PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT SCHOOL YEAR 2021 - 2022 www.pgcps.org BOARD OF EDUCATION Juanita D. Miller, Ed.D., Chair Sonya Williams, Vice Chair, District 9 David Murray, District 1 Joshua M. Thomas, District 2 Pamela Boozer-Strother, District 3 Shayla Adams-Stafford, District 4 Raaheela Ahmed, District 5 Belinda Queen, District 6 Kenneth Harris II, District 7 Edward Burroughs III, District 8 Paul Monteiro, At-Large Judy Mickens-Murray, At-Large Curtis Valentine, M.P.P., At-Large Alvaro Ceron-Ruiz, Student Member of the Board Monica E. Goldson, Ed.D., Secretary/Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO VISION Dear Colleagues, PGCPS will be a culturally responsive As we face the challenges of returning to in-person classes for students district developing distinguished and working to recover from the impact of the pandemic, together we learners, leaders, voices of social must strive to create a safe and culturally responsive environment in justice, and advocates for humanity which every student, in every grade, is respected and receives rigorous, for the world of today, tomorrow, engaging and relevant educational experiences, and that all employees and beyond. engage in continuous learning and development and are committed to MISSION educational excellence and excellence in equity. To provide a transformative During times such as these, when conditions are ever-evolving, the educational experience anchored primary strategy for school districts to endure and succeed is to ensure a by excellence in equity – developing clear vision, an aligned mission, and that all staff shares the responsibility 21st century competencies and of operating in a manner that builds upon our core values. enabling each student’s unique brilliance to flourish in order to build Our work must be guided by a deep commitment of making sure our empowered communities and a students are a priority and that they can achieve at high academic more inclusive and just world. levels and graduate prepared for college and careers. All staff share the responsibility for student success and for meeting high expectations that CORE VALUES inspire outstanding performance. • Students are our priority and all students can achieve at high In 2016, the Student Safety Task Force, in accordance with Education academic levels. Article 6-113.1 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, worked with • Families, students and educators representatives from schools, central office and labor partners to develop share the responsibility for an Employee Code of Conduct. Each year since the initial development of student success. the Code revisions and updates have been made based on the development • High expectations inspire high of new policies and administrative procedures and revisions to policies performance. and administrative procedures. • All staff share the responsibility Please take time to review this document. If you have questions, for a safe and supportive school please do not hesitate to contact your labor partner (union) or the Chief environment contributing to Human Resources Officer at [email protected]. I am confident that clear excellence in education. expectations for behavior and conduct support our commitment to serve • The support of everyone in the students and families of Prince George’s County Public Schools. our community is essential to the success of our schools Thank you for your commitment to PGCPS. and students, and this success enriches our community. Sincerely, • Continuous improvement in teaching, leadership and accountability is the key to our Monica E. Goldson, Ed.D. destiny. Chief Executive Officer TABLE OF Contents INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT ...............................................................3 EXPECTATIONS FOR EMPLOYEE CONDUCT ....................................................................................4 EXPECTED CONDUCT IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................4 Examples of Expected Conduct Examples of Inappropriate Conduct EXPECTED CONDUCT WITH STUDENTS ..........................................................................................8 Examples of Expected Conduct Examples of Inappropriate Conduct • Inappropriate Relationships with Students • Inappropriate Physical Interactions with Students • Inappropriate Verbal Interactions with Students • Sexual Relations with Students Expected Conduct IN the Virtual Environment with Students ...................................... 11 Examples of Expected Conduct Examples of Inappropriate Conduct EXPECTED CONDUCT WITH COLLEAGUES, PARENTS/GUARDIANS, AND THE COMMUNITY ................ 12 Examples of Expected Conduct Examples of Inappropriate Conduct PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE ......................................................................................................... 13 Nondisciplinary Corrective Actions Disciplinary Actions Process for Cases Involving Suspected Child Abuse and Other Criminal Activity Administrative Leave or Temporary Placement INOVA EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................................................................................... 14 1 Introduction Introduction Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is committed The Employee Code of Conduct applies to all PGCPS employees, to operating in a manner that builds upon our core values: both certificated and non-certificated, full- and part -time, as students are our priority and all students can achieve at high well as substitutes and temporary employees. Many aspects academic levels; families, students and educators share the of the Code of Conduct are based on pertinent Board policies, responsibility for student success; high expectations inspire Administrative Procedures, and Negotiated Agreements, as high performance; all staff share the responsibility for a safe well as state and federal laws and regulations. The Employee and supportive school environment contributing to excellence Code of Conduct is not intended to replace these resources, in education; the support of everyone in our community is but rather to provide a one document summary and reference essential to the success of our schools and students, and this point of employee expectations and standards of conduct that success enriches our community; and continuous improvement would be beneficial to all employees. in teaching, leadership and accountability is the key to our This Code of Conduct is not a contract, nor does it replace or destiny. supersede any Board Policy or Administrative Procedure. The The Employee Code of Conduct offers a summary of the Board of Education and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) reserve expectations and standards of conduct that PGCPS expects the right to modify or amend any Board Policy or Administrative of employees. In addition, this Code of Conduct provides the Procedure at any time. If there is any inconsistency between the disciplinary steps that PGCPS utilizes to address employees’ contents of the Employee Code of Conduct and any Board Policy inappropriate behavior or failure to meet our expectations or or Administrative Procedure, the Board Policy or Administrative standards of conduct. Procedure will govern. 2 Administration OF THE Employee CODE OF Conduct • Prince George’s County Educators’ Association Administration of the Employee Code (PGCEA Unit I) • Association of Supervisory and Administrative School of Conduct Personnel (ASASP Unit II) The Employee Code of Conduct provides the framework for the • Association of Supervisory and Administrative School legal and system requirements that govern the expectations Personnel (ASASP Unit Ill) regarding PGCPS employee conduct. These requirements • Association of Classified Employees, American include but are not limited to the following: Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees 1. Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland (ACE-AFSCME), AFL-CIO Local 2250 and the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and • Service Employees International Union SEIU Local 400 Other Federal and State Laws PG, CTW-CLC The Education Article and COMAR establish the These negotiated agreements set forth expectations expectations for teachers, principals, assistant principals regarding employee conduct, employee due process rights and other public school positions, which require and provisions that recognize that PGCPS may discipline a professional certificate from the Maryland State employees for cause. This requirement demonstrates Department of Education (MSDE) and provide standards that employees should meet the expected standards of for suspension and dismissal when those certificated behavior, and failure to do so may constitute cause for employee fail to adhere to the expectations. employee discipline or dismissal. Section 6-202 of the Education Article of the Annotated 3. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures Code of Maryland – certificated employees may be suspended or dismissed for one or more of five different PGCPS policies and administrative procedures establish reasons: immorality; misconduct in office including: a the standards and create expectations for employee knowing failure to report suspected child abuse and neglect behavior in a wide variety of areas, including but not in violation of Section 5-704 of the Family Law Article limited to: interactions with students, reporting
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