One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Commencement . Exercises OFFICIAL MAY ExERCISEs THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NoTRE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE ScHooL THE LAw ScHooL THE CoLLEGE OF ARTs AND LETTERS THE CoLLEGE OF SciENCE THE CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The Graduate and Undergraduate _Divisions of THE CoLLEGE OF BusiNEss ADMINISTRATION Athletic and Convocation Center At 2:00p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, May 23, 1971 PROGRAM 0000 PRocEssiONAL CITATIONS FOR HoNORARY DEGREES by the Reverend James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C., S.S.L., Ph.D. Provost of the University THE CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREES by the Reverend Theodore -M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., S.T.D. President of the University PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES by the Reverend Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C., Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School by Edward J. Murphy, J.D. Acting Dean of the Law School by Frederick J. Crosson, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Letters by Bernard Waldman, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Science by Joseph C. Hogan, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Engineering by Thomas T. Murphy, M.C.S. Dean of the College of Business Administration THE CoNFERRING oF DEGREES by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., S.T.D. President of the University PREsENTATION OF THE FAcULTY AwARD PRESENTATION OF THE PROFESSOR THOMAS MADDEN FACULTY AwARD PREsENTATION OF THE PREsiDENT's AwARDS CoMMENCEMENT ADDRESS by Dr. Kenneth Keniston Yale Me_dical School New Haven, Connecticut SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS by James J. D'Aurora CHARGE TO THE CLASS by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., S.T.D. NoTRE DAME, OuR MoTHER-ORcHESTRA AND AuDIENCE , (Words are on inside back cover.) REcEssioNAL OF THE PLATFORM PARTY 3 ··.·~~· jDI3'* n• =nmr 'I = =; Degrees Conferred The University of Notre Dame announces the conferring of The Degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa on: Reverend Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S.J., Willowdale, Ontario The Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa on: Neil A. Armstrong, Washington, D. C. Andrew Felton Brimmer, Washington, D. C. Donald M. Graham, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth Keniston, New Haven, Connecticut Honorable Roger Kiley, Chicago, Illinois Frank O'Malley, Notre Dame, Indiana Angelo Paredi, Milan, Italy Ernest W. Thiele, Evanston, Illinois Right Reverend Monseigneur Louis-A .. Vachon, Quebec, Quebec, Canada The Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa on: Robert F. Chandler, Jr., Manila, The Philippines IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL The University of Notre Dame confers the following degrees in course: The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on: Dennis Paul Bakalik, Buffalo, New York B.S., Canisius College, 1965. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Molecular Orbital Calculations and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Dicyclo­ pentadienylvanadium Dichloride. t Donald R. Barker, Dallas, Texas B.A., St. John's Home Missions Seminary (Arkansas), 1965; B.A., University of Dallas, 1966; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1970. Major subject: Phi­ losophy. Dissertation: Becoming a Christian and Assenting to Assertions. tJean-Michael Beillard, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Dip., Ecole Superieure de Commerce (Bordeaux), 1964; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966. Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: International Economic Integration in the E.E.C. and Comecon-A Comparison. Clifford John ·Bellone, San Mateo, California B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1963. Major subject: Microbiology. Disserta· tion: A Study of the Host Immune Responses to Primary and Transplanted Row Sarcoma Virus Induced Tumors in the Rat. tRonald Alan Belt, Springfield, Ohio B.S., Univet'llity of Dayton, 1965; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1970. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Half-life Measurements in Yb172 and the Deca}'J of Eu147 (22d) and H£173 (23.9h). tRandall Walton Bland, Galveston, Texas B.A., Texas A and M University, 1964; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966. Major subject: Government and International Studies. Dissertation: Thurgood Marshall: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Career of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 1934-1968. t Degree conferred January 15, 1971. 5 tLawrence James Bradley, Albany, New York B.A., St. Bernardine of Siena College, 1957; J.D., University of Notre Dame, 1960; M.A., ibid., 1962. Major subject: History. Dissertation: The London/ Bristol Trade Rivalry: Conventional History, and the Colonial Office 5 Records for the Port of New York. tDonald Richard Byrne, Detroit, Michigan B.S., University of Detroit, 1955; M.B.A., ibid., 1956. Major subject: Eco­ nomics. Dissertation: An Empirical Analysis of the Operational Behavior of the Savings and Loan Industry in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area of Detroit for the Years 1961 through 1963. David Ralph Campbell, Montvale, New Jersey B.S.A.E., University of Notre Dame, 1967; M.S.A.E., ibid., 1969. Major sub-~ ject: Aerospace Engineering. Dissertation: A Study of Two-Dimensional Channel Flow With Symmetric Forward-Facing Steps Including the Effects of Surface Blowing and Suction. ' Philip Brian Carter, Villa Park, Illinois - B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1968. Major subject: Microbiology. Disserta­ tion: Host Responses to Normal Intestinal Microflora. Frank Nicholas Clary, Junior, South Burlington, Vermont B.A., LaSalle College, 1966. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Drayton, Grenville, and Shakespeare: Sonneteers in an Age of Satire. Donald Henry D'Amour, West Springfield, Massachusetts A.B., Assumption College, 1964. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Aristotle on Heroes. Jan Barthel de Weydenthal, Williamsburg, Virginia Master of Law, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 1963; Diplome, In­ stitut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris, 1966. Major subject: Government and Inter­ national Studies. Dissertation: The Dynamics of Leadership in the Polish United Workers' Party, 1967-1968: A Case Study. Peter Harry Dierks, South Bend, Indiana B.S.E.E., University of Notre Dame, 1962; M.S.E.E., ibid., 1964. Major sub­ ject: Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: On the Distance Properties of Finite-State Languages With Application to Error Correction. Michael Clark Downs, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.A., Aquinas College, 1962; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1963. Major subject: Government and International Studies. Dissertation: A Study of Soviet Participation in the International Labor Organization with Emphasis on tho Period 1960-1964. Robert Ward Duff, Arcadia, California B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966; M.A., ibid., 1970. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Dissertation: Neighborhood of Residence and Knowledl:e, Attitudes and Practices Related to Conception Control in a Philip­ pine City. t Akm Ecer, Ankara, Turkey B.S., Middle East Technical University,· 1966; M.S., ibid., 1967. Major sub­ ject: Civil Engineering. Dissertation: Finite Element Analysis of Post-Buckling Behavior. tRudyard M. Enanoza, Quezon City, Philippines B.S., University o£ the Philippines, 1967. Major subject: Chemistry. Disscrta· tion: Conformational Analysis of 5-Geminally Substituted 1,3-Dioxancs. Rev. James William Flanagan, Dubuque, Iowa B.A., Loras College, 1958; S.T.L., Gregorian University, 1962. Major subject: Theology. A Study of the Biblical Traditions Pertaining to the Foundation o£ the Monarchy in Israel. William Morgan Fowler, Junior, Wakefield, Massachusetts B.A., Northeastern University, 1967; M.A., University of Notre Dame 1969. Major subject: History. William Ellery: A Rhode Island Politico and Lord of Admiralty. 6 WE tGerald Richard Franzen, South Bend, Indiana A.B., Villa Madonna College, 1964. Louisiana State University and A. and M. College, 1967. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Intrinsic Diastereotop­ ism of Geminal Groups. Sherrill Alfred Fridmann, Buffalo, New York B.S., Niagara University, 1964; M.S., Canisius College, 1968. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Association Reactions of BH3. Dennis L. Friese!, Hillside, Illinois B.S., St. Procopius College, 1964. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Resonance Fluorescence of 23Na. t Honnappanahalli V. Ganganna, Dharwar, India B.Sc., University of Mysore, 1958; M.Sc., ibid., 1959; M.S.E.E., University of Notre Dame, 1968. Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: Low­ Strain Amplitude Magnetic Damping in Nickel Single Crystals. tWilliam Gangi, New York, New York B.A., St. John's University (New York), 1964; M.A., ibid., 1965. Major sub­ ject: Government and International Studiei. Dissertation: The Court and Confessions: Justice at the Expense of Truth? Michael Andrew Gauger, Fairborn, Ohio B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1967. Major subject: Mathematics. Disserta­ tion: On The Classification of Metabelian Lie Algebras. tJohn Anthony Gontarz, Hyde Park, Massachusetts A.B., Boston University, 1966. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Studies of the Mechanism and Sterle Effects of the Hydroxymercuration of Sub­ stituted Cyclohexencs. Larry Allen Gray, Cleveland, Ohio B.A., University of Dayton, 1965. Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Vice: His Nature and Origins. Sister Dolores Greeley, Sisters of Mercy of the Union, St. Louis, Missouri A.B., Webster College, 1958. M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1964. Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The Church as "Body of Christ" according to the Teaching of St. John Chrysostom. Robert T. Grismer, Coos Bay, Oregon B.A., Immaculate Conception College (Wisconsin), 1948; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1969. Major subject: Education. Dissertation: The Effectiveness of an Experience-Based Learning Model on the Improvement of Communica­ tion and Relationship Skills in Legal
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