The Republic of the Philippines Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) The Republic of the Philippines The Project for Capacity Building for Community Development in Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao FINAL REPORT July 2016 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) IC Net Limited Central Consultant Inc. EI JR 16-122 The Republic of the Philippines The Project for Capacity Building for Community Development in Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. EXPECTED OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3. STRUCTURE OF THE DRAFT FINAL REPORT ....................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2: STRUCTURE OF CD-CAAM MODEL ................................................................................. 4 2.1. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OVERALL CD-CAAM MODEL .................................................................................... 4 2.1.1. Major activities during the pilot phase ............................................................................................. 4 2.1.2. Results of capacity building during the pilot phase ....................................................................... 14 2.2. STRENGTHENING AND EXPANSION OF THE CD-CAAM MODEL ....................................................................... 20 2.2.1. Major activities during the extension phase ................................................................................... 20 2.2.2. Results of capacity building during the extension phase ................................................................ 29 2.3. PEACEBUILDING PERSPECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 43 CHAPTER 3: MAJOR FINDINGS AND RESULTS ................................................................................... 49 3.1. ESTABLISHMENT OF CD-CAAM MODEL (SECTOR ACTIVITIES) ....................................................................... 49 3.1.1. Agriculture Sector (Sultan Mastura and Matungao) ...................................................................... 49 3.1.2. Fisheries Sector .............................................................................................................................. 62 3.1.3. Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance (Sultan Mastura and Matungao) ........................................ 73 3.2. STRENGTHENING AND EXPANSION OF THE CD-CAAM MODEL (SECTOR ACTIVITIES) ..................................... 79 3.2.1. Farmer-to-Farmer Extension .......................................................................................................... 79 3.2.2. Internal Technology Transfer within BDA ................................................................................... 136 3.2.3. Implementation of a new program ............................................................................................... 171 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 180 4.1. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CD-CAAM MODEL ............................................................ 180 4.2. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE BDA’S PROMOTION OF THE CD-CAAM MODEL................. 188 MAPS 【Map 1: Map of Mindanao】 http://mapsof.net/uploads/static-maps/mindanao_and_islands_map.jpg 【Map 2: Target Municipalities】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ph_locator_maguindanao_sultan_mastura.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ph_locator_lanao_del_norte_matungao.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ph_locator_Tawi-Tawi_panglima_sugala.png 【 】 Map 3: Project Sites in Sultan Mastura 【Map 4: Project Sites in Matungao】 【Map 5: Project Sites in Panglima Sugala】 Abbreviations ABW Average Body-Weight ARMM Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao ANC African Night Crawler ATI Agricultural Training Institute BDA Bangsamoro Development Agency BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Mindanao Freshwater Fisheries BFAR-MFFTC Training Center BLGU Brangay Local Government Unit BTC Bangsamoro Transition Commission CAAM Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao CAB Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro The Project for Capacity Building for Community Development in Conflict- CD-CAAM Affected Areas in Mindanao CDA Cooperative Development Authority CDD Community-Driven Development CDG Community Development Guidelines CDP-ELA Comprehensive Development Plan – Executive Legislative Agenda CenMin Regional Management Office of Central Mindanao CEPSEL Community Empowerment Program for Sustainable Economy and Livelihood CMO Central Management Office CO Community Organizer DA Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Fisheries in the Autonomous Region in Muslim DAF-ARMM Mindanao DGR Daily Growth Rate DO Dissolved Oxygen DOLE Department of Labor and Employment DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways FAB Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro FCR Feed Conversion Rate FPJ Fermented Plant Juice FT Farmer Trainer FTF Farmer to Farmer GAP Good Agricultural Practices GDI Gender Development Index GPH Government of the Philippines GOJ Government of Japan IMO Indigenous Microbial Organism ILO International Labor Organization IP Indigenous people IRA Internal Revenue Allotment J-BiRD Japan-Bangsamoro Initiatives for Reconstruction and Development JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LBT Labor-Based Technology LGU Local Government Unit MAO Municipal Agriculture Officer MBRLC Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center ME Municipal Engineer MILF Moro Islamic Liberation Front MLGU Municipal Local Government Unit MNLF Moro National Liberation Front MSU Mindanao State University MOA Memorandum of Agreement MPDC Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator MTF-RDP Mindanao Trust Fund-Reconstruction and Development Program OHN Oriental Herbal Nutrients NSCB National Statistic Coordination Board OJT On-the-Job Training O&M Operation and Maintenance OPAPP Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process ORG Office of the Regional Governor Philippines Atmospheric, Geographical and Astronomical Services PAGASA Administration PAMANA Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan PAO Provincial Agriculture Office PCM Project cycle management PDCA Provincial Development Catalyst PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act PHP Philippine Peso PMO Provincial Management Office PMU Project Management Unit PO People’s Organization POO Plan of Operation PPIP Pilot Project Implementation Plan PPOO Provincial Project Operation Officer RC Regional Coordinator R/D Record of Discussion RDESP Research Development, Extension Services and Production RMO Regional Management Office RPOO Regional Project Operation Officer RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal Socio-Economic Reconstruction and Development of Conflict-Affected Areas in SERD-CAAM Mindanao SWOT Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TESDA Technical Education and Skill Development Authority TOT Training of Trainers TRAC Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural College UAS Upi Agricultural School USM University of South Mindanao VET Value Enhancement Training VTT Value Transformation Training WB World Bank WFP World Food Program List of Tables and Figures Tables List of target barangays List of activities for pilot project on vegetable production and marketing List of activities for the pilot project on tilapia culture, processing and marketing List of activities for the pilot project on road rehabilitation and maintenance List of BDA counterpart personnel List of BDA counterpart personnel during the extension phase Target barangays of the extension phase List of activities for the FTF approach (Agriculture) List of activities for the FTF approach (Fisheries) List of activities for goad production Roles and responsibilities for field implementation in Tawi-Tawi List of activities in Tawi-Tawi Results of the baseline assessment Results of the end-line assessment Competencies on financial management and procurement (CMO) Competencies on financial management and procurement (RMO) 2.3.1 Basic profile of the barangays 2.3.2 Basic profile of the beneficiaries Results of the first cycle of vegetable production and marketing Results of the second cycle of vegetable production and marketing Results of the first cycle of vegetable production and marketing Results of the second cycle of vegetable production and marketing Production and sale of individual farming at the end of April 2014 (dry season) List of training courses in agriculture in which RPOO became an instructor Harvesting result in Sultan Mastura Economic condition of fish culture in Sultan Mastura Harvesting result in Matungao Economic condition of fish culture in Matungao Economic condition of dried tilapia in Sultan Mastura Extension cases of fish culture Capacity of BDA in the pilot project in fisheries sector Selection criteria
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