Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association December 2 1, 1994, Volume 3 1, Number 46 Restructuring model: Federation best option The Division I Task Force to Review the NCAA its adminisrrators and faculty athletics rcprrscntarivrs n The Divisions I, II and III task force reports: Memhcrship Structurr has dral’red a structural model that Pages 14, 15, 17. from Division I insritutions and confcrenccs. provides almost total fcdrration among the three existing n Four topic-$wciJic (&nets in plaw of thP current cvmmittee divisions and also recommends a completely new system structure. The topics for the cabinets would be acadcmic.s, of governance within Division I. Association. competition and championships, strategic planning, and The primary recommendations of the Division I task H A 15membm Board of Directors resfwnsihle for tstabli.&ng business and finmcr. forcr are: and directtng the general policy oj Division I. .l‘hc board All three division task forrrs have mailed update W Three divisions with indejxndent governance structures. would be made up of chief cxccutive officer-s. reports to their respective memberships within the last Each division would elect a Icader, who would be part of n A 34-member Manugement Cnuncil responsihh fnr making two weeks. The Division I task force report appears on an NCAA Executive Committee that would be responsible recomrwndations to thu Board of Directors and fir duvel+ng page 14, while reports from the Divisions II and IT1 task for monitoring the activiries of the three divisions and and cx~nducting programs authorized by thu Board of rhmton. assuring that they adhere to the “core values” of the The Managernenr (:ouncil would be cornposcd of athlct- See Restructuring, page 13 ) Focus fhk Today’s Top VIII winners announced onrestt-id- A standout group of student- from the preceding calendar year Robcn Zatcc h ka of the University recognized at the honors dinner athlcrrs - including this year’s for athletirs ability and achieve- of Nebraska, Lincoln; track and January X during the N(;AA earningsspot NCAA Wo~nsn of the Year, the rntm~, academic achievcmcnt, field arhletes Kelly Blair of the C;onvcntioli irI Sit11 Dirge. Harlon Hill Trophy winner and character, and leadership. The IJnivcrsity of Oregon and Tanya Following ;irc biographical Resolution instructs two membcrj of the N<‘XA Special ‘l’oday’s Top VIII, formerly the Hughes of rhe University of sketches of the l’oday’s Top VIII: (:ommittcc to Study a Division Today’s Top VI, has been expand- Arizona; swimmers Lisa Flood of Council to study issue I-A Pootball Championship - ed to include honorees from Villanova University and Lea Amy N. Albers has been selected as this year’s Divisions II and III. 1,ovcless of Sranford LJniversity; Washington (Missouri) Th.is is the last in CL.wrir.~ of JIX Today’s Top VIII by the N(X4 Those cliosc-11 are foorball play- and volleyball player Amy N. V&yhall articles on lugislatiim thrill ha.5 lw~t1 Honors (:ommittee. ers Derrick Brooks of FIo~idn Srate Albers of Washington University Albrrs is the first Division III suhmltted for the 89th nnnrrul The Today’s Top VIII honors University, Christopher Hatrher (Missouri). NCAA Convention ,IanuaT 7-I I, distinguishrd student-athlctrs of Valdosta State University and The Today’s Top VIII will be See Top VIII, page 24 ) 1995, in Sun Diego. This instalt- my7Lt&tur<.q the 23 proposals o/ ttuj rwruiting groupzng and eight pro- fmsal~ in ttu personnel grou+ing, as well as a deregulation parkap roi!tt four proposal5 relaling lo &$)ility lqslation. A resolution clirrcting thr N<A4 (:ouncil to study issue-s surrounding the conc’ep~ of restricted-earnings coarhes - Blair Brooks Flood Hatcher Hughes Zutechka including limits on c ornprnsa~ tion and terms of rmploymrnt - is featured in a grouping of pro- posed legislation for the I!)‘95 co mmission to gain six new members Convention dealing with person- nrl matrers. The resolution, sponsored by Six new members will join the results in this issue of The NCAA Ihe Big Ten C~onfcrenct-. spcc ifi- NCAA Yrcsidcnts (:ommission News constitutes notification of rally insrructs the C:outic il lo Spanier appointeci as the election to the mrnibrrship. when the 1995 Convention explore a variety of issues, Yhotogaphs and biographical adjourns, and five current mcm- Big Eight’s representatixk including whether legislation sketchrs of the nrw (:ommission bcrs have been reelected to fill adopred at the 19!)1 <:o~lvrnrion mcmbcrs will IX frarurccl in the fllll four-year rerms. Graham B. Spanier, chancellor of the University is rflrcrive in achieving thr goals JAIIWIY I8 issue 01‘rhr News. The new and reelected men- of Nebraka, Lincoln, has been appointed to the 01 developing new coat IICS :il~tl hers were chosen by thrir peers. NCAA Presidents Commission as the representa- containing costs whilr add~ss- New members Rrelrctions are pcrmittcd when tive of the Big Eight Conference. ing the coat hing needs of cacti Division I: an individual completes the term Me will begin service irmncdiately, succeeding Richard R. &kin, East Carolina SpJIt. of a JTl~I~l~Kr who has 1cft the Jon Wefald of Kansas State Univ&sity. Wefald, Its adoprion is supported by IIniversiry, Division I-A, replacing Commission and has served less the Council Sul)c~ommittee on than half of a regular term. SCM9 , page 24 b Publication of rhe election See New members, page 19 b See Resobion, page 18 b n In the News n On deck News Digest Page 2 H The NCAA Professional Sports Liaison Committee’s Januaty 6-7 Council, San Diego concern over problems with sports agents mounts after Briefly 3 January 7- 11 NCAA Convention, San Diego an issues summit: Page 3. Comment 4 January 8 Presidents Commission, San Diego H The NCAA Presidents Commission Committee on Administrative Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct in Sports reviews January 14 Infractions Appeals Committee, Atlanta Committee minutes 5 a draft of a paper defining sportsmanship: Page 5. January 24-25 Committee on Athletics Certification State legislation report 6 n Freshman Kristin Folkl’s 25 kills power Stanford Peer Selection Subcommittee, NCAA Record 20 University to its second Division I Women’s Volleyball Los Angeles Championship title in three years, and Youngstown The Market 21 January 24-26 Legislative Review Committee, State University wins its third Division I-AA football crown Newport Beach, California Legislative assistance 24 in four years: Page 7. Folk1 Page 2 The NCAANews December 2 1, 1994 TheNCAANew s A weekly summary of major activities within the Association all agrrc on a need for grcatrr federation and all are based on models that enhance presidential control. Convention sessions Schedule of key dates for The three reports will bc discussed dur- available via satellite ing the NCAA (Zonvenlion, January 7-l 1 in January and February 1995 San Diego. Several business sessions from the 19!)5 Each of the task forces will continue to NCAA Convention in San Diego will be avail- meet in the first half of 1995 to rcftne their able for viewing live via satellite. recommendations. Eventually, an oversight The Divisions I-A and I business sessions committee, chaired by NCAA President : and general business sessions will be broad- Joseph N. Crowley and containing repre- cast live Monday, January 9, and Tuesday, sentatives of all divisions, will bring the ret- January 10. ommendations together for a kgkkdtke pack- Also, if the Convention extends into age that will he considered at the 1!)96 Wednesday morning, January 11, coverage Convention. of that general business session will be of- I, , Staff contacts: Tricia Bork and Stephen :‘ ;,:;i fered. ‘. K. Morgan (I), Stephen A. Mallonee (II) and In addition, NCAA Executive Director Daniel T. Dutcher (III). Cedric W. Dempsey’s speech during the JANUARY 30 (8 a.m.)-3 1 __.._.__..................... Dead period. For more information, see page 1 and opening business session of the Convention RECRUITING MAILING pages 14-17. January 8 will be broadcast on a delayed ba- hn’r Division I basketball 15: Divisions II and Ill Enrollment and Persistence sis. The speech will be broadcast at 10 p.m. 1-3 1: Quiet period, except for 20 da s between Rate Disclosure Form to be mailed by this date. (Eastern time), less than an hour after hc ac- October 2 1, 1994, and March 15, r 995, cho sen at the discretion of the institution as an evalu- FEBRUARY tually dclivcrs the address in San Diego. ation period; institution01 staff members shall not RECRUITING Satellite coordinates for the Convention visit a prospect’s educational institution on more Executive Committee sessions are Tclstar 302, Transponder 4V than one calendar day during this riod (Effective Men’s Diision I basketball in 1994-95 only, as a result of 0 p”eptember 6 ac- l-28: Quiet period, except for 20 days between approves distributions (channel 7). Dowlink Frequency 3840, Audio tion by the NCAA Administrative Committee.] October 2 1, 1994, and March 15, 1995, the 6.2 and 6.8. The Telstar is a C-band satcllitr. Women’s Division I basketball’ sen at the discretion of the institution OS an eval- Staff contact: James A. Marchiony. l-3 1: Quiet riod, except for 20 days between uation period; institutional staff members shall not The NCAA Executive Commit~re ap- October 8, r 994, and February 28, 1995, cho visit a prospect’s educational institution on more proved a $16 million supplemental distribu- sen at the discretion of the institution as an evalu- than one calendar day during this period. tion to Division I institutions at its December ation period; institutional staff members shall not [Effective in 1994-95 only, as o result of a visit a prospect’s education01 institution on more September 6 action by the NCAA Administrative meeting.
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