TiONAL 30' May 4, 1976 ANOUfAE62.261 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER .IN11 AMERICA j PAGE 6) To *,nvestigatoris 12-Year Probe Reveals. sSossin Was Trained as .0.001d .Double • , . , Michael . Eddesies;'-eneted I ilsh. Invesil--7 T "-..` 1 '.. • ' t --- gotPre writer, won wide wreaks,' In Europe %lop nvestgator s 12-Year Probe Reveals . .---"-- by proving thot,Timothy Evans, an English- Man' who Wei mistakenly hanged - ler the. - . murder of‘,his baby daughter, was Innocent - of the crime. Evans was given sr posthumous F ' Was• Killed, „._,. ... by, a Russ;, . end pardon offer Eddowes proved beyond a doubt ., that the reel killee W(.12 mail murderer John _. Reginald Holliday Christie. In his new beak, "November • 22 — How They killed Kennedy," Eddowes presents shocking new evidence that a Russian KGB agent, posing as Lee Harvey Orweldi assassinated President Keene,* A spokesman for Sen. Richard Schweiker IR.-Pe.), who heeds a Senate suheomnsittee investigating the JFK assassination. told The ENQUIR- ER: "fletaose of Mr..Eddowel' previous record in the Timothy Evens case, the panel is taking a very careful 'and serious look at the information he has supplied an Lee Herter COtir4TY MroiCikt: EXAMINER Oswald and the isssasilnation 'of President Kennedy." ...••., - • . ... • • ' • ••• ,. • By WILLIAM DICK and ART DWORKEN . -, ' , . – •. .,. 1111. !..1, r President John F. {Kennedy was slain :by a Russian KGB, agent posing as Lee HarVey Oswald, says British author Michael Eddowes )4,t.., /,,,7 .n.v.t*ri . if4.3...)56 after a 12-year investigation of the crime of the century. • , rit,-;11 (KINLIA, Lee HoTroT ranal Vlitn Cris, lid* Eddowes, 72, one of England's foremost investigative writers, has 1, published a new book unraveling what he describes' as a devious Soviet i,k-1.001 &Itelt 11-24-63, a/45 r..K. plot, masterminded by Nikita Kbrushchev, ' to murder an American 14' ,,,,orm,. T1/4„,, a. D. President. VAIIDintanto ViAnn; C. Ctm.r.rt, N, D. "I am convinced from my investigations that the man who killed JFK was a KGB assassin who hoped to,return to Russia after the kill- =...z.=tt, amt.gatm ing," Eddowes told The ENQUIRER in a lengthy intervie*. ■%, Here are some of Eddowes' shocking. findings, after an exhaustive, :`Txteretat torftilsvition rimmlo a 5 foot, 9 loth MAW WIN Ott actinatel vlIelh `-t, e costly investigation that has taken him all over, the U.S..in his search for -'1ft 150 rs,rtti, P..tr7)-r le rah procerrt, alert coolioa et 6 ttp.1,7. lanro 1.• Aga. ixvtorlor rettatrxt livIaity. , . + ,.- .44 the facts. • "The real Lee Harvey Oswald, according to his U.S. Marine Corps AUTOPSY REPORT describes Lee 1-lorvey•Oswald as "5 foot, 9 Inch",, _records, was 5' 11" --two inches taller than the man shot by Jack Ruby while his U.S. Marine Corps record (see extract at bottom left of page) in Dallas. lists his height as 71 inches (5 foot, 1I inches). This is one of the, "The real Oswald had three scars on his upper, left arm, two of them the discrepancies that proves it was not Oswald who assassinated President . result of a shooting accident when he " Kennedy, says noted British investigator. was in the Marines. speak Russian. One could Judge only "But the impostor who died in Dal- by his gestures and facial expression. lel had only two scars on the left arm that he had no complaints." — and in the wrong places," Eddowes Said Eddowes: "Yet only 18 months said. • later, when Russian-born Marina Os- "When he was 6, the real Oswald wald firSt met the man who was to be- underwent a mastoidectomy — an op- come her husband, in Russia, she was eration for removal of a small piece totally convinced he was a Russian of bone from behind the left ear. It called Alik who spoke 'with a Baltic left a one-inch scar — but the man States accent." • - who shot JFK had no such scar. ,...The Warren Commission . report "The scars on Oswald's neck and states that when Marina met Oswald arm are all recorded in his Marine at a dance at the Palace of Culture Corps records. In the autopsy report, in March 1961, "she thought he was the arm scars are noted — but the from one of the Russian-speaking Bal- one-inch scar behind the left ear is tic countries because he spoke with not mentioned. an accent; later that same evening "The real Oswald could. not speak she learned that he was an American." Russian. A week after his defection Eddowes disclosed that the plot to kill the President was hatched by in October 1959, Oswald was admitted PHONY 'OSWALD is killed in to a Moscow hospital after attempting Nikita Khrushchev before JFK took Dallas by Jack Ruby, who was office — and was originally xdmed at to slash his wrists. Doctors noted he also a Russian agent, according couldn't speak Russian and could com- Richard Nixon. Eddowes said he ob- municate only with gestures and facial to investigator's new book. tained this Information from intelli- expressions," Eddowes said. later became an official Warren Com- gence sources. A medical report from the Moscow mission exhibit, states: Khrushchev expected Nixon to win Presidential elc, hospital, dated Oct. 21, 1959, which "The patient (Oswald) does not the elion. Eddowes on a bus headed toward the Oak Cliff section of. Dallas. The impostor had purchased. a 23-cent ticket, which, if he had remained on the bus, - would have taken him to a bus stop just 350 yards from Ruby's apartment. "Later, the impostor Oswald was identified walking within 750 yards of Ruby's home," Eddowes said. "Imag- ine, in the 300-square-mile area of Dallas-Fort Worth, the imposter should be so close to the home of the man who would later shoot him. It was no coincidence. "The impostor Oswald was on his way to Ruby's home — then he ran into Officer J.D. Tippitt. He had no alternative but to kill him. "Tippitt had reported sighting the suspect (impostor Oswald) walking east along the south side of Patton Street — the most direct route from his rooming house to Jack Ruby's apartment." Oswald's mother, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, told The ENQUIRER: "I have spoken with Mr. Eddowes said, and didn't like the prospect, after and read his book. There is truth in bir an i m S 115L 11 Sopt; 1959 his famous "kitchen debate" with what be says." sZor.I. ourR. Nixon. Eddpwes added: "My investigations ,U.. RtFORT OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION ' "He ordered , the KGB to set up an have cost me .1100,000 and resulted in L lirr era-rot ...r-aonoul Woo 1...4 uo• .""w10. LK MM. a R. assassination planf" Eddowes said. many threats against my life for un- OWALD, Leo Raryor _Um la____ When Nixon was defeated for Presi- covering the truth. But I will not back L S.... ,........-- -• Asa. ar ............, ...9 lor.orol I/ 1....44•104 dent, the Russians found they had an 3124 Woof th St. Fort Worth. Tomos Boporntion ' 3 t 1959 away from' My conviction that the I. au I. mace I. num our,. KM. 141. uoulorop, You, III abooLI pl. OroLooloolou tro, even tougher, opponent in Kennedy. Dna Russians assassinated John F. Ken- U ,ubme -, - I Ild$W LEP ad , Following the Cuban missile crisis,ithe nedy," . 11 als ot Wit. 11, Iloco or WV IL luva, ...70Mir. AO Jalrol VP .01,11 MN Rusijans felt JFK was a, man the _111!olona Mr4. M. °Midi 8amo as lino j14 OA 01-9111_2 im........A... Western world would follow; l; •. 15trV ar`41." airs 1.14 STAMM ALAINWOAUV4 AMA4,,", t nail Dathorn ' "Khruilichey would not allow this. 9 ..... c.. 1......, 1 • "WC 0 711•1 ILIIKET, Ultit usl ..urns Kennedy must be killed. SLOO(Art Veld11111611 R61.3.—.111....11.........1.......11ar :. .1...0. gm.. ....ei....71e... ow.i.. 572......0 ......•, C•ri al. III /am II L. WO miAllenar•gftlir It Roomoor 1 ■ "The- KGB found one of their offi- '''''''imi 11311..-" it......"..,,.......Zer:;!''':;Vrgr:Z;Vo:r11, 1)9) 0 Operation, I" ioft mastoid , cers who Pore a strong resemblance II ea 8 oparation, 1m ULA to. Oswald. This man was given spe- IL Oro. • 0gunshot, 1stt slhow • cial training' at a spy school In Minsk. u.......0.0-111.11 a im left mina. • .......• • •-• -„•:-_,,,ez-,7,. MIA lie was indoctrinated with Oswald's ____ ,__ ,____ _____ 2_,..----__ .„..--..._..------......----.--•—.._."-----..--. complete background, taught to speak with Oswald's Texas accent, and train- 1114100.q11 w ml. !WNW ed to kill with rifle and handgun. U. lend R ..111 Polootion rion "Oswald was kept alive to brief the 71- * 150 drown I "rig; 175-- impostor — but was later killed in Russia after 'the assassinatiok of U.S. MARINE CORPS MEDICAL REPORT at tap lists three scars on JFK," Eddowes asserted. " Oswald's upper left arm — 1" ULA (upper left arm), left elbow, and Eddoires. believes Jack Ruby was • VSULA (vertical scar upper left arm/. But the impostor who died in also a Russian agent who was sup-; Dallas, says investigator, had only two scars and in the wrong places. posed' to help the KGB assassin' es-. o•e• cape after JFK's murder — but.wheri Also listed in the medical report is a 1" left, mastoid scar but the the- phony Oswald was caught;• Ruby ,.man who shot JFK had no such scar. Another segment of the same was ordered to kilthini by his Soviet.. TOP. INVESTIGATOR Michael Fd-%, report- lists Oswold's height as 71 inches or 2, inches taller than the superiors: - • ' dowes discloses 'shocking new evi-, phony Oswald shot by Ruby.
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