REAL JERSEY POTATOES. We have now regular supplies of New Jersey Potatoes, the quality being better than ever. 2 d- p e r lb. UNDERWOOD & CO., (Proprietors, W. Pink & Son*, Ltd.,) * 2 6 , HIGH STREET, WINCHESTER. Telephone 360. h* had never had auch a nioe com pa nr and went to Soothboeroe to ae* Mrs. Cheee- W.A.OS. to deal with. Ho hoped they had m*«, Mr. Chream* n't mother, and told her found him a atrict ttage manager, but not a what fie thought of Mr. Brown. The words s tarradiddle, and when he appes.- —- * libel. He then went home _ wsjng gown and sings hi* aolo “ Tormented bad-tempered one. ("No. no," end laughter) Ho thanked Mr. S*nd. for the kind way in nd wrote the fo owing letter to Mr. Brown: with angui .............................and the ballad " Softly" As I got no i iply from you m respect to sighing to I rirer "—an inspiration for th# which he had appreciated the effort* he had i song in “ I o la n th * h o aur- put forward, ana for the way he had worked sy business at E Itworth. I rang Mrs Chec*- with him. (Applauao.) Both he " JI ,Mrs , J ; what I could. She told me evioua effort*. Qroaamith parts I my her boy waa on his road « long as Mr. Hinxman Hanbury would prisee thisthis giftgift more than an „ ____„ . slo them. The Pirate thing he hod yett eivod, Docause he knew prompted b^ i ibop trying the fii and than ] King found a aplendid exponent in Mr. Jack ■issr'fc- ire its nothing *- . with you and that they He emphasisod tho swashbuckling and Ssods^and*th*nlfing*thrm Mr. Stuns quoted took the thop, but you took t: Frederic, "Individually and collectively I lovo know it. I f , __............................ anre^nd rou a ll/’ It had been one of hi* great#* I not - y a ,.jwerful voico, together with )ii* splendid pleaauros to conduct and ooach that splendid and that make-Up, gave the part picturesque distinction .11. but you will I’oaseMiog a resonant bast voioe of obvious lociety, and ha hoped that with his own aociety here and - * --------‘ha popular song " O bettor they would remain brother and aist* (Ap- plause.) Hit Salisbury colleagues -ore so II for my fair dealings rveryone.^JNo lately unanimous in their admiration fort t you -ill do a tut of Winchester performance*. b,(*P^*u^ e'r, ™ I don't w,th to do bu: •g'thera warnothing to be critical abo jtorc dirty work I never aaw. (Hear, hear.) Ho was grateful to them I r meet you I - ill tell you just - . _________kins as their loyalty and enthusiasm, for thc-e wi of you. but I find you are known her droarn «o found a tooioty, but ciraul -of-all-work, who had “ t... niworth.'' In another letter which stance* intervened »nd th* drum wv»r cum* . _ ___ woman " about her. Attired in the things to keep them together. II# alto lad not preaerved. defendant *c- true. Then Dr. «nd Mr*. Scott left Winchester nenesque dress the, porhapa, looked a congratulated them on having tuch a splendid lor lh* Bournemouth dutrict. but when ih* and pretty, but one oaaily for- nan at thoir head os Mr. Hanbury. and heard of tho formation of the *oci#ty »h* wroto ■’ .spell of bor sound sad found his awsUnce a great help. So to one of the principal! within* it success. snd is they stuck to him so long would th* society that defendant early in February made the remark, " It »cein» Ilk* my child luoceed. They had mtdo * jolly good at* - .aw Urt. Cbonman at Southbourn* grown up." Mr*. Scott wa» pre»ent on Wed­ ind they had won th* haart* of th* public. nesday evening to witneu hor grown up d Mr Sand* then presented souvenirs to t your bov and your beautilul friend, and we brlieve »he had ecery roaton tc Sergsaot and Constable* of to* Force and ifr. Bro­ i. Now, I will tell you what I think, satisfied with the result. Nothing more I announce in a song how the • ting opened they wero found to be aili ot him. 1 hero is not a bigger liar, rogue, aod done toward! forming a aociety until » .u -kk....... •» Proderie to a pirate indeed sooundral that walk, the road. I only think three rear* ago. when the qnettion waa ‘The Matoh delivered a abort spreeh,____ ... which •runed by a few enthusiast*. and a pilot, and th* led the way to th* encores he congratulated ________, _j behalf of the .t is fair I 1 frequently during tho perforro- undertaking and will ha TO Sullivan erening planned, conai: regio econee with Frederic, and you^have^ planation o' the collaborator!' r --------- , It wa. •lories of .heir operas, their points of dis­ * trio. " A paradox ’’ (w* ahould e and tinction, ard nthor interesting ' ' 1 ‘ ‘ 1‘ hara too) -v< - - fit k ugh it was a perfo nee which r boy tf illustrated with excerpt* from riea for ^* L his bounden d .’, to get m to a high scheme, which, although it aimn ----- — ------ >m* PuT ~E lk l^ ral. e witnase wrote to defendant than twelve mont'.ia, never cam* to anything, Roaina Brandrar . ,... ied they had ind asked h withdraw, but he absolutely although it waa hoped that a proposal to found E. | To gain auch t jeant ofr o l ic It - a . man. Ho rvfuvod all opportune to apologise, a Gilbert and Sullivan Society for the atudy _________burloaquo j bury they had “*who* end as-a result Mr. Brown now asked to be and production of their opera* would result "soloitti While it waa aimmeritg the promoters hoard awarded such satisfaction as the jury felt they that certain Lay Vicar* of Wineheatcr^Cathi ied flourish f< drtl war* moving to form an Operatic f man thrtlh*. • next undortakin. in^PorUmoTft^ as Cfisli” frycr *andn a*!* "sa*^* acd aa this was the object tho other pa woufS^bo at equally great a success. (Ap- licensed victualler. Hs knew a young man in ‘flow, they dropped their project anu oa- named Chccsman. and taught him tha busineae cidcd to back up the efforts of the Lay Vicar*, Pl5 C ,Serg..nt of Police. on behalf-of the who had aeeured a number of promise! of «up * saiva laurel wreath of a fish fryer, and m the earl; part of last port in influential quarters. The p-incipal iniinita&a, band w».. February he was introduced to lfr. Sadler by r^ 'tfT fM ia* Bichanfs). who had told the a Mr, Gordon Jooea. Mr. Sadler offered hie . inovere' were Mr. J. E. IVhitwam, Mr. H. of their performance. Ever popular, Mr. o*t tirkote for tho performaDcos, her total Elamora, and Mr. F. Major, th* lait-namcd Whitw*m mad# th* famous Policeman'* aong, business for sale at £«X with Ms. per week having played leading part! in amatour opera- en a felon’# not engaged in his employ- for the bouso which belonged to defon- E^th’ Miiliogly thanked th# He told him he would have to submit tie performance! in th* north of England. " axcecdingly droll, and he had tho die- ipeochos of a moro or l« s homo. They got into touch with Mr. Noel Banbury, >n of ecoring a treble encore. He sang Mabel. natter to Mr. Checsmsn. end then left who waa enthusiastic, and who had had some­ st vers# first aa a ooatar would ting it, were made tulh. Later on defendant called on plaintiff a it would be sung by a “ nut," and then thing to do with a similar society at Torquay, a negotiations, and parted on the beat of and the project at once materialised. It was is------------------ of ever. | untoeo by th. i. Afterwards Mr. Ote—vmsn took anothav perhaps, only natural that a society of th, of V..ruble* with thow.rt of oompanis^ d wotked hard toaa in Rmaworth. tha premises for which a*mo sort in the sister Cathedral city of S*li» .k.a'a 7,1,1. PI. were ahm-erm. | h» , ths musical only te-o-a month. These were only a bury, which had met with phenomenal They war- all go. ,J ot stewards, doors aflHF^aiandsnt't. The n-at thing licharda , the aaMytent sue* sard o! aiV defendant', vi.ilto Mrs O k u ion At Edith li band th« ladioa »h» hai IKTCiJ?'.. and tha libel which ho uttered Ba fait The WinchesterJ_Amatcur Operatic Society gave three highly <...ooCTa^iq performances o: cted well. The 1« Toby had' raplisd owing to tha poaition ho held in PorU- ____________inA Auld th and th* way in which ho was rcspectej duller of the Salisbury Soci of Penzance’’ thia week. Sands, himself a Cathedral singer, light touch ’aOn*Thuraday°ovenbig* before . ...... ite was prepared to accent defen result that ho attended a moating at tno . a. be sturdy champion of the i to the fore . apology if ha would give it. lie had fcfound Masonic Hall in Parchment-street, which was 22£ „ 'Mou fiat Fairwnatncr a »m^ "< ihotographcd by Mcsir- ach P«- ,h«t defendant had t-o shops in Havant of yeopto h presided over by Mr. Hanbury. tho outcome of mjnjaturo “ Poor wan------ - h the | ■ j a ii i iT i c ■o Urgo number In Emiworth. that ho always paid his which was the formation of tho Winchester J.:. , r tho difteult cadenxas being arious aocncs from th* opera, by means ai _______and brilliance that took tho i tha h*U h*' Amateur Opcratio Society.
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