434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 18 H. R. 1615. A bill for the relief of :Mrs. mum amount of exemption for agricultural I therefore suggest the absence of a Zumru Zelveian, Haig Zelveian, and Mary commodities under section 203 (B) (6) of quorum. Ze~ eian; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Interstate Commerce Act; to the Com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The H. R. 1616. A bill for the relief of S. L. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. clerk will call the roll. Ayr s & Co., Inc.; to the Committee on the 7. Also, petition of North Hudson Chapter, Judiciary. No. 1, of the American Veterans Committee, The Chief Clerk called the roll, and H. R. 1617. A bill for the relief of Howard West New York, N.J., urging the withholding the following Senators answered to their Samuel Warnock; to the Committee on the of full recognition to Franco Spain and deny­ names: Judiciar . ing it membership in the United Nations, Aiken Bickenlooper Miller H. R. 1618. A bill for the relief of Kenneth etc.; to the committee on Foreign Affairs. Anderson Bill Millikin J. MacKenzie; to the Committee on the Ju­ 8. By the SPEAKER: Petition of James B. Baldwin Boey Morse diciary. Barkley Bolland Mu dt Pettit, mayor, Pomona, Calif., petitioning Brewster Humphrey Murray By Mr. HOLMES: consideration of his resolution with reference Bricker Hunt M ers H. R. 1619. A bill for the relief of St. Eliza­ to financial aid and assistance for agricul- Br dges Ives Neely beth Hospital, Yakima, Wash., and others; to urists due to the freeze which has caused Bro ghton Je ner O'Conor the Commi tee on the Judiciary. great destruc ion and placed them in a se­ Butler Johnson, Colo. O'Mahoney B Mr. JACKSON of Washington: rious position financially; to the Committee Byrd Johnson, Tex. Pepper H . R . 1620. A bill for the relief of Robert E. Cain Jchn~ton, s. C. Reed on Agriculture. Capehart Kefauver Robertson Bridge and Leslie E. Ensign; to the Commit­ 9. Also, petition of James H. Schaffner, Chapman Kern Russell tee on he Jt!dlciary. through his attorney, Jay T. Barnsdall, Jr., Chayez Kerr Salton all By Mr. JAVITS: Buffalo, N. Y., petitioning consideration of Connally Kilgore Schoeppel H. R. 1621. A bill for the relief of Erzsebet his resolution v.1.th reference to redress of a Cordon Knowland Smith, Maine Vizer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. grievance; asking for the investigation of the Donnell Langer Smith, N.J. H. R. 1622. A bUl for the relief of Peter Pal Douglas Lodge Sparkman conditions of all prison camps; investigation Downey Long Stennis Vi.zer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the g neral court martial; complete and Eastland Lucas Taft H. R. 1623. A bill for the relief of Jozsef public investigation of all illegal and un­ Ecton McCarran Taylor Vizer; to the Committee on the Jn~tciary. lawful sentences of all courts martial held Ellender McCarthy Thomas, Okla. By Mr. KING: against members of the armed forces during Ferguson McClellan Thomas, Utah H. R. 1624. A bill for the relief of Harris A. Flanders McFarland Thye World War II; that propBr and immediate Fulbright McGrath Tobey Bakken; to the Committee on the Judiciary. medical attendance be provided for James George McKellar Vandenberg H. R. 1625. A bill for the relief of Christine H. Schaffner, petitioner, and all other persons Gillette McMahon Watkins Kono; to the Committee on the Jud ciary. suffering from the effects of illegal imprison­ Green Magnuson Wherry By Mr. LANHAM: ment and star atlon by the United States Gurney Malone Wll y H. R. 1626. A bUl for the relief of Mrs. Army; that suitable provision be made for Hayden Martin Williams A. H. H'll; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the support of the petitioner and the mem­ Hendrickson Maybank Young B Mr. LESINSKI: bers of his family, etc.; to the Committee Mr. LUCAS. I announce that the Sen­ H. R. 1627. A bill for the relief of Filip on the Judiciary. Nicola Lazarcvlch; to the Committee on the ator from Delaware [Mr. FREAR] is at­ 10. Also, petition of parent-teachers. a.sso­ tending the ceremonies incident to the Judiciary. ciation, rural zone, Aguadilla, P. R., petltlOn­ By Mr. LOVRE: ing consideration of their resolution with inauguration of Hon. Elbert N. Carvel as H. R. 1628. A bUl to authorize and direct reference to enactment of legislation to pro­ . Governor of the State of Delaware, and he Secretary of the Interior to issue to vide Federal aid to education for Puerto Rico; the Honorable Alexis I. Dupont Bayard, Winired DeCoteau a patent 1n fee to certain to the Committee on Education and Labor. as Lieutenant Governor of the State of and; to the Committee on Public Lands. 11. Also, petition of president, the National Delaware, and is therefore necessarily By Mr. LUCAS: Defense League of America, petitioning con­ H . R . 1629. A bill for the relief of Kira absent. sideration c! his resolut on with reference The Sena or from New York [Mr. and Nina Grigorieff; to t e Committee on to the national defense of the United St tes; WAG. ER] is necessarily absent. the Judiciary. to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. LYNCH: The Senator from Maryland [Mr. TYD­ H. R. 1630. A bill for the relief of George INGS] is ab~ent because of illne s. Schee and family; to the Committ~e on the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Nine­ Judiciary. ty-three Senators having answered to By Mr. McCORMACK: SE ATE their names, a quorum is present. H. R. 1631. A bill for the relief of John J. The Chair desires to make an an­ 0 ara; o the Committee on e Judie ary. TeE. oxY, JA. · -.\RY 1 1 -19 H. R. 1632. A bill for the reUef of Rita nouncement. Under the rule of the V. L. Flaherty; to the Committee on the The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, Senate speeches can be made during the Judiciary. D. D., offe ed the folio ing prayer: consideration of the morning busine s By . O'BRIEN of illinois: only b unanimou consent. The Chair H. R. 1633. A bill for the relief of Ar bur Our Father in heaven, once again we hopes Senators will remember the rule J. cGurn; to he Committee on the Ju­ offer unto Thee our grateful thanks for and adhere to it. d c·ary. Thy mercy that cared for us during the B Mr. O'TOOLE: night and brought us safely to this hour. RESIGNATION BY SENATOR BARKLEY .\S H . R. i634. A bill fo the relief of Joaquim A SENATOR OF THE UNITED STATES _ adiera; to he Commi tee on the Judiciary. Today is the tomorrow we worr'ed By Ir. PHILBIN: about yesterday, and we e ow foolish Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I send H. R. _635. A b111 for the relief of Stephan our anxiety was. to the desk a copy of a letter writ en by a jian; to he Commi ee on the Ju­ Teach us to trust Thee more com­ me to the Gover or of Kentucky, which I d.clary. pletely and to seek Th help in all that ask that the clerk may read for the in­ B Mr. RIBICOFF: we have to do, through Jesus Christ, our formation of the Senate and for the H. R. 1636. A bUl for the relle! of Gaetanina Lord. Amen. RECORD. bardo; to the Commit ee on the Ju­ THE JOURNAL The PRESIDE T pro tempore. With­ diciary. out objection, the clerk will read. By Mr. HUGH D. SCOTI', JR.: On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by The Chief Clerk read as followv: H. R.1637. A bUl for the relief of Mrs. Dora unanimous consent, the reading of the FTUma ; o be Commi ee on he Judiciary, JANUARY 7, 1949. By Mr. TRTh'..BLE: Journal of the proceedings of Monday, Hon. EARLE C. CLE NTS, H. R. 1638. A bill to pa Warren P. Hoover January 17, 1949, wa di pensed with, Gotiernor of Ke 1tucky, for senices rendered the Army or the United and the Journal was approved. Frankfort, Ky. S atcs; to the Commi tee on the Judiciary, MY DEAR GOVDlNOR: In 1ew of my election MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT as Vice President of he Uni ed tat for the term beginning January 20, 1949, I hereby PETITIONS, ETC. A message in writing from the Presi­ dent of the United States submitting a tender my resignation as s~na or of the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions nomination was communicated to the Uni ed St tes from he Common ·eal h of and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Kentucky, o take effect at midn ght on and referred as follows: January 19, 1949. taries. Very sincerely yours, 6. By Mr. HART: Pet! ion o! New Jersey CALL OP THE ROLL Horticultural Sccie _, urging reversal of the ALBEN W, BARKLEY, decision of the Interstate Commerce Com­ Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. Pre ident, I The PRESIDENT p o tempor . The mission 1n the Harwood case and the maxi- think that we should have a quorum, and communication ill lie on the t ble. 1949' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 435 . BmTHDAY ANNIVERSARY OF ROBERT E. to the President of the United States the Constitution of the United States of America, LEE following enrolled bill and joint reso­ which joint resolution was duly ratified by lution: Congress and approved by the President of Mr.
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