. -,," - -..;:, Page Nine THE JEWISH POST Thursday, Feb~ 20, 196.4: , Thursday, February 20, 1964 Page Eight THE JEWISH POST , us that Nasty Nasser was all set in sensitive places. Indignantly, the Ithe Bowery. Understandably wi­ WINNIPEG BOUND' for a television interview with a cows kicked and· turned.. When the happy with their plight, these dere­ Enjoy the ultimate "Shouldn't We Be French outfit' until he learned that farmer retuI'p.ed from sh1,ll his barn licts at least can afford the clieap BARNEY GLAZER'S in Service, Comfort the. producer .of the program was was in a shambles. Two of the privilege of hating'the Jews. For­ and Convenience Saving, You at the Jewish. It is hoped that paris will cows now refuse to give milk, and tunately, they are drunk most of remain Paris without Nasser's help. they can't be blamed. The farmer the time, otherwise, God knows Tax Dollars" HOLLYWOOD. ! •. ," ."*"i' ''I Sanuul Scfu.ei'J· ... Latest fund raising gimmick ordered a new and 'foul'-proof auto- what they would do. It is known &CO- ,; used by lesser known 'cbazans' is to matic machine installed. • . • that most vicioUs bigots are D. L. (DENNIS) HERMAN C-r~,..".J.nl, mail recordings of their liturgical • • • holies. .. Men in ROckwell's Nazi District Manager' . J.,.,;.,/. POll n '!J. trial renditions to good soulS asking that As expected,the Jack Ruby Party are frequently seen stagger­ Hollywood, Calif. - MGM's "Judgment in the Sun" contains the Office Phone 589-8374 either $5 be sent for'the disc or that is getting more than its share of iing down the streetS... : Israeli Residence Phone 334-7988 ingredients of almost 100 per cent Jewish personnel, viz: Ronald Lubin, • CoarUs,. t:;ar transpartatlon An important news item went by to buy? This would eX]~laln 'the disc be returned. In most cases, religious islentification. Whenev,er a actors, dancers and singers are producer; ,Martin Ritt, director; Michael Kanin, writer;' and cast - Paul to and from airport. unnoticed last week. The two-inch Israel insists on helping certain recipients find it easier and nicer witness is called to testify, Dallas finding it tough to get a job in the • Spedal ......nd proofl~ ..,ares INVESTORS SYNDICATE INVESTORS INTERNATIONAL Newman, Laurence Harvey, Claire Bloom, Edward G.Robinson, William a pod ....ht'. nR. MUTUAL FUNI) bulletin declared that Israel refused African countries through its Peace to send the fiver, Beatles please newspapers and radios make sure city. Many of them teach Hebrew • Convention fadlltl... OF CANADA LTD. Shatner and Howard DaSilva. Major holdout. is cinematograhper James • Famoaa Foocla b,. Town 'N to sell arms to Greek Cypriots who Corps type volunteer services even copy.... Speaking of the Beatles, to inform the public of the witness' to keep going until the big day > Wong Howe but Sammy Davis,' Jr., is discussing the matter with him. CODDUT. INVESTORS MUTUAL FUND INVESTORS GROWTH FUND are combiIig the world for black though the seemingly ungrateful and who isn't, the man who con- religious and ethnical background. which too often never comes. • NeW' Black ~bt Boom and Ritt, a former actor, waS bom in New York City, son of Morris and Coil''''' Sbop. INVESTORS TRUST COMPANY market warfare materials outlet. Africans Side with the Arabs in UN trived the whole mess is a regular Ruby is now studying the Bible with Rose Ritt. His father, a graduate ci'llil engineer from Switzerland, oper- Offices in Principal Cities Israel's refusal stems from that votes. The United Nations is one " Head Office, Wumipeg Yom Kippur shul goer. a Protestant minister and has told TRAVEL ated a' New York employment - ' country's support of the Turkish thing, black market trading is some­ .. • • his jailers that for the first time ag~cy. Lubin, an aggresSive: film producer, was bom in Lachine, Quebec. position in the embattled island of else, and Israel can't afford to < ~ Private poll in New York indi- he is learning the tnie value and ,MORE IN His first job in Hollywood found 'him stuffing envelope!! for ParB¥l0unt. Cyprus.. But why look for arms in wait export licenses and red f~r cates that cigarette sales drop will beauty' of the Bible. 'Poor Jack Bom in Cleveland, Ohio, Paul Newman's fother, Arthur S. Newman. Israel, a country which needs every tape. Were it not for the fact that cost the state a pretty penny in may ·just ,be looking for a white SIX:tY-FOU'R was Jewish, his mother Christian. He started acting whm 12 as a mem­ military equipJ;llent it can get, par- Israel, supports Turkey in the tax revenues. A comprehensive poll Protestant to lean on, in race and NEW LOW FARES ber of the children's segment of the CleveIimd Players. ' ticularly now that Arab leaderS' are Cyprus conflict, the Jewish nation shows that Jews are showing more religious cOnscioUs Dallas.... The Laurence Harv~y was bom in Lithuania and moved to SOl;1th Afri~ ganging up on the, small Jewish probably could supply enough arms smoking restraint than other ethnic Chassidic draftee we found out was u.s. $535'·00, • when six years old. Asa child, he was a constant concern to his par- Republic? A reliable informant told for the entire Greek Cypriot forces. groups. • Often when scientists giving Fort Dix a difficult time is SiJnll, 5/'l'IIi'lIr, (:.A. A. G. Singer NewYork'- TelAviv,- New York ents because of his roving spirit. Airliner MOlor Holel this reporter that Israel has more • • • of different natioruwties meet at out of the army. His hitch was . Claire Bloom w8l\ born in London. Her father's business kept the 1470 Ellice at Madison Chartered Accountant CQMPLETE BOOKKFiEPING arms and military supplies than it Purim masks and noise make~ conference tables and cocktail par- exactly 4lh days. He lUiS nothing family travelling to all parts of the world. Her acting talent became Phone SP 5-7131 AND TAX SERVICE cares to talk about and Israel "made, in Japan," a cheap item in Telephone JU 6-7066 tha~ ties they find it difficult to com- but praise for the army for having evident when she was 12 years old and living'in New York. Charlie Telex' 03-5Z67 Office 339-2031 Res. 586-6661 trades in arms regularly, particu- the Jewish novelty market. One kid 38 Bannerman Ave. Wumipeg municate with one another because given' him every courtesy and re­ Chaplin Signed her and brought her to Hollywood to appear in his ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ larly with African countries. Israel says that you give the noise maker of language barrier. Very often, spect for his beliefs•••• Bar Mitzva, film, "Limelight."She's nUimed to Rod Steiger.. They have a dau@er, .~ cannot depend on arms it can pur- one "drei" and "kaput," just like they solve the problem by talking prospects note: They now have a Ann, who will be four years old February 13. ACCURATE WASHING A. L SHUMlATCBER. Q.c. chase in the open market because Haman. It was· lovely to hear M. c. SIlUMlATCBER. B.A., LL.B. Yiddish. Sign in' Brooklyn record which plays all night while Edward G. Robinson was' bom irr Bucharest, Rumania, His family MACHINE REPAIRS LL.Il.. JUlLD. for Cameras IlIler-Nalion "The Store that Shows You How" , of existing unflVr restricti~ns .. But an' 4ld Jewish lady Sigh, "m that Kosher restaurant: "Kosher Lenten you sleep and after a two-week came'to America and became naturalized citizens when he was 10 years Repairs fOr All Makes AIoo of the Brltlab Columbia Bar what happens when an ~can 'Yoel ,Brenner' 'is such a vonder­ dishes serVed;" Only· in Brooklyn! "sleep-along" you are suPPO!led to 2 Locations Travil Agency Ltd. old. Although money was never plentiful, all five ~ons became profes- diS Smith st. WB 3-6595 i:.ountry has a jet bomber or two to ful acwr.' .":J' . .. N 0 Sarah,ou S th ... Veteran actor David Opatosllu know your ''Haftarah'' like a mas­ Sionals ...:.. four brothers 'are now lawyers or doctors. Edward missed :. S/"",.uJeJ..,.& Sluunialc/'lI1' G. ~ ~ ~=CE BARJUSTERS '" SOLICITORS Polo Park ShoppiDg Centre Spare and Israel has. the ready cash Viet· Nam's new strongman is, not is in Tel Aviv to co-star with Diane ter.... STAN A: BLAZOSEK SUnset 3-6070 Manager his goal to become a rabbi. 788 PhoDe SP 1-Z183 AM 2-1717 JewiSh, even though his. name is Baker.in "Rebel Against the Light." • • • Grain Excba~e BIdIr. Calgary. Alta. b' ••.. An Israeli wanting to immigrate . William ShB.tner was bom in Montreal, Quebec., While preparing to 1;;~Res~~. ~E~SPru;~ce~2-89l~;;89~~ Nguyen 'K1!an sO King:Hus­ • . ~Orthodox farmer in New 10553A 97th STREET join hiS· father'S sUccessful clothing manufacturing fu..m, he SIlccumbed sein will attend the opening of the to this country has to wait for about , Oll'loe Pbone Ba. 1'IIc!H Jersey had a hectic Sabbath re­ to' the acting bug.· ,: WHitehall 8-«6' JUat:Icto I04I8l New York World's Fair. Wonder if seven years for his visa. • • Spain's Ph. 424-6211, Evenings 489-7222 cently. The mUking machine which Bus. '424-0834 Howard DaSilva was bom in Cleveland, Ohio, son of ~jamin and OPl,TAL 'CAB CO. lid. Si/"lIrman &- Wig/'I Max Yale Diunond Robert Moses, boss of the Fair, will goes, ,on. and off automatically on Dictator Franco does not recognize .\ Bertha Silverblatt. Graduated from CarIlegie Tech, he worked briefly , B.A:. LL.B.' give Queenie the royal treatment. the Sabbath caught a short and IsraeL .
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