HIGH TIDE WW TIDE 3-26-72 ~'OURGlASS 3-26-72 4 7 at 0318 1.2 at 0911 5.3 at 1521 o 9 at 2134 VOL. 13, 30190 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Saturday, March 25, lq72 President Denies favoritism for ITT, Inside Today IRA Dismisses Notion AROUND THE WORLD Page 2 Of Truce Following Expresses Confidence in Kleindienst F~re Guts Seoul Hotel WASHINGTON (UPI) - President N~xon gave a publ1c vote of confidence WEEKLY MOVIE GUIDE Page 3 British Rule Decision in Attorney General-designate Richard G. Kleindienst yesterday and AROUND TOWN Page 4 BELFAST (UPI) - Both wings of declared that his administration never would accept a campaign con­ Cap Cooke - Gou:rmet the IRA today dismissed any notion tribution with the "expressed or implied" understanding of a return FEATURES . of a truce following Britain's de­ favor SPORTS Page 6 cision to impose direct rule on Speaking out for the first time since the ITT controversy burst MountatnbalZ Stand:z,.ngs Northern Ireland One militant wide open more than 3 weeks ago, the President categorically denied ENTERTAINMENT SCENE IRA leader denounced such an idea the administration had g1ven any favors to Internat10nal Telephone .Pages 7 & 8 as "complete rot " and Telegraph Corp. COMICS Page 9 Leaders of the IRA's militant In fact, he told reporters during an impromptu news conference in CLASSIFIED .Page 10 provisional and politically ori­ his White House office, the Justice Department had moved more force- ented official wing made their fully again" the giant cong1omer- M' t II' L d t I k M It P t statements as William Whitelaw, ate during his administration than In 0 In 011 011 0 II a a ac appointed British secretary of under Democratic Presidents John LONDON (UPI) - Prem~er Dom Mintoff of Malta arrived today for state for Northern Ireland, flew F Kennedy or Lyndon B Johnson the signing of an Anglo-Maltese defense agreement which will enable in for his first round of confer­ "If we wanted to do a favor for British troops to stay on the Mediterranean island ences before taking up the post. ITT, we could have continued to Mintoff made no comment to newsmen on his early-afternoon arrival "Any speculation on a truce in do what was done in the previous by a British RAP jet. Northern Ireland is complete rot," administrations, which is noth1ng," A Defense Ministry spokesman sa1d M1ntoff and Defense Secretary said Sean MacStiofain, chief of N1xon said Lord Carrington were expected to sign the agreement Sunday at Marl- staff of the provisionals. "Peace Kleindienst's nomination to suc- borough House, the seat of the shall only be restored when the 3 ceed John N M1tche11 as attorney Bloody Coup Reported Commonwealth secretariat points issued by us March 10 are general has been delayed for weeks I I d He said Br~tish and Maltese accepted by the British government by a Senate 1nvest1gation into In E Sa va or by off1cials were st111 straighten- "Until then we fight " suggest10ns of a connection be- N' hbe· 1ng out "some last-minute p01nts" The 3 points, or demands, to tween the Just1ce Department's el9 or ountrles before the signing, but there which he referr~d were immed1ate out-of-court settlement of an an- GUATEMALA CITY (UPI) - Radio appeared to be no ser10US ob- withdrawal of British troops from t1trust suit aga1nst ITT last stat10ns in Central America re- stacles left. the streets of Ulster, followed July and ITT's offer to help f1- ported today that Gen Jose Al- Political sources in London by evacuation from the proV1nce, nance the 1972 Republican National berto Medrano, who lost a Presi- said there has been no increase total amnesty for all "pohtical Convention dental election in El Salvador in the top figure of $36 4 mil- prisoners" including suspected IRA "I had confidence when I appoint- last month, had overthrown the lion Britain and her NATO allies men interned S1nce last Aug , and ed him (Kle1ndienst) that he was government there in a bloody coup have offered Malta to keep for- "the right of Irishmen to decide qua11fied," Nixon said "I still The reports, broadcast over ces stationed there their own future " have that confidence I believe radio stations 1n Guatemala, Hon- Of the entire British troops A British Army spokesman said he should be confirmed I believe duras, N1caragua and Costa Rica, once $arrisoned on Malta, only Northe.n Ireland experienced a he will be confirmed." said Medrano had made a prisoner 900 !toysl Marine Commandos re- "quit-til night with only a lumdful As for ITT's guarantee to under- of the outgoing President, Gen mained, most of them on a troop of scattered incidents reported write Republican convention costs Fidel Sanchez Hernandez, and de- carrier in Valetta Harbor wait- in San Diego next August, the Pres- tailed h1m in the San Carlos ing to sail for home. Berrigan Delense Rests 1dent said "Nobody gets anyth1ng barracks near the capital city British officials said 1f a- back for contributions in this ad- of San Salvador. greements were not reached. the Without Any Argument. m1nistration " According to the unconfirmed carrier EMS Bulwark will put to HARRISBURG, Penn (UPI) - The reports, Medrano formed a ruling sea March 30, end~ng 171 years defense rested its case yesterday Trudeau Takes SWIpe military junta and took control of Brit1sh mi11tary presence on in the tr1al of the Harrisburg At Connally Over after street fighting in San Malta Seven without calling a witness Salvador in which people were Brltam's Princess Anne or making an argument Tr1al Tough Trade Pol,c,es killed and injured Judge R. Dixon Herman said closing None of the reports could be Preppmg for Shot arguments would be held Monday HAMILTON (UPI) - Pr1me Minister confirmed because all telephone, Former Attorney General Ramsey Pierre El110tt Trudeau said last telex and telegraph cOllUllunica- At MunIch OlympICS Clark, a member of the defense n1ght Canada does not need enemies tions leading from the country team, surprised the court and the when it has friends like U.S Trea­ of 3 5 m~1110n had been cut off CROOKHAM (UPI) - Pr1ncess Anne, jury by suddenly announc1ng the sury Secretary John B Connally llopango Internat10nal Airport 1n her f1rst appearance since defense was resting 1tS case Trudeau made the comment, h1s Just east of San Salvador was w1nn1ng the European 3-day eque­ "We seek peace," Clark shout·ed second swipe at Connally 1n 2 days, closed and f11ghts of the Salva­ str1sn event last Sept , led the "We always seek peace and on be­ when the host of a television hot­ dorean nat10nal airline from the field after the f1rst two stages half of the defendants the defense line program asked about PreS1dent Nicaraguan capital and Miami today in the Crookham Horse Tr1­ rests." Nixon's statement earlier in the were diverted to Guatemala City a1, The 5 other defense attorneys day that trade talks with Canada AV1ation officials here said the The Queen's daughter gave a stood one at a time and confirmed were deadlocked because it was airport was closed due to unex­ composed and confident perfor­ Clark's statement on behalf of harder to negotiate with fr1ends plained "disorders " mance on Doublet to take a five each of the 7 defendants, includ­ than with enemies Salvadorean embass~es outside point lead on Overnit leader ing the Rev Philip F Berrigan "1 didn't think we were hard to the country sa1d they had no of­ Hazel Booth on Mary Poppins Defense attorneys charged ear· get along With, but I think we ficial word from El Salvador The princess had the best dres­ lier that an FBI informer escalat­ feel the same way ever since last The radio reports gave the only sage score of 19 points and en­ ed to the boiling point a "perco­ August when they brought 1n these ava11able information on the sured retaining the lead going lating" idea to kidnap PresIdent­ very tough measures against their s1tuation and the1r sources were into Sunday's cross country stage ial adviser Henry A Kissinger fr1ends and enemies alike not known by achieving a clear round 1n the Boudin, in asking that charges "We felt that with fr1ends like Accordirlg to reports circulat­ show jumping section against the 7 defendants be dis­ Secretary Connally, who needs en­ 1n¥ in Guatemala the coup start­ The Crookham trials are regard­ missed, said the role of Boyd F mies We're tough negotiators, I ed when the m11itary barracks ed as an important warm-up for Douglas, an ex-conv1ct turned gov­ suppose, and so are they," Trudeau of San Carlos and Guard1a Nacton­ next month's Badminton trials 1n ernment informer, was "the extra­ said al staged an uprising and attack­ wh1ch British riders will be com­ ordinary element of the kidnap ed the "El Zapote" barracks Where peting for places on the team for charge." Douglas turned informer the personal bodyguards of the the Munich Olympics while he and Berrigan were inmates President were stationed. The 1nsurgents under command Charlie Chaplin, Set to ReceiVe Oscar of Medrano were reported to have HOLLYWOOD (UPlf -.'Charlie Chap~ln, plans tcr accept personally a occupied the barracks and taken special movie Oscar he has been awarded, but he won't be on hand the PreS1dent pr1soner after a when a plaqfle with his name is embedaed in Hollywood's "Walk of prolonged gun bat~le There was Fame " no immediate death count ava11­ A letter from Chaplin's personal representative cited the large able number of invitations the.actor has received for his forthcoming Meanwh11e, President-elect Mo­ US vHnt and ~aid it would be "impossible for him to accept one l1na was out of the country and and not othets." .The Chamber of Commerce and Los Angeles City was expected to play an 1mpor­ Council th~s Jear approved Chaplin's inclusion in the Walk of Fame.
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