• Something to ponder — While the hunter is off after • When a banker, like J. G. his deer, might not his dear Blinn, so apparently hates to become the hunted? leave — shouldn’t that be to The Glengarry New our credit? ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXVI — No. 44 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1957 SINGLE COPY 7c mMOt-IIEHERU 1MSSET COMING WEDNESD1T To Unveil New Plaque At War Memorial Board Discusses Summerstown Parade Will Form On Mill Square Honoring Glengarry Dead, World War II Garbage Collection, House Numbering Man Saved To March To The Cenotaph His Excellency, the Right Honour- and local officials were only too At a brief business session last ’ Members of Légion branches in able Vincent Massey, Governor- pleaded to make arrangements to night, the Board of Trade discussed From River the area are being invited to par- ■ General of Canada, pays his first smf'his busy schedule. two of its proposed projects, a com- Details of a dramatic rescue were Townsmen Asked ticipate in next Wednesday’s un- lOffieial visit to Glengarry, Wednes- , ' Because of the proximity to munity garbage disposal plan and bared yesterday when it was learned veiling ceremonies at the Glengarry ■ day, November 6th, when he will November 11th, it has been decided house numbering. that Harold St. John, 51, Summers- To Fly Flags War Memorial, and all veterans of :motor from Ottawa to unveil the to combine the unveiling ceremony Mayor Simon felt Council would town, was pulled from the St. Law- the armed forces are asked to fall :new plaque on the Glengarry War with the annual Remembrance Day On the occasion of next Wed- favor both projects, but reminded rence River after falling from a in at the Mill Square at 10 o’clock Memorial here. services at the cenotaph. Wreaths nesday’s first visit to Glengarry that house numberbjig would involve boat. of Governor - General Massey, for the march to the cenotaph, ' It honors the memory of , Glen- will be laid at the unveiling cere- which will get underway at 10:30. mony, the dead of both World Wars a complete plan of ,the town. Mr-. St. John, an employee of Mc- Mayor Simon has proclaimed a garrians who gave their lives in The Santa Claus parade was dis- Medals will be worn. will be remembered in the tra- Namara Construction Co., was leav- civic holiday from 10:30 a.m., World War II or the Korean War, ing the work boat late Saturday The parade will include members ditional way, and Poppy Day will be cussed and the committee in charge, and it is expected all places of .■and its place on our war memorial headed by Harold Nyman, was auth- afternoon with others on the 4 of the Legion branches with their •was made possible by a drive for advanced so that all may wear a business, and the schools, will orized . to proceed With plans they o’clock shift. He was about to close for the ' period during colors, the Reserve Army, the Cadet poppy for remémbrance that day. Corps of Williamstown and Alex- ifunds conducted last year by Alex- are formulating. climb on to the wharf at Race which the representative of the andria Branch of the Canadian It is most fitting that to the Gov- andria High Schools, and the Wo- o——: street, in Cornwall, when he slipped Queen is amongst us. Legion, sponsors of next Wednes- ernor-General should fall the and fell into the river, hitting his men’s Auxiliary of the Legion. It day’s unveiling ceremonies. solemn task of unveiling this plaque Ewen McPhee It is expected that His Ex- will be headed by the Pipe Band of head. cellency will make a brief tour Governor - General Massey is memorializing those of Glengarry Ronald MacDonald, 25, a member the S.D. & G. Highlanders, and will schèduled to arrive here at 11 who gave their lives in the Second Going To New York of the town following the un- include the Girls’ Band of Char- of the same shift, saw the incident. veiling ceremonies and citizens •o'clock, when the ceremony at the World War. A predecessor of his When Mr. St. John did not come up Lan High School, Williamstown. in the vice-regal office, Baron Byng Local hockey and football teams are asked to dress up their cenotaph will get underway. The will have to do without the services immediately, MacDonald dived into When His Excellency, Governor- .•programme, detailed in another of Vimy, then Governor-General of homes and places of business General Massey arrives at the of Ewen McPhee from here in. the water and held Mr. St. John’s with flags and bunting. column, is expected to last about Canada, had come here on October head above water until he was able cenotaph he will be welcomed by a 1st, 1923, to unveil this memorial. Ewen has received a transfer in At this time of year, lawns are -one hour and it is probable Mr. the Bank of Nova Scotia from to pull him ashore. group consisting of Mayor Simon, Massey will make a brief inspection On that occasion, Glengarry had least sightly, but, weather per- the federal and provincial repre- made its welcome to the repre- Montreal to the bank’s New York The accident victim was taken to mitting, a liberal use of the -of the town before returning to GOVERNOR - GENERAL agency. Cornwall General Hospital, where sentatives from Glengarry, the •Ottawa. sentative of the King in Canada rake may work wonders. presidents of Alexandria Legion VINCENT MASSEY a heartwarming one. Mr. Massey, He expects to leave next week as 25 stitches had to'be taken in his Pressure of other engagements head. His condition is^ “satisfac- Branch and of its Ladies’ Auxiliary. as the emissary of the Queen, will soon as his passports, visas, etcl, Following the National Anthem, precludes his being entertained at are or< er tory”. luncheon here. his services prevented his coming undoubtedly be greeted here, next l - Games Officers he will inspect the honor guard of Legion officials had planned on at that time and he had suggested Wednesday, by residents of the en- ■ Glengarry sport's fans and a host War Veterans and proceed to a an unveiling ceremony earlier in he would be pleased to come in the tire county, present primarily to other friends, will miss Ewen’s special speakers’ platform to which the year and had invited Mr. late Fall. Just recently returned honor the memory of those who frequent appearances on the local Succumbed To Are Re-Elected have been invited the Counties’ from Europe, the Governor-General sport scene. Massey to come here in June for did not return from service in the The annual meeting of the Glen- Warden, the Reeves of the seven 'that purpose. Other demands on suggested the date of November 6th, Second World War. He started his banking career in Glengarry municipalities, His Ex- the local branch in 1949, had served Brief Illness garry Highland Games was held in the, Community Hall, on Monday, cellency Bishop Brodeur, Rev. Dr. in Vankleek Hill and other centres Harvey Campbell of St. Andrew’s before going to Montreal a . year October 21st. The principal busi- Martintown Cleric I New Floor Plan In New York ness concerned the election of the East, Que.i "Rev. Dr. D. N. Mac- Ranald J. Kerr ago. Ewen spent a month here this Millan,1 Rt. Rev. Monsignor Ewen J. summer on a relieving assignment. Miss Sally Macdonald, R.N., of officers for the 1958 season. They Says Farewell At Bank Of N.S. are the same as this year’s slate: Macdonald, the presidents of other The move to New York is con- New York City, a native of Fassi- Legion branches in Glengarry, Col. Widely Mourned sidered a very definite set-up. Chairman , On Sunday morning last, Rev. A. New straight-line counters were fern, succumbed to a very brief D. C. Stewart, O.C., S.D. & G. High- o illness in Doctor’s Hospital, New Major Angus A. McDonald While undergoing the third of a W. Seaton, minister for the past installed in the local branch of landers, Major Angus A. McDonald, •series of operations at Hotel Dieu, the Bank of Nova Scotia last week- York, on Saturday, at the age President D. N. MacRae and members of the welcoming eight years of St. Andrew’s United Glengarry Talent 1st Vice-Pres C. B. McDermid Cornwall, Ranald J. Kerr died early. Church, Martintown, delivered a end, and the tellers’ cages are now of 57. party. 2nd Vice-Pres Cecil McRae Tuesday afternoon. He would have sermon of farewell. He addressed a together at the West end of the When the Montreal Celtic Society Relatives and friends in Glen- Mayor Simon will deliver his garry learned with shocked regret Sec’y-Mgr. John Jamieson been 62 today. representative congregation on the building to providê a more con- held its annual Fall gathering last welcoming address; the Invocation of her death, for Miss Macdonald Treasurer Mrs. Rod McLennan The unexpected death of this text, “Let this mind be in you which venient arrangement for staff and Friday night, Glengarry talent was will be given by Rev. Dr. Harvey widely known and respected Lochiel was also in Jesus Christ”. customers. in demand. Innis Campbell, of had but recently paid one of her DIRECTORS Campbell, husband of a well-known. resident came as a . shock to family On Wednesday evening previous, A new floor and other minor Greenfield, sang and Beverly Camp- frequent visits to her home.
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