1 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 7 4 8 9 5 10 11 6 12 13 7 14 Harriers 15 8 16 17 9 18 Skydancing through time 19 10 20 21 11 22 TEXT BY ROB SIMMONS 23 12 24 ILLUSTRATIONS BY JOHN SIMMONS 25 13 26 27 Harriers... For some, they conjure up lazy days on a wind- 14 28 29 swept grassland, watching a lone marsh harrier slowly 15 30 31 and buoyantly quartering the dips and hollows, meticu- 16 32 33 lously searching for mammals and the unwary bird before 17 34 35 18 36 disappearing into the heat haze. 37 19 38 For others, a day in the Cape’s fynbos 39 20 40 may reveal a rare jewel, the stunning 41 21 42 jet-black-and-white Black Harrier, skydancing majestically 43 22 44 overhead before descending 45 23 46 47 into a protea-covered valley to search 24 48 49 for quail or mice. 25 50 51 Going further afield one can visit the 26 52 53 Scottish moors, where ‘harrier’ is a dirty word and the Hen 27 54 55 Harrier is pitted against the 28 56 57 gamekeeper’s gun; even further afield one can visit the 29 58 59 30 60 Diving, twisting and calling in their remarkable grasslands of India where roosts of a thousand harriers 61 skydancing display, Black Harriers mark their ter- 31 62 ritories and simultaneously advertise to prospec- can boggle the mind. 63 tive mates. 32 WENDY DENNIS 33 1 1 2 3 ccurring worldwide, har- museum specimens of this bird exist, 2 4 riers are elusive, a quality and to this day no body mass data have 5 adding to their mystique, been published. 3 6 for they are alone in the From mitochondrial DNA extracted 7 raptor world as being the from feather and blood samples we 4 8 Oonly genus in which polygyny – a male know that the Réunion Harrier differs 9 pairing with two or more mates – is by 1.5 per cent from its closest neigh- 5 10 regular. Three species – the Hen, bour, the Madagascar Marsh Harrier, 11 Northern and Euro pean Marsh harriers meaning that they diverged from one 6 12 – commonly practise polygyny, while another more than 760 000 years ago. 13 several others do so at lower levels. These species did not evolve from the 7 14 It is this trait that started me on a African Marsh Harrier but diverged 15 harrier odyssey which led me in the from their closest cousin, the European 8 16 footsteps of great naturalists such as Marsh Harrier, about a million years 17 Eddie Balfour in Orkney and Frances ago. With only an estimated 72 pairs in 9 18 Hamerstrom in North America, and the world, the small, dark Réunion Despite the Black Harrier’s endemic status, it 19 found me finally and firmly on the Harrier is the world’s rarest. It is also the 10 20 African continent. My quest was not to remains one of the world’s least known harriers. only harrier adapted to foraging over 21 repeat what they had already uncov- forest rather than marshland or 11 22 ered, but to delve into other aspects of steppe. 23 harrier ecology (such as the polygyny), to explain why some The second ‘hidden’ species to emerge is the North American 12 24 females continue to pair with an already mated male and leave Northern Harrier. This species differs from the world’s most 25 fewer copies of themselves than they would with a monoga- common harrier, the Hen Harrier, by 0.8 per cent, meaning it 13 26 mous male, and to understand first-hand why harriers in south- diverged only about 400 000 years ago. The third species pro- 27 ern climes lay fewer eggs and rear fewer offspring than their posed (but not proven by DNA since none could be extracted) is 14 28 northern cousins. the Papuan Harrier of New Guinea. It is thought to be a good 29 At a more fundamental level I also wanted to have first crack species because it is resident on New Guinea, differs in plumage 15 30 at determining how many species of harrier there are in the from its nearest congener, the Eastern Marsh Harrier, and 31 world, and in the process clear up the confusion around the because island forms have all proven good species. The full tally 16 32 world’s five marsh harriers, all originally designated as subspe- of the world’s harriers now stands at 16 species and may increase 33 cies of the European Marsh Harrier. as other island forms are analysed. 17 34 Now, 20 years after the journey began, I am able to provide The affinity of the Black Harrier is surprising because its near- 35 some answers to those questions. So how many harriers are est living ancestor is not, as was expected, one of the current 18 36 there, do new species lurk around the world to frustrate or gal- ‘steppe’ harriers which visit Africa from Europe (that is, the Hen 37 vanise the globe-trotting birder, and why is polygyny so com- or Pallid). It is South America’s small Cinereous Harrier. The two 19 38 mon in this group? species diverged about 1.5-million years ago and as such the 39 Twenty-seven years ago the Dutch taxonomist Ebel Nieboer Black Harrier is the youngest of the ‘steppe’ harriers. It is an 20 40 proposed 10 species of harrier: from Europe and eastern interesting quirk of nature that the youngest harriers (such as 41 Russia, the Hen, European Marsh, Montagu’s and Pallid; from the Black) are frequently found alongside the oldest (such as the 21 42 the African continent, the African Marsh and Black harriers; African Marsh which is about 4.6-million years older) on each 43 from Siberia and Mongolia the striking Pied Harrier; from continent. For example, the youngest harrier in Europe is the 22 44 Australia the only tree-nesting species, the Spotted Harrier; European Marsh, which forages alongside Montagu’s, the spe- 45 and from South America, the Cinereous and Long-winged cies which gave rise to the entire marsh harrier group some 23 46 harriers. Fifteen years later three new species were added by 3.5-million years before present. Likewise, in South America, the 47 American researchers Dean Amadon and John Bull. They rec- cradle of harrier evolution, the ancestral Long-winged is also 24 48 ognised as full species the Madagascar/Réunion Harrier of the about 3.5-million years older than the Cinereous Harrier with 49 Indian Ocean Islands, and the two marsh harriers in the east- which it shares foraging and nesting grounds in Argentina. For 25 50 ern hemisphere: the Eastern Marsh and Australasian Marsh harriers, therefore, the mixing of the old and the new is the rule, 51 harriers. (As a reflection of the uncertainty of the affinities of not the exception. 26 52 the Australian harriers, taxonomists there named the As for polygyny, most European biologists presume that this 53 Australasian Marsh Harrier Circus approximans, meaning rare mating system arises from an excess of females unable to 27 54 ‘approximately like other harriers’ and the Spotted Harrier find mates and thus forced into polygyny. However, sex ratios 55 Circus assimilis, meaning ‘similar to other harriers’ – names are not skewed in North America and yet polygyny is just as 28 56 that don’t fill one with much faith in the taxonomic proc- prevalent there. There is little doubt that polygyny is closely tied 57 ess.) to open habitats (many marsh-nesting species are polygynous 29 58 Now 12 years on, with the assistance of Professor Michael in relation to those that inhabit three-dimensional habitats) All marsh harriers, bar the newly recognised 59 Wink and his colleagues in the genetics labs of Heidelberg and diet – especially a diet of voles. Because vole populations Réunion Harrier, are found foraging over 30 60 University, we can reveal with more certainty yet another three reach higher levels in more northerly latitudes, one expects and reeds and open water, where they also breed. 61 ‘hidden’ species. We can also reveal the ancestry of southern does find more polygyny there. It is also more prevalent in the Whether they will survive man’s onslaught 31 62 Africa’s own endemic (and particularly tissue-shy) species, the two species which dominate northern latitudes – the Hen and on their wetland habitat remains uncertain. 63 Black Harrier. Blood samples from this species were only Northern harriers, and is more common during vole population Here a female African Marsh Harrier 32 obtained after more than a year’s search and many false trails, peaks than vole troughs among these species. tendstends toto herher young.young. following a request in Africa – Birds & Birding in 1999. Almost no J.J.J.J. BROOKBROOKSS/PHOTO/PHOTO ACCACCESSESS 33 38 HARRIERS AFRICA – BIRDS & BIRDING OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2000 HARRIERS 39 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 7 4 8 9 5 10 11 6 12 13 7 14 15 8 16 17 9 18 19 10 20 21 11 22 23 12 24 25 13 26 27 14 28 29 15 30 31 16 32 33 17 34 35 18 36 37 19 38 39 20 40 41 21 42 43 22 44 45 23 46 47 24 48 49 25 50 51 26 52 53 27 54 55 28 56 57 29 58 59 30 60 61 The increasingly rare African Marsh Harrier is 31 62 the smallest of the world’s six marsh harriers.
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