OXNARD DAILY COURIER. OXNARD, CALIFORNIA, Tt'ESPAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1039 PUBLIC RECORDS V Don't Be A Flipper Thursday, Augutt 31, 1939 Decree — Lizzie A. Hoslett vs. LTi Walter G. Rowe. Helen V. Rowe, Local Notes ct al, Dccree Terminating Lease j Manager Blanche Hodson of the| City Treasurer William Groff and Quieting Title Ordered that^^^^^^ ' ^^" ^ is enjoying a fishing trip and re- complaint be amended to Ventura, spite from his duties for thl4 tule for "Jane Doe Crum" the, week. name "Mildred Crum" -Default j p. p. Brigham who died In entered as to Walter G. Rowe and . Ventura this week-end, was a William Rothaua, Jr.» »on of the (c) m» BY TOM S. DANtON Helen V. Rowe, That on 4-12-37' great grandfather of "Bud" Brig- Oxnard tailor,and nine-year-old Plff was legal owner of: Part of ham of Oxnard, NOTICE: Du« tô th« war critlt—we Ar« nM raaponttlil« for t««t minut« piano accordion prodigy, Is chanfles—which aro many. Lot 3, Sub 44, Ro El Rio, contg J ^to play tonight at the meeting of 62.62 acres, OAD t at Plff have I Laurence Rundle has returned' the" Ventura" Ma^nlc" cTu^^ Tomorrow • Jdgt agnst Rowe and wf, Brlgga to his duties at Virden's Drug! Dial-Lites— 7:4^KeCA^rinaneial Sarvlc« 8:30—KECA^Nat'l Farm.Home Hr. and wf and Crum et ux. store after a few days absence > New low prices on kodak flnlsh- f^/IRIETy*»** Aband Brd of Spvaor.T of due to Illness. ¡ing. Larger size prints at no extra 6:30—KF»—Fibber McOee and Molly. SPORTS • • • • Co. of Ventura, Reso! No. 1078. One more for the weet coast. e>45_KNX—Sports Mirr««r ¡cost. 7 hour service. 10'- discount 6:00—KeCA—If I Had the Chance 7:1S—KHJ—Inside of Sport» Abondment of cert portion of See oxnard Building and Loan _ on all films. Bain Photo Service, Tony Martin. Bob Crosby, Louis 9:00-KNX—Bateball Naumann Rd in 5th Rd Dist. Assn. for your building or refin- 228 5th Street, Oxnard. 3.29-tfc Cnlhern and Pietro Di Donato» Hollyood vs. San Olaflo reveal secret ambitions. 11:00~K FWB—Bowling Adopted 8-22-39. dtd 8-25-39. ancing problems. 4*26-tfc 6:30—KECA—The Inside Story 1939 football forecast. Germany's Tovxorrow • A band Brd of Supvsors of i Dale Graves, who was formerly bootleg ''black money" ring and 1:00—KMPC—Major L«s««ie Baseball Co. of Ventura» Reaol: No. 1079, Merchant Louis Hantover of messenger boy for Western Union women's fpshions revealed. Somis Mercantile company was in returned to Oxnard Monday after 8:20—KNX—"We. the PeoDle" LErS DAISCE » • » A band cert port of Bradley Rd In Gnbrlel Hentter, Harry von Zeli & &:3>~KNX—Bot> Crotby's Or. 2nd Rd Dlst, adopted 8-22-39, dtd Los Angeles Monday" . an ab.sence of six years. "It look:« Quests 7:'I5—KBCA—Abe Lyman*s Or. 8-25-39. Tovioi row — KHJ—Reichman's Or. , more like a city now. • was hia 4:30—KFI —Hobby Lobby ^:00—KFI—Jan Garbar'« Or. Tr. Dd. Albert Wright and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Morris and comment, 10:00—KHJ—Henry Klng's Or« her mother, Mrs. Martin, of Los) SERIOUS MUSIC * * • Florence Wright to Corp of Am- C OO— KNX—CInssic Time SUOHT WAVE • * » erica. Tr. for Bank of America Angeles spent the week-end at- Word has been received that nnanA * * * * (fcr possible direct war newt) Nafl Tr and Savs Assoc., Lot D, their cottage at Hollywood-by-the-. Misa Wilma Hodson. sister of »(Time, foreign cities, basad on 12 Parcel 11 of Resub of Pleasant Sea. .Manager Blanche Hodson of 6:3C—KECA—True ''»tory Time noon, PST) the Pulton O.irsler will discuss Qund Valley. activlfies in addition to the drama GSO—London, 11:75 Mc; «Time: 8 P>m. I Oxnard Mode O'Day store, who C OO—KFI —MP. Diatnct Attorney TZJ—Japan, 11.8 Mc; »Time: 11 p.m. Deed Eliza J. Wilson to Hue- Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Lucas of went to Trinidad. Colo., recenUy, '/.30—KHJ—The Green Hornet DJB—Berlin. 15.2 Mc: «Time; 9 p.m. the First Presbyterian church mo-' has been married to Joe Wood. TPB7—Paris. 11.89 Mc; «Time; S p.m. neme School Dist., Lot 7. inittLIC Al FAIRS * * * PCJ —Holln«d, 9.59 Mc; »Time: 0 p m. V, Town of Hueneme. tored to Santa Barbara today ; The couple are living in Trinidad, 9 45-.KMJ—Washinnton commentaryj The above listed ttatíona offer where they attended the fall mis- 11:00—KECA—This fV.ovina World DroQrams dally Tr. Dd. -- Marblehead Land Co. to Title Ins. & Tr Co. Tr. for Dis- sionary institute. Miss Betty Rhodes, daughter of ISEWS FL4SUES trict Three Corp. $22,800. „ _ _ ¡Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rhodes ia to 10:00—KFI 7:45—KFI Chat - Roy J. Hitch and Ann See Oxnard Buildmg and Loan I enter the University of Southern Tonight - ItrOO—KNX 8:4S—KFI Assn. for your building or refin-'california at Los Angeles this 5 OC— KHJ lOtOO—KFWB-KFOX Hitch to Houser Bros., Retail P:00-KFOX. KFwa 12:00~KCCA Meat, $1,500, 64 head Hereford ancing problems. 4-26-tfc year instead of returning to 7 30-~KECA Tomorroiv 2.00—KNX ¡Scnpps college for Women at 8 15—KNX 7.15_^KF| 4:C0—KFI.KFWB Cattle located on La Wuinsta 9;15 —KMPC 7:30—KNX. KECA 4:30—KNX Ranch near Santa Susana in Ven Mr. and Mrs. George Robb Col- ciaremont. lins, nee Jean Eastwood, have ar- ' and L. A. Cos. rived at their Chicago home, ac-j Head Operator Miss Ruth Otey — 5 1». M. — 7:15 Ki:CA -Lport nuidlrs Qt. Clm. - M. G. McNiff to Kf-'l - - MMIIiicss KKI U i iî»^ Ol. h. Kll.t — MaierlUiio « Or, cording to Mrs. Collins' father. H. of the Oxnard Home Telephone KMPf- Seilt'. IsICCA -HHniM.'imt 9:45 Murray J. Black, The VERDE K » < * \ — iiununt t Ennert )s 11 I - S'.'o» « I and the PORTLAND mining H. Eastwood. company started her two-weeks Kl- \Vr.—Sju Han.Mcn I\.vx-J y\'Vi r KIl.I —FuHon Iv» v\ Is Or. KXX -Amn uit's Ur. / ::o — 10 P. M. — claims, location not given. vacation when she went to Los UKi;^'- iJ-r'U'la K FI —.k hnii\ r*ri»?»r»ntt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Challis who . Angeles Sunday, though she does Kfl l-fîi'^rn Hnrnet KAIPC—M^^lodv .VlMkrrj» Deed Esther P. Chenney to are 5:15 Ix KW n l.ltC •• «Mll3 Ki:CA —Phil llar;noma motoring to Kansas, were de- . „ot intend to spend her entire KIM—Sliiiii« r Pnrkor KNX-I'i.lI Ovof N'bor. Kll.l —Henrv Klti« George H. Davis, Parcel 12-B Blk layed en route by floods, accord- • vacation there, 5.30 K »•i.»X - ri'n«iOiï IMail KFW 15-Al .larvi:, VV, being sly 25 ft of Nly fifty \< I- ! ni.lwT .NT( Hof^ 7:45 KFoX—\\ inn s ur. ing to word received by Mr. Chal- KAÏl'C-lJuU Ai' S liall KI'VW-A» e I.vinan 10:15 (5) ft of Lot 464 of Chatsworth lis' father. KJ:CA—'liue ölcMcs Lakeview Annex. Employees of the American KIM —Sianip Uomte — ' V M. — KKI-Mushc Contra-t K.\ X —Cura\ nn KMPC—F^Mush'« Or Deed Edna O. Henton and J. Crystal Sugar company had a 5:45 KKl -Olsr.n'5 Or. KFUX-D.'.n« UliN ihin Miss Katherine Govv, who is toi hard time cashing their $40.000 KIM-Um Wo Folget KIV'A —Inforni u Pis. 10:30 S. Henton to R. C. Groner, SWVi: K H ) I .nf u ."^'w P'u K FI — \Veoclt>ury M UÌ-ÌC S»/2 of NWU of Sec 9, T 8 NR 19 attend U. C. L. A. during this Q^th of payroll checks Friday — 6 l'. M. — KKW 13—Maureen NK'l. K M PC— Vienne»««» Mol. next year, former resident of Ox-1 evening and Saturday with the KNX~Jeiinv^ ur KH.N-Tocl Kewis' f)r. W. contg 240 acres mcl. KKÎ -Ntr nist .Atiy. KKOX—llaw^itans KNX-F Martin 9 Or. nard, was visiting friends in Ox- j ^anks closed for the Admission In m I C—Off Air lo 9 8:30 ICFOX—Hamtlioiì's Or. Deed - - R. C. Croner to J. S. nard Monday. She had not been K i :- A If I 1 .ul < 'li;ir.ic KFI—natu«*-ScNca Day holiday. KIl.l-K Roo.«'o\cU — 11 P. M. — Henton and Edna O. Henton, here for the past three years. K N X—CI a -1 p T1 m o K KCA —Notebook ppty as above. 6:15 KHI-K\n Wui/. Kpi'HarrinKton Rancher A. Camarillo who waa KKWB« Phone Qu!* K M PC— Sharpa* Flati« Chat - Samuel Halpern and KKWn—OaNlnnl Carter KNX—Wo rhe Peoulo KK<'A—5fovliiK 'World Capt. and Mrs. Lyston S. Black in Sacramento during the Califor- KI < >X — NVot tU- .M usic KHJ—Grayi>oT»'s Or. Bessie Halpern, Poinsettla Stock KIIJ-GouNr« Or. 8^45 will leave tomorrow morning for [ nia State .fair retted home K i:i\\ KKWB—Bowlln» ELEVEN OF DIAMONDS'^ Farm, to Calif., Cattle Security 8:30 KIM-Ilcuhninn't Or. KFOX—HIt-Tunea a 10 days leave of absence from, Monday evening and ii'now busy Kri —-no« Hotisc" KFoX ~ K\ e Kchoea 11:18 Co.
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