12 - The Prince George Citizen - Friday, November 19,1999 S p o r t s CIAU fines Huskies OTTAW A (CP) — The CIAU has fined the Saskatchewan Als, Lions on Sunday Huskies $5,000 and suspended Kris Sem balerus for the re­ m ainder of the season. The H uskies allow ed Sem balerus, an by DAN RALPH W EST DIVISION academ ically ineligible athlete, to play in the Canada W est Canadian Press C algary Stam peders at B.C. Lions conference cham pionship. Dave Ritchie and Jim Barker w ill be reluc­ Calgary looked dom inant in its 30-17 sem ifi­ m tant couch potatoes on Sunday. nal w in over Edm onton last w eekend, but w ill ^ Ritchie, the W innipeg Blue Bom bers coach be w ithout outstanding running back Kelvin United Native Nations Local72 presents1 \ and football-operations director, and Barker, Anderson (sprained ankle). Rookie Rock Pre­ the Toronto Argonauts head coach, w ill dis­ ston w ill try to replace the CFL’s No. 3 rusher Sports Dinner & Auction 0 patch their headsets and parkas Sunday and (1,256 yards) an overall leader in com bined c j j* « . with keynote speaker: COalB Sn3C K revert back to football fan status w hen the yards (2,258) and yards from scrim m age Saturday, Jan 29th, 2000 (C CFL’s division finals kick off. (1,820). Still, quarterback Dave D ickenson T7ie CoastInn o f the North A » Barker, whose team dropped a 27-6 sem ifi­ has no shortage of w eapons, w ith slot backs Cocktails at 6:00 pm % nal decision last w eek to H am ilton, likes the Allen Pitts, the W est D ivision nom inee as the Dinner at 7:00 pm . j M ontreal Alouettes to beat the H am ilton league’s outstanding player, and Vince Tiger-Cats in the East final and B.C. to dow n Danielsen and receiver M arcus Dow dell. De­ Calgary in the W est. fensively, m iddle linebacker Alondra Johnson Ritchie, w hose Bom bers just m issed qualify­ returns after a five-gam e absence. ing for post-season play, politely declined from B.C. w on the season series 3-1 but dropped m aking predictions because he expects both an em barrassing 14-1 loss to Calgary in their gam es to be close. last m atchup. How quarterback Dam on Allen “A ll four team s are capable of going to the Southam photo goes, so go the Lions. But the question re­ next level,” said Ritchie, w ho was head coach Montreal Alouette quarterback Tracym ains: W hich Lions squad w ill show up? W ill in M ontreal last season. “But I think the hom e Ham dresses for the weather during prac­it be the team that beat the Stam ps three tice for Sunday’s CFL Eastern Final timat es or the one w hich had to rally from a 17- team s should have the advantage because McGill Stadium. they’ll be playing before their ow n fans.” point deficit to nip low ly Saskatchew an to fin­ ish the regular season. H ere’s the low dow n on both games: leading rusher this season w ith 1,569 yards. Predictio n: B.C. EAST DIVISION H am ilton’s Ron W illiam s finished w ith 1,021. H am ilton Tiger-Cats at M ontreal Danny M cM anus, the East D ivision nom inee A l o u e t t e s for the CFL’s outstanding player, starts at quar­ M ontreal appears in its fourth straight East terback for H am ilton. Veteran Tracy Ham , Grey Cup box; D ivision final still searching for that elusive forced to split starting duties w ith Anthony first w in. But the three prior losses cam e on C alvillo due to injuries, lines up behind centre the road. The Alouettes w ill be the hom e team for M ontreal. office is busy Sunday (10 a.m . PST, CBC) after supplanting H am ilton’s stout defence had eight Tickets $50.00 each at United Native Nations Local 112 by DAN RALPH H201-1600 - 3rd Av e Prince George, BC H am ilton atop the division standings. The Als turnovers, including tw o blocked punts by Canadian Press Call 562-6555 for m ore information. w ere 8-1 at M olson Stadium this year and 3-1 G erald Vaughn, against Toronto. But the of­ Jack Farley has his fingers crossed for a B.C. Auction items include autographed sports memorabilia against Ham ilton. fence struggled w ith four turnovers and M c­ Lions victory Sunday in the CFL’s W est Divi-* The running gam e is im portant for both M anus com pleted just nine passes. sion final. team s. M ontreal’s M ike Pringle was the CFL’s Pred ictio n: Montreal. That’s because a Lions w in w ould be a huge boost to ticket sales for the ’99 G rey C up gam e,' w hich w ill be held Nov. 28 at B.C. Place. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT S t a m p s ’ b a c k m i g h t n o t p l a“That y w ould certainly be the icing on the cake,” said Farley, the president o f Vancouver’s • Commissioner, Leisure Services by STEVE EW EN Preston, Anderson’s 24-year-old Grey Cup com m ittee. “Everyone is w aiting Commission City of Prince Southam New spapers rookie backup, cam e on in relief in w ith anticipation and bated breath. Grey Cup George VANCOUVER — Greg Mohns is­ the third quarter against the Lions fever is ju st starting here. If the Lions do their • Director on the Prince George n’t paying m uch attention to the on Oct. 24 in Calgary and racked part Sunday, it w ill be a very exciting w eek.” Region Development Kelvin Anderson speculation. up 80 yards on 15 carries in a 14-1 W hat im pact w ould a Lions w in have on tick­ Corporation W ord out of C al­ w i n . et sales? Farley said in 1994, the last tim e the • Member of the Aquatic Centre gary Thursday was “I’m sure they’d like to have Grey Cup was held at B.C. Place, organizers that Anderson, the Kelvin, because he’s been their sold 23,000 tickets in the tw o days follow ing Building Committee Stam peders’ running backbone for them ,” said M ohns. B.C.’s upset of Calgary to advance to the CFL • Member of the Facilities back w ho led the CFL “But I know they have confidence cham pionship game. Committee H a l l in yards from scrim ­ i n R o c k . ” A total of 55,077 fans w atched the Lions de­ • Past President of the Child m age this year, w ould m iss Sun­ This year, Anderson finished third feat the expansion Baltim ore Stallions in that Development Centre City Councillor day’s W est D ivision final against the in the league in rushing w ith 1,306 G r e y C u p g a m e . B.C. Lions due to an ankle injury. yards, and had 1,878 yards from The Lions, w ho finished the regular season M ohns, the Lions coach, was s c r i m m a g e . atop the W est D ivision standings, take on the Working for you! dow nplaying all the talk. In last w eek’s 30-17 sem ifinal Calgary Stam peders at B.C. Place on Sunday Committed to the Community “I’m sure if at a ll possible K elvin is w in over the Edm onton Eskim os, (1 p.m . PST, CBC). going to play,” said M ohns. “And if he rushed 21 tim es for 71 yards Farley said m ore than 36,000 tickets have he doesn’t, it’s not going to change and caught three passes for 33 been sold for this year’s CFL final, w ith orga­ H A L L , L y n their offence. Rock Preston is a yards. He also scored tw o touch­ nizers hoping that num ber w ill sw ell to 40,000 good back, an explosive back.” d o w n s . heading into Sunday’s gam e. The F irst N am e In Jarrett’s 500-mile victory lap Com m on Sense, D edication, Leadership! HAM PTO N, Ga. (AP) — Once again, “You know , chas­ the season-ending N ASCAR race at At- ing is som etim es a lanta M otor Speedw ay has been lot m ore fun,” he stripped of any dram a. said. “You can be a W J u r m n r s k i S A r a s * Dale Jarrett already clinched his first little m ore risky, but W inston Cup cham pionship, turning w hen you’re trying Sunday’s N APA 500 <9:30 p.m . PST, to protect the lead C ity C o u n cillo r TSN) into nothing m ore than a 500- and m ake all those m ile victory lap. JARRETT decisions w eek af­ We support Don Zurowski... Weencourage you to sup “I th ink there is a little m ore relief ter w eek, it w ears Sandy Stephens that it is over w ith ,” said Jarrett, w ho on you.
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