COMMUNiTY iNiTiATiVES MONDELEZ NZ We’ve been supporting communities in New Zealand for a long time, from helping out at local food banks and shelters to partnerships that WHOIn New Zealand, WE Mondelēz ARE directly impact our local communities. International products have been enjoyed by Kiwis for over 100 years. We are committed to making a positive impact and contribution in CelebratingNETBALL all the NEWvolunteers ZEALAND who make netball New Zealand through our work in possible – from grassroots to elite players local communities. Principal Partner of Netball New Zealand’s (NNZ) Volunteer programme, which acknowledges and rewards the thousands of KiDSCAN / volunteers who dedicate their time to the sport and make a lasting impact on the ByDONATE igniting theYOUR generosity KiT of Kiwi entire netball community - from grassroots communities, we collected and 1 players to elite athletes. disseminated over , pieces of new and used sports kit across The partnership has funded a full-time New Zealand. These eorts were Volunteer Advocate at Netball New bolstered by over $K in grants Zealand dedicated to supporting and which were awarded for empowering centres and their volunteers. The partnership also includes a nomination sports-related costs. programme that will recognise and reward We awarded 8 applications – providing adaptive bikes 2 volunteers who go above and beyond for so that high needs students could finally use the bike the game. track to new rugby posts for a school that has been iNOFFiCES NEW ZEALAND playing rugby without goal posts for the last years. We provided transport for Kiwi kids in hardship to get to EMPOWERiNG PEOPLE TO games or tournaments and equipment for those who had none. AUCKLAND WELLiNGTON • Promote healthy lifestyles In , we are again bringing Donate •SNACK Market responsibly RiGHT to children CHRiSTCHURCH • Provide clear nutrition Your Kit across New Zealand and asking information everyday Kiwis to continue donating 3 • Oer more portion control snacks sports kit so that more Kiwi kids can • Educate abut balanced snacking get involved in sport. DiSTRiBUTiON • Improve our products’ nutrition * Sports New Zealand’s Spotlight on Deprivation (2019) CENTERS 2 AUCKLAND3 | 1 CHRiSTCHURCH THE RiGHT SNACK • FOR THE RiGHT MOMENT • MADE THE RiGHT WAY THE RiGHT SNACK • FOR THE RiGHT MOMENT • MADE THE RiGHT WAY SUSTAiNABiLiTY INiTiATiVES MANYFAVOURiTE OF TREATS NEW ARE ZEALANNOW MADE WiTHD’S MondelezPACKAGiNG New Zealand CONSERVATiON is committed to making 100% of our product PAPAKURA STREAM PROTECTiNG packaging recycle-ready by 2025 and we are well ThisRESTORATiON is a new programme PROJECT for 2021 that NEW ZEALAND’S 100% RENEWABLE on our way to achieving this goal with we are very excited about. It is a NATiVE FROGS over 95% already recyclable in NZ. catchment wide programme that will We are working with Conservation Volunteers New Currently all our soft plastics can be restore and protect this important waterway and habitat for the diverse Zealand to help protect NZ’s ELECTRiCiTY recycled in New Zealand through the Soft native Hochstetter’s Frogs Plastics Recycling Scheme and can be species that call this area home. across a 300-hectare area in turned into new products such as fence MORE THAN OVER The multi-year project will kick o the Waitakere Ranges. We are posts and gardening boxes. with the planting of 12,500 trees and in the third year of this We were the first to market with a paper the installation of nearly 400 metres programme in which we are of Future Posts fencing, which are packaging trial in New Zealand, the results aiding the recovery of the REDUCTiON REDUCTiON iN TOTAL made from recycled soft plastics. In Hochstetters Frog by of which are informing future innovations i83N EMiSSiONS% CARBON EMiSSiONS , addition to the conservation element increasing predator control at FROM ELECTRiCiTY 37700 including: FOR OUR AUSTRALiAN FACTORiES of the project, one of the goals is to 50%FOR MONDELEZ ANZ TONNES OF key sites, monitoring and CARBON SAVED • Researching paper packaging for other educate the public on recyclability of population studies and products; soft plastics and how these materials restoring their native habitats. • Investigating the use of recycled can be turned into new products such materials in our packaging; as fencing. • Working toward identifying emerging Protecting the Papakura Stream will recycling technologies. help many native species including the longfin eel, inanga and banded We’ve removed , tons of packaging kokopu which live in the stream itself. SCORSEBY RiNGWOOD from our portfolio between 2013 and 2020 TH Increased tree cover will also provide YALOAKWiND FARM S globally. In ANZ, we are also looking at food and habitat for bird species MEMBERSHIPS ways to eliminate unnecessary packaging including kākā, bellbirds, kereru, tūī and have removed over M windows and New Zealand’s only native from our Favourites boxes. mammal, the long-tailed bat. OURAll around the GROWTH world, the lines between STRATEGiESmeals and snacks are blurring. Those moments when you reach for a delicious bite in between meals is on the rise. COCOA LiFE This provides a unique opportunity for our company. At Mondelēz Cocoa Life is our global cocoa Cadbury ANZ achieves goal sustainability program which aims to International, we’re building the best snacking company in the world through create empowered and thriving cocoa of sourcing 100% cocoa a focus on our three strategic priorities: farming communities. volume for our chocolate We work on the ground, hand-in-hand with $400 iNVESTMENT the men and women who make their living MiLLiON brands through Cocoa Life from cocoa, focusing on where we can make TO EMPOWER AT LEAST four years ahead of schedule! a dierence: making cocoa farming a sustainable business, creating empowered communities and conserving and restoring forests. COCOA FARMERS BY 2022. Currently200,000 there are of 175,000 farmers in 100% of the cocoa volume sourced for GROWTHWe’re accelerating EXECUTiONWe are driving operational WeCULTURE are building a winning We have a network of expert partners, such the Cocoa Life Programme. our ANZ made Cadbury products consumer-centric growth excellence in sales growth culture that more as supply chain partners, cocoa farming comes now comes from the Cocoa by taking a broader execution, marketing, eectively leverages local organizations and external advisors, who help Life programme. This milestone is a approach to snacking, supply chain and commercial expertise, us deliver this programme. We publish our proud achievement for Cadbury in balancing our investment generating continuous invests in talent and key progress annually and use FLOCERT (the GOAL OF EMPOWERiNG ANZ, particularly given it had been across both global and cost and quality capabilities while enabling global certifier for Fairtrade) and Ipsos (third achieved four years ahead of the local brands, transforming improvement across the the business to move with party research agency) to independently company’s 2025 commitment. our marketing and business. greater speed and agility. verify and measure our progress and keep us investing in key markets on track. and adjacencies. 1TOTALMiLLiON COMMUNiTY MEMBERS.
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