E140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 4, 1999 It doesn't take much imagination to was never placed in their home and they lost In addition to the problem of electing a project what agencies like the Department more than $12,000 to a foreign adoption con President who failed to receive the popular of Education or the Department of Health artist. When the adoption facilitator was con- vote, the Electoral College system also allows and Human Services could do with directives fronted with the moratorium information, he for the peculiar possibility of having Congress such as these. The agency Clinton has set up with the changed the name of his organization and decide the outcome should a presidential tick- issue of this Executive Order has been di- moved to another state. After several months et fail to receive a majority of the Electoral rected to monitor agencies, coordinate re- of searching for the agency, the couple is College votes. Should this happen, the 12th sponses to human rights complaints, review suing for a refund. The case is pending in a Amendment requires the House of Represent- proposed legislation for violations, and mon- New Mexico court. atives to elect a President and the Senate to itor the actions of states, commonwealths, While completing research for this bill, I dis- elect a Vice President. Such an occurrence and territories of the United States, as well covered many other couples who have similar would clearly not be in the best interest of the as Native American tribes. It would appear horror stories of intercountry adoptions. Fraud, people, for they would be denied the ability to that no local governments will escape the deceit and lots of money were involved in directly elect those who serve in our highest scrutiny of this new political bureaucracy. each of the tales. The House of Representa- offices. f tives must provide some consumer protection This bill will put to rest the Electoral College for persons who wish to adopt a foreign-child. and its potential for creating contrary and sin- INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION SERV- The Hague Intercountry Adoption Conven- gular election results. And, it is introduced not ICES PROVIDER REGISTRATION tion, a convention convened to protect children without historical precedent. In 1969, the ACT and co-operation in respect to intercountry House of Representatives overwhelmingly adoptions, has yet to be signed by the United passed a bill calling for the abolition of the HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. States. Among other matters, this treaty ad- Electoral College and putting a system of di- OF OHIO dresses the fraudulent and unscrupulous prac- rect election in its place. Despite passing the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tices of a minority of agencies that participate House by a vote of 338±70, the bill got in selling children, bribing parents and govern- bogged down in the Senate where a filibuster Thursday, February 4, 1999 ment officials, deceiving adoptive parents and blocked its progress. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, I have re-in- failing to ensure that each and every adoption So, it is in the spirit of this previous action troduced legislation to provide a resource to is in the best interests of the children con- that we introduce legislation to end the Elec- people seeking reputable agencies and cerned. However, the Hague Convention gives toral College. I am hopeful that our fellow facilitators that process intercountry adoptions. no specific legal protection to any person or members on both sides of the aisle will stand The bill, entitled the ``Intercountry Adoption provide a resource regarding the adoption with us by cosponsoring this important piece Services Provider Registration Act,'' requires process. Each individual country must protect of legislation. people licensed to process intercountry adop- its citizens. The Intercountry Adoption Serv- f tions or involved with intercountry adoptions to ices Provider Registration Act will provide a register with the U.S. State Department's Of- much needed source of information and pro- IN MEMORY OF PADDY CLANCY fice of Children's Issues. The agencies are re- tection for prospective adoptive parents. quired to disclose all addresses, employees f HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH and sources. If any agency fails to comply, it OF OHIO may suffer financial penalties or a loss of its THE REINTRODUCTION OF A CON- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES operating license. STITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO Thursday, February 4, 1999 When I became a member of this body, I ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COL- LEGE Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to vowed to give a voice to those with no voice honor the memory of a music legend, Paddy and to protect people from being victimized. Clancy of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Accordingly, when a constituent from my 17th HON. RAY LaHOOD Makem. The Clancy Brothers were one of the OF ILLINOIS district told me about her horrible experience first Irish musical groups to achieve inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with an intercountry adoption, I was compelled national notoriety. The Clancy Brothers and to take action. Thursday, February 4, 1999 Tommy Makem created numerous hit songs in My constituent and her husband had tried Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, today I am the 1960's. for many years to have a second child. When proud to reintroduce, along with Congressman Paddy Clancy was born in Carrick-on-Suir in circumstances beyond their control would not WISE from West Virginia, a constitutional Tiperrary county to a family of nine, all of let them have another child, they decided to amendment that seeks to end the arcane and whom were musically inclined. In the 1950's adopt a foreign-born child. They researched obsolete institution known as the Electoral he and his brother Tommy emigrated to New the international adoption process and adop- College. York to pursue acting careers. It seemed the tion agencies. They contacted the State De- It is no accident that this bill is being intro- brothers were destined however, to make their partment and national adoption networks to duced today, the day that the electoral ballots mark not as thespians but as musicians. Later, gather information before proceeding with their are opened and counted in the presence of their brother Liam was to join Paddy and Tom, adoption. Finally, they settled on what they the House and Senate. I hope that the timing with Tommy Makem they created The Clancy thought to be a reputable agency from New of this bill's introduction will only underscore Brothers and Tommy Makem. The Clancy Mexico. The adoption process was underway. the fact that the time has come to put an end Brothers were known for their incredible har- The New Mexico intercountry adoption to this archaic practice that we must endure monies and their energetic concerts. These facilitator asked for and received prepayment, every four years. talents were quickly recognized, and they built followed by several installments to cover Only the President and the Vice President a loyal fan base, playing folk clubs in Green- costs. The couple understood that an inter- of the United States are currently elected indi- wich Village. country adoption was an expensive process, rectly by the Electoral CollegeÐand not by the In 1961 they gained national notoriety fol- but knew that the cost would not matter when voting citizens of this country. All other elected lowing an incredible 16-minute set on The Ed they had a child in their arms. officials, from the local officeholder up to Sullivan Show. Their music defied definition. It After a few months, a photograph of a United States Senator, are elected directly by was both beautiful and raucous at once. They three-year-old Russian girl was sent to the the people. blended American folk music with traditional couple. They were told she was eligible for Our bill will replace the complicated elec- Irish forms. Paddy was equally capable of adoption. In order to prevent the child from toral college system with the simple method of singing an Irish drinking song or an elegant being adopted by someone else, the couple using the popular vote to decide the winner of ballad. Paddy and the Clancies also per- was told to send additional monies to secure a presidential election. By switching to a direct formed with Bob Dylan and Barbara Streisand. the adoption. The facilitator explained that the voting system, we can avoid the result of The Clancies were able to expose Americans final adoption would take six to eight months electing a President who failed to win the pop- to the glorious music of Ireland and still incor- to process. The couple gladly sent the money. ular vote. This outcome has, in fact, occurred porate American folk into their music. What they weren't told was that Russia had three times in our history and resulted in the Ladies and gentlemen, the contributions placed a moratorium on all foreign adoptions. elections of John Quincy Adams (1824), Ruth- made by Paddy Clancy to music were incred- The moratorium took effect even before they erford B. Hayes (1876), and Benjamin Har- ible. I ask you to join me today in remember- were sent the photo of the child. The child rison (1888). ing this fine musician. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E141 FRANCIS FRANCOIS, A DEDICATED Under Goals 2000 legislation, unelected the time, remains today. Now it is one of two PUBLIC SERVANT Washington bureaucrats set the standards. Al- papers, and the only morning newspaper. I though we hope the government will come up want to ask my colleagues to join me in con- HON. STENY H.
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