*• '-c 4rf (. - , » ) -i»«r- f - •,»ILLIAH RAINEY HARPER CnLL-^fiE THE HARBINGER VOLUME :i / 9 • ft % • y" * , " . ^ t /^ • ' - ' . J • X Z' ^ " -V- r? X ^•''i''. V % Monday. September IS, 1969 SSHC Elections Harper College Volune 3, No. 1 Underway Today J Petitioning for the Student Senate 2) Campaigning may begin after (SSHC) elections begins today. Fif- the petition has been properly teen student senators will be dected complded and returned to the at large to bring the senate rolls Klections Committee. Cam- Harbinger to the total of twenty-five. Ten sen- paign material should not ex- ators were dected last spring. ceed 28"x44" and may only The student body will also Vote be In dealgiuited to nil three senate offices at this hung areas time. The ofHce of Recording Sec- with masking tape. Tliere shall rdary is open due to the resigna- be no campaigning or public- tion of .Miss Mary Rodgers. ity material within 25 feetoflhc Miss Kodgers was married this voting station. All campaign summer and Is not returning to material must be of good de- Harper. sign and appearance in keep- James N'evlns, dected to the of- ing with the standards of Har- fice of treasurer in the spring, can- per College not assume office due to falling students with validated grades. 3) AU The office of Corresponding Sec- Harper I.D. cards shall be rdary is also open. No names ap- able to vote. If an I. D. card is peared on the spring ballot for this presented which does not be- poaltioa long to the voter, the names Any student in good standing will be reported to the Direc- at the collage can petition and run tor of Student Actlvltiea and the for following are the oflka The Individuals will lose their vot- ofljdal SSHC election proccdurca: ing privilegas. SSHC President Ronald Raup 4 ) Thnc shall be only one voting brieny outlined the tasks required station which will be located in of each ofHcer. tlw Collage Center. The Recording secretary kcapa ft ) «t iMiini count of votea the minutes of all senate mee«lngf~ N ng ' ballot box and it responsible (or these being ahall bt maik. The printed and dlatribttlsd by tiw aaxt wfll b» opened after all voting meeting 1 he reconUng sacntary has cndKl arith only memlMra also keeps the atteftdance records of the E3ectiona CommiRec. and all other senate rccorda Harbinger, and Director of Stu- After dlfflculUes Uie campus bookstore finally opened on Sept. 8. Students waited In The treasurer* main task Is dent Activities present. for long lines (above) to purchase textbooks fall classes. planning a workable budgd artd 6) The Becllon Commlnec Is rea- keeping an accurate account of ponsMe for the procedures In- Inconte and aqMadUursB. volved In all SS He dectlona. The timi asp tmdlng secretary Registration Finolly Over Irregularities are to be haaiUes most of the correapon- Any d«icc between the Harper senate reported to them and they ah all dL dM local txA- I.L). picturas were taken at thr where coMiisalari war* prasani to and other schoob and organisa- Invcatlgale aivl make a recom- firal station and Kudenti then pro help the jkHtaM dmoae blaeounaa tions. mendation to the SSHC All Overheard prt^Mlara were of umympatlMlk eompuiera. ovtr ceedcd to an orlentattoa Ion. Senators aitd officers as thdr election returns artd/ or election 5,000 studenu been r agislw - Dr Guerin Flahar, daaa of ipil- t^ help check on availaMa di haw first obligation have the represen- dlaputes shall be resolved by •d at Harpar for the fall term dance; Dr. CJreirory FrarUdtn. coun- Hefore hnalWiW Hm schedules tation of the studenu of Harper the SSHC For MMM Mudcnls. raglMratlon •eior: and Kred \'ai*vil. director on JeestaternanticlaiaaBteii rhirk- College. They are the ofTUiiil voice aid*, ed courtsclors ai)d proffram m%% a »hon uncompttcaled affair. of placement and Mudenl by of the student body In college policy In the event a primary ia requir- for otbcra H turned Into an all •poke briefly totheMudenttregard- checkers. ^^ making. ed, it wUI be hdd thirtng the aflamoon ordeal of trytnc to ar- Inii procedures. Computer terminals made a flpal week of .September 290clober 3 The terminals ranee a suitable achcdule check on profframs. 1 ) One hundred ( 100) student alK- and the regular election arill be Seven ttallon* were mi up to hdp The dUAcult part of rcKtatratlon automatically check (or time con- natur^ wHh social security week of Octo- (or students Ut the fltctaand closed cli hdd the following started caliMria numbers foi' oftkers. and fifty ber 6-10. (50) student signstures with these concepts. social seouity numbers for seiv fttlllona may be obtained at the /VU Interested members of the coin- alors Is required on a petition Student ActK-ity fVIIces adjacent altevHi. ad- munMy are Invited to for a caiKlldate's name to be to the Games Room on the third mlaalon free. - placed on the ballot, tn addi- floor of the Collgge Center. Any - tion, each student desiring to questions reganllilg election pro- ELECTION SCHEDULE llie ledurca artll be bdd in room shall re- 242 In the ( oilcRe (enter run for an ofTke be cedures can also be answered by Kor hirtber Inlormatlon contact quired to slfn^ s declaration of the Electlona Committee or the Di- September lS-23, petitioning to tx placed on ballot Kay Sklencar. coordinator of the candklacy whkh stalea his In- rector of Student Actlvltiea located pronram: tent to run for office. In the above offices. September 23, deadline for accepting petitions October 1 and 2, voting World Development On Lectures Itte Harper Collage Human They also will discuss what they Rights Hub will feature five caitdl- as representatives or private dtl- dalcs for the thirteenth Congres- xens will do to foster ainl forward sional seat In a series of lectures on world development. The lectures will t>«gin with .lo- scph Mathewson speaking from 14 SSHC Plans a.m. to Iwdve iKx>n on .September IS. The second lecture will run from First Mixer 12-2 p.m. on Thursday. Septem- ber 18. with guest speaker Yale The .Student Senate will sponsor Roe. the flrst mixer for this year on The following week on Monday, September 19. from 8-11 p.m. September 22, Sam Young will The mixer wUI be hdd In the speak from 11 a.m. to 12 tKxin. cafderia on (he first floor of Ihe .The series will cortclude with Vm- College Center. It Is open to all gcne Schllckman on Tuesday. Harper students with Id's and thdr September 23 with the lecture dates. scheduled for 1 1 s.m. to 12. ""The Sixth Column" from El The candidates will discuss goals Paso. Texas will provide the mu- they see (or mai\klnd within the sk^ next five years, and the role they For further information contact see the United .States taking to Sue Mohtabon, social committee achieve these objectives of world chairman; or Frank Bordll, dlreis dcvdopment tor of student activities. L I. \ » J <> 9^ ^ Monday, September IS, 1969 Pace 2 THE HARBINGER Monday, September. 15. 1969 Hie HARBINGER Paces Vitw Froa Horper Art Lahti Emphasizes Future; Career Offerings Tht Ploces 1-2 Stresses Academic Pride Expanded Three new career programs are Tlie ore already Two Harper CoUeire students re- Pood Service Management employed in respon- included in the 1969-70 Harper program Is a two-year sible positions ceived awards at the seventh an- With the beginning of the 1969-70 academk year, course lead- in the Fire Science career otlerings. Fashion Design. ing to the Associate in Applied fleid. Iditor's D«sk nual BarrloRton Art Fair, spon- first Harper College is operating for the time as a com- Food Service sored by the Harrington Women's Management, and .Sdencc degree The ctnphasU is The Fire Science program can prehensive collegiate family in one location. Fire SdetKe Club. Join the unkjue and on management and graduates will supplement on the job experience, growing number of Harper or MUs Marsha WUIUisen, a 1969 courses be qualifled to assume supervis- provide a person with greater designed to meet specific vocation- ory ar>d knowhsdge Harper college Rraduate, was given The facilities you are now enjoying are the results management trainee posi- in a special area. al objectives. tions. Like The the highest rating attainable among of more than four years of planning and support by the Fashion Design, this Career Program con be look- Fashion Design Is a creative, is a program that meets ed upon as the the 180 contestants entered. She re- community, the of Trustees, administrators a consid- practical AiUUmant Board and challehging Communication ceived 150 profession that is cur- erable need. Many food service of a rather unique coaespt of the a dollar cash prise for teaching staff of the Harper College district. We are rently in great demand, according )obs at the Community her first place effort on her entire management level are College helping the atu- pleaaed, as we know you are, that Harper has reached to Mrs. hUizabeth Claldinl, display. coordi- available tMcause of the lack of dent to take a useful and saUifylng this its nator of Harper's Miss Wlllikacn explained that the stage in the development of master plan. Our new Fashion De- quallflod candidatca. role In his society thrdugh the ac- progress exhibits the beginning of a community college sign program. According to one new student, quisition of a saleable skill. A First Step art fair previously Included an who Is As award for painting only. She fdi, campus representative of the best in the United States.
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