OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. 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LIMITED ID/toG.242/5/Pev.1 20 January 1977 United Nations Industrial Development Organization Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH/ SPANISH Fir3t Consultation Meeting on the Fertilizer Industry- Vienna, 17-21 January 1977 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS id.77-313 Mi - 2 - ALGERIA M. Abdelouahab KERAMANE, Conseiller du Ministre, Ministère de l'Industrie et de l'Energie M. Tahar GATT, Directeur des industries chimiques et pétrochimiques, Ministère de l'Industrie et de l'Energie M, Sassi AZIZ"., Directeur de l'Expansion industrielle, Finistère de l'Industrie et de l'Energie M, Abdelkader BENS TT), Chef de département ammoniaque et engrais, SONATRACH M. Messaoud TOUATI, Assistant, Division Commerciale, SONATRACH ARGENTINA Sr, L. n. EILLESTER, Subsecretario de Estado de Desarrollo Industrial Sr. Hugo CASADELIA, Gerente general de Proyectos, ALPARGATAS S.A. AUSTRALIA Mr. D. A. T^WNSEND, Counsellor, Alternat« Representative of Australia to UNIDO Mr. T). R. O'NEILL, Third Secretary, Adviser to the Permanent Representative to UNIDO AUSTRIA Mr. Heinrich STICH, Director of Agrochemioals Division, Chemie Linz AG Mr. Heinrich 31 RITLETTNER, Counsellor, Alternate Representative of Austria to UNIDO Mr. Gerhard ERDPRE3SER, Federal Ministry Tor Commerce, Trade and Industry Mr. Helmut WACHTEL, Donru Chemie AG Mr. Stefan KLIÏTGHOFER BANGLADESH Mr. Rafiquddin AH!'AI), Chairman, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation BELGIUM H. H. PONDER, Conseiller, Represent adjoint de li Belgique auprès à* l*ONUT)I M. Jean HOED, Directeur de l'Association belge de l'Industrie des produits azotés M. Christian MONNOYER, Troisième Secrétaire, Conseiller du Représentant permanent HO LIVIA Sr. Hans DRE3CHIR, Consul general de Bolivia en Viena BRAZIL Mr. Antenor Firmino SILVA, Director, Consulting Firm Engenharia para a Industria Mineral PILCARÍA Mr. Annuel PETROV, First Secretary, Adviser to the Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to UNIDO Mr. Ivan KEREZOV, Attaché, Embassy of Bulgaria in Vienna 9' •• ^—^^^ T"^" Distr. LIMITED ID/WO. 242/5/Rev. 1/Corr. 1 26 January 1977 CÌ•'tiirsd Nations Industriai Development Organization ORIGINAL« ENGLISH/TRENCH First Consultation "'eeting on the Fertilizer Industry- Vienna, 17-21 January 1977 Corrigendum After line 7 insert Mr. Adian SILALART, Second Secretary (Eoonomio), Permanent Mission of Indonesia to UilDO Ï12LA After line 2 insert Mr. Gabriel K. GICOOO, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture After line 25 insert Mr. Fand KHATER, Ambassador of Qatar to Austria Page 10 After the entries for Yugoslavia insert ZAIRE M. Mena VÖLU, Chef de Division au Département de l'Economie nationale et de l'Industria Page 11. line 12 Th« name should read Mr. Tariq AL-KHUDAYRI Page 13 After line 21 insert INTBMATIONAL SAYIKGS BAHK IM3TIT0TE (I3BIÌ Mr. Wolfgang MÜLLER id. 77-496 p^H^v^w—T>^ - 3 - •QHUEÌ Kr. William D. DAWSON, Chief,^Petroleum and Industrial Chemicals,Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce Mr. R. W. McCASKILL, Adviser to the Permanent Representative of Canada to UNIDO COLOMBIA Sr. John NARANJO, Sub Jefe, Departamento Nacional de Planeaciôn CZECHOSLOVAKIA Mr. Jozef BELàCIK, Counsellor, Alternate Representative of Czechoslovffkia to UNIDO Mr. Jozef MRAVEC, Adviser to the Permanent Fission of Czechoslovakia to UNIDO DENMARK Mr. Mogens PEDERSEH, Danish Federation of Industries ?vnd Danish Employers' Confederation Mr. Jes NISSEN, Chairman of the Semi-Skilled Worker Union Mr. Kjeld AAKJAER, Danish Federation of Trade Unions Mr. Gert OVERVAD, First Secretary, Alternate Representative to Denmark to UNIDO SÇJ&DOR Sr. Filoteo SAMANTEGO, Encargado de Negocios, Representante Permanente del Ecuador ante la ONUDI Sr. Alfonso JARRIN, Asesor Ministerial, Ministerio de Industrias y Comercio Sra. Maria APUNTE DE ENDLER, Attache EGYPT Mr. Abdel FattpJi Sabry HUSSEIN, Chairman of Financial and Industrial Corporation Mr. Saad Eldin Ibrahim IMAN, General Director of Chemical Project Department, General Organization for Industrialization Mr. Mohamed El Mandi FATHALIA, Second Secretary, Embassy of Egypt in Austria Mr. Pekka CJANEN, Second Secretary, Alternate Representative of Finland to UNIDO Mr. Markku KOHONEN, Commercial Secretary, Alternate Representative of Finland to UNIDO Mr. Pekka SUPPANEN, Director, Kemira Oy, Helsinki Mr. Eino U! IS ITA LO, Kemira Oy, Helsinki Mr. Pentti KNUUTTIIA, Kemira Oy, Helsinki - 4 - FRAISE M. Alain DEMENTHON, Représentant permanent de la Prance auprès de l'ONUDI M. Yves BIANCHET, Directeur de la Société Nitrade M. Jean-Paul GAnDINÏER, Société d'Engrais et Produits chimiques Gardinier S.A. M. Daniel HADOT, Représentant adjoint de la France auprès de l'ONUDI M. Félix RISTA, Délégué pour les Affaires internationales de la Fédération nationale de 1*Industrie des Engrais (FNIE) M. Gérard TAGLIiNA, Administrateur civil du Finistère de l'Industrie 0ERM1N DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Mr. Hans K0LLM1NN, Director for International C o-operat i on, Ministry for Chemical Industry Mr. Georg HARZFELD, Deputy Director for Production, WB Agro-Chemie and Semi- Product s Mir. Günther BIRTH, Second Secretary, Alternate Representative to UNIDO GERMANY. FEDERAL-REPUBLIC OF Mr. Greif SANDER, Managing Director, flachverbank Stiokatoffinchnrtri«. Mr. Manfred JAENISCH, Head of the Industry Division, Kreditanstalt fttr Wiederaufbau Mr. Enno CARSTENSEN, Counsellor, Alternate Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to UNIDO GHANA IT. James G. OKYNE, Counsellcr, Permanent Mission of Ghana in Geneva ftflPCE Mr. Georges VAFIDIS, Chief of Soil and Fertilizer Division, Ministry of Agriculture fir. Haralambos KOUYEVETOPOLOUS, Secont1 Secretary, Alternate Representative to UNIDO GUATEMALA. Sra. A. F. Espana de MERIDA, Ministro Consejero, Encargado de Negocias de Guatemala en Austria HOLY SEE !\ Peter GRUBER, Expert M. Theodor EISCHLEÏff, Conseiller prinolpal, Chambre d«Agriculture HUNGARY Mr. Zoltân TOROK, Director of Chemistry, National Planning Board Mr. Gy'orgy HONTI, Deputy General I'anager, Designing Company for Chemical Works Ms. Ingeborg SAIASCHOVITS, Department Leader, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. Robert WAiDMlNN, Head of Department, Secretariat for International Economic Relations Mr. Istvln BUZAS, Deputy Director of Centre ftnvAgrochemicals, Ministry of Food and Agriculture Mr. Laszlo MODRANSZKY, First Secretary, Alternate Representative of Hungary to UNID^ T m - 5 - ilTELx Mr. P. J. FERNANDE3, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Mr. Paul PCTHEN, Managing Director of the Fertilizer Association of India Mr. S. SUNDAR, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers INDONESIA Mr. S0ERJOS0ENARK0, Directorate General for Chemical Industries, Ministry of Industry Ma Mr. Adnan H. A. K. AL-KINDI, President, State ^ganization of Chemical Industry Mr. Mohammed AL-SHUKRI, Director, Fertilizer Industries, State Organization of Industrial Design and Construction, Ministry of Industry and Minerals Mr. Ilisham Rashid H. AL-MUDARRIS, State Company of Fertilizers IRAN Mr. Ebadollah RIHARI, Executive Director, National Petrochemical Company- Mr. Ebrahim ÎÏVNGUCHEHRI, Project T'anagor in Planning, Development and Engineering, National Petrochemical Company IRELAND Mr. Thomas M. CULLEÏÏ, Assistant General Manager, 'Nitrigin Eireann Teoranta (Irish Nitrogen Company) Ms. Philomena MURNAGHAN, Third Secretary, Adviser to the Permanent Representative of Ireland to UNIDO ISRAEL Mr. E. AVTVI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Israel to UNIDO Mr. J. IASTIGZON, Senior Economist, Israel Chemicals Ltd. ITALY M. Umberto &ÌMB0NI, Conseiller, Représentant adjoint de l'Italie auprès de l'ONUDI M. Mario COSTANTINO, Ministère du Comn.,-rct; extérieur M. Horst-Maria FLENKENTHALLER, Directeur
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