ROMATRE ,.-.itt ....- --- --- -- -.---- - Universita degli studi di Roma Tre Facolta di Scienze Politiche Centro Altiero Spinelli Rappresentanza in Italia delta Commissione Europea Dayton, dieci anni dopo Guerra e pace nella ex Jugoslavia Roma, 21-23 Novembre in collaborazione con: Ministero degli Affari Esteri Comune di Roma Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Associazione ltaliana Studi sul Sud -Est europeo Societa dalmata di storia patria Dayton, ten years after Peace and war in the formerJugoslavia November, the 21th Council 9 a.m. Welcome by the Italian authorities (Veltroni, Dastoli, Fabiani, Guarini?, Moccia) Balkans today and the role of Europe (The European policy ten years after the Dayton Agreements) Fabrizio Barbaso, Italian Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino, Member of the European Parliament Massimo D' Alerna, Member of the European Parliament Gianni De Michelis, Member of the European Parliament Giorgio La Malfa, Italian Minister Moderator: Lucio Caracciolo (Limes and Uruversita Roma Tre) 3.30 p.m. The historical roots Rade Petrovic (Uni verity of Sarajevo), Bosnia Erzegovina between past and present Fra' Orsolic, Comparison and cohesistence of the religions in Bosma through the centuries Federico Eichberg (Inter Univerrity Steering Committee for Security Studies in Bosnia Herzegovina), The Bosnian nation Break Wars Joze Pi1jevec (University of Trieste), Disgregation of Jugoslavia and the following conflicts. An historical view. ? The war in Slovenia and in Croatia 6.30 p.m. Carlo Ghisalberti (University La Sapienza) and RitaTolomeo (University La Sapienza) present the book "II fallito modello federale della ex Jugoslavia" (Rubbettino) by Rade Petrovic InternationalConference PEACE AND WAR IN THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA (Dayton - Ten Years After) Political Sciences Faculty of Roma Tre University Rome, 21-23 November 2005. Prof. dr Stevan Lilic" SERBIA UNDER MILOSEVIC CONSTITUTIONAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES - PRESENTATION ABSTRACT- Being the most liberal of the European socialist countries, particularly in the late · 1980's, Yugoslavia initiated various economic, social and political reforms. Mowever, soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Yugoslav Federation consisting of six PeElttl:�,flf-­ disintegrated as a result of ethnic conflict. During 1991-1992, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia proclaimed independence. Economic sanctions, imposed upon Yugoslavia by the UN Security Council in May 1992, were suspended after the Dayton Peace Accords of 21 Nov. 1995 and the signing, by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Yugoslavia, of the Paris Peace Agreement of 14 Dec. 1995. During the 15-odd years that Serbia was under the regime of Slobodan Milosevic a number of controversial constitutional and political issues were generated. Long after the·o�_J of Milosevic in October of 2000 and this consequent transfer to the ICTY, these issues would continue over not only to menace Serbia's social and political existence, but threaten the stability of the region as well. In September 1990, Serbia adopted the so-called Milosevic Constitution. This Constitution is still in force and represents the main bulwark of the ancient regime even at present. The bottom line of the "constitutional debate" 1s the issue of "continuity/discontinuity", i.e. as long as the Milosevic Constitution is in force, "Milosevic still (politically) lives". Resistance to adopt a new democratic constitution for Serbia has been so legally sophisticated and politically resolute, that the European Union recently added the Prof. dr Stevan Lilie, Full Professor of Law, Belgrade University School of Law. Visiting Professor University or Bologna (2005). Adjunct Professor School of Law University of Pittsburgh (2002), President Lawyers !or Democrac) Station. member of the Serbian National Parliament (2001-2003). Deputy Chair of the Parliamcntai") Constitutional Commission (2003). Has published over 300 monographs. university textbooks. articles and essays on constitutional and human rights issues. administrative law, public administration. local government and environmental questions. Contact: [email protected] ("'"'" .pn:1,ni.ius.bg.ac.yu). adoption of a new constitution as one of the conditions for a successful stabilization and association process. In April 1992, again under the command of Milosevic, the rump Yugoslav Parliament adopted a new Constitution fora federal entity consisting of Serbia and Montenegro, the two remaining republics, claiming "unbroken continuity" with the socialist state. This project ended in a political fiasco when in 2001 Milosevic's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was accepted as new state to UN membership. On the constitutional level, FRY disappeared in February 2003, when the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was created under the patronage of the European Union. Finally, the autonomous provinces Yojvodina and Kosovo still exist within Serbia, but were deprived by the 1990 Constitution of their special status as constituent parts of the Federation and were left with only limited territorial autonomy. The crisis of 1998 and 1999 (NA TO air strikes on Serbia) has created further problems for the constitutional status of the Kosovo and has also resulted in the imposition of new sanctions upon Serbia. The final resolution of the Kosovo problem may well affect the whole of the constitutional order of Serbia and indirectly also that of State Union and Montenegro. As consequence of the years under Milosevic, Serbia is still pending democratic and transparent constitutional and political solutions regarding its own constitutional future, as well as the future of the State Union and the relations with its "eternal ally" Montenegro, on one hand and Kosovo, on the other. November the 22th - University Roma re 9.00 a.m. Wars (Paii 2) Marco Cuzzi?, War in Bosnia Robe1io Valle (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), The myth of the Serbian rebellion in Bosnia Pav le Nikolic (University of Beograd), Serbia during Milosevic's years Francisco Veiga (Universita Autonoma di Barcellona), Slobodan Milosevic Break Leopoldo Nuti (University Roma Tre), The international contest amb. Luigi Vittorio Ferraris (University Roma Tre), Dayton Agreements Anastasia Grusha (University "Lomonosov" di Mosca), The Bosnian war from the Russian perspective Arsin Bajraini (University ofPrishtina), After Dayton: the other conflicts (Kosovo, Macedonia) 4.00 p.m. Economic and commercial rebuilding and integration Round table with: Lilia Cavallari (University Roma Tre), Today's economic framework of the Western Balkans Plenipotentiary Minister Laura Miriakan (Italian Foreign Affairs), to be decided Stevan Lilic (Beograd), The Serbian economy from the commercial blockade to ... Someone from Croatia, The Croatian economic recovery Giorgio Cingolani (University of Macerata), The difficult revitalization of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the contribution of Italian ONGs Giorgio Piccinato (University Roma Tre), The town planning of the three capitals (Sai·ajevo, Zagabria, Beograd) November, the 23th - University Roma Tre 9.00 a.m. The juridical and political integration Round table Moderator: Venturini (Corriere della Sera). Giuliano Amato, fom1er Prime Minister, presidente della Comrnissione per i Balcani Ambassador of Bosnia Herzegovina, Rebuilding afterDayton Ambassador ofCroatia, Croatia towards European Union Ambassador of Macedonia, to be decided Ambassador ofSerbia-Montenegro, New Serbian assessments after Milosevic Antun Butega (Cettinje), From the Serbian-Montenegrin Federation to the integration of Serbia and Montenegro in the European Union 11.30 L'ICTY and the international tribunals The activities ofthe International CriminalComi in Aja for the former Yugoslavia. Guido Rarnpoldi (Repubblica) interviews: Flavia Lattanzi (University Roma Tre) Paolo Benvenuti (University Roma Tre) Antonio Cassese (Unjversity ofFirenze, former president ofICTY) ? Stories and Witnesses 3.00 p.m. Witnesses, c01Tespondents and trnestories Round table and discussion. Thomas Y erfuss, ANP and president AJICC - Association Joumalists International Criminal Court Chris Stephen, journalist (The Guardian, The Observer, etc.) and author of "Judgment Day: The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic" - english Paolo Rumiz (La Repubblica) Bojan Brkic, deputy manager ofRTS -Radio Televizjia Srbije - english Zlatko Didza.revic, Oslobodenje Angelo Sasso, Rainews24 Paul Gallagher, Reuters english Mirko Klarin, agenzia SENSE - South East News Service Europe - english Ljubica Gojgic, B92, english Emir Sulj agic, Dani e AP - english Ennio Rernondino (RAI), Pietro Veronese (La Repubblica), Massimo Nava e Sofri? Break Peacekeeping 5.30 p.m. The Italian Army and the Bosnian experience Moderator: prof.ssa Maria Luisa Maniscalco, director of the master in Peacekeeping & Security Studies --·- �- �Gu lunedi 21 novembre (Campidoglio, Promoteca) Ore 10.00 saluti delle autorita Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Direttore Rappresentanza in Italia Com­ missione Europea; Guido Fabiani, Rettore Universita Roma Tre; Luigi Moccia, Preside Facolta di Scienze Politiche Univer­ sita Roma Tre; Roberto Antonelli, Preside Facolta Scienze Umanistiche Universita "La Sapienza"; Giancarlo D' Alessan­ dro, Assessore det Comune di Roma, Delegato per le potitiche universitarie, Presidente "Cantiere Europa" I Balcani oggi e ii ruolo dell'Europa Introduce Francesco Guida, Universita Roma Tre Haris Silajdzic, gia Primo Ministro di Bosnia-Erzegovina Giorgio La Malfa, Ministro per le Politiche Comunitarie Fabrizio Barbaso, Direttore Generate all' Allargamento,
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