FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE FIVE .Harding Twirls The Peps To Victory In Opening Game With Bonham 7-- 1 ARDMORE ROTARIANS SLUGGING PEPS HIT CARPENTIER HAS FORMATION AT POINT INDICTMENTS OFFICLAL STANDING OF T O SUMMARIES MANY ISSUED FROM UEADQUARTEIW SCALP DENTON TEAM PILL HARD AND TAKE I A GREAT ABILITY TO INTAKE OF CITY LN RIOTING TEXAS-6KLAH0.M- LEAGIE WATER; TULSA On account of the fact that LOP-SIDE- weveral of the Texa teams play- D SCORE 18-- 9 TAKE PUNISHMENT SUPPLY IS FAVORABLE Results Thursday Tulnii, Okla., June 17. Arrests cf ing In the Texas-Oklahom- a Lea- Ardmore 7. 1. Bonham whites and negroes charged in 64 In- gue failed to report properly In of base-hal- one the fastest amateur l Sherman 11, Wella S, (Special to the .New 16. Georges Car-- J Mirural Ardrnorelt') York, June Superficial examination of the site by special scores of fames played on their contests yet conducted on a Paris 2, Cleburne 0. Bonham, Inability dictments returned the Texa', June 10. pentier, challenger of Jack Dempsey, at the; Intake of tho city's water sup- home grounds, the matter of com- Texas diamond, the Ardmore Rotarian to hit Hndinpr gave grand Jury with Inciting race rioting Ardmore the of piling officially the standing id' baseball team wallapaloozed the Den- is one .the most unu3unl boxers who ply at Hickory Creek which was Wil- Standing (Official) opening g.une of the strles Thursday began this morning, when Sheriff the various clubs by the fcagui! ton Rotary Club nine by the ecore 7 1. ever competed for the heavyweight made during th of P. W. L. Pet. .to first thrco days liam McCullough sent out a large force officials had been delayed. How- of 18-9- , Seven Innings were played, Grant, field-ir- , championship. O, Parrl; 50 36 14 .T.'O Bonhams slugging left In temperament and this week by F. Evans, of of dcpu'-ie-i to round up those accused. ever, these conditions were reme- and In the belief of those who wit- t; Ardmore 50 33 17 MU brcke his light kg Just aoovi the intelligence, thprv has been none like geological curvcy, Many of thc-s- indicted, the sheriff died, and was nessed the contest, much greater state revualed no official notification Cleburne 49 24 23 ankle whilr sliding Into sei.cr.il tn - said, would be arrested by 2 o'clock received yesterday as to stand- damage would have been done to the him among applrant.s for heavy- fissures or other porous foundations, the Bonham 49 : uiD Ihe lii't liimiiH. this afternoon, while It was expected ing of figures Texans had the full innings been vweight honors. He will be outweighed it was announced this morning by the teams. The. nine Sherman 50 17 31 .340 The score: most of them would be in custody by appear perpetrated. City Manager Kirk Dyer. This con- which In the "Summaries" Mineral Wells 50 12 38 Ardmore An H PO A oy I'cmpsey wnen mey ciasn. vwiei nightfall. today vivid dition Is favorable for tho proposed column are officially ,A description of the contest is Payne, cf 5 0 0 0 physical measurements may also ap It was learned this morning that of by dam at that site, Mr. Dyer said. furnished James Barron, secre- Beliren, 3b ., 3 1 1 tho 64 four were Where Tiny Play Today pear to be to the disadvantage of the The favorable report, however, can Indictments returned tary of the Ardmore Chamber of Reynolds, 2b S 2 4 ( gainst negro prisoners now in the Ardmore at Bonham. Frenchman but the essential Item of not be taken as authentic until a fin- Sapulpa. A warrant charging Eill Commerce who states that the local Young, lb . 5 0 13 county Jail, two against negroes killed boys Mineral Wells at Sherman. courage will not be Included In these al study is made of Investigations Leonard, negro, with murder in the played against great odds. "When Jones, If 3 2 2 the In the rioting and one against a negro Cleburne at Paris. ... ....... shortcomings. by Mr. Evans. Tho geologist first degTee was issued here following the team . arrived Gainesville," 1 return- at Bnlrd, s 2 1 mining serving a term In the state peniten shooting to Mrs. James states Mr. Barron," they were met Carpentier, born in the coal ed to Oklahoma City yesterday. He the death cf STANDING Webb, if 4 3 1 tiary at McAlester. Stark, Cherokee Indian woman. Leon- by in- district of Lens, France, fought as a will render a report within a week or the Gainesville Rotarians who . 3 0 5 Is known that most of the true Pemberton, c .. youngster of 12 years and p:ogressed two. It ard had not been apprehended. formed them that the Denton team Harding, 0 1 bills In group of in TEXAS LEAGl'K p .... 3 steadily through variou? weight returned the first had defeated them in a disastrous the Meanwhile arrangements are being dictments were for negroes, but of W. L. Pet. classes, meeting the best boxers of made for a federal expert to go over manner several weeks before. But the Totals 32 9 27 18 ficials refuse to discuss the situation Houston 33 23 .623 France, England and America until the ground to further assure city local boys not only refused to turn Itonhaui AB H PO A the farther. hack, Fort. Worth 37 24 .607 ho now stands near the pinnacle In of a safe project. but continued on and defeated Dclmassn, lb 4 0 14 1 Judge Valjean Biddison said late yes- as Galveston 33 29 .532 pugiliitio sport. The proposed dam is being contem- Denton the score shows." ' Pittman, cf 4 terday that all indictments thus tar Shreveport 30 29 .508 111 A survey of tho opponents Carpen- plated by Mr. Dyer to assure Mr. Earron states that the hero of . Grant, If 0 the returned have been on the charge of the game was Ed Gait, who played Dallas 28 30 .483 110 tier has met In the ring and sketches city of a water supply throughout the rioting. For obvious reasons, he refused Wallw, 3b 3 0 re- right field and who consummated sev- Wichita Falls 29 32 .435 13 of several battles In which he year. Title to a .large tract of land to give more detailed ii'formjtion until McDowell, rf 3 0 2 0 out- Is'el-lo- n, Beaumont 27 35 .433 vived from a count of nine to adjacent to the creek for lineal dis- eral remarkable catches. Gaylor Moss, c 3 0 the arrests have been made and the he says, was dressed up in a San 'Antonio 21 41 .339 10 point or knock out his rivals in tance of one mile, has already been records become public property. Henderson, m 2 0 J 2 one. of his which would Jus- .......... rounds convinces acquired. The dam would al30 be uniform have done Butler, 2b 3 1 among tice to a bridegroom, but he failed WEST TEXAS LEAGUE 12 ring courage. Ho has fought the means for forming a huge lake BIG SPECIAL IN MEN'S OX- Blades, p 3 0 0 9 Klaus, to participate in the game, claiming W. L. Pet. others Joe Jeannette, Frank at the point of intake, Mr. Dyer said. FORDS SATURDAY AND MONDAY. Sudderth, c 2 1 '1 1 Billy Smith, Harry Lewis, that the ball was too hard. Babe San Angelo 34 21 .618 Papke, Jeff HAMILTON SHOE CO. Adv. Pierson, If 3 0 Wells, and Ruth Tom Frame, who gained such Sweetwater 33 22 .600 10 Bombardier Joe Beckett $15.00 DINXER SETS, DECORATION he met remarkable notoriety by his perform- Abilene 33 22 .C00 Gunboat Smith. Some of them PLEASING. A B. RAWLINS CO. GRAND ARMY REPUBLIC Totals. 29 4 27 18 In His ance with City 26 31 .456 when a youth his late 'teen. Adv. SAYS: "LET ENGLAND AND teams of the League, Ranger Score by innings: Billy 'to repeated and retained his reputation Orphans 23 31 .426 fights with Frank Klaus and IRELAND SETTLE TROUBLE" Ardmore 002 101 0307 Papke when he was only 18 are de- Valuable played BalUnger , 18 40 .310 Watch Returned when he with the Rotarians Bonham 000 000 0101 yesterday. clared to have been the most grilling Mrs. Maude K. Tanner, who resides St. Paul, Minn., Jnne 17. Foreign Summary: Runs, McDowell, Payne, or honk Sherwood's rooting for the AMERICA LEAGUE In his career. In victory defeat at 15 C street, southwest, had the interference in domestic affaire was Young, Jones, Baird 2, Webb, Pem- Car- team, says re- throughout his ring campaign, misfortune to loae a very vaJuablo scored severely by the Minnesota de- local Mr. Barron, was vr. Pet. berton. Errors, Delmasso, Butler 2, Ard-mer- l. been guided by Fran- Q. sponsible for of e pentier has watch last November. partment, A. R. at least five the Cleveland 36 21 .632 Behrens 2, Baird, Harding. Two base runs. cois Descamps toward the heavyweight The watch was prized very highly incident to a protest against New York 34 22 .607 hits, Reynolds, Baird, Webb 2. Sac- en- the game, Denton Rotar- championship goal which he will as It had been in the family for a by Donal O'Callaghan, Irish After the Washington 32 26 .552 rifice hits, Henderson, Eehrens, Jones, Boyle's Thirty ians were hosts to the Ardmore visi- deavor to reach at long period of years and was a keep leader, William A.
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