Waterfowl YOHO River Lakes PARKWAY River Wapta Chungo Icefield Spreading Creek Brown Mt. Balfour Mt. Littlehorn Cr. 3272 m 3272 Bighorn Wapiabi 734 River Yoho River Elk I.R. 233 I.R. Bow Cr. Creek Lake Peyto Mt. Loudon Mt. Hanlan Lake River m 3221 Tershishner Waputik 11 Icefield River Loudon Cr. Hector Creek Stephen DAVID Cr. Cr. Lake River Pembina Cr. Abraham Crescent Bow FORESTRY River Falls Cr. Cr. L. Siffleur River Sturrock Siffleur Whiterabbit E Dismal CLEARWATER COUNTY s CLEARWATER COUNTY River Divide Mt. Willingdon Mt. c Mt. Michener Mt. Falls Cr. a DAM Cr. r Elk 3373 m 3373 p Mt. Hector Mt. Lookout 3394 m 3394 Martin m e THOMPSON 93 n t B FIRE / POLICE AMBULANCE Red Deer Catholic School Division Wild Rose School Division Village of Caroline Office Town of Rocky Mountain Clearwater County Fax Clearwater County Office House Office la NATIONAL ck st Cr. o Wawa IN CASE OF EMERGENCY n River PUBLIC SERVICE NUMBERS e River I.R. 144A I.R. Big Horn Big COUNTY MAP N COUNTY MAP o River Cr. Hummingbird Onion r P Ram Kiska deg i Shunda g Rundell p Joyce es North ton R e Cr. Central Map iv Cr. Malloch Roaring Cr. Creek e River R. Cr. r Creek River 734 DIAL 911 Nordegg Cr. Wolf Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Clearwater Colt R River M a 43 Cr. Red n Lake c g Cr. Cr. C e Mt. St. Bride St. Mt. Grande r Prairie o Condor Pk. Condor Cr. Dutch HWY. n J 2948 m 2948 3315 m 3315 o n Jasper c e TRUNK Cr. 4340 - 47th Avenue C k Deer l Clearwater County Douglas l Divide Cr. r Lake National 2 2012 Cr. i 2012 p Elk Dismal 43 pl Creek Falls e Ram Park Ram Gap Cr. Gap Stevens Nordegg Cr. Cr. Rapid North Cr. T4T 1A4 F Box 550 River o River 43 Yellowhead r Tyrrell b Pinto id Banff Cr. d Lynx Cr. Snow Cr. Mtn. Wapiti e Peppers Cr. River National 3028 m 3028 n YA-HA-TINDA Scalp Elk Brazeau Reservoir Panther Mtn. Panther L. Zeta Park Cr. Cr. Ram Rough 2943 m 2943 Cr. RANCH Cr. Bighorn Skeleton Brazeau Panther Clearwater River Brewster Cr. Creek Barrier Mtn. Barrier Timber Trout Wetaskiwin Creek Ponoka Baptiste 2962 m 2962 Mountain View Fall Cutoff Red Deer Lacombe Rat 2 Cr. Calgary Cr. Red Deer 2 River Rocky River Edmonton Cr. Cr. 403.343.1055 403.845.3376 403.722.3781 403.845.7330 403.845.2866 403.845.4444 Dormer Brazeau 620 DAM 2 Bighorn Cr. Canal Cr. Cr. Creek River 11 Lick Cr. Lethbridge Lodgepole 63 Willson Red Mtn. Limestone 4 Ram River O'Chiese North Dry 753 752 Brazeau Burnt m 2252 Creek River Cr. Medicine Hat Tay Cold Lake Lloydminster Sunchild I.R. 202 Sand Cr. Strachan Spur Chambers Grace 203 S I.R. Timber James Prairie a s R. Teepee Rapids Cr. Prairie N. Wigwam Cr. Creek Burnt k Cr. Blue Vetch a Cr. Swan 734 t O'Chiese I.R. 203 Creek River c Deserters Cr. h e Cr. Timber w Cr. R. DRAYTON a PROV. PARK B Swan 620 River Lake u North VALLEY Williams n s Cr. Ullin Jct. Deer t Pole e LAKE CRIMSON r Creek ROAD Creek 752 O'Chiese Cemetery Cow 203A Cr. River Cr. Cr. Raven I.R. 591 Cow L. Wolf 756 West Cr. W Horseshoe Alder Flats a Prairie s Stony h Lochearn o Creek u Cr. 116°12'30" 116°10'00" 116°07'30" 116°05'00" 116°02'30" 116°00'00" 115°57'30" 115°55'00" 115°52'30" 115°50'00" 115°47'30" 115°45'00" 115°42'30" 115°40'00" 115°37'30" 115°35'00" Fallentimber 115°32'30" 115°30'00" 115°27'30" 115°25'00" 115°22'30" 115°20'00" 115°17'30" t Buck Wolf Harold 584 River 22 Burnstick L.Cr. Creek Cr. MOUNTAIN HOUSE ROCKY River Cr. 22 CAROLINE Clearwater B Grease James BURNSTICK LAKE e 22 Buck Cr. Lake a r River Cr. Lobstick b Bucklake East e Gosling L. Nitchi Cr. r Stony r y Codner S SUNDRE Cr. Carnwood i 761 l R. Cr. 53°05'00" v Lasthill 579 e Medicine James Bridge r Leslieville Cr. River Alhambra Lake L. Buck Red Creek N. Raven N. Medicine H Water Jackson Cr. Valley Creek o 598 r s Buck Lake 616 I.R. 133C Cr. e g 761 760 u a Welch Creek r Wilson Raven d 53°05'00" 13 River 761 Stony Poplar Condor 39 Cr. Stauffer Westward Cr. Winfield Alsike S Cr. LEGEND 761 R. c Deer Gabriel L. Cr. h Ho R N C r Withrow Cr. R. Eagle a 20 d 11 e 00 22 C P R Shantz ECKVILLE r BRETON River Modeste Eagle Cr. CREMONA 607 00 Cr. 53 Landowner Cr. Name Hill Campground Location Type Community Hall Location Blindman 53 Provincial Highway Major - Paved Private Land 54 Dickson 587 766 Boyd 27 1 Alhambra NE 8-39-5 W5 R. 766 582 PROV. PARK Benalto 1 Twin Lakes NW 6-40-7 W5 Campground Sunnybrook Little 770 2 Arbutus SE 33-38-6 W5 MacBeth 756 12 Spruce View Gleniffer Provincial Highway Minor - Paved Crown Land 2 Crimson Lake NW 13-40-8 W5 Campground PIGEON WARBURG 766 LAKE Creek Markerville 3 Bingley NE 24-40-6 W5 L. 611 3 Brown Creek SW 2-44-17 W5 Campground Cr. Battle L. Barrie Lake 766 Red HALF DIDSBURY Bluffton 4 Buster Creek SE 12-40-8 W5 R. MOON 4 Blackstone SE 14-42-17 W5 Campground Cr. Trail Forshee Medicine Harmatton L Grazing l 761 Cr. Provincial Highway Minor - Gravel County Land o 5 Butte 580 SE 19-37-5 W5 y Lease d 5 Thompson Creek NE 15-35-19 W5 Campground Elspeth C P R Madden Truman Olds Deer 6 Caroline SE 14-36-6 W5 River BAY 771 6 Kootney Plains S1/2 6-36-17 W5 Campground 20 River 53°02'30" 7 Condor NE 6-39-4 W5 Cr. DAM Municipal Surface Road Provincial Grazing Reserve 7 Two O'Clock Creek Pt Sec 6-36-17 W5 Campground Creek 8 David Thompson Resort NE 15-37-18 W5 Campground 8 Dovercourt SW 18-37-6 W5 Grazing Lease 9 Crescent Falls NE 27-39-17 W5 Campground 9 Everdell SW 22-38-7 W5 Grazing 11 Lease 10 Evergreen SW 5-38-4 W5 Municipal Gravel Road Grazing Lease 10 Snow Creek Group Camp SW 9-40-16 W5 Campground Grazing 53°02'30" 11 Faraway NE 7-43-6 W5 Grazing 11 Dry Haven Campground NW 11-40-16 W5 Campground Lease Lease 12 Goldeye Campground NE 14-40-16 W5 Campground 12 Ferrier SE 22-39-8 W5 Unmaintained Road Provincial Park 13 Gwendale SE 28-35-4 W5 13 Fish Lake SE 19-40-15 W5 Campground Grazing Grazing 14 Aylmer SE 34-39-15 W5 Day Use - Picnic 14 Hardendell SW 31-38-7 W5 Lease Lease 15 Hazeldell NE 11-37-5 W5 Forestry Road Natural Area 15 North Ram Group Camp SE 24-38-15 W5 Campground 16 North Ram River SE 24-38-15 W5 Campground 16 Leslieville SE 26-39-5 W5 2 17 Ram Falls SE 18-36-13 W5 Campground 17 Nordegg SE 27-40-15 W5 Trail Provincial Recreation Area 18 Peppers Lake N1/2 30-35-12 W5 Campground 18 Shilo SW 22-36-5 W5 19 Elk Creek NE 33-35-12 W5 Campground 19 Taimi NW 19-40-6 W5 20 Seven Mile Flats NE 9-35-10 W5 Campground Other Jurisdiction Road National Historic Park 21 James Wilson NE 10-33-9 W5 Campground 22 Wildhorse NE 16-31-10 W5 Campground Golf Course Location 23 Red Deer River NW 7-31-9 W5 Campground Railway Wilderness Area 1 Canyon Creek Golf Course NW 20-40-6 W5 24 Deer Creek SW 18-31-8 W5 Campground Clearwater County 53°00'00" 25 Tay River NE 33-35-8 W5 Campground 2 Caroline Golf Course SE 11-37-6 W5 Township Boundary Ecological Reserve 26 Swan Lake NE 27-36-9 W5 Campground 3 Pinehills Golf Course NE 30-39-7 W5 27 Prairie Creek Group Camp NE 2-38-10 W5 Campground 4 Nordegg Golf Course SE 27-40-15 W5 2012 28 Prairie Creek SW 12-38-10 W5 Campground 53°00'00" Electoral Ward Boundary Ice Field 29 Strachan SE 14-38-9 W5 Campground 30 South Fork Prairie Creek SW 29-37-8 W5 Campground Waste Transfer Station Location 31 Mitchell Lake SE 36-37-8 W5 Campground 1 Caroline SW 18-36-5 W5 LAND OWNERSHIP MAP Urban Boundary 32 Cow Lake SE 23-38-8 W5 Campground 2 Cline NW 26 / NE 27-37-18 W5 33 Horburg River Access SW 36-39-10 W5 Campground 3 Cow Lake SW 26-38-8 W5 34 Chambers Creek Group Camp NW 13-40-10 W5 Campground Indian Reserve Airport Strip 4 Crammond SW 16-35-5 W5 35 Chambers Creek NE 13-40-10 W5 Campground 5 Crossroads SE 26-40-5 W5 Map Scale - 1 : 100 000 36 Jackfish Lake NW 5-41-11 W5 Campground 00 6 Everdell SW 3-38-7 W5 37 Jackfish Lake Group NW 6-41-11 W5 Campground Forest Reserve Campground 7 Faraway NE 10-43-6 W5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 kilometres 38 Saunders SE 27-40-13 W5 Campground 8 Leslieville SE 2-39-5 W5 39 Shunda Viewpoint Group Camp SE 35-40-13 W5 Campground 9 Nordegg SW 32-40-15 W5 Cemetery 40 Harlech NW 2-41-14 W5 Campground 10 Regional Landfill E1/2 12-40-9 W5 41 Beaverdam NW 31-40-14 W5 Campground 11 Rocky 5313-44 Street, Rocky Mountain House 42 Wilderness Village Camping Association SE 14-40-8 W5 Campground 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 miles 52°57'30" Church 43 Phyllis Lake NE 17-36-7 W5 Campground 44 Burnstick Lake NW 7-35-6 W5 Campground 00 Community Centre / Hall 45 James River Bridge NW 15-34-5 W5 Campground 46 Caroline NE 13-36-6 W5 Campground 52°57'30" Information on Grazing Leases, Recreation and Public Use DIAGRAM OF TOWNSHIP 47 Clearwater NW 18-36-6 W5 Campground can be found on the provincial Sustainable Resource Forestry Cabin 48 Leslieville SE 2-39-5 W5 Campground SHOWING 49 Medicine Lake NW 36-43-6 W5 Campground Development website listed below: 50 Canyon Creek NW 20-40-6 W5 Campground SECTION NUMBERING Golf Course 51 Caroline Golf Course SE 11-37-6 W5 Campground www.srd.alberta.ca 52 Clear Springs SE 16-36-7 W5 Campground 31 32 33 34 35 36 Gravel Pit 53 Upper Shunda Creek NE 33-40-15 W5 Campground 54 Open Creek Dam SW 31-42-6 W5 Campground FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT L.S.D.
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