Ejtusjcvufe!up!Dpojohupo-!Hmbuupo-!! Vqupo!'!Tbxusz! www.caresco.org.uk Op/!:1!!Gfcsvbsz!.!Nbsdi!3122! An Evening with Frugal Lunch 2 3 r d F e b r u a r y THE BODY SHOP 12 – 1.30pm At Sawtry Methodist Church Friday 11 th February Tickets £3.50, U5’s free Doors open at 7.15pm For more information please call Janet on 01487 830617 Start 7.30pm at the CARESCO Centre In aid of The Leprosy Mission Tickets £3.00 in advance £4.00 on the door SAWTRY JUNIOR Come and enjoy an evening in the company of SCHOOL Emma Green & friends Spring Bingo Night Individual 15 minute pamper sessions available th * Facials * * Hand Massage * Monday 14 March at £3.00 each when booked in advance or £4.00 on the night 6.20pm Doors Open 6.45pm Eyes Down Raffle on the night To book please contact the CARESCO office on 01487 832105 All monies raised go towards new or call in between 9 & noon weekdays play equipment for the children All proceeds to CARESCO For more info please call 01487 830204 You can read the Sawtry Eye on the internet at www. caresco.org.uk Sawtry Community First Responders Group More Tea Vicar? Comedy Night & Disco Variety Show nd th On Sat 2 April Saturday 26 February 2011 Doors open 7pm, show starts at 7.30pm At Sawtry Community College Sawtry Methodist Church Doors open at 7.00 with the comedians starting at 7.30pm Tickets £4 The night will then conclude with a disco and raffle. (Children in full-time education – free) Tickets are £10 each and there will be a bar on the night Including Refreshments Sorry, its adults only! Tickets available from John Steeden on If you would like to purchase a ticket, please contact: 01487 834375 [email protected] / or 07885422257 / Or during the Coffee Morning every Saturday 07877784699 held at the Church, Green End Road, Sawtry If you are moving house, please can you leave a rec ent copy of Sawtry Eye for the new occupiers - Than k y o u SAWTRY EYE IS PUBLISHED BY CARESCO (SAWTRY & DISTRICT CARE & RESOURCE ORGANISATION) REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 288202 !!! O O O O C O F F E E S H O P Gps!jttvf!Op;!!:2Gps!jttvf!Op;!!:2!!!! Bqs!Bqs!....!Nbz!3122!Nbz!3122!Nbz!3122!!!! Every Friday Bewfsujtfnfout!cz!! 23!Oppo!po!22!Nbs!3122! 9 - 11.30am (Term Time) Ofxt!Jufnt!cz!! 23!Oppo!po!29!Nbs!3122! 9.45am - 11.30am Full Page: Portrait (During school holidays) (17.5cm x 26cm) 1 Issue - £105 at the CARESCO Centre 6 issues - £525 A warm welcome for coffee and a chat. Half Page: Landscape CARESCCARESC CARESCCARESC (13cm x 17.5cm) It’s the place to be I Issue - £58 6 Issues - £290 Everyone Welcome Quarter Page: Portrait (13cm x 8.5cm) HHH O M E C OLLECTING 1 Issue - £32 6 Issues - £160 BBB O X E S Eighth Page: Landscape We are looking for homes for our (6.5cm x 8.5cm) collecting boxes 1 Issue - £18 6 Issues - £90 Will you have one? Please take one home & fill with small (or big) change then return it to us for emptying. For more information call in or phone 9.00am - 12 Noon Monday - Friday Ask at the office or call 01487 832105 01487 832105 All proceeds to go towards the work of CARESCO [email protected] Did you know there is a Lunch Club in Sawtry? Ladies, gentlemen or couples, we are a self-help group We meet every Monday and Tuesday - 10.30am to 1.30pm At the CARESCO Centre, Green End Road, Sawtry We prepare freshly cooked two-course meals each day (including tea and coffee) for only £3.70 Come in for a drink and a chat,you will get a warm welcome. You can make new friends and you may know some of the people who already attend the club. For more information about Lunch Club and its activities, Call Lyn at CARESCO on 01487 832105 222 Sawtry Eye Feb - Mar 2011 Sawtry Eye Magazine is Published by: The last editorial ended with an expectation of snow, well we may not CARESCO (Sawtry & District Care & have got much but wasn’t it cold! Now we can look forward to snow- Resource Organisation) drops and daffodils. The nights are slowly drawing out again and CARESCO spring is only just around the corner. Having said that, it’ll probably CARESCO Centre Green End Road snow again before then. Sawtry We’ve loads of news and articles for you in this issue, Sawtry has a lot Huntingdon Cambs PE28 5UX of active groups so why not join in the fun and get along to one of them? If you’re looking for something to occupy your time, the Carnival Telephone: 01487 832105 committee are looking for new members to help organise this year’s [email protected] extravaganza. Articles & Letters can be emailed to Looking at the Make a Date page, we are lacking information about CARESCO. Please put as subject “For Sawtry Eye” and enclose full name and postal activities in the villages surrounding Sawtry so come on Glatton, Upton address — Email : [email protected] & Conington, tell us about your plans for the year. Contact details on the left-hand side of the page. www.caresco.org.uk We look forward to hearing from you Marina Joyce / Liz Coates Editors Marina Joyce Advertising/Sales Liz Coates - Co-Editor Samantha Rees / Donna Green Design / Artwork - This Issue Printed By: CARESCO PrintShop E DITORIAL P O L I C Y S UMMARY · All items are included entirely at the discretion of the editors who reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any item submitted. REGULARS CHURCH NEWS · Views expressed in the Sawtry Eye are not necessarily those of the editors or CARESCO, 2 CARESCO 17 REMEMBRANCE they are included in the interests of free speech. 4/5 Dates for your Diary 18 ALL SAINTS PARISH CHURCH · Anonymous items will only be considered Make a Date 18 ST NICHOLAS PARISH CHURCH where the author has submitted their full name & Community Activities 19 SAWTRY METHODIST CHURCH contact details to the editors with their contribu- 6-9 Notices 19 SAINT LUKE’S tion and have requested, with reason, that these are withheld. 8 Readers Letters Your views on subjects that matter · Before printing a critical item the editors re- serve the right to approach the criticised per- 27 Classifieds - Advertising LOCAL & GENERAL INFO sons/group and offer an opportunity to comment, !!!!!!! where possible, in the same issue. At their dis- cretion the editors may delay the critical item to VILLAGE NEWS 20 CAMBS CANCER HELP CENTRE the following issue or publish without a reply. 20 GENERAL INFORMATION · The editors cannot accept any liability for 21 HOLIDAYS omissions, errors or mistakes which occur in 9 CARESCO IS CHANGING 21 ROGUE TRADERS production. 9 FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 23 IT’S WHEN YOU EAT ... · The copies of Sawtry Eye delivered to the par- 10 WELLSIDE SURGERY NEWS ish of Sawtry are accompanied by the Sawtry 10 GOING GREEN Parish Council Newsletter which is published by 11 SAWTRY LIBRARY and the responsibility of Sawtry Parish Council. 11 TREE WARDEN REPORT SPORT & CLUBS The full Editorial Policy is available from the CA- 11 UPTON GARDENING CLUB RESCO office during office hours. 12 SAWTRY CARNIVAL UPDATE 22 SAWTRYLADIES HOCKEY 12 SAWTRYCHORALE 22 SAWTRY FOOTBALL CLUB DISTRIBUTION OF S AWTRY E YE : 13 SAWTRY WINEMAKERS SOCIETY If you know of anybody who does not re- 23 SAWTRY CRICKET CLUB 13 FIRST RESPONDERS GROUP 24 BOWLING CLUB ceive a copy or would like to help deliver 14 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Sawtry Eye, telephone: 01487 832105 14 H’DON FAIRTRADE CONCERT 24 AMERICAN FOOTBALL WKLY between 9am—12 noon Monday-Friday 25 DRAGON ACADEMY 15 TORT HILL 15 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 25 S.M.C. SAWTRY 16 SEX SHOP IN SAWTRY S a w t r y 16 WILDLIFE TRUST TwinnedTWINNED withWITH 17 SAWTRY HISTORY SOCIETY WWEIMAR e i m a r 333 Sawtry Eye Feb - Mar 2011 S C H O O L T E R M D A T E S F O R Don’t forget - during all weeks containing a S A W T R Y S CHOOLS bank holiday, collec- tions will take place Spring Term 2011 ONE DAY LATE Half Term – 21 – 25 February End of Term – 8 April HDC R EFUSE C OLLECTION Summer Term 2011 Start of Term – 26 April Sawtry, Conington, Glatton & Upton May Day 2 May have the same calendar for refuse collection, however the week day may Half Term – 30 May – 3 June vary. End of Term – 22 July To find out the exact dates for your prop- Autumn Term 2011 erty visit http://applications.huntsdc.gov. Teacher Training Day 5 September uk/applications/refusecollection/ and enter your house number & postcode or Start of Term - 6 September call 01480 388388 Half Term from 24 - 28 October End of Term - 16 December REY ANDFILL WASTE G (L ) (Week Beginning) Two training days have been selected Monday 5 September 2011 & Tuesday 3 January 2012 7th & 21 st February 2011 th st 7 & 21 March 2011 Schools have a number of training days available to take at their discretion. Please contact your local school for details. COMPOST (G ARDEN WASTE ) Or check the Cambridgeshire County Council website at & D RY R ECYCLING (Week Beginning) http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/education 14 th & 28 th February 14 th & 28 th March S a w t r y W I For more information visit the Hunts District Council website at http://www.
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