IAPSO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES OF THE OCEANS ASSOCIATION SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS Excerpt of “Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly Perugia, Italy 2007” Compiled by Lucio Ubertini, Piergiorgio Manciola, Stefano Casadei, Salvatore Grimaldi Published on website: www.iugg2007perugia.it ISBN : 978-88-95852-24-9 Organized by IRPI High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Italy Patronage of Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Ministero degli Affari Esteri Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare Ministero della Difesa Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Paola Rizzoli Chairperson Usa President of the Scientific Program Committee Uri Shamir President of International Union of Geodesy and Israel Geophysics, IUGG Jo Ann Joselyn Secretary General of International Union of Usa Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG Carl Christian Tscherning Secretary-General IAG International Association of Denmark Geodesy Bengt Hultqvist Secretary-General IAGA International Association Sweden of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Pierre Hubert Secretary-General IAHS International Association France of Hydrological Sciences Roland List Secretary-General IAMAS International Association Canada of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Fred E. Camfield Secretary-General IAPSO International Association Usa for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans Peter Suhadolc Secretary-General IASPEI International Italy Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior Steve McNutt Secretary-General IAVCEI International Usa Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy Abbreviations IAG International Association of Geodesy IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy IAHS International Association of Hydrological Sciences IAMAS International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences IAPSO International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior CliC Climate and Cryosphere Ev-K2-CNR Everest-K2 CNR Committee GEWEX Global Energy and Water Experiment HKH-FRIEND Hindu Kush-Himalayan Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data IABO International Association for Biological Oceanography IACS International Association of Cryospheric Sciences ICACGP International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution ICASVR International Commission on Atmosphere-Soil-Vegetation Relations ICCE International Commission on Continental Erosion ICCL International Commission on Climate ICCLAS International Commission on the Coupled Land-Atmosphere System ICCP International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation ICDM International Commission on Dynamic Meteorology ICGW International Commission on Groundwater ICIMOD International Center for Integrated Mountain Development ICMA International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere ICRS International Celestial Reference System ICSIH International Commission on Snow and Ice Hydrology ICSW International Commission on Surface Water ICT International Commission on Trac ICWQ International Commission on Water Quality ICWRS International Commission on Water Resources Systems IGAC International Global Atmospheric Chemistry IGS International Glaciological Society ILP International Lithosphere Program INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research ION International Ocean Network IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy IRC International Radiation Commission PUB Prediction in Ungauged Basins SCAR Scientific Committee on Antartic Research SEDI Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior SPARC Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate UCCS Union Commission for the Cryospheric Sciences UNESCO United Nation Educational, Scienti. c and Cultural Organization UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research WMO World Meteorological Organization Session code naming The first letter of the session codes indicates whether the session is a Union, a Joint Interassociation or a single Association sponsored event, the second letter indicates the type of event: Symposium (S) or Workshop (W). For Joint events, the second letter indicates the Lead Association (with the abbreviations listed below) and the third indicates whether a session is a Symposium (S) or a Workshop (W). In some cases (namely IAGA, IAHS) Association session codes have an extra codi. cation referring to a speci. c Theme or Division. U UNION J JOINT G IAG A IAGA H IAHS M IAMAS P IAPSO S IASPEI V IAVCEI Some examples: US002 is a Union Symposium; JGW001 is a Joint IAG Workshop with IAG as the Lead Association; MS003 is an Association (IAMAS) Symposium. AS III 020 is an Association (IAGA) Symposium sponsored by its III Division. IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy PS001 Symposium (5770 - 5785) Convener : Dr. Maurizio Ribera D'Alcala' Biogeochemical Budget and Cycles in the Mediterranean Sea PS002 Symposium (5786 - 5826) Convener : Dr. Andrea Bergamasco Variability of the Antarctic Circulation and Water Masses and Their Sensitivity to Climate Change PS003 Symposium (5827 - 5840) Convener : Prof. Piero Lionello Co-Convener : Mr. Serge Planton Mediterranean Circulation and Climate: Their Variability and Sensitivity to Future Emission Scenarios PS004 Symposium (5841 - 5895) Convener : Dr. Robin Muench Ocean Mixing ( co-sponsored by SCOR ) PS005 Symposium (5896 - 5940) Convener : Dr. Eugene Morozov Co-Convener : Dr. Gregorio Parrilla Flows and Waves in Straits PS006 Symposium (5941 - 5967) Convener : Dr. Jinping Zhao Co-Convener : Dr. Laodong Guo Arctic Ocean Processes IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy PS007 Symposium (5968 - 5988) Convener : Prof. John Simpson Biogeochemical Fluxes Between the Shelf and Open Seas PS008 Symposium (5989 - 6023) Convener : Dr. Igor Belkin Processes in Oceanic Fronts PS009 Symposium (6024 - 6036) Convener : Dr. Denise Smythe-Wright Impact of CO2 Changes on Biogeochemical Processes and Ecosystem Functioning PS010 Symposium (6037 - 6097) Convener : Dr. W John Gould New Insights into the Ocean and Its Circulation from Argo and GODAE PS011 Symposium (6098 - 6107) Convener : Dr. Trevor McDougall Fundamental Physical and Chemical Principles Underpinning Ocean Science PS012 Symposium (6108 - 6109) Co-Convener : The Oceans - Their Past and Present; Considerations on their Future Behaviour (invited abstracts only) IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (P) - IAPSO - International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans PS001 5770 - 5785 Symposium Biogeochemical Budget and Cycles in the Mediterranean Sea Convener : Dr. Maurizio Ribera D'Alcala' The Mediterranean is a unique ecosystem with unusual biogeochemical characteristics. It is ultra- oligotrophic with very low nutrient concentrations in most of the domain, anomalously high N:P ratios leading to P limitation, and evidence of temporal trends in nutrient pools. Paleo-records show large fluctuations in the trophic regime of the basin, probably due to drastic changes in water column dynamics and in nutrient fluxes from the boundaries. At present, there is widespread anthropogenic pressure which acts as an additional and changing forcing of this almost land-locked marginal sea. All of the above makes the basin both a fragile ecosystem under stress and a suitable natural laboratory to understand the role and controls on globally important biogeochemical processes such as nitrogen fixation, impact of atmospheric inputs (both natural and anthropogenically modified), nutrient co- limitation, etc. The symposium will particularly welcome contributions focused on: better constraining on fluxes from the boundaries of the basin and their time variability; assessment of nitrogen fixation at basin and regional scale; understanding the nature and importance of atmospheric inputs to the system; analytical studies connecting structure and functioning of the plankton food web to biogeochemical fluxes and anomalies; analysis of paleo-records, e.g., sapropels, to shed light on future trends in the Mediterranean trophic regimes; model simulations of biogeochemical processes either hindcasting observed processes or forecasting changes on the decadal-centennial time scale due to climate and/or anthropogenic changes; and/or multidisciplinary analyses connecting socio-cultural trends, past and future, of the Mediterranean region and their impact on basin dynamics. IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (P) - IAPSO - International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans PS001 Oral Presentation 5770 The nutrient budget for the Eastern Mediterranean revisited; Implications for global controls on the Redfield ratio Prof. Michael Krom School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds IAPSO Barak Herut The constancy of the Redfield ratio (16:1) in most of the global ocean has been explained as a balance between N:P supply which is generally >>16:1, removal of nitrate by denitrification in organic rich sediment and water, and oceanic N fixation. Such N fixation is generally considered to be either P and/or Fe limited. The Eastern Mediterranean sea (EMS) is important in this regard because it is known to be P starved and Fe replete. It has a nitrate:phosphate ratio
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