Extended Abstract AAMAS 2020, May 9–13, Auckland, New Zealand Learning Complementary Representations of the Past using Auxiliary Tasks in Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning Extended Abstract Andrea Baisero Christopher Amato Northeastern University Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts, USA Boston, Massachusetts, USA [email protected] [email protected] KEYWORDS IDYN IDYN h xt at h xt at reinforcement learning; partial observability; state representations t t ACM Reference Format: Andrea Baisero and Christopher Amato. 2020. Learning Complementary Representations of the Past using Auxiliary Tasks in Partially Observable zt ot ; rt zt ot ; rt Reinforcement Learning. In Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020), Auckland, New Zealand, May 9–13, 2020, IFAAMAS, 3 pages. (a) Generative model (decoder) (b) Inference model (encoder) p¹z; o; r ; h; aº q¹z; h; a; o; r º 1 INTRODUCTION Figure 1: VAE models for the one-step prediction task, which train a shared irepresentation model IDYN. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) define discrete-time sequential control problems [3, 11, 20]. In partially observable reinforcement learning (RL), an agent lacks access to π X! ∆A X internal- the system state or domain model, and has to rely on the observable and a policy model X : . We refer to as the state ϕ istate representa- past (aka history-state) for decision making [20]. History-states are (istate) set. Consequently, we refer to as the tion π istate policy intrinsically complex, and extracting more appropriate representa- (irepresentation), and to X as the (istate-policy). m tions is very challenging albeit necessary for general POMDPs. We Reactive irepresentations [15, 16] concatenate the most recent refer to this as the history representation learning problem. actions and observations. They are easy to use, require a minimal Part of the difficulty of learning history representations is intrin- number of trainable parameters, and have inherent temporal struc- sic to RL and its characteristically weak learning signal. Inspired by ture. However, they generalize poorly, and performance is critically m recent efforts in complementing RL with auxiliary tasks [10, 14, 18], dependent on the memory parameter . we argue that auxiliary tasks can be used to learn richer and more Recurrent representations are modeled by recurrent neural net- structured history representations, which in turn benefit the agent. works (RNNs) [6, 12, 22]. They theoretically can exhibit infinite- term memory and generalize well. However, training them to ex- 2 BACKGROUND hibit either property remains challenging. In practice, they usually exhibit some mid-term memory and some form of generalization. We use calligraphy X to indicate sets, lowercase x 2 X to indicate set elements, uppercase X to indicate random variables which take Advantage Actor Critic. Advantage Actor Critic (A2C) [5, 21] is values from X, and ∆X to denote the set of distributions on X. a policy gradient variant which trains actor π¹h;θπ º 2 ∆A and critic v¹h;θv º 2 R models. The overall objective LA2C¹θπ ; θv º = POMDPs. A POMDP is composed of state-, action-, and observation- Lπ ¹θπ º + Lv ¹θv º + αLS ¹θπ º, is composed of policy, critic, and S A O S × A ! ¹S × Oº spaces , , and ; dynamics D: ∆ ; reward weighed entropy losses, function R: S × A ! R; and discount factor γ 2 »0; 1¼. We de- hÕ1 t i fine the reward-space R fR¹s; aº j s 2 S; a 2 Ag.A return rLπ ¹θπ º / − E γ δt r log π¹At ; Ht ; θπ º (1) Í1 k t=0 дt γ rt+k is defined as the discounted sum of future re- k=0 hÕ1 t 2i 2 H rLv ¹θv º ≈ E γ rδ (2) wards. A history h is a sequence of past interactions, and a be- t=0 t ¹ º ¹ j º lief b h Pr S h is the distribution over states given a history. In hÕ1 t i rL ¹θπ º = − E γ rH »π¹ · ; Ht ; θπ º¼ (3) model-free partially observable RL, a history-policy πH : H! ∆A S t=0 is trained to maximize the expected episodic return E »G0¼. where δt Rt + γv¹Ht+1;θv º − v¹Ht ;θv º is the TD error. Internal State Representations. We view the history-policy as the composition πH ≡ πX ◦ϕ of a feature extraction model ϕ : H!X 3 ONE-STEP PREDICTION TASK Interactions with the environment contain a certain “learning po- Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems tential” not fully captured by the RL problem alone; Auxiliary (AAMAS 2020), B. An, N. Yorke-Smith, A. El Fallah Seghrouchni, G. Sukthankar (eds.), May 9–13, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand. © 2020 International Foundation for Autonomous learning tasks can exploit this potential to train richer irepresenta- Agents and Multiagent Systems (www.ifaamas.org). All rights reserved. tions [7, 10, 17, 18], ultimately helping the RL agent. In the context 1762 Extended Abstract AAMAS 2020, May 9–13, Auckland, New Zealand GRU GRU-RAux GRU-CRAux React-1 React-2 React-4 TrueBelief 0 0.8 15 −10 0.6 10 −20 −30 0.4 Return Return Return 5 −40 0.2 0 −50 0.0 −60 −5 0 40 k 80 k 120 k 160 k 0 50 k 100 k 150 k 200 k 0 25 k 50 k 75 k 100 k Episode Episode Episode (a) Shopping-5. (b) Heavenhell-3. (c) Rocksample-5-6. Figure 2: Training performance averaged over 40 independent runs, with shaded areas showing 2 standard errors of the mean. of the representation learning problem, we argue that the ideal Consider a hypothetical: assuming access to a useful black-box auxiliary task satisfies the following properties: irepresentation, how this benefit the RL agent? One option isto a) To kick-start and accelerate learning, it should constitute an concatenate the black-box features with the features of a trainable easy learning problem; we primarily consider self-supervision. irepresentation. If done like so, we expect the black-box features b) To promote sample efficiency, a single trajectory should to not only kick-start the policy learning, but also allow the train- constitute multiple input-output data-points; the task should able irepresentation to focus on complementary features. While we be well-defined for every time-step. cannot reasonably assume access to a black-box irepresentation in c) To further promote sample efficiency, the task should be sta- RL, we propose treating an irepresentation trained on one task as tionary and invariant w.r.t. a non-stationary agent; a replay a black-box for to the other task (i.e. blocking gradients), and vice memory could then be used to exploit off-policy experiences. versa. Each irepresentation is then encouraged to learn features d) To promote generalization, belief-states should be a sufficient not provided by the other task. We believe this will result in the statistic for histories; we can exclude task like the recon- RL task bootstrapping its own learning by encouraging the PRED struction of histories via autoencoders, since they require representation to learn features which are not easily learned by the considerably more information than given by the belief-state. RL task, which are thus more useful for the RL task. The theory of predictive state representations (PSRs) proves [13, 4 EVALUATION 19] that an irepresentation which encodes sufficient information for the prediction of observable futures is a sufficient statistic of We evaluate the effectiveness of the PRED task, and both theRAux the observable past and, equivalently, of the underlying belief-state. and the CRAux training schemes, comparing with standard reactive Taking inspiration from PSRs, we define the one-step prediction task and recurrent baselines. We use 3 domains, each posing a qualita- (PRED) as the problem of training a predictive model p : H × A ! tively different type of representation learning problem: Shopping-5 ∆¹O×Rº to estimate Pr¹o; r j h; aº; To simplify the reward prediction poses a more flexible task, and can be solved by a variety of irepre- problem, we treat it as a classification of discrete rewards. sentations. Heavenhell-3 poses a more rigid task, which can only be solved with mid-term memorization. Rocksample-5-6 poses a A Variational Autoencoder for One-Step Predictions. We address significantly larger and mildly more stochastic task. the PRED task with variational autoencoders [2, 4, 8] (VAEs). VAEs We compare the following irepresentations: TrueBelief is the are used to train stochastic generative models, and have been used belief-state representation, used as a reference for good perfor- for model-based RL [1, 9]. In a VAE,generative and inference models mance. React-{1,2,4} are reactive irepresentations with associated p and q are trained to maximize the evidence lower bound (ELBO): memory parameters, trained on the RL objective. GRU is a recur- p¹o; r; z; h; aº rent irepresentation based on a GRU trained on the RL objective. LELBO¹h; a; o; rº = E log (4) GRU-RAux is a recurrent irepresentation based on a GRU trained z∼q¹z;h;a;o;r º q¹z;h; a; o; rº with the RAux scheme. GRU-CRAux is a recurrent irepresentation Figure 1 shows our VAE model. Our use of VAEs is unconven- based on two GRUs trained with the CRAux scheme. The RL task tional in that our primary interest is that of training the irepresen- is solved using A2C, and the PRED task using the VAE model. tation model, and we do not fully use the generative model. Results. Figure 2 shows selected results.
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