OUR OWN COUNTRYMEN IN INDIA. "SEVENTEENTH. REPORT OF THE ~ugI1l.-~nhian 1887 CONTENTS 1. Portrait of the late ColonelHenr-y Foquett--.:Frontispiece II. Ai::mual Meeting - Page 1 III. Directors and Evangelists 2 IV. Committees 3 V . General Report 5 'VI. Introductions to Clergymen, etc" in India 10 VII. Anglo-Indian Ladies Union . 11 VIII. ;~am and the Friends of the late Colonel Foquett 14 : IX. Extracts from Indian Report 15 X. Eva.ngeHst~c Work of Rev. Patrick R. Mackay 17 XI. " " Rev. H. Ryiands Brown 19 XII. Rev. C. W. Christian 19 " XIII. :: ~:~ Mr Frederick Nicholson 20 " Mr G. W. Oxborough 21 XIV. " " XV. Rev. Isaac F. Row 21 " " XVI. Mr Fawcett Shaw.· 22 " " XVII. " "Mr .lames Shaw 3rdpageofGover XVIII. Subscriptions at Home ~3 : XIX. SubscrIptions in India 36 XX. Sum~ary - 40 XXI. Balance-Sheet 41 XXII. Memoranda 42 XXIII. Call to Prayer for our Countrymen in India-Gop~ 4 .•; t XXIV. ',Testfmonies 'reg~rding the Society 4 ~~. __··__ , __ 18_88. _____ ~ EW~RGH: H. & J. PILLANS ..& WILSON, 18 THISTLE ST.REET ~~~I;t;. .. THIS Society combines" the "Anglo-Indian Ohristian Union," the "Winter Mission," and the" Assam and Cachar Missionary Society;" and its objects are: I. The maintenance of an unsectarian itinerant evangelisation among the widely scattered groups of Europeans and Eurasians in India, otherwise destitute of Gospel ordinances. II. The appointment frequently of gifted Evangelists to visit the chief centres of population and influence, bringing the Gospel to bear, apart from denominational distinctions, on all the Churches and Missions, and on the educated English-speaking.Natives. The following is a form of Bequest or Legacy, which may be adopted: "Item, I give and beq7J:eath the sum of to tll,e ~n9la - ~nbhtn:' ~bang.elisathm .sacidlll and the Receipt of the 'Preasurer of tke Society, for the time being, shall be a sufficient discharge therefor." THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 1887 HAVE BEEN RECEIVED SINCE THE ACCOUNTS WERE CLOSED:- Henry Thompson, Esq., Lon- Mrs Buvers . £0 10 0 don, for Assam. £10 0 0 John Lamb, Esq. 0 5 0 J amesStevenson,Esq•• Glasgow 10 0 0 Miss Duke 0 5 0 " In Memoriam," Reading 0 2 0 Robert Duke, Esq. 0 5 0 R. M. Binning, Esq. 1 0 0 J. W. Chalmers, Esq. 0 3 6 Peter Denny. Esq., Dumbarton, .. Rev. J. Fraser 0 2 6 per Miss L.B. Mackenzie 1 0 0 Mrs Thomson 0 2 6 Miss A. ~. B. Smith, Swansea 0 5 0 J. L. Gordon, Esq. 0 2 6 Mrs Lawrie 1 0 0 Mrs Williamson 0 5 0 ELGIN. -£2, 3s. 6d. Collected by Miss Wilson, Criefi' 0 5 0 J. Agar, Esq.,. York. 1 0 0 . Oollected by Miss 1£ Grant. Miss Murdoch, Ireland, for Assam . 1 0 0 Miss Fuller Maitland o 10 0 Mrs Little, per Miss Murdoch 010 0 William Gall, Esq. 010 0 Collected by James Allen, Esq. , Mrs Mackenzie 0 5 0 Pitlochry 0 9 6 A. R. Watson, Esq. 0 2 6 Mrs J. L. Falconer 0 2 6 Mrs Cruickshank ;to 0 2 6 • BRECHIN.-£3,6s. Miss Stephen. - 0 2 6 Oollected by Miss Rose, Bt James' Park. W. Stephen, Esq. 0 2 6 Rev. R. Cowan 0 2 0 ~v. D. Rose, M.A. £1 0 0 R. Anderson, Esq. 0 2 0 "Rev. T. L. Ritchie 010 0 Small sums 0 2 0 * * * For BATH List of Contributions see page 38, THE LATE COLONEL HENRY FOQUETT. Chief Founder and long Honorary Secretary of the Assam and Cachar Mission; and after it was merged in the Anglo-Indian Evangelisation Society, one of its ,Honorary Treasurers. DIED AT TBZPORE, READING, 20th MARCH '1:887. HE RESTS FROM HIS LABOURS, AND HIS WORKS DO FOLLOW HIM. ANGLO-INDIAN EVANGELISATION SOCIETYI THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Society was held in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, Edinburgh, on the 4th of April 1888. Principal Sir WILLIAM MUIR, one of the Vice-Presidents, proposed that as the President, LORD POLWARTH, was unable to be present, his son, the MASTER of POLWARTH, be invited to preside. Sir William expressed his regret that he could not remain to take part in the pro­ ceedings, owing to another engagement. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Principal CAIRNS, D.D.,LL.D. The Rev. JOHN FORDYCE, General Secretary and Treasurer, presented the Report and Abstract of Accounts for 1887 ; and mentioned a number of apologies for absence, including 1\1:r John Inglis, who had been announced to speak. Nearly all these gentlemen were detained by the funeral of a much esteemed friend of the Society, Mrs George Smith, who had been a member of the Edinburgh Ladies Committee. The CHAIRMAN, in an able speech, in which he referred to his recent tour in India, moved the following resolution :- " That the Report and. Abstract of Accounts now submitted be adopted as the Seventeenth Report of the Society; that the Directors and Office-Bearers he re­ appointed, with power to fill up vacancies in the Committees; and that the Anglo-Indian Ladies' Union be heartily recognised as an Auxiliary for increasing the Funds, and for the transmission of Christian Literature to India." The Rev. G. G. GILLAN, M.A., Senior Presbyterian Chaplain, Bengal, seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to. DUNCAN M'LAREN, Esq., moved, and. the Rev. JOHN M'NEILL, of M'Crie-Roxburgh Church, seconded, the following resolution, which was unanimously carried :- " That our countrymen in India who are destitute of Christian ordinances on the Ra.ilway lines, Tea and Coffee Estates, and elsewhere, have a special claim. on the churches at home for themselves as our own brethren, a claim that is closely connected with the interests of Christian Missions to the multitudinous heathen among whom they dwell." E. A. STUART GRAY, Esq. of Kinfauns, moved, that the thanks of the meeting be offered to the MASTER of POLWARTH, for presiding on this occasion. The "meeting was closed' with the benediction by the Rev.. JOHN M'MuRTRIE. B ANGLO-INDIAN EVANGELISATION SOCIETY. I 38C U :Jruihtnf. The LORD POL1URTH. alHtt-3f!rtsihtnts. 'fhe LORD KINNAIRD. Principal Sir WILLIAM MUIR, K.C.S.I, Sir FRANCIS B. OUTRAM, Bart. LL.D., D.C.L. H.E.Gen.Sir H. W.NORMAN,K.C.B.,C.I.E. Rev. PRINCIPAL CAIRNS, D.D., LL D. HUGH M. MATHESON, Esq. Rev. J. C. HERDMAN, D.D. General ~r ROBERT PRAYNE, K.C.B. R. A. MACFIE, Esq. of Dreghorn. SAMUEL SMITH, Esq., M.P. JOHN INGLlS, Esq., C.S.I. Sm W. MACKENZIE, K.C.B.~ C.S.L, M.D. Rev. J. MURRAY MITCHELL, LL.D. ~irtdDrs. LONDON COMMITTEE.' EDINBURGH COMMITTEE. Lieut.·General ANDERSON. Rev. HORATIUS BONAR, D.D. Major-General J. iI. P. ANDERSON. Colonel DODS. H. B. BOSWELL, Esq. Rev. J. WARDROP GARDNEr:.. Lieut-General H. BROWNLOW, ~.E. General HOGGAN, C.B. Major-General A. J. BRUOE. Re·v. WILLLUf LANDELS, D.D. Major-General FIELD, C.B. DUNCAN M'LAREN,.Esq. Rev. E. E. JENKINS, M.A. CHARLES ROBERTSON, Esq., B.C.S. DONALD MATHESON, Esq. JAMES SIMSON, Esq., B.C.S. Rev. R. WARDLAW THOMl'80N. Rev. Professor THOMAS SMITH, D.D: General J. G. TOUCH. Rev. JA.llES WILLI.A.MSON •. JDttDtlll1l .ittrdarhs. Rev. JOHN MATHESON, M.A., Glenclutha, Juniper Green, N.B. Surgeon-Major R. PRINGLE, M.D., 4 Granville Park, Lewisham, London, S.E. Jmorar!! atr.easnrtrs. ROLAND YORKE BEVAN, IPall Mall, London, S.W. WILLIAM LECKIE, Esq., 11 Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh. QJttttral .itutiar'l l1llh atrtaSnftt. Rev. JOHN FORDYCE, 33 Sutherland Place, Baysw:ater, London, W. ~SSisfl1llfs. Mr W. J. WINTERSGILL, 7 Adam Street, Strand, London, W.C. Mr D. R. STAVERT, 5 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh. ~lmlters . .COMMERCIA.L BANK OF SCOTLAND, Limited, George Street, Edinburgh • . Messrs RANSOM, BOUVERIE, & CO., 1 Pall Mall, East, London, S.W; EVANGELISTS IN INDIA. Rev. H. G. EMERIC DE 81' DALMA.S, SW'etary in: India.*' " H. RYLANDS BROWN, Darjeeling. " C. W.CHRISTIAN, Coim~atore, Madras Presidency. " A. G. FRA..8ER, D.D., Lanowlie,near Bombay. " M. B. FULLER, Akola, Central Provinces. " P. R. MACKAY, returni'll{! in April to Scotland. Mr FltEDERIO NICHOLSON, Chunar, N. W.~. " G. W. Ox BOROUGH, Gorakhpur, N.W.P. Rev. 0.8. PALMER, AkQla .. " IsAAO F. Row, Bangalore. Mr FAWCETT SHA. w. Baroda. " JAMES SHAW, Sukkur, Scinde.t ... * These are all engaged in Evangelistic work in cO'llIIuction with, th,e Society, though, not all Agents. See Report. .,. The resignation of Mr De at Dalmas has been received since the Annual Meeting.-See p. 4. An,fllo-Indian Evangelisation Society. AUXILIARY COMMITTEES IN BRITAIN. ABERD.EEN. President-Dr FARQUHAR. Rev. DAVID ARTHUR. GRAY C. FRASER, Esq. :Major Ross, Rev. Prin. D. BROWN, D.D. Dr GmBoN. Rev. JAMES STARK. Dr CORBET. Lord Provost HENDERSON. GEORGE THOMPSON, Esq. of Major CRAIGIE. ROBERT LUMSDEN, Esq. Pitmedden. FRANCISEDMOND,Esq.,LL.D. Rev.J.MITFORDMITcHELL. Rev. G. W. THOMSON. of Kingswells. Rev. ROBERT A. MITCHELL. Dr URQUHART. WILLIAM FERGUSON, Esq. of I DAVID MITCHELL, Esq. WILLIAM YEATS, Esq. of Kinmundy. Rev. JOHN ROBSON, D.D. Auquharney. Han. Secretary and Treasurer-Colonel KIRBY, 15 Dee Street. DUNDEE. President-A. J. BUIST, Esq. Rev. W. J. Cox. Rev. JAMES E. HOUSTON, JOHN W. SHEPHERD, Esq EDWARD Cox, Esq., M.A. B.D. R. MOODY STUART, Esq., JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Esq. WILLIAM LOWSON, Esq. C.A. A. D. GRIMOND, Esq. Bailie ?vlACDONALD. Rev. JOHN TAYLOR. Rev. C. M. GRANT, B.D. WILLIAM MACKISON, Esq. Dr A. THOMSON. Rev. THOMAS HILL. GEORGE ROUGH, Esq. I Rev. RICHARD WATERSTON.
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