www.goatrade.com ABOUT GOATRADE Beginning at a low pace in the 80's, Goatrade Farming Co.Ltd has risen to a levelheaded company. Originally Goatrade's business was marketing of livestock such as goats, sheep cattle and etc. The company was also in the business of selling farm products such as ear tags, antibiotic, vaccines, semen and embryos to complete farming needs. Furthermore, the company marketed wide range of farm security systems and fence management tools. In the mid 1990's, Goatrade diversied its business into exporting and importing other animal species that include wildlife. The company's expertise led to a major expansion of its wildlife business in Thailand. Goatrade Farming Co. Ltd., is now handling animal supply and collection management. The company is constantly updating its database of surplus and wanted animals that is provided by various zoos within our South East Asian region as well as from zoo around the world. The company also specializes in setting up Animal Exchange Programs for clients worldwide. Goatrade has many years of experience in the logistics / translocation of wildlife from around the globe, veterinary services and animal insurance. The company's businesses also include pets, livestock & equine relocation services as well as insurance coverage for the health or life of animals and livestock. The company's ‘No More Impossibilities' Slogan is not just words but it is practiced in our services to meet customer's needs and satisfaction as well as succeed in the fast moving new millennium. OUR SERVICES a) Animal Exchange Program We specialize in setting up Animal Exchange Programs for clients worldwide. Through the process of exchange, the company helps to nd homes for surplus animals bred in captivity in Zoos by locating suitable clients/Zoos that may have a shortage of the particular animal. The following are the Zoos we have been working with: • Zoological Park Organization, Thailand • Taipei Zoo , Taiwan • Singapore Zoological Gardens , Singapore • Ramat Gan Safari, Tel Aviv , Israel • Night Safari , Singapore • Guangzhou Zoo , China • Jurong Bird Park , Singapore • Samsung Zoo , Korea b) The Process of Animal Exchange Program MOU PERMITS LOGISTICS 1. MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is drawn up and entered into between GOA and the Zoo. The Zoo with the surplus animals and another Zoo which requires those animals. 2. GOA guides its clients through the process of obtaining CITES & Livestock approval, Processing of permits and other legal documentation. c) Animal Supply & Collection Management Goatrade Farming Co., Ltd. is constantly updating its database of surplus and wanted animals that are provided by various zoos within our South East Asian region as well as from zoos around the world. We support our client zoological organizations in the planning of their animal collection and providing services on relocation of surplus animals and also management of their animal collection d) Professional Logistics/Wildlife Relocation Services We have many years of experience in the logistics / translocation of wildlife from around the globe. We arrange transport from the beginning to the nal destination. For instance, we have oered logistic services to transfer eight Elephants form Thailand – Australia, two Giraes from South Africa – Singapore – Malaysia (Taiping Zoo). Our Services Includes • Import/Export Permits Application • Create Designs to meet IATA regulations • Health Certicates • Arrangements of appropriate means of transport at economical costs • Liaison role between various departments and organizations for all logistics • Documentation work • Animal Transportation Insurance • Charter Flights • Other services as required CONTENT Mammalia - Artiodactyla 01 Mammalia-Perissodactyla 07 Mammalia-Carnivora 08 Mammalia-Chiroptera 13 Mammalia-Pilosa 14 Mammalia/Didelphimorphia 14 Mammalia-Primates 15 Special Primates- Rare Species 19 Mammalia-Diprotodontia 20 Mammalia-Rodentia 22 Mammalia-Cingulata 25 Mammalia-Lagomorpha 26 Mammalia-Other 27 Aves 28 Reptilia-Crocodilia 60 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA Syncerus caffer Southern Giraffe African buffalo or Cape bufallo Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa Tragelaphus strepsiceros Oryx gazella Greater Kudu Oryx/Gemsbok Antidorcas marsupialis Tragelaphus oryx Springbuck Eland Camelus bactrianus Tragelaphus angasii Bactrian Camels Nyala Connochaetes taurinus Eudorcas thomsonii Blue Wildebeest Thomson's Gazelle Kobus ellipsiprymnus Aepyceros melampus Waterbuck Impala Common Name Scientific Name 1 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA Ammotragus lervia Anlope cervicapra Barbary sheep Blackbuck Bison bison Boselaphus tragocamelus American bison Nilgai Capra falconeri Capra hircus Markhor Dwarf goat Capra ibex Connochaetes gnu Alpine ibex Black wildebeest Dama dama Damaliscus pygargus Fallow deer Blesbok Hemitragus jemlahicus Hippotragus equinus Himalayan tahr Roan antelope Common Name Scientific Name 2 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA Hippotragus niger Capra nubiana Sable antelope Nubian ibex Kobus leche Kobus megaceros Kafue flats lechwe Nile Muntiacus reevesi Oryx dammah Chinese muntjac Scimitar-horned oryx Ovis aries orientalis Pecari tajacu Mouflon Collared peccari Potamochoerus porcus Sus scrofa Red River hog Domestic mini pig Sus scrofa Syncerus caffer nanus European wild boar Forrest dwarf buffalo Common Name Scientific Name 3 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA Tragelaphus eurycerus Tragelaphus spekii Bongo Sitatunga Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Tragelaphus scriptus Blesbuck Bushbuck Sylvicapra grimmia Raphicerus campestris Duikers Steenbuck Alcelaphus caama Redunca fulvorufula Red Hartebeest Mountain Reedbuck Axis axis Vicugna pacos Axis deer alpaca Phacochoerus africanus Ouessant minisheep Warthog Ovies aries domestic Common Name Scientific Name 4 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA Coke's hartebeest/Kongoni Lichtenstein's hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii Alcelaphus buselaphus lichtensteinii Blue duiker Red forest duiker Philantomba monticola Cephalophus natalensis Eastern white bearded Abbott's duiker wildebeest Cephalophus spadix Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus Grant's gazelle Hippopotamus Nanger granti Hippopotamus amphibius Gerenuk Kirk's dik-dik Litocranius walleri Madoqua kirkii Suni Klipspringer Neotragus moschatus Oreotragus oreotragus Common Name Scientific Name 5 MAMMALIA/ARTIODACTYLA East African oryx Oribi Oryx beisa Ourebia ourebi Bushpig Steenbok Potamochoerus larvatus Raphicerus campestris Sharpe's grysbok Southern reedbuck Raphicerus sharpei Redunca arundinum Bohor reedbuck Lesser kudu Redunca redunca Tragelaphus imberbis Common Name Scientific Name 6 MAMMALIA/PERISSODACTYLA Ceratotherium simum Equus burchelli White rhinoceros Grant's Zebra Equus quagga burchellii Tapirus terrestris Burchell's Zebra Brazilian tapir Equus caballus przewalskii Equus hemionus kulan Przewalski horse Kulan (wild donkey) Common Name Scientific Name 7 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA Acinonyx jubatus Panthera leo Cheetha Lions Panthera leo Panthera leo Lion White Lions Panthera tigris altaica Lynx canadensis Siberian Tiger Canadian Lynx Panthera tigris tigris Felis concolor White Tiger Puma Hyaena hyaena Crocuta crocuta Striped hyena Spotted Hyena Suricata suricatta Canis lupus lycaon Meercat Canadian Wolf Common Name Scientific Name 8 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA Canis dingo Arctocephalus australis Dingo Fur seals Otocyon megalotis Caracal caracal Bat-eared Fox Caracal Alopex lagopus Alopex lagopus Arctic fox - blue Arctic fox - white Canis lupus hudsonicus Canis lupus lupus White Wolf Eurasian Wolf Canis mesomelas Civettictis civetta Black-backed jackal African Civet Cynictis penicillata Eira barbara Yellow mongoose Tayra Common Name Scientific Name 9 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA Felis margarita Galictis cuja Sand cat Lesser grison Helogale parvula Hyaena brunnea Dwarf mongoose Brown hyena Chrysocyon brachyurus Leopardus pardalis Maned wolf Ocelot Leptailurus serval Lynx lynx Serval Lynx Mellivora capensis Mephitis mephitis Honey badger Striped skunk Mungos mungo Mustela sibirica Banded mongoose Siberian weasel Common Name Scientific Name 10 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA Nasua nasua Nyctereutes procyonoides South American coati Racoon dog Panthera onca Panthera pardus Jaguar Leopard Panthera tigris Panthera tigris Tiger Tiger - white Panthera tigris Procyon lotor Tiger - golden Racoon Vulpes zerda Genetta genetta Fennec fox Common genet, Small spotted Genet Amblonyx cinereus Canis lupus arctos Small-clawed otter Arctic wolf Common Name Scientific Name 11 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA Corsac fox Binturong (Sumatra) Vulpes corsac Arctictis binturong Crab-eating racoon Banded Palm Civet Procyon cancrivorus Hemigalus derbyanus Binturong (Java) Golden jackal Arctictis binturong Canis aureus Side-striped jackal African clawless otter Canis adustus Aonyx capensis Wildcat Cape genet Felis silvestris Genetta tigrina Common Name Scientific Name 09 12 MAMMALIA/CARNIVORA White-tailed mongoose Striped polecat Ichneumia albicauda Ictonyx striatus Spotted-necked otter African wild dog Hydrictis maculicollis Lycaon pictus MAMMALIA/CHIROPTERA Masked Flying Fox Giant Flying Fox Pteropus personatus Pteropus vampyrus Common Name Scientific Name 13 MAMMALIA/PILOSA Myrmecophaga tridactyla Choloepus didactylus Giant Anteater Sloth Tamandua tetradactyla Lesser anteater MAMMALIA/DIDELPHIMORPHIA Common opossum Gray four-eyed opossum Didelphis marsupialis Philander opossum Mouse opossum Marmosa murina Common Name Scientific Name 14 MAMMALIA/PRIMATES Golden-headed lion Tamarin Callithrix argentata Golden-headed lion Tamarin Silvery marmoset Callithrix geoffroyi Callithrix jacchus Geoffroy's
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