EllgttittiB Averags Daily Nst’Frsn Run M . Far «lM Weak M a a The Wsaiher MaySl, ISST ta V. n. WaaUM . D m HiUyar. OtollMia Ahunnl CpL Honry F. Bsrdat. at, son o ( Ronald Haatings TtiM,iNwnol m / '• . i Am a. will bpM Its anmial reunion llr. and Mrs. Haiuy Beidat, 49 Mr. shd Mrs. Arthur B.. Onpan* m i^kboutTown and ouUnt Sunday, June A at Or* Ridgewood St. is a member of the tar, tt Bowers St, has bsen Vblr, arild toatlgkt Low neer 99. .c - floem lM dit, Vernon. D m pragran 1st Infantry'INviaion in Oennany. osptsd St the ^veraity of 11,646 r of taa Aedit enday, k«M A altaie awa akawaie. ^ T Im Biitii)i-Ajn«rio«n aub wiU wUI,l>egln at 1;S0 p.m.^ and wlU He is'a radio'reiMir cMef in Head- nocteut. School o f Bnglaooring, on ! # ♦ ♦ ♦ n a fe ta 99a, M aatay, fa ir tarii \ laid • Mtbtrck TfUtf tonlcht at bMlude swinunlnc, boating and quaiiers Oo. of the Itth Infantry taring in the fan. Hs is a graduata of Olreelellee ^^aaamta ‘ 9:W at tha clublMNiM. Bach player sports. A picnic supper w ill bo pro­ Regiment's.’Srd Battel ion. Over­ o f B t James' Paroriiial Schoed, at- ManchtM er^A City of Village Charm wtU cbebae bis own partner. vided. - seas since June 1953, bo worked tsndsd PeHtsvUs' MUltaiy Aead- for Manchester Motors, Ihc., be­ bmy, PeeksviUa N. T.. and gradu­ ------------ fore entering the A m y in Novomr ated from Hartford Public High • :Y 0 I r, NO. 203 (TWELVE PAGES) MAN(?HESTER, CONN., ftATURDAY, MAY 28, 1955 ber.1952: y School In 1953. au Fuge 19> PR1(3S FIVE CENTS Mr. andtMrs. Michael Russell of Tbs looal Salvation Arm y Ooepa 599 Woodbridge S t were p4easant- will conduct a Msiuorial SeiNlos ly surprised last Saturday with a IndhsStast temotsry Sunday at 3 party M the Buena Vista Club in 1 ^ . 'nM Citadel .Band will aupply Tito Residl:s Weirt. H artford on the occasion o f muak and the male guarist will elng. L t Vernon K. Root wlU bring Ford their silver wedding anniversary. Let Us Ftiends and relatives attended and the momnge. A total o f 140 Salva- Soviet Lure presented them with a purse of Uonlsta been buried in the Shots money. A buffet luncheon, with a Baet Cometsry i|nd each Memorial beautiful tyeddlng cake, was Sunday the Oorpa holda a sarviee, Store, served.'. in wMeh relatlvea and frt4nds art At Belgrade invltod to . Detroit. May 28 (AV^Wal Five nMmbers o f the M*neh^atefj Belgrade, YugoelaviA, May . Mombeira o f th e American L e­ ter P. Reuther, president of >Publie‘ Health NursiM Assn, board gion AuKSMy plMkilng to attend '0 of directors, Mrs. rallp Chaney, the CIO United Auto Work- 28 (A*)— - Informed loarcee the Memorial aervica Sunday for said today the Russians have Mrs. Chin Mahonty. Mrs. Walter. all of the Veteran organlaationa, 9, has invited Henry Fbi^ Gorman, Mrs. Leon Dobkln and are requeeted to aseemblt On the , president of the Ford fallen back to a second lirie Mrs.. Bdson' Bailey, attended the S south side of the South Matbodlst Motor Cu., to step into the in their talks with the Yugo­ Furs meeting of the Public Health (Aurch at 10:35. The aervios.ia a t /C slavs— an- attempt to per­ Nursing Agencies Tuesday in M eri­ critical Ford-UAW contract 10:40. Those who |dsn to nmrrii suade President Tito to ac- den. Representatives from cancer, In the Memorial Day psrads Mon­ negotiations today. tubercumeta heart, polio and state day should most at. Main and Company eacikla aald they did •cept a role of “passive co- welfare groups spoke about their C rartor Oak Sts, at 9 a.m. not know if Ford would accMt tha existenee” in the Cold War. Sights ^ a l organiiatioiis. taviuuoo. D to waa aald to b « restoting tha Louis V. Champeau, 21 KUsa- Rautbar, who alao haeda tha latest Soviet appeal, advanced at- beth St, Is among :^.tha 15 who ' CIO. Mtandad Uia invitation in' a ,ter the Russians failed to lure For Second D m Junior Choir of the Church wound up two waalu of Intonstvo /■telegram laat night after a CAW Yugoslavia into a quick return to of the' Nasarene will not r^earse training this affem osn at the 53rd International axeeutiva board the Moscow-led Communist camp. tomorrow. career achiKri of ^ e underwriting aiacting. The Russians were said to be at the home office of the Oonneeti- ' Rsuthar asked Ford to attand a pressing Yugoslavia, which was Inoculation- cut Mutual Ufa Inauranca Co. A -maatlim o f tha union's National kicked <mt of tha Cominform in Ford Council so that "there can 1948 for TMlowing a brand of "in graduate of.the '(Tniveraity of Con­ By FRED S. HOFFMAN necticut, he le with the advanced ba no quaatiem aa to whathar the dependent” Communism . unae aales d ^ slon o f the company*a fo ril woricars will accept or reject cepUbla to the Kremlin, to adopt Washington, May 28 </Ph- agency department ' 4ha' Fbcd proposals and whathar now an AUetrian type of neutrality The stalled anti-polio inocn- they will strike in support of their in world affairs. lation program snowed signs -X own damanda." TUq told the Russians his coun­ In addition to thoae serving aa today of getting set to roll models at the fashion show and .\; D m Ford OouacU masting was try' wanU to play a leading part dssaert bridge being spouMrad by •aallad a fter union nefoUatom in uniting nations who are oppraed again, perhaps next week. the Mancheater YWCA oh June 1 ■' Styles Thursday rajactad a ftva-yaar, to dlvidmg the worid into two U.S. Burgeon General Lconaid at the Manchester Country Club at half-MlUon dollar contract "peek- ideological camps, the informant A . Scheele, in a bunt o f opUnilam. MODESS 4rt By aald lata yeatarday tha program S p.m. are Mrs. Frank Horton, aga" from Ford. Tha Ford offer added. Mrs. Albert Hutchinga and Mrs. Jantzen \ ignored union damanda fo r a Tonight there wilj be a gala re- may yet reach ite immediate Kmest Ungerdr. Dcketa for the A.*' ' 'jfuarantaod annual wage. cepUoa given by Dto at the White —completion o f second fli Although union negotiators ware Palace in Belgrade. Afterw ard the the Salk vacctoa fo r nine Stored In Our Own Vault fashion show by Saga AUep and school children before late the daaseft bridgn may ba obtained . 1. bitter in their danunciation of tha top Russian and Yugoslav leaders Ford package. Rsuthar afUd in his wUl leave for Brioni, D to 's se­ auBsmer peak o f the from Mrs, Robert Taylor or other k; YWCA members. telegram that the anal decision to cluded Adriatic island, to continue A third "booster” rix^ also is eoa- On The Premises ./ accept or rajoct the offer “ia one tha tolka, informants sSld. templated, but thiSwould not cams i/ only Fprd woriien can make." until aeven mqiifna later. Miner C. Friend, a freshman, 63 \ D to wss ah affable host, but he FURS STORED FOR 3% OF YOUR VALUATION 'nAey will make this decision to­ wra' reported turning down any WIB’^Fiw SuppSaa • Large package of 48 Pleasant S t, and John > Harvey, a New C6tton Diesses •# ' ' ' ' morrow (Saturday) at tha Ford SehaaiymMi at a news confab aenlo^, 101W . Middle Tpke.. a n on soviet bid for closer' party ties be­ Modeaa naiAiiis 3L-31 ROVgRA-CMra’a the etralghtpand-nairow on riiort Council BMatlng In keeping with tween his country and the Soviet ence Jc appeared "quite cartaia'' the honor roll at the State Techni­ atortaa by Jantacn. agure-flattaring Unas that trim you, ' tha damoeraiic procaaa of tha aame vaccine aupplica—held cal Institute, Hartford. Thii means Union. He wra said to have de­ -Minimifin Charge $3iQ0 Sleeveless broadcloth sundresses in with a beak-lip oloaura for snug hip-fit Handy 2-fbigar ' UAW," tha telegram said. manded that the talks ba strictly k for nearly three weeks for that- they have maintained an navy and black only. Sizes 10 to 18. ‘ at... neatly cuffed lags... all f*dtieeed from extra safety checks—^would bp re­ • Easy to kvaraga of M pt better in their Beady ta Strike on a governmental plane. UNTRIMBteD CLOTH COATS........... i . $ | ^ . ___ tag CoUdn Oahardiaa. ICarcMisad ahd 8an> Ford amployaa already have B T B u NAWAT n tU C K —D ila w a r tha. scene in San Bed Ddegatra Grim leased next week. The Surgeon etudiaa for tbs first two quarters faiAai. Tan e te ^ t coloca. io-30. 1 ^ General said Public Health S e^ee • Easy to store Of ths school yia r. ' voted by a 99.3 par- eenUnargln to I'a Chinatown May 27 after a big moving van ran out of con­ Dtobpam ed \vlth self confidence FUR TRIMMED CLOTH COATS .......,......$2.00^ IL40 HKRiXF TfeOB SHIRT—Tb* clSialc tea start . otrika, if nacaaaary, to w in the trol. killed seven persona and wracked eight automobilaa. Tha Van, but Ralston delegates were grim approval o f further auppllea would solid eoloca that mix or match with Jaataan suaelothas. yaar-aroimd wage. D m council ta right,' exploded .and burst into llamas Soma of the victims ware today 1u the second day o f tha follow "progrearively thereafter.*' n Earlier, the Surgeon Oeoara) ' \ • • ' ■ Fun-cut la both length add width .
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