E1140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 18, 2017 In fourteen years of serving as a county- guidance and leadership the first combat jump at important events in our nation’s capital and wide elected member of our School Board, was conducted by members of the 2nd Bat- abroad. On returning to Los Angeles after her never once in any campaign material did How- talion, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment in military service, Ms. Hall-Pounders joined the ard Hill ever brag about his military service, 1942 during WWII in North Africa. Since this Los Angeles Police Department, where she his and Libby’s sacrifices. But we knew. successful drop, our airborne forces have be- has served on the LAPD Joint Terrorism Task Libby volunteered to help with everything, come a critical component of our military. Force. including founding and leading the Silver Our airborne forces have dropped into the Residing in the Baldwin Vista neighborhood Sands Republican Women. When I asked the most intense combat the world has ever seen. of my district, Ms. Hall-Pounders has sought community leaders who had meant the most Some of their most notable engagements out opportunities to make a difference in the to me in my growing up to serve on the Acad- have been the D-Day invasion at Normandy lives of her fellow Angelenos. She has as- emy Selection Board to choose the best and the Battle of the Bulge, the invasion of sisted senior citizens and first time voters with young women and young men to be appointed Southern France. Without the invention of the both registration and voter education. Along to our military academies, I chose Libby Hill, airborne, our armed forces would have been with her daughter, she regularly hosts tennis a mentor and model to a generation of young at a disadvantage during many of our major clinics for young men and women in the Cren- people. conflicts. shaw District. The pair also organize edu- Mr. Speaker, I told you this is a love story. The 82nd Airborne Division is cational and recreational excursions for under- Two young people who love their country and headquartered right here in North Carolina at served and special-needs youth in Watts, aim- gave themselves to it for their whole lives. A Fort Bragg. The Division was incorporated in ing to help them see a world beyond the bor- woman and a man who love each other and the National Army on August 5, 1917, to sup- ders of their own neighborhoods. have given themselves to their children and to port the entry of the United States into World I appreciate her service to our country and their community and to each other for fifty War I. The 82nd Airborne Division was nick- to the communities of the 37th Congressional years. named the ‘‘All American Division’’ as a result District of California, and I wish her continued Happy anniversary, Howard and Libby. We of the spirit and diverse group of soldiers from success in her career as an LAPD officer and love you. all across the United States. The 82nd Air- a leader in our community. f borne was the first division to be designated f as an Airborne Division. IN RECOGNITION OF CRAIG RECOGNIZING THE KILMARNOCK Part of the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 82nd WRIGHT, RECIPIENT OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Airborne Division is the Nation’s Global Re- EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE FOR HOSTING THE 82ND sponse Force and can mobilize, load, and PROVIDER OF THE YEAR AWARD KILMARNOCK VOLUNTEER FIRE land anywhere in the world in less than 36 DEPARTMENT CARNIVAL hours to perform combat operations, assist United States allies, and provide humanitarian HON. JOHN H. RUTHERFORD HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN aid. The 82nd Airborne has participated in OF FLORIDA OF VIRGINIA nearly every major United States conflict IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around the world since its inception. Some of Friday, August 18, 2017 the most notable engagements have been the Friday, August 18, 2017 Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Battle of Lorraine in World War I, Operation today to ask the United States House of Rep- Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Overlord in Normandy, France in World War II, resentatives to join me in recognizing the 2016 recognize the Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire De- responding to the Tet Offensive during the Emergency Medical Services Provider of the partment and their efforts in the community in Vietnam War, liberating Kuwait as one of the Year, Craig Wright. hosting the Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Depart- first units to engage in Operation Desert Mr. Wright currently works at the Naval Sub- ment Carnival. Storm, and supporting relief efforts after the marine Base Kings Bay Fire Department, This year marks the 82 year anniversary of devastating Hurricane Katrina. where he exhibits his heroism and humility on what some Virginians recognize as the longest The continued success of our airborne a daily basis. His individual actions have had continually operating summer carnival in the forces has allowed the United States to be- positive and substantial impacts on the resi- state. For generations, the Carnival has rep- come the global fighting force it is today. Our dents of Kings Bay. resented the premier event of the summer in men and women in uniform represent the best Mr. Wright attributes his success to the unity the Northern Neck for children of all ages. our nation has to offer and I am proud to rep- experienced among him and his co-workers in Whether it is riding ‘‘Big Eli’’ or enjoying some resent a district that has a strong military pres- the fire department, stating that nothing he of the famous hot dogs, this community jewel ence and is home to some of the bravest pa- ‘‘did individually can’t be contributed to the provides for many throughout the Northern triots in the country. whole team.’’ The resulting feeling of family Neck a chance to come together and cele- Mr. Speaker, please join me today in hon- between the Kings Bay fire fighters yielded a brate time with family and friends. oring the soldiers of our airborne forces for Fire Department of the Year award, for the I want to thank the Kilmarnock Fire Depart- their service and commitment to protecting the fifth year in a row. Again, Mr. Wright and all ment for their tireless work in keeping this United States. of the fire fighters emphasized their camara- event running since 1935. I also, would like to f derie and loyalty as the keys to their success. thank the over 200 volunteers it takes each HONORING THE SERVICE OF LAPD Mr. Speaker, I applaud Craig Wright for his night to run the Carnival. service to the Kings Bay Fire Department and f DETECTIVE SHA’QUANA HALL- POUNDERS to his fellow fire fighters. His commitment has CELEBRATING THE 82ND AIR- strengthened the community and all of its BORNE DIVISION ON NATIONAL HON. KAREN BASS members. AIRBORNE DAY f OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN RECOGNITION OF GEORGE T. FARRELL HON. RICHARD HUDSON Friday, August 18, 2017 OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to HON. BRIAN J. MAST honor the accomplishments and service of Los Friday, August 18, 2017 OF FLORIDA Angeles Police Department Detective IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Sha’Quana Hall-Pounders. honor the men and women of the airborne One of the few Black women to reach the Friday, August 18, 2017 forces as they celebrate National Airborne rank of Chief Master Sergeant in the United Mr. MAST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Day. States Air Force Office of Special Investiga- ognize a member of our 18th District commu- El Paso, Texas—on August 16, 1940, the tions, Sha’Quana Hall-Pounders delivered se- nity, Mr. George T. Farrell, who has been Army conducted their first test platoon jump. curity and threat assessment briefings to sen- working diligently to engage minority voices in The idea of dropping paratroopers in combat ior Pentagon officials. As a law-enforcement the electoral process through education, com- zones behind enemy lines was first conceived officer, then-Special Agent Hall-Pounders munication and active involvement in commu- by Brigadier General William Mitchell. With his served to protect senior White House officials nity events. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Aug 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18AU8.004 E18AUPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS August 18, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1141 I met Mr. Farrell at his organization’s Jr., who passed away on August 12, 2017 at vitalization, business financing, and many oth- Juneteenth Celebration in Palm Beach, Flor- the age of 74. Mr. Bergin served an impres- ers. ida, during the summer of 2015. Since then, I sive five terms as mayor of Waterbury, Con- During Mr. Herring’s tenure, Region IV De- have witnessed his steadfast commitment to necticut, and his strong and dedicated leader- velopment has been able to facilitate more developing the highest standards and best ship guided the city through substantial eco- than $1.2 billion in public and private sector in- practices for increasing civic engagement nomic change. Those of us in Connecticut will vestment in the eight counties of South-Cen- among minority communities. remember Mayor Bergin as a devoted public tral Idaho. These public improvement and Mr. Farrell’s organization was also recently servant who exemplified what an elected offi- business projects have supported the creation approved by the Florida Department of State cial strives to be.
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