WINTER PARK TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season Vol. 5—No. 9 Winter Park, Florida, Saturday, March 5, 1938 Price 10 Cents SOCIAL NOTES POETRY SOCIETY MEETS AT MARTIN HOME Mrs. Winthrop Coffin, a guest Members and guests of the at Barron Hall, gave a luncheon Poetry Society of Florida met at Tuesday at the Whistling Kettle the home of Dr. and Mrs. John for Miss Constance Holt, sister of Martin on Saturday afternoon, President Hamilton Holt, who was February 26 when Dr. Evelyn her classmate at Vassar. Other Newman gave an inspiring talk Vassar women attending were on "The Case for Poetic Drama in Miss Louella Kountz, Mrs. Mabel Recent Years". Rose Mills Pow- Horst Kirk, Mrs. B. D. Holden, ers presided in the absence of Jes- Mrs. William F. Yust and Mrs. sio Rittenhouse Scollard in Cali- Charles C. Burleigh. fornia. Quoting Aristotle's defini- tion of great tragedy as a cath- Mrs. Edward S. Fownes of arsis of the soul, Dr. Newman Maitland is entertaining at' her finds the case for poetic drama estate, her daughter, Mrs. Sarah well justified today in the threat- Fownes Wadsworth and daughter ening chaos in world affairs. She Caroline; Mrs. Margaret Arens- discussed briefly the great poetic burg and Miss Vivian Heck, all of tragedies of all time from Sopho- Pittsburgh, Pa. and Pinehurst, N. Knowles Memorial Chapel and the Annie Russell Theatre at Rollins cles' "Antigone" and Shakespeare's C. Mr. Hugh Davis, of Sewick- College, the cultural center of Winter Park, where many of the sea- "King Lear", the dramatic poems son's outstanding events are given. At the Chapel the Bach Festival ley, Pa., who has been a guest for was held on Thursday and Friday. Next week a production of Aristo- of Byron, Shelley and Browning', two weeks left for the North yes- phanes' comedy "Peace" will be given. the realistic dramas of Ibsen and terday. Shaw, the work of the Irish Synge OLD GREEK COMEDY AT ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW and Yeats to the post-war period Mrs. Charles Davis and daugh- ANNIE RUSSELL THEATRE OF THE GARDEN CLUB of today with its revival of inter- ter and niece of Springfield, Mass, est in poetic drama. stopped this week enroute to Sara- Baron Paul d'Estournelles de The thirteenth Annual Flower' sota, up the east coast and down Constant will produce his free Show of the Winter Park Garden Praising the work of the Eng- the west, and visited their friends adaptation of Aristophanes' com- Club is to be held at the Hooker lish actors, Gielgul, Maurice Evans Mrs. Mary Hazen Arnold and Mrs. edy, "Irene, or The Peace", Friday Memorial Building on New Eng- and Lilian Baylis in the Shake- Edward W. Hazeu of Phelps Ave- and Saturday evening's, March 11 land Avenue next Tuesday and speare renaissance in England, nue. and 12, in the Annie Russell The- Wednesday, March 8 and 9. Tues- Dr. Newman especially empha- sized in her discussion T. S. Eliot's Senor Madariaga, distinguished atre as the fifth attraction in the day, March 8, the hours are from Annie Russell Series. This bril- 2:30 to 10:00 P. M. and on Wed- "Murder in the Cathedral", Archi- Spanish statesman and Mr, Arth- bald Mae Leish's "Fall of the ur Sweetser, recipient of an honor- liant comedy will replace the Paris nesday, March 9 from 10:00 A. M. Revue which was originally sched- to 5:00 P. M. There is a small City" and the dramas of Maxwell ary degree at Rollins last week, Anderson. were house guests of Dr. and Mrs. uled for the Series. admission charge of twenty-five John Palmer Gavit. Professor d'Estournelles has not cents. The contributed poems, read by Mrs. A. E, Dick included verse Dr. and Mrs. Fielding Lewis made a literal translation of the The public is cordially invited comedy, it is announced, but has to enter the competitive exhibits. written by Prestonia Mann Martin, Taylor gave a dinner and birth- Richard Burton, Vivian Yeiser day party Monday evening at their remained faithful to the spirit of It is not necessary to have a gar- the play in his free adaptation, den of great size, but an unusual Laramore, Eugene R. Shippen, home on Osceola Avenue for Mrs. Lucy Lamont Gavit, Rose Mills Fred Atherton, of Washington, He has chosen to stage it in such plant or single blossom of beauty a manner that it might be played is all that is necessary to qualify. Powers, Mrs. Arthur M, Harris who is at the Alabama. Those at- and the writer of the winning tending were President Holt, his anytime and in any place where No person may make more than the sun shines brightly and with poem, "Interpretations", reserved sister, Miss Constance Holt, Mrs. (Continued on Pago 8) for the Allied Arts Prize contest Josephine Daskam Bacon, Mrs. warmth. With this in mind, the (Continued to Page 6) held in April. Mrs. Dick also read Philip T. Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. FLORIDA'S BIRD LOVERS a fine poem by Jessie B. Ritten- A. B. Trowbridge, Sr., Dr. George MEETING HERE TODAY house Scollard, "Mary Austin at Zug and Dr. E. R. A. Selig'man. CIVIC LUNCHEON AT Carmcl". Announcement was Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Btilcom, of Bird lovers and conservationists (Continued on Page S) THE WOMAN'S CLUB of the state will meet at Rollins Cincinnati arrived Thursday to On Wednesday, March 9, at 1 visit the latter's grand parents, Mr. College today, Saturday, March o'clock, the Civic Luncheon will 5, to attend the 38th annual meet- and Mrs. L. J. Hackney for sev- be held at the Club House, Mrs. Horses! Horses! Horses! ing of the Florida Audubon So- Winter Parkers are turning this eral days. Mrs. Balcom is the C. Fred Ward will preside. The ciety. former Marguerite Hackney who week-end from teas and lectures speaker will be Dr. J. S. Young, The program for the day will spent several seasons here before for many years a professor in the to the world of sport, as presented her marriage last year and who consist o:f meetings, open to the by the Orlando Horse Show at history department of the Univer- public, in the morning and the is being greeted by her many sity of Minnesota. Dr. Young is Exposition Park. This is no mere afternoon in the Annie Russell local show, but a gathering- of friends. at present one of the popular Theatre, a luncheon meeting at Mrs. Reinhard Siedenburg has teachers at Rollins and will pre- fine show horses from 14 states, the Whistling Kettle Tea Room, There are classes for both local as her guest at Hiawatha Grove, sent his subject (International-Co- and an evening lecture in the and visiting exhibitors, however, Maitland, Mrs. Ruth Quackenbusch operation) with a great deal of hu- theatre for which a small admis- man interest. so the audience will not forget of Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Sieden- sion charge will be made. In ad- that the horse has his followers burg's daughter, Mrs. Norman On Friday, March 11, at 3 dition to the program Saturday, a here in our vicinity. The show is Into left Thursday for her home o'clock, Mrs. H. T. Kitson, Chair- field trip to Central Florida areas for the benefit of the Rollins Rid- in Chicago after visiting the past man of the Drama department, to observe bird life under the guid- ing Department. two weeks. presents one of the most delightful ance of J. Minter Westfall, of Or- Mrs. J. S. Capen has returned short comedies of the American lando, former Audubon warden, is from a throe week's trip north theatre, Susan Glaspell's SUP- planned for Saturday. EDITOR'S NOTE and will be at the Lincoln Apart- PRESSED DESIRES. The Club The program will open with a A review of the Bach Festival ments until April. looks forward with special plea- meeting of the executive commit- will be published in next week's (Continued oiii Page 4) sure to these drama afternoons. (Continued on Pago T) issue of Winter Park Topics, WINTER PARK TOPICS, SATURDAY, MAR. 5, 1938 Page Two composer, and his wife, Louise SOCIAL NOTES Homer, former Metropolitan Opera contralto. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pel- came up from DelRay Beach to ham were hosts at a luncheon attend the Festival. Tuesday at Mrs. Lists for Mr. Mrs. George Endicott and Mrs. Frances Slater and Mrs. Arthur Kraft and others James Lees Laidlaw, of New York connected with the Bach Festival. arrived Wednesday for a fort- Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. night's stay at the Alabama. Mrs. Kraft, Mrs. Charles Sprague- Endicott will spend the week-end Gowns — Wraps Smith, Miss Hilda Sprague-Smith, with Mrs. Charles Sprague-Smtih, Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Barbour and before going" to the hotel. daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Gell, Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Gell came this and Mrs. Arthur M. Harris, Mrs. week from Rochester, N. Y., to Sport Clothes William E. Casselberry and guest, visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Edward P. Bailey, Mr. and B. Barbour. Mrs. John W. Alvord, Mae Mor- Mrs. Evelyn Hope Northrop, of gan, Christopher 0. Honaas and Tunkhannock, Pa., is here for a Herman Siewert. six week's visit and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Missil- San Juan Hotel Building Orlando Dr. Rosalie Slaughter Morton dine on Osceola Avenue. held another at-home last Sunday afternoon, exhibiting the interest- Lillian Knowles, contralto solo- ing' Bali carvings, statuettes and ist for the Bach Festival was the other examples of art from that house guest of Dr.
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