachavatUnion, Ariyalur. z DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - M.Chinnaponnu, WardNo.6 w/o Maharajan, AriyalurDistrict PanchavatUnion, Arivalur. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - M.Gurumoorthy, WardNo.10 s/oMuthusami, ArivalurDistrict PanchayatUnion, Ariyalur. 4. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member * G.Suthalashmi WardNo.11 w/o Golangi, ArivalurDistrict PanchayatUnion, Thirumanur. 5. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member- P.Thangaiyan, WardNo.12 s/o Palaniyandi, ArivalurDistrict PanchavatUnion, Thirumanur. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - S.Ravishankar, WardNo.12 s/oSingaram, AriyalurDistrict PanchavatUnion,Thirumanur. a - I DistrictPanchayat Ward Member S.Manimegalai, WardNo.S w/o Saminathan, ArivalurDistrict Paranam,Panchayat Union, Sendurai. X DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - T.Alangarameri, WardNo.2 w/oThangamani, ArivalurDistrict PanchavatUnion, Andimadam. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member- M.Elavarasi, Ward No.2 Wo Muthusami, ArivalurDistrict PanchayatUnion, Andimadam. 10 DistrictPanchayat Ward Member- V.Kamala, Ward No.4 w/oVelmurugan, AriyalurDistrict PanchayatUnion, Andimadam. a 11. DistrictPanchayat Ward Member * B.Thenmozhi, WardNo.4 w/oBalu, ArivalurDistrict PanchavatUnion. Andimadam 12 DistrictPanchayat Ward Member - R.Ponnammal, WardNo.4 Mo Rathinam, ArivalurDistrict PanchavatUnion, Andimadam. 13. PanchayatUnion Ward Member M.Vanoliraja ThirumanurPanchavat Union s/o Moorthy, WardNo.3 Ganthinagar, AriyalurDistrict Keelapalur, 14 PanchayatUnion Ward Member K.Arokiyasamy, ThirumanurPanchayat Union s/oKulanthaisamy, Ward No.4 Kokudi.Poondi. ArivalurDistrict 15. PanchayatUnion Ward Member M.lndrani, ThirumanurPanchayat Union w/o Mallupillai, WardNo.5 Middlestreet, ArivalurDistrict Anqivanur. to. PanchayatUnion Ward Member J.Umadevi, ThirumanurPanchavat Union w/o Jayaraman, WardNo.5 Vettakudi, ArivalurDistrict Ayansutthamalli, tt. PanchayatUnion Ward Member G.Pappa, ThirumanurPanchayat Union w/o Govindharaj, WardNo.S Angiyanur,Sannavur ArivalurDistrict 18 PanchayatUnion Ward Member K.Mageswari, ThirumanurPanchavat Union w/oKamalakannan, WardNo.S Northstreet, Sannavur. AriyalurDistrict 19. PanchayatUnion Ward Member R.Malarkodi, ThirumanurPanchavat Union w/o Ramasamy, WardNo.6 Venganur ArivalurDistrict 20. PanchayatUnion Ward Member M.Sowndarajan, ThirumanurPanchavat Union s/o Murugaiyan, WardNo.7 Southstreet, ArivalurDistrict Sathamanqalam 21 PanchayatUnion Ward Member S.Perumal, ThirumanurPanchavat Union s/o Saminathan, WardNo.7 Middlestreet, ArivalurDistrict Sathamanqalam 22. PanchayatUnion Ward Member P.Thirunavukkarasu, ThirumanurPanchayat Union s/o Punniyamoorthy, WardNo.8 Kumaramangalam ArivalurDistrict 25. PanchayatUnion Ward Member S.Prabakaran, ThirumanurPanchayat Union s/o Subramaniyan, WardNo.9 Keelatheru, ArivalurDistrict Palavatheri,(a) Narasinqapuram 24. PanchayatUnion Ward Member M.Ezhil, ThirumanurPanchavat Union s/o Muthaiyan, WardNo.12 Nayakkarpalayam,Elakurichi ArivalurDistrict 25. PanchayatUnion Ward Member R.Rajathi, ThirumanurPanchayat Union w/o Ravi, WardNo.13 Vilupanankurichi AriyalurDistrict 5 26. PanchayatUnion Ward Member S.Manimegalai, ThirumanurPanchayat Union w/o Sekar, WardNo.13 Sullangudi ArivalurDistrict 27 PanchayatUnion Ward Member R.Mageswari, ThirumanurPanchayat Union w/o Rajkumar, WardNo.14 Thirumanur ArivalurDistrict 28. PanchayatUnion Ward Member M.Selvakumar, ThirumanurPanchayat Union s/oMuthusamy,
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