Kauai County General Plan ∣ Protecting Natural and Cultural Resources DEPARTMENTAL DRAFT JANUARY 2017 1-1 | Vision, Goals & Policies for the future THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK The theme of this General Plan is ‘Kaua‘i Kākou.’ This theme recognizes that everyone must work together to define and implement a shared vision for our island. Departmental Draft January 2017 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Acknowledgements ∣ Kaua‘i County General Plan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Citizen Advisory Committee Planning Department Bill Arakaki Michael Dahilig, Director Kurt Bosshard Ka‘aina Hull, Deputy Planning Director Bev Brody Marie Williams, Planner Helen Cox Leanora Ka‘iaokamalie, Planner Luke Evslin Marisa Valenciano, Planner R. Farias Lee Steinmetz, Transportation Planner Randall Francisco Laurie Ho Brenda Jose Housing Department Sue Kanoho Kanani Fu Cammie Matsumoto Kamuela Cobb-Adams (former Director) Mark Oyama Gary Pacheco Office of Economic Development Barbara Robeson George Costa Tom Shigemoto Ben Sullivan Stacy Sproat-Beck Susan Tai Kaneko Public Works Department Lyle Tabata Michael Moule County Council Mel Rapozo, Council Chair Consultants Ross Kagawa, Council Vice Chair SSFM International, Inc. (Prime) Mason K. Chock, Planning Committee Chair Opticos Design Inc. Arthur Brun Economic & Planning Systems Arryl Kaneshiro Charlier Associates, Inc. Derek S.K. Kawakami Collaborative Economics JoAnn A. Yukimura Marine & Coastal Solutions International Gary L. Hooser (former) PBR Hawai‘i KipuKai Kuali‘i (former) University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program Planning Commission Ruby Pap, Coastal Land Use Extension Agent Kimo Keawe (Chair) Sean Mahoney Website Heather Ahuna http://www.plankauai.com Roy Ho Wayne Katayama Glenda Nogami-Streufert Louis Abrams (former) Donna Apisa (new commissioner) Mayor’s Office Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr. Managing Director Wallace Rezentes, Jr. Managing Director Nadine Nakamura (former) Acknowledgements | i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Hawaiian Words and Phrases ∣ Kaua‘i County General Plan GLOSSARY OF HAWAIIAN WORDS AND PHRASES The following list provides Hawaiian words and phrases, and their corresponding definitions, used throughout this document. The translations are taken and adapted as necessary from Ulukau, the Hawaiian Electronic Library, available online at http://wehewehe.org/. Ahupua‘a – land division usually extending from the uplands to the sea, so called because the boundary was marked by a heap (ahu) of stones surmounted by an image of a pig (Puaʻa), or because a pig or other tribute was laid on the altar as tax to the Chief. The boundaries of an ahupua‘a is based on the region’s watersheds ‘Āina ho‘oppulapula – protecting the Native Hawaiian population Ali‘i – high chief Aloha – affection, compassion for others Kākou – we (inclusive, three or more), ours, promotes synergy when developing solutions and alternatives Ka Po‘e Kahiko – ‘the People of Old’. Ka Po‘e Kahiko is also the name of a literature piece that describes the fundamental principles of Hawaiian life Kamaʻāina – ‘children of the land’, used to describe Hawai‘i residents Kanaka maoli o Kaua‘i – Hawaiian native of Kaua‘i Kapu – forbidden, sacred Keiki – child/children Kuleana – right, privilege, concern, responsibility Kūpuna – elders Lōkahi – collaboration or teamwork, unity, agreement Mahalo – thanks, gratitude Mālama ʻāina – to care for the land, stewardship of the land Mālama pono – taking care, doing the right thing Māka‘i – ocean Mana‘o – thought or belief Mauka – mountain Moku – traditional land division representing a district or section typically encompassing several ahupua‘a. Kaua‘i’s moku include Puna, Kona, Ko‘olau, Halele‘a, Nā Pali, Ni‘ihau Mokupuni – island ‘Ōlelo - language Pali – cliff ‘Ohana – family, relative, kin group Wahi Pana – sacred place Hawaiian Words and Phrases | iii THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Acronyms and Abbreviations ∣ Kaua‘i County General Plan ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following list provides the acronyms, abbreviations, and their corresponding definitions used throughout this document and is formatted in alphabetical order. ACS American Community Survey EIS Environmental Impact Statement ADA Americans with Disabilities Act EPA Environmental Protection Agency ADU Additional Dwelling Unit FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency ADVC Average Daily Visitor Census FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map AIS Archaeology Inventory Study GE Genetically Engineered APA American Planning Association GET General Excise Tax B&B Bed & Breakfast GP General Plan BPH Bike Plan Hawai‘i GHG Greenhouse Gas CAC Citizen Advisory Committee GIS Geographic Information System CDP Census Designated Place GMO Genetically Modified Organisms CEDS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy gpd Gallons Per Day CHMP Commercial Harbors Master Plan gwh Gigawatt Hour CIP Capital Improvement Program Hazmat Hazardous materials CPTED Crime Prevention through HDOT Department of Transportation Environmental Design HHPS Hawai‘i Housing Planning Study CWRM Commission on Water Resource HiAP Health in All Policies Management HOME Home Investment Partnership CZO Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Program DBEDT Department of Business, Economic HPV Human papillomavirus Development, and Tourism HTA Hawai‘i Tourism Authority DHHL Department of Hawaiian Home Lands HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DLNR Department of Land and Natural Development Resources IAL Important Agricultural Lands DOBOR Division of Boating and Recreation ICAC Interagency Climate Adaptation DOCARE Division of Conservation and Committee Resources Enforcement ICAP Island Climate Adaptation Policy DOE Department of Education IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate DOFAW Division of Forestry and Wildlife Change DOH Department of Health ISWMP Integrated Solid Waste Management DOW Department of Water Plan DPW Department of Public Works ITS Intelligent Transportation System DRR Disaster Risk Reduction IWS Individual Wastewater Systems EA Environmental Assessment KCHA Kauaʻi County Housing Agency Acronyms and Abbreviations | v Kaua‘i County General Plan ∣ Acronyms and Abbreviations KCHII Kaua‘i Community Health NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Improvement Initiative Administration KEDB Kaua‘i Economic Development NSPA North Shore Path Alternatives Board OCCL Office of Conservation and Coastal KESP Kaua‘i Energy Sustainability Plan Lands KESRP Kaua‘i Endangered Seabird PDR Purchase of Development Rights Recovery Project PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle KIUC Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative PMRF Pacific Missile Range Facility KPAA Kaua‘i Planning and Action PTSA Parent Teacher Student Association Alliance R&D Research & Development KTP Kīlauea Town Plan RPS Renewable Performance Standards KTS Kapa‘a Transportation Solutions Study SHPD State Historic Preservation Division KTSP Kaua‘i Tourism Strategic Plan SKCP South Kaua‘i Community Plan 2016 – 2018 Update SLR Sea Level Rise KVB Kaua‘i Visitors Bureau SRTS Safe Routes to School LCP Līhu‘e Community Plan SMA Special Management Area LESP Land Evaluation and Site SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Assessment Program LGBTQ Lesbian-gay-bisexual- SPA Special Planning Area transgender-queer TAM Technical Assistance Memorandum LOS Length of stay TDR Transfer of Development Rights LRTP Long Range Transportation Plan TVR Transient Vacation Rental MGD Million Gallons per Day TVU Transient Vacation Unit MLTP Multimodal Land Transportation Plan UDP Urban Design Plan MMA Major Market Area USDA United States Department of Agriculture MMT CO2EQ Million Metric Tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions VDA Visitor Destination Area NAICS North American Industry VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled Classification System WSPA West Side Path Alternatives NIMS National Incident Management System vi | Acronyms and Abbreviations Glossary of Terms ∣ Kaua‘i County General Plan GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following list provides definitions for planning terms used throughout this document and is formatted in alphabetical order. Boundary Amendment means changes to the Hawai‘i State Land Use District boundaries. Boundary amendments are approved by the State Land Use Comission. Community Plan is a public document that provides specific proposals for future land uses, developments, and public improvements in a given community within the County of Kaua‘i. In the 2000 General Plan, Community Plans were referred to as ‘Development Plans’. Community Plans are intended to be region specific and capture the community’s vision for the area. Design Standards are specific regulations, such as form base code, within Special Planning Areas. Design Standards are intended to help to achieve the vision and character that is desired by the community. Development means any building, construction, renovation, mining, extraction, dredging, filling, excavation, or drilling activity or operation; any material change in the use or appearance of any structure or in the land itself; the division of land into parcels; any change in the intensity or use of land, such as an increase in the number of dwelling units in a structure or a change to a commercial or industrial use from a less intensive use; any activity that alters a shore, beach, seacoast, river, stream, lake, pond, canal, marsh, dune area, woodlands, wetland, endangered species habitat, aquifer or other resource area, including coastal construction or other activity (APA Website, 2016). Development Permits (Land use and building permits collectively) means any written approval or decision by a local government
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