twwwn MTut1u9mn19m i mwMf ' JAMES B. JANUARY. Morocco Manufactory. IMARNIX YIRDEN, his compliments to his clients aljd E'jPECIII i I V i iuimslus lCfeM41fJUtJLfii iVl. HJU WJUTIL PRESENTS that during, his temporary ab SMgte'stfll fnerdi in Lexiiit'ion, iswtll Subscriber respectfully informs the publn itt.,r.vitiiT(. jnirpi-v-. tK.it hf Ills sence, their business in Pay etle circuit coilrt will , tavasL di THE he, has commenced above busuies lu. VXVfc'f. , P. 'i '., to Lsq. Col. the Z.z&,iriiiV prdviaect nimseit w iim je attonuf.t by Richard H. Chum, Lcximrtonou Main Stieet; and fiom a lotm'exucrS Leslie Comhs mid Col. Thomas M. Hickev. and in w"jnrJTT- t- euce in one of the principal ciUes in Li.r flc.,aud A" COMPLETE HACK. f the Jessamine cucuit couit by Maj. James Shan4 eg s b ttie United htates also; lie Ua.lte.is Jiwi'-u- f he will And string gentle hois.es, and is no, ,, to accom mi non and C Levi L. I odd. ipt. produce in his equal to any r 4Utc such as nwy ileasc to savour l.imwith then 4-- articles line in the Lexington 27th, 1026 tf. Jan suitable for Shoe Makers, Hatters, Coach cust-rn- lie intends driMiig himself", aial t rom dioic Makers, Saddlers and Book liiiiJoi s which he will hau tuui v ears uipenc lire m ilm inc in La Mrcton, ht. POET'S CORNER. sell twenty percent less tjiau imported ikms. ! feel' conhcient that lirs chnractei as a salr si cicareiul SHJin ST. Mia J. THi WASlllftG .U. Itl.j has been so as u sure him i This he hopes will induce the consumers in th driver weilestablislieit, to rS now inaniifacfuriDg and hieps conslai tly nn full share ot rirh'ir Uis residence is in Western Country to give a preference to then owi ratnnatre. hand TRUbSEb for all kin.U of n ptuieSjViy ' FIlOMTJip OLIVE BKAftcn. YOUNG S2BF EAGLB" MilJstTcet, ne'ir the Lexington Sluam Mill, where t Ur manufacture. The common Steel, & Ajrain theytrlnQp of discord sounds wj n w ill with without the racket wheel, " A on4 lliosejiuio Msseryices pieasr apply. and far ,, NVB. constant supply of hatters WOOL The newly invented and much approved double-heade- d RelctitfeSnear a ' 5 0-tf. Agaiu are faction's busi'd hounds Intnl. PATRICK GEOHEGAN. Lgtoij, luly 29th, Steel, Loud bellowing civil war; tand the Season commencing January 13th, 1825 ,2- -tf The Morocco Nonelaslic Bard with spring pad, jnd ensuing '1 . - , nvCr eN, 3iivi . russts for children all gc And e're another year of slrife WILLS March at the Farm of the subscriber m ax-ir T Mt w . r J n men Biack A5 tf s Gentlnii ens' hist V.oioUo, ( Shal end 111 peace to till. on the tetrode's road fading fiom Lcgington to wil hbVral to a sew lluckskin, alftkiii, and I give wages journeymen Riisia Drilling Hiding Perhaps beneath the assassin's knife Winchester, and five miles from the former; for acquainted with Gudlts, with ai.d witlioiit KEY. well the Blacksmith's business, nm springs, and with private, pockets, May other worthies lull, bills. HOPE FOUND come Well who can recommended. Ladies', Gtntlcti ens', and Missts-Uac- Docs not some ppjv'rful agent spur PARKER DUDLEY. Stays, to le-- " JOHN EADS. hei e pain" in the breast, desparate men conspire 12-- bauie u7lVe Lexington March 24, 1825 tf T)oubfe and single Morocco Some dark mysterious spirit stir W. Suspcndus with liilkra THE celebrated Jack commenced tlis'ihove business in all itsbranch Pemalt I'andages, 8sC. Lc UUie work ot blood and sire? nAS opposite the upper end of th Alarket, All will be vvhnli sale - some of fiends Upper Transylvania University. of which sold hy or ictail.- Ddesinot nest unseen, SANCHO, uheie lie is ready to make all kinds of Their plans of mischief forgil kept formerly by Mr. Josepl, The 7ailoviiiz Jineiness, Does party zeal or private spleen Graves will likewise stand at Brass & Iron Cablings iMedicvA. Qexuu'lmcnt. In its various branches, continue cl usual. , Woik singly in the storm i .the same place. P.,D. On the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable fSMIE Introductory Lectures will commence cm is Could such a tiam of awful crimes terms. JL Monday next, in the Chapel of the University, I exingtoli, May 5, lo5 18-- tf January9th 1B2G 2- -tf To casualty belong, timgtiiSS CASH will be given for OLD COPPER, BRASS, at tzo ciock, ana win tie continued throughout the The. men, the. objects, and the times, and PEW IXU. week at the same hour. The friends ofSciecce are For Safe, .Would strike suspicion strong. T?UsbttYgToTttti!,.SnsE &Aft Lexington, Oct 14, 1825.-Il-l- respectfully milted. Still terror reigns with treason baser DR. DUDLEY, on Monday. .And faction lends her hand, informs the OAiio Cheese and DR. CALDWELL. on Tuesday. 145 ! Subscriber respectfully Tlonr, ?' m,T-- , , To bring convulsion and disgrace DR. DRAKEon Wednesday.' Wlte'l n 1 THE In.yint-to- u and its vicinity, that he has 1 Wi llgjl DB. on, il.l40 UAlJti On tins devoted land; j, recently brought with him from Pittsburgh, RICHARDSON, Thuisday. Ad'eady justice cries aloud, KABBLSbest OHIO FLOUR, DR. BLYTHE.on Tnday. laws way, One Hundred and thir 30 Casks Western Reserve CHEESE of SHORT, on The broken give superiortJJ quality, PR. Saturday. Ungevcrned rage insects the crowd, ty Barrels of just received and for Sale at the DANL. DRAKE.M. D. Dean One mile and a halffrom Lexington on the Frank- And the day, atoroot. 31, 1825 44-- tf. fort road, neaily one halt is dagger's rule quality' Oct timbeitd lai,d, the hal Arid rid'er will litigation end, SIIIRA'S first G. W. ANDERSON. lant e is in a good state of cultivation: a ti p.mc house January 6, 1826 1 tf ''Nor law from doubts be free, Porter, Beer &'Ah) CABIN ET W AJJ iill OUS E. andOicharuyand one of the best springs in Fayette Vltlle lawyers make the laws, and beaid "iELiA&tiB county, andan indisputablc'title. 1 he above land see. tvhn ivich In ntllT.linSP. Will Tilnie'rt OAT.T. iUalU heing the ty ot V llliam Their torce to ev'ry Washington having united in on propel L. McConnell dee'd, A. rjlHb bcb6cribcrs carrying and'is now ottered for Our Constitution nobly stands, AT THE CELLAR ON CHEAP31DE, under JL the Cabinet Business, under the firm ot sale low for CASH bv tne The, work of geneious hearts, AJk,v-- i the building tormeriy ocupiea Dywr. Daniel Is rad- - ASA WILGUS, heirs ofsaiddee'd. Tor further paiticulais encfinre shows the touch of lawyer hands,' fnril aa on Anrtinn Room, whern it r.nn hi hon lii of the subscriber in Lcxii.gton, and J3ut AS removed from bis old itaadin WILSON & HENRY, the terms will ' Perplexed 10 parts. or singlo bottle. be made known by him andlhe various the dozen, draught, Russcllville, to the well known Take this opportunity of informjrgthe public, that land shown, Kt The bond that should all hearts unite, UrAUilltjIj HtJ&U. the same for so many GEORfch ROBINSON. ' XSififiy and laige commsdious buildings wheie they occupy stand years in Divides and vexes more. February 3d, 1G26. 5- -tf of Shop has Lex. Annl 1. 1824 u..tr mos Edwaials formerly kept a Public House in possession Robert Wilson. His been LAnd keeps ttie strife 'twixt powerand ngh'f, rebuilt, and is well slocked with tools and workmen T said town whereLe will keep a public house for the ' Forever In a roar. kind Tile laid an excel- - flley r ol tnose who cnoose 10 can on mm, of the best firm has in r Jho sooalhond is litd soTtack entertainment of MAHOGANY, as well as every T ' on the most moderate terms. His Table, Barr, and lentstqck other That knaves ivill go astray, material necessary for their business, and they can &$8f&QjQ'i'. smill nutM OF While honest men to bTing themhack Stable, shall be well furnished and attended to. Nov. 5 th, 1825 50-3- m salely say, that they are prepared to execute will, -- Slip out some nearer way. neatness and dispatch, any order in their line. J dread tliB law's preponu'ripg tribs, They will in a short time, have a large assort- Tor dangerous will they be, GEORGE W. ANDEIteON, ment of Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads V;c. finish Wlnle,inoney has the poiv'r to bribe ,.. aud will be fflad to and ex AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION' MERCHANT, ed, see their friends call fTTIlERE nrp nn it nn f IViftiMn I ...l.i:. - And free. , Z set the guilty amine for themselves. ft- V '""u.c two -- familiesif 's boast, nor pride pf health, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. neeessaiy good nate meadows orchards,-undergo- & Norhonor's laws coatroul, USINESS entrusted to hiiu will be thankfully od of wood 'Tis ficticious.'spurious wealth, ' STEAM FOUNDERY. E1 rpcened and punctually attended to. A Mattresses, land 'I erms can be made veiy'favourable wealth, subscriber intoims public that That subjugates the soul. rjjlHE respectfully the general assortment of Made at the shortest notice, and in superior style. Apply to CHARLES JL "Till: L.UXIAGIQN STJSJ.U FUUJVDUHl .WILKINS, It is wealth comes too light, ROBERT WILSON, or C c 1. .i iiot that i? now in operation at his ojd stand back ot the Wool GUOCmTES, AMS 1 ROSTER But sew its vatue Cod, JOHN HENRY. Lex. Aug. 1, Ifl24 7J-- tf Cabdiso Factort on Water'-St- i eet opposite the lower the best Quality, Wholesale or Retail, will its slight Of for Lexington, Sept, 1st, 1825 'VTiJl4half enjoyed it takes Market where all kinds of CASIINdS in IKON or on hand, at the Stone House, 35tf belting, constantly be kept And leaves remorse BUASS will be executed on the shortest uotice.
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