33/601 May 2003 Iyar 5763 www.shma.com Although poverty and hunger have grown rampantly, the devastation has — until very recently — been virtually ignored by the North American Jewish community. Why? And what can we do to tame the staggering wealth gaps in Israel and the United States that have resulted in colossal poverty and the cycles of shame and exasperation that it produces? The Insidious Threats of Hunger and Poverty to Israel’s Future Peter Edelman ecurity is the overriding concern in Israel today. as it does is amazing, but there are cracks and fissures Even if the recent reduction in suicide bomb- — some gaping. Sings continues, the Second Intifada is far from Researchers argue about whether Israel has the over. People justifiably fear largest gap between rich and for the future, especially be- poor of any developed nation, or cause the Israeli economy is is only second or third, after the now in crisis too, in part due The kinds of disparities United States and maybe the to the violence. United Kingdom. Arab citizens Nonetheless, Israel’s fu- that exist in both Israel of Israel — more than a million ture is clouded in other, less and the U.S. ... call into people — have a per capita in- headline-grabbing ways. As come that is half the national av- my friend, the Israeli political question the claim of both erage. But they are not the only scientist Yitzhak Galnoor puts group on the margins. Recent it, “I’m confident there will be societies that equality is a immigrants are disproportion- a government of Israel. I’m fundamental principle. ately poor, and too many among just not confident this will be those who came from North Af- the same Israel that our par- rica and western Asia 50 years ents fought to create.” ago have never been fully inte- The Israel of chalutzim and kibbutzim that I learned grated economically, especially those living in the about in Talmud Torah and religious school has van- Negev. ished. Israel is now five “nations” coexisting uneas- Exacerbating both the group divisions and the eco- ily, and poorly sharing power and the economic pie. nomic gaps is the continuing domination by the Ashkenazim, Mizrahim, Russians, the ultra-Orthodox, Ashkenazim of the economic and cultural life of the and Israeli Arabs all come from different places — country. Partly in response, many among the figuratively for sure and literally in most instances. It marginalized vote in ways that seem contrary to their sometimes seems unrealistic to hope that these five interests. Rejecting the Ashkenazi-dominated parties distinct entities might successfully coalesce as a ma- of the left, they keep choosing people who, in office, ture society. That the country remains as democratic ignore them — proof yet again that the psychology of INSIDE Peter Edelman: Insidious Threats ................................... 1 Nachum Ido: Leaving Poverty Behind ............................ 10 Jenny Cohen-Khallas: Penury and Hunger in Israel ..... 2 Sari Revkin: Bringing Justice & Righteousness to Life .... 11 Danny Pins: Employment Not Poverty ......................... 4 Robert Karp: NiSh’ma ....................................................... 12 Eitan Michaeli and H’ir Aldin Elbaz: Not Invisible ...... 5 Tony Castleman: Global Hunger: Causes and Actions ... 13 Eliezer David Jaffe: Wealth, Poverty, and the Vision .... 7 Mark E. Talisman: Hunger is a Challenge ....................... 15 Daniel Gutwein: The Privatization Revolution ............. 9 Project Manna .................. www.SocialAction.com/manna Sh’ma • www.shma.com 1 To subscribe: (800) 237-0968 May 2003 • Iyar 5763 group identity can be a more powerful political mo- threaten the continuing capacity of the economy to tivator than economic self-interest. generate enough income to sustain a broad middle The combination of the Intifada, the conserva- class. Any hope of knitting together the five highly tive government it caused to be elected, the battered disparate groups that constitute today’s Israel de- economy, and the budget cuts that ensued have made pends at least in part on ensuring all an equal stake matters far worse. Unemployment is well over 10 in the country’s economy and social/civic structure percent. Benefits have been reduced rather than (and on progress toward a more open society, reli- improved. Child poverty has skyrocketed and is now giously, as well). more than 25 percent. Serious hunger — never a But the disparities faced by Arab Israelis raise fur- widely noted concern despite the poverty of some ther, even deeper questions, especially now. Fulfill- groups all along — is now visible and the subject of ing the promise of equality for all citizens should be public discussion. enough of a reason to end the discrimination and the Attitudes about minority groups — in particu- disparities. Now, however, there is an additional ur- lar, Arab citizens — are intertwined with the pov- gency. The grim joke among Arab Israelis is that the erty issues. Arab Israeli unemployment is 40 percent, Jewish democratic state is “democratic” for the Jews and the poverty rate is even higher. This poverty is and “Jewish” for the Arabs. Political equality — the entrenched from generation to generation because right to vote — means very little if one is consigned to of discrimination in multiple realms, especially dis- be a member of a permanent minority that not only crimination in spending on education, which leaves loses nearly every vote but also is the object of a con- Arab children with far less than half the spending tinuing pattern of governmental decisions that dis- per child than is available to Jewish children. criminate spectacularly again and again. Sooner or The reasons for taking action on poverty are the later, people are going to refuse to take it any more. same everywhere — it is a moral question as well as, That day will not be a good day for Israel. more instrumentally, a question about social stabil- If Israel wants to remain a democracy, it must act. ity and the future of the democracy. The kinds of The current position is untenable. Either social, politi- disparities that exist in both Israel and the United cal, and economic conditions will be made better, or States (where, for example, African-Americans and they will deteriorate. That is the current reality. Latinos are poor at three times the rate for whites, and Native American poverty is even higher) call into Peter Edelman, a Professor of Law at Georgetown question the claim of both societies that equality is a University Law Center, is President of the New Israel fundamental principle and, if they persist, can Fund. Penury and Hunger in Israel Jenny Cohen-Khallas ere is an example of the new Israeli pov- worked as a room cleaner in a newly opened five- erty. When Israelis see people like this, they star hotel. H say: “There but for the grace of God, go I.” In 2000 they were all fired because their re- Marina and Yvgeny came to Israel from Riga, Latvia, spective employment situations went bankrupt or in about 1994 with two adolescent children, as did were closed at a huge loss. They have mortgages Ethiopian Abonash, with her three children. or rent to pay and loans to repay for their Abonash’s husband died of dysentery on the long children’s upkeep and higher education fees. For march to the Jewish Agency camp in Addis Ababa, six months, their severance pay and unemploy- Ethiopia. I also want to introduce to you Masha, a ment benefits supported them. But, now at age doctor who couldn’t retrain in Israel, so she became 50, they are unemployable. Some sold their cars, an attendant paramedic in a tour company. Yvgeny CD players, televisions. Then they took a bridge retrained and became a computer Webmaster, join- loan. Then the children started working full time ing a successful software start-up company. Abonash to stay in university. Then they tried to sell the Sh’ma • www.shma.com 2 To subscribe: (800) 237-0968 May 2003 • Iyar 5763 house, but there’s a slump in the market and its size, demonstrating the public’s desire to fund nothing is selling. Then they stopped buying civil needs such as welfare, employment, and edu- meat during the week. Their credit is stopped, cation, instead of settlements and ultra-religious interest payments swell; suddenly there’s no ventures. food on the table and no money for medicine. Soup kitchens have mushroomed as the situa- And yet the open use of the words “poverty” tion in Israel gets worse. While some blame the and “hunger” arouses waves of discomfort and Intifada for the poverty, the underlying causes may sometimes indignation in Israel. Some Israelis are be more complicated. Israel was a world leader in shamed by it. Some say that we must lobby the the high-tech bubble. For 10 years a large percent- government to change its priorities. Some say that age of the Israeli work scene was devoted to train- poverty and hunger don’t exist — that it’s just the ing, offering employment in, and proliferating high- exploitation of long-term welfare dependents and tech services and environments. The bubble burst, the unemployed. But some say that it not only ex- and thousands became unemployed. Older work- ists but also threatens to overwhelm us. They note ers could not find alternative employment. that the government is over- In addition, the wave of burdened with defense ex- immigration that boosted penses and we, the citizens Israel’s population by over 20 of Israel, cannot stand by and The tremendous growth of percent in the early 1990s blame everybody else. (welfare) organizations... brought an abnormal, nega- Israel is no longer the tive socioeconomic balance, single-faceted ideological indicates the enormous the impact of which the gov- society it was in the 1950s increase of families where ernment had not foreseen.
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