Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. ms October 29, 2018 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) A study of HI-selected galaxies in the Hercules cluster J. Iglesias-P´aramo1, W. van Driel2, P.-A. Duc3, P. Papaderos4, J.M. V´ılchez5, V. Cayatte2, C. Balkowski2, K. O’Neil6, J. Dickey7, H. Hern´andez6, and T.X. Thuan8 1 Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, Traverse du Siphon - Les Trois Lucs, 13376 Marseille, France e-mail: [email protected] 2 Observatoire de Paris, GEPI, CNRS-UMR 8111 and Universit´e Paris 7, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France e-mail: [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] 3 CNRS URA 2052 and CEA, DSM, DAPNIA, Service d’Astrophysique, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France e-mail: [email protected] 4 Universit¨ats-Sternwarte, Geismarlandstrasse 11, 37083 G¨ottingen, Germany e-mail: [email protected] 5 Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Andaluc´ıa (CSIC), Granada, Spain e-mail: [email protected] 6 Arecibo Observatory, HC3 Box 53995, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 7 Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota, 116 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected] 8 Astronomy Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected] Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics – second revised version 17.2.2003 Abstract. The present study is aimed at a sample of 22 galaxies detected in the blind VLA H i survey of the Hercules cluster by Dickey (1997), 18 of which were selected on an H i line width smaller than 270 km s−1 and 4 others with only tentative optical counterparts on the Palomar Sky Survey. Sensitive single-dish H i line spectra were obtained for 20 of them, and for one (47-154) the VLA detection was not confirmed. Optical surface photometry was obtained of 10 objects, for 8 of which optical spectroscopy was obtained as well. Based on various selection criteria, two (ce-143 and ne-204) can be classified as dwarfs. The objects of which optical observations were made show star formation properties similar to those of published samples of actively star forming galaxies, and approximately half of them have properties intermediate between those of dwarf galaxies and low-luminosity disc galaxies. No optical redshifts could be obtained for two of the galaxies (sw-103 and sw-194) and their physical association with the H i clouds detected at their positions therefore remains uncertain. Unique among the objects is the Tidal Dwarf Galaxy ce-061 in a tail of the IC 1182 merger system. arXiv:astro-ph/0304287v1 15 Apr 2003 Key words. galaxies: abundances – galaxies: dwarf – galaxies: clusters: general – galaxies: clusters: individual: Hercules cluster 1. Introduction oxygen abundance significantly higher than expected from the luminosity-metallicity relation for field dwarf galaxies. It is well known from numerous studies based on ob- i servations and simulations that the environment plays a In this paper we present single-dish 21 cm H -line as fundamental role in the evolution of bright galaxies, via well as optical imaging and spectroscopy observations of galaxy-galaxy interactions and/or interactions of galax- a sample of galaxies in the Hercules cluster, selected from i ies with the intergalactic medium. The present work is the objects detected in the blind VLA H line survey of the part of an ongoing study of the properties of H i-selected cluster by Dickey (1997). One of our aims is to examine galaxies in clusters, for which the results on dwarfs in the which of them can be considered dwarf galaxies. Hydra cluster have already been published (Duc et al. The Hercules supercluster is one of the most mas- 1999, 2001a; hereafter Paper I and II, respectively). The sive structures in the nearby Universe (Freudling 1995). most remarkable result is the existence of dwarfs with an It appears to be a collection of three clusters, grav- itationally bound, but far from dynamical relaxation: Send offprint requests to: [email protected] Abell 2151, classified as richness class 2, and Abell 2147 2 Iglesias-P´aramo et al. and Abell 2152, both classified as richness class 1 (Barmby with optical counterparts on the Digital Sky Survey (DSS) & Huchra 1998). In a previous single-dish study of the H i and showing line widths smaller than 270 km s−1 detected properties of a sample of galaxies in the Hercules super- in the 4 fields by D97, we observed the following 18 in cluster, Giovanelli et al. (1981) found a strong deficiency the H i line at Arecibo: ne-112, ne-142, ne-178, ne-204, in the H i mass-to-optical luminosity ratio of galaxies in ne-208, ne-240, ce-042, ce-048, ce-060, ce-061, ce-143, ce- the Abell 2147 cluster, while an almost normal, or mildly 176, ce-200, sw-103, sw-222, 47-138, 47-166 and 47-211. deficient, ratio was found for the galaxies in Abell 2151, The 7 others were ruled out because they are very likely the richest and densest of the three clusters. We have as- face-on spirals: ne-169, ne-222, ne-264, ce-122, ce-166, sw- sumed a distance of 150 Mpc to the Hercules supercluster, 159 and 47-030. In addition, we included in our list four based on an average redshift of 11,050 kms−1 for the clus- galaxies showing line widths larger than 270 km s−1 but ter spirals (see D97) and a Hubble constant of 75 km s−1 with only tentative optical counterparts on the DSS (ne- Mpc−1. 250, ne-398, sw-194 and 47-154) in order to confirm the H i The paper is organized as follows: the sample selection detections and to verify whether the optical associations and H i and optical observations are described in section 2. are real or not. A summary of the observations obtained The optical and H i properties of the sample galaxies are for our survey, together with the centre positions and W50 described insection 3, and a discussion of the results is line widths from D97, is given in Table 1. presented in section 4. Comments on individual objects For our optical imaging and spectroscopic observa- are given in an Appendix. tions, only the central (ce) and southern (sw) fields could be covered. 2. Observations 2.2. H I line observations 2.1. Sample selection We made our H i line observations of the 22 H i-selected Our study of the Hercules cluster is aimed at H i-selected galaxies in the Hercules cluster with the refurbished 305 m galaxies, as well as at reported H i clouds without optical Arecibo Gregorian radio telescope in May and June 2002. counterparts on Digital Sky Survey (DSS) images, selected For further technical details on the observations and the from the blind VLA 21 cm H i line survey of the cluster data reduction we refer to van Driel et al. (2003). by Dickey (1997, hereafter D97) and reobserved by us at The total net integration time (on+off) was on aver- Arecibo in order to confirm the detections and to obtain age 70 minutes per source, depending on the line strength, H i line profiles with a better velocity resolution. Our fail- from 40 minutes for the strongest lines to 110 minutes for ure to confirm the H i clouds without optical counterparts the weakest signals, in ne-398 and 47-154. The velocity indicate that these were spurious, as described in van Driel coverage is about 2500 kms−1, the velocity resolution is et al. (2003). 1.3 km s−1, and the telescope’s HPBW at 21 cm is 3.′4×3.′6. For our studies of H i-selected dwarf galaxies in the For the telescope’s pointing positions the centre coordi- Hydra cluster (Papers I and II) we used the VLA H i study nates of the VLA H i sources as given in D97 were used by McMahon (1993), which has a velocity resolution of 42 (see Table 1 of D97). The data were reduced using IDL kms−1, similar to that of the D97 survey. We selected routines developed at Arecibo Observatory. A first-order on H i line widths at 20% of peak flux density value, W20, baseline was then fitted to the data and the velocities were smaller than 130 km s−1, as objects with such narrow lines corrected to the heliocentric system, using the optical con- are good dwarf candidates. Of the 20 selected objects only vention. All data were boxcar smoothed to a velocity res- 4 were found not to be dwarfs. olution of 9.1 km s−1 for further analysis, while the data We could not apply such an effective H i line width of ne-398 and 47-154 were smoothed to 19.5 kms−1. criterion aimed at selecting dwarfs to the D97 data, how- ever. As the Hercules cluster is about three times more distant (150 Mpc) than the Hydra cluster (45 Mpc), the 2.3. Optical observations H i profiles are correspondingly weaker and their widths more uncertain. The D97 H i mass detection limit of about Our optical observations are limited to objects in the ce 8 5 10 M⊙ allows the detection of only the most gas-rich and sw fields of the D97 survey. Of all 10 sample galaxies dwarf systems, while we estimate that the uncertainty in in these two fields we obtained deep CCD images, and −1 the FWHM line widths, W50, is about 100 kms for the low-to-medium resolution spectra for the 8 among these fainter H i detections, following Fouqu´eet al.
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