for better goli GOLF RANGES GRIP and longer profits Carnegie's GRIP, a fast drying liquid, MINIATURE GOLF is applied to the hands to afford a COURSES better grip. Attractive, non-breakable bottle easily fits in pocket or1 purse. w. Have a Complete Lin* Beautiful 24-bottle display makes of Supplier 50c profit on each bottle for you. Write for pritei ASTERN GOLF CO. Write for free sample and prices. Dept. A SS37 BOSTON RD. CARNEGIE CHEMICAL MFG. CORP. BRONX 67, N. *. 6363 Witshire Blvd., Los Angeles 48 Polt Signs with Spalding * i Johnny Pott. 21 >ear old Louisiana pro, haw - turn signed as a consultant by A, (•. Spalding & Bros., Inc. Son ol ii one-time pro, Betv j What's New johnny was a lop collegiate golfer two years ago and won or was runner-up iu several ama- teur tournaments last year. In 1969 Putt fin-' ished as low amateur in the Baton Rouge Products and Personalities Open, four strokes off the winner's pate. He * attended Louisiana State University. In the re- cent Derby Open at Louisville. Pott made*-*, a very creditable showing. O. M. Scoff Morfceis Improved Turf Builder Wood Bros. Now Marketing New Rotary Cutters O. M, Sunt & Sons, MarySville, O. is mat keiing a newly drvelopeif Turf Builder thai is Hood Bros. Manufacturing Co., Oregon, said to lie superior to the product the com- III., is now producing its latest models of pany has lieen sidling for the last vears. rotary (inters, a line of 5-ft, machines that ate Packed in from 1 to Ml-lb. hags. New Turf Builder is complete in nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and has slow release and mild ac- tion totalities. Ii is csiiniaicd that Ihe fertiliser can he applied si* limes a year at a cost of about Vt cent a st), It. MacGregor Puis Click In Women's Tourney Ball MacGregor is making available a new Tour Wood'i Model MAO hitth IUV GULL ball com- ' >»- pressed especially for ideal lor all mowing anil shredding jobs. They women's play. The are equipped with free swinging, heat treated - regular high-com pres steel idades. needle treating 3ft hp universal siiur Tourney is pack joints and 1ft hp Timkett anil New Departure „ a get] in a gold box hearing etjuipptil gear boxes. The cutters have The new women's a slip dutch between power take-off shaft 4 Tourney is packaged and gear box to absorb slunk loads. in a bright silver Culling height Ls adjustable from ground bo*. lei el to 14 Ins. Pull Model lift has a 17 in This new ball car- wheel tread with wheels behind and a 70-iii.^M ries a lower com- iread with wheels at side. Model MliO hiich * pression to enable is of three jxiint design anil the tail w heel is women to lui it with the same "click" and Timken bearing equipped with H-ini-in. uonnnn- "feel" as harder-hitting men golfers get front pneumatic tire. Literature with informatiofomtatioBn I a regular golf ball, fhe women's Tourney il and specifications on Ihe (ill and Mtifit)l can lie M available through all pro shops. obtained by writing the Wood company, J GOLF BALLS FOR PROS ONLY ^FTUMNOE FOLDING ALEX CAMPBEU, high competition, liquid center ALEX DUNCAN, medium compression, liquid TAB LE S center EDINBURGH low compression Direct Prices and The b*M medium priced pre line ovoilable, Discounts to marked with our trade name or private brand. Bolls guaranteed. Golf Clubs, Hotels, Used cut or uncut boll* lake* in trade or pur- Lodges, Churches ond chased. Parks, Custom repainting of your golf balls. All Organizations Write for prices. WRITE FOR HUGH J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON Manufactured By CATALOG Crown Point, Indiana THE ~IHORTV)C- COMPANY tZ CHURCH STREET COLFAX, IOWA Heavy Demand Reported J957 Wa/ter Hagen Catalog for A & C Scorecard-Sox lhe I!»j7 liH-page Walter Hagrn catalog \. & C Sales Co., 651S Walker st.. Minne- punted in hlack and gold, includes nuinernu- apolis, reports heavy demand lor Its new charts and graphs to aid pros in explaining Storecard 11ns that <lncs away with makeshift Containers for storing pcttci Is and storecards. I he weatherproof ho*, s t a in pe d from steel slteet- i'lg. has co in - parttnenls for men and women's seoveeal da and a large supply of pencils. It has a exclusive Hagen construction features in woods «'lfclesiiis lid. is and irons. I tie line includes Strata-Bloc woods IU * IIJ4 * S ins., finished in red mid Ian and and llira Powered irons with luxurious calf is lettered to indicate contents. Welded to thr skin grips and rrue-Tempei shafts. Accessories underside of the htix is a 2-in pipe flange. also are included in ihe catalog. Aoloetle Sales Offices Autocue, manufacturer of electric golf t.m. I>rdrrittji Merchandise? has opened general sales offices at ill I V l.a Cheek Vour >'eed* A|tain«l Itrca ave,. l.os Angeles. AuloCtte is a division Lint on Page 10*> of Wayne Manufacturing Co., Pomona. Calif. ATTENTION! ALL PRO SHOPS Increase your profits in tro- phies, yei give your custom- ers more for (heir money. <t> Deal Direct with Trophy Mfr ir For the FINEST, LONGEST- For Catalog and Discount WEARING and MOST ECONOM- A* Write CUSTOM TROPHY ICAL Tee Mot on the Market! Nationally acclaimed by golf _MFG. CO. INC. MOOH is" MticHT 3Q17 Exposition Blvd. clubs and ranges as the best buy. lo "Vr* » An0el.» 14, Calif. * it NO too AT rot LOW MIC IS Trophies, Medals. Charms, f.ngrauing Merchants Tire Co., 2710 Washington, St. Louis 3 May, 19S7 99 Dunlop Safes Theme: This Is Year of the Maxfli i v 0 • F HL A L S il A L J" 1 EQl^K j| 1 JHL X k1 # ^^^^ f m HI i r^B L • • liil L a HrB^HlQ H IjJ Dunlop sales repi and torapony official* pore for picture during breok in annual meeting. (Seated, I to rli II. G, Winter, H.C.V. Marktnzle, H. K. Elden, Vincent Itlrtiarda, I.. I). Ilartfnrd. H, A. Humnyne, J, F, MrCann. I Her ond row): I. H, Chappel. Jr., H. L. M»v J, I". Kane. Paul tJIbbn. Howard Kinney, O. II. Kllln. F. I'. Keener. II. S. Fahey, II. t„ Norton. Jr.. II. I.. Konninjt IThird n>w ) : 'nek Kiidver*. W. A. Reorse. Joe II. Hi.Id, lienrie s«»wi.b. II. W, Hull. J. II. Mrt gltuuKh t harlrn Papoasek. K. A. Potlrell. W. W. I,one. D. H. Mnwalt. "[lit-, is the year of Maxfli," is tin- theme sheets to a package and. it is claimed, will lhat highlighted ihe Dunlop Tiic and Rubber last just as long as the conventional bottle Corps national Sjjorling goods sales meeting uf repellent lotion. held recently in Buffalo. Vincent Richards, vp, and other top Dunlop officials told Sefoit Uses Unique Display Dunlop sales reps that an un- in Pushing Magic Crest Socfts precedented advertising cam- Iteloii Hosiery Co., McMinnville. Tenn.. is paign in 1957 and increased using a unique packag- production facilities would ing approach in con net- It 10 IT make the present high interest tioti with its tiew Magi< in what Dunlop calls "the Crest Pair Pak stretch world's mast popular golf socks. Ihe socks are hall," soar even higher. merchandised in a gold Sales potential of Maxdri and flamingo red Coun- golf shoes and the Warwick ter-Display unit that hall was also stressed. Intro holds 12 paint of indi ihiced last year, the Maxdri. -v r Richordt out- lidually packaged Magic especially designed for had Crest socks and is said weather golfing, won wide ac- line* ad jolei campaign. to give the product ceptance. plenty of "grab appeal." Philadelphia area sales rep, Horace I.. Nor- Magic Crest is a blend ton, Jr., won top honors iu Ihe '56 Balanced •>f ipiality wool, nylon Selling Contest. Norton received a citation and orlon available in while and an assort front Richards and an "ostar" award at a incur of eight attractive shades. One size fits banquet held in the Buffalo Athletic dull. all sizes. Ill lo 13. comfortably. The socks are Other Dunlop salesmen honored were fames said to he guaranteed washable and are shrink Kane, Howard Rotmitrg. Jack McCullough. age controlled. Klia Foitcelt, living Chappcl jr., Joe Bold and Howard Fahey. Sheff Puts West Coast Urea Orcopef Repel/etif Tissue Plant into Production is Convenient to Use shell Chemical Corporation has brought its Orcopel repel paper, nianufai tnrcd hv Or- new urea plant at Ventura, Calif., into pro (hard Paper Co., .15IH-24 I trioti hlvd., St. ductton. The plant, the only one of its type l.ouis 15. Mo., onlv has to he wiped on the west of the Rockies, produces high analysis late, arms, legs. etc. for protection as long nitrogen fertilizer for Pacific ('.oast markets. as fotu hours against mosquitoes, gnats, flies ['tea contains more nitrogen — an essen and chiggers Ii is a ihrmirallv treated tissue tial plant nutrient — than anv other dry as easy to use as regular cleansing tissue. fertilizer Shell guarantees its urea at Orropct Is packaged in cellophane, ten 5 x 7-iti. per cent nitrogen. (,ttlfdortt LIQUID-LUSTRE GOLF BALL WASH Costs as little as 2c per Wtfftv e' GoU washer per week! Urin HfirMiAn* iKbT e tntf balla SPARKLING JjjJjj* WHlTtl • Perfectly uf* fn» wt&hfrs • ithtr herd «r sstt eelur! yovl i**! r*l«t*d — • Will Not rent RUSTING! L.'t. S'roln ~fl • NA unpleasant odor—-Em r • Alrredy enthusiastically jtrrpl- f-n e« •aUbi'mi (f,lf"ni! ORDER VOUR SUPPLY TOO AY ! Woi «••««>•• IVT single till Inn 75 5 irallnru.
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