WWW.TANKOGRAD .COM TANKOGRAD Verlag Jochen Vollert CATALOGUE 2009-2 ONLINE-only Edition of Catalogue Tankograd feiert 30 Jahre LEOPARD 2 in der Panzertruppe mit einem einmaligen neuen Buch! Tankograd celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the LEOPARD 2 in German service with a unique new book! TANKOGRAD CATALOGUE 2008-2 ONLINE WWW.TANKOGRAD .COM Inhaltsangabe: / Contents: 30 Jahre LEOPARD 2 in der Panzertruppe! Leopard 2 - Erste Schritte / Leopard 2 - First Steps Vorgänger / Predecessors 30th Anniversary of the LEOPARD 2 in service! Kampfpanzer 70 / Main Battle Tank 70 Experimentalentwicklung / Experimental Development Leopard 2 - Entwicklung / Leopard 2 - Development Jetzt Lieferbar !! Prototypen 1. Generation / 1st Generation Prototypes Prototypen 1. Generation - Weiterentwicklung Available Now !! / 1st Generation Prototypes - Further Steps Prototypen 2. Generation - Leopard 2 AV 2nd Generation Prototypes - Leopard 2 AV USA Vergleichserprobung / Comparative Trials USA Gasturbine / Gas Turbine Vorserienfahrzeuge / Pre-Production Vehicles Leopard 2 - Technische Beschreibung Leopard 2 - Technical Description Fahrgestell, Wanne, Turm / Running Gear, Hull, Turret Feuerleitanlage / Fire Control System 120 mm Glattrohrkanone / 120mm Smoothbore Gun Antrieb / Power Pack Leopard 2A0 - 2A4 - Serienproduktion Leopard 2A0 - 2A4 Series Production 1. Baulos / 1st Production Batch 2. und 3. Baulos / 2nd and 3rd Production Batches 4. Baulos / 4th Production Batch 5. Baulos / 5th Production Batch 6. und 7. Baulos / 5th and 7th Production Batches 8. Baulos / 8th Production Batch Umrüstungen, Nachrüstungen, Unterschiede Modifications, Retrofits, Differences Leopard 2 Spezialfahrzeuge / Leopard 2 Specialised Vehicles Bergepanzer 3 Büffel / Büffel Armoured Recovery Vehicle Panzerschnellbrücke 2 / PSB 2 Rapid Bridge Launcher Brückenlegepanzer Leopard 2 LEGUAN LEGUAN Armoured Bridge-Layer Pionierpanzer / Armoured Engineer Vehicles Leopard 2 A5, A6 und A6M - Kampfwertsteigerungen / Leopard 2 A5, A6, A6M - Combat Capability Improvements KWS I bis KWS III / KWS I to KWS III KWS III - 140 mm Kanone und IFIS KWS III - 140mm Gun and IFIS KWS II - Auf dem Weg zum Leopard 2A5 KWS II - On the Way to the Leopard 2A5 KWS I - 120 mm L55 Kanone / KWS I - 120mm L55 Gun Leopard 2A5 Leopard 2A6 Leopard 2A6M Umrüstungen, Nachrüstungen, Unterschiede Modifications, Retrofits, Differences Kampfpanzer Leopard 2 im Aktiven Dienst in der Bundeswehr Leopard 2 in Active Service with the Bundeswehr LEOPARD 2 Im Dienst - “Olivgelb” - 1979-84 In Service - Olive Drab - 1979-84 Entwicklung und Einsatz in der Im Dienst - 2A4 Dreifarbtarn - 1985-92 In Service - 2A4 Three-Tone Camo - 1985-92 Im Dienst - Leopard 2A4 & 2A5 - 1992-2000 Bundeswehr In Service - Leopard 2A4 & 2A5 - 1992-2000 Im Dienst - 2A5-2A6-2A6M - 2001 bis Heute In Service - 2A5-2A6-2A6M - 2001 to Today Schießen und CAT / Live-Firing and CAT Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank KFOR - Einsatz im Kosovo 1999 / KFOR - Operations Soldatenleben mit dem “Leo” / A Soldierʼs Life with the “Leo” Development and German Army Service Leopard 2 Munition, Ausbildung, Markierung Leopard 2 Ammunition, Training, Markings Die Munition der 120 mm Glattrohrkanone Ammunition of the 120mm Smoothbore Gun Ausbildung - Simulation / Training - Simulation Mit 679 Fotos, 97 Grafiken und 2 Vier-Seiten-Rissen Fahrschulpanzer / Driver Instruction Vehicle Instandsetzung - Langzeitlagerung / Maintenance - Long-term Storage im Maßstab 1/35 auf insgesamt 320 Seiten ist dies das Tiefwaten - U-Wasserfahrt / Deep Fording - Underwater Driving umfangreichste Werk zum Leopard 2 in der Bundeswehr, das Tarnung und Fahrzeugmarkierungen / Camouflage and Markings jemals erschienen ist! Kompletter deutscher Text. Modifikationen und Weiterentwicklungen Modifications and Further Development Demonstrator Leopard 2A6EX “Demo I” With 679 photographs, 97 graphics and 2 four-side 1/35 scale Demonstrator Leopard 2A6EX “Demo II” drawings on 320 pages this is the most comprehensive study on Demonstrator Leopard 2 PSO - UrbOps the Leopard 2 MBT ever published! Full English text! Demonstrator Leopard 2A4 Evolution Leopard 3 TANKOGRAD CATALOGUE 2009 WWW.TANKOGRAD .COM Der Leopard 2 stellt seit seiner Einführung vor 30 Jahren das insgesamt leistungsfähigste Kampfpanzersystem der Welt dar. Diese Publikation bietet die gesamte Entwicklungsgeschichte beginnend bei den Prototypen, über die verschiedenen Serienbaulose A0 bis A6M bis zu den neuesten Demonstratoren wie dem PSO/ UrbOps. Weiterhin findet sich die umfangreiche Darstellung seines Einsatzes in der Bundeswehr, ausführliche Rundgänge um die Fahrzeuge und vieles mehr. The Leopard 2 has in the past thirty years repeatedly underlined its leading position as the most capable main battle tank of the world. This publication shows the complete development history starting with the prototypes, covering the various series-production batches A0 to A6M and also gives an outlook on future modernisation efforts as currently displayed by the Demonstratoren and the PSO/UrbOps. The technical and historical aspects are complemented by walk-arounds and comprehensive coverage on the Leopard 2 in German Army ʻBundeswehrʼ active service. Schweden Band 2 Lieferbar Herbst 2009! Niederlande Spanien Volume 2 Available Autumn 2009! Dänemark Polen Finnland Griechenland Türkei Chile Singapur Kanada Österreich Kampfpanzer Norwegen Portugal LEOPARD 2 Schweiz Sweden Internationaler Einsatz The Netherlands Spain Denmark Poland Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank Finland International Service Greece Turkey Chile Singapore Canada Kompletter deutscher Text. Austria Norway Full English text! Portugal Switzerland Umfassende technische Beschreibung! Manöverfotos! Nie gesehenes Bildmaterial! Vollfarbiger Druck! Comprehensive technical documentation! Exercise shots! Unpublished photographs! Full-colour print! TANKOGRAD CATALOGUE 2009 WWW.TANKOGRADWWW.TANKOGRAD .COM.COM ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN U.S. MILITARY TACTICAL VEHICLES In the past two decades the modern U.S. Army underwent an enormous and unprecedented transition from a Cold War doctrine towards counter-terrorism assymetrical warfare. Within this transition the vehicle pool of the U.S. Army changed constantly since the NATO mission of defending Central Europe in the late 1980s to the ongoing U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan 2007. This publication grants a full overview over the U.S. tactical vehicle fleet in service during USAREUR days in Europe up to the present Operation Iraqi Freedom, providing a never before published comprehensive survey into the motor pool of the worldʼs leading superpower. 160 pages, full-color print, hardcover, illustrated throughout with 416 color photographs, English text Dieser Titel ist NUR IN ENGLISCH lieferbar! During the Cold War the U.S. Armed Forces were primarily focused on fighting a conventional war in Europe, defending NATO against a possible Warsaw Pact threat. The combat power of the U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) was granted by thousands of main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery pieces. This fleet of combat vehicles was accompanied by an even bigger fleet of trucks in all load classes as well as special purpose vehicles such as engineer machines and logistic systems. In 1989 the Cold War .01 Introduction suddenly came to an end, Germany was reunited and in 1991 the Warsaw Pact was disbanded. As a result .02 Light Tanks and Main Battle Tanks large parts of the U.S. forces based in Germany were withdrawn from Central Europe. NATO and the U.S.A. .03 Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicles and reduced their forces and huge amounts of vehicles were phased out. With the reduction the U.S. Armed Armored Personnel Carriers - Tracked Forces were also restructured. .04 Armored Personnel Carriers - Wheeled World peace, however, was far away and the new geopolitical situation forced the transition of the U.S. vehicle fleet away from NATO doctrine. In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait and as a result U.S. Armed Forces had .05 Amphibious Vehicles to fight a conventional war for the first time since decades. On September 11, 2001, terrorists launched the .06 Light Trucks attack on the World Trade Center. Shortly after the U.S.A. declared the “War against Terror” and in a first .07 Medium Trucks reaction targeted Al-Qaeda hideouts in Afghanistan. In a next blow the U.S. Armed Forces invaded Iraq and .08 Heavy Trucks crushed the regime of dictator Saddam Hussein in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in 2003. .09 Engineer Vehicles and Mine Protected Vehicles Already in late 2003 it became obvious that the U.S. Armed Forces vehicle fleet was not suited for dealing .10 Armored Recovery Vehicles, Cranes and with an asymmetrical type of war like the one the army found itself drawn into in Iraq. As a reaction to Material Handling Equipment the rising death toll there, CENTCOM issued an urgent operational requirement for vehicles with armor protection in November 2003. .11 Artillery and Air Defence This encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview to the U.S. tactical military vehicle types and .12 Special Forces and All-Terrain Vehicles families in service during the late USAREUR/NATO Cold War days up to the latest additions to the U.S. .13 Miscellaneous Vehicles Armyʼs fleet of specialised vehicles in Iraq as of 2007. .14 Camouflage and Markings TANKOGRAD CATALOGUE 2009 WWW.TANKOGRAD .COM IDF Armoured Vehicles Tracked Armour of the Modern Israeli Army (IDF) Gepanzerte Kettenfahrzeuge der Modernen Israelischen Armee Die moderne Israelische Armee gilt als eine der effektivsten und am besten ausgestatteten Landstreitmächte
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